990 resultados para taxa de gestação
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Avaliou-se a resposta de cabras tratadas com r-bST no protocolo de sincronização de estro. Foram utilizadas 26 cabras Toggenburg, divididas em dois tratamentos: T1 (n=13), tratadas com quatro injeções de ..250mg de rbST, a intervalos de 14 dias, e T2 (n=13), tratadas com solução salina (controle). Na semana seguinte à última injeção da r-bST, colocou-se o dispositivo intravaginal com progesterona (dia 0), previamente utilizado por cinco dias, e injetou-se PGF2.. (22,5µg) nos animais dos dois tratamentos, e o dispositivo foi retirado no dia 6. Todas as fêmeas em estro foram submetidas à monta natural. A porcentagem de animais em estro e a taxa de gestação foram 76,9 e 70,0 e 84,6 e 72,7%, no T1 e T2, respectivamente. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) na duração do estro, no intervalo tratamento-início do estro, no número de ovulações, nos intervalos: início e final do estro à ovulação e retirada do dispositivo à ovulação entre os animais dos dois tratamentos. O diâmetro médio dos folículos ovulatórios das fêmeas não diferiu (P>0,05). Durante a permanência do dispositivo, as concentrações séricas de progesterona apresentaram valores semelhantes (P>0,05) entre as cabras de T1 e T2. A r-bST não afetou a sincronização de estro.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Objetivo: Estudar a influência de duas abordagens cirúrgicas na evolução da gestação de coelhas prenhes. Delineamento: Estudo experimental e controlado. Método: Sessenta coelhas brancas, da raça Nova Zelândia (Oryctolagus cuniculus), prenhes, foram divididas em três grupos de estudo: controle (n=20), laparotomia (n=20) e videolaparoscopia (n=20). Os três grupos, após anestesia intravenosa e intubação orotraqueal, foram submetidos a duas diferentes abordagens cirúrgicas (laparotomia exploradora e videolaparoscopia diagnóstica) e acompanhados até o momento do parto. Foram feitas observações referentes à duração da gestação, da mortalidade fetal e do peso dos láparos vivos. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue arterial, no período pré e pós-operatório, para análise gasométrica e medidas do hematócrito e da hemoglobina das coelhas. Resultados: A duração da gestação (31,6 ± 0,99 vs. 31,8 ± 1,8 vs. 31,3 ± 2,24 dias), a taxa de mortalidade fetal (1,0 ± 2,5 vs. 1,9 ± 2,7 vs. 1,4 ± 2,0) e o peso dos láparos vivos no primeiro dia de vida (48,7 ± 11,3 vs. 51,5 ± 11,9 vs. 48,3 ± 8,2 g) nos grupos C, L e V, respectivamente, não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os grupos de estudo (p>0,05). Nas análises das amostras sangüíneas, quando comparado as diferenças entre o pré e o pós-operatório entre os grupos L e V, respectivamente, foram encontradas diferenças com relevância estatística (p>0,05) em relação às medidas do hematócrito (34,4 ± 3,1 e 33,1 ± 2,8 vs. 34,2 ± 3,2 e 30,3 ± 3,7), do pH (7,4 ± 0,1 e 7,4 ± 0,1 vs. 7,5 ± 0 e 7,3 ± 0,1), do paCO2 ( 30,8 ± 5,1 e 40,7 ± 8,2 vs. 32 ± 3,7 e 53,5 ± 18,4), mas sem relevância clínica. Conclusão: A evolução da gestação das coelhas prenhes submetidas a abordagens videolaparoscópica e laparotômica não mostrou diferença entre os grupos, estando ambas as técnicas indicadas no período gestacional de coelhas quando se fizer necessário.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Infertility is directly related to chromosomal abnormalities in germ cells. Among them, the aneuploidies are the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities and responsible for embryo implantation failures, miscarriages, fetal losses and newborns with congenital malformations, mental disability and neuropsychomotor developmental delay. Male patients with normal somatic karyotype may present different rates of aneuploidies in sperm, resulting in abnormal embryos. This study aimed to correlate the frequency of chromosomal aneuploidies in spermatozoa with embryo implantation rate in couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques. The methodology has included chromosomal analysis by GTG banding and molecular cytogenetic study using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization technique for evaluation of chromosomes 9, X and Y in germ cells of 22 patients referred to the Human Reproduction Service of the Clinical Hospital FMRP-USP. Embryo implantation rates were determined by hormonal evaluation in maternal peripheral blood and ultrasound confirmation. Two patients presented abnormal karyotype, characterized by polymorphism of the heterochromatic region of the long arm of chromosome 9 and a satellite in the short arm of chromosome 22. Both alterations, usually considered variants of normality, have been related to infertility phenotype and miscarriages. Significant differences were detected between couples who presented pregnancy (group 1) and couples with embryo implantation failure (group 2), with higher frequency of aneusomy and diploidy of chromosome 9, as well as total aneuploidy in sperm of group 2 patients. Our results suggest a correlation between aneuploidy and embryo implantation rates, since the infertile group with reproductive failure has showed higher frequency of aneuploidy. Screening for aneuploidies detection in male germ cells should be included in order to decrease embryo implantation failures, miscarriages and fetuses with chromosomal ...
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The new model of North Island Cenozoic palaeogeography developed by Kamp et al. has a range of important implications for the evolution of New Zealand terrestrial taxa over the past 30 Ma. Key aspects include the prolonged isolation of the biota on the North Island landmass from the larger and more diverse greater South Island, and the founding of North Island taxa from the potentially unusual ecosystem of a small island around Northland. The prolonged period of isolation is expected to have generated deep phylogenetic splits within taxa present on both islands, and an important current aim should be to identify such signals in surviving endemics to start building a picture of the historical phylogeography, and inferred ecology of both islands through the Cenozoic. Given the potential differences in founding terrestrial species and climatic conditions, it seems likely that the ecology may have been very diferent between the North and South Islands. New genetic data from the 10 or so species of extinct moa suggest that the radiation of moa was much more recent than previously suggested, and reveals a complex pattern that is inferred to result from the interplay of the Cenozoic biogeography, marine barriers, and glacial cycles.
Four morphologically cryptic species of the Bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly complex (B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae, B. carambolae and B. philippinensis) are serious agricultural pests. As they are difficult to diagnose using traditional taxonomic techniques, we examined the potential for geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape to discriminate between them. Fifteen wing landmarks generated size and shape data for 245 specimens for subsequent comparisons among three geographically distinct samples of each species. Intraspecific wing size was significantly different within samples of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis s.s. but not within samples of B. papayae or B. philippinensis. Although B. papayae had the smallest wings (average centroid size=6.002 mm±0.061 SE) and B. dorsalis s.s. the largest (6.349 mm±0.066 SE), interspecific wing size comparisons were generally non-informative and incapable of discriminating species. Contrary to the wing size data, canonical variate analysis based on wing shape data discriminated all species with a relatively high degree of accuracy; individuals were correctly reassigned to their respective species on average 93.27% of the time. A single sample group of B. carambolae from locality 'TN Malaysia' was the only sample to be considerably different from its conspecific groups with regards to both wing size and wing shape. This sample was subsequently deemed to have been originally misidentified and likely represents an undescribed species. We demonstrate that geometric morphometric techniques analysing wing shape represent a promising approach for discriminating between morphologically cryptic taxa of the B. dorsalis species complex.
Global aquaculture has expanded rapidly to address the increasing demand for aquatic protein needs and an uncertain future for wild fisheries. To date, however, most farmed aquatic stocks are essentially wild and little is known about their genomes or the genes that affect important economic traits in culture. Biologists have recognized that recent technological advances including next generation sequencing (NGS) have opened up the possibility of generating genome wide sequence data sets rapidly from non-model organisms at a reasonable cost. In an era when virtually any study organism can 'go genomic', understanding gene function and genetic effects on expressed quantitative trait locus phenotypes will be fundamental to future knowledge development. Many factors can influence the individual growth rate in target species but of particular importance in agriculture and aquaculture will be the identification and characterization of the specific gene loci that contribute important phenotypic variation to growth because the information can be applied to speed up genetic improvement programmes and to increase productivity via marker-assisted selection (MAS). While currently there is only limited genomic information available for any crustacean species, a number of putative candidate genes have been identified or implicated in growth and muscle development in some species. In an effort to stimulate increased research on the identification of growth-related genes in crustacean species, here we review the available information on: (i) associations between genes and growth reported in crustaceans, (ii) growth-related genes involved with moulting, (iii) muscle development and degradation genes involved in moulting, and; (iv) correlations between DNA sequences that have confirmed growth trait effects in farmed animal species used in terrestrial agriculture and related sequences in crustacean species. The information in concert can provide a foundation for increasing the rate at which knowledge about key genes affecting growth traits in crustacean species is gained.