A new geological model of Cenozoic New Zealand suggests a complex phylogeographic history for New Zealand terrestrial taxa

Autoria(s): Cooper, Alan; Kamp, Peter; Bunce, Mike; Phillips, Matthew J.; Worthy, Trevor



The new model of North Island Cenozoic palaeogeography developed by Kamp et al. has a range of important implications for the evolution of New Zealand terrestrial taxa over the past 30 Ma. Key aspects include the prolonged isolation of the biota on the North Island landmass from the larger and more diverse greater South Island, and the founding of North Island taxa from the potentially unusual ecosystem of a small island around Northland. The prolonged period of isolation is expected to have generated deep phylogenetic splits within taxa present on both islands, and an important current aim should be to identify such signals in surviving endemics to start building a picture of the historical phylogeography, and inferred ecology of both islands through the Cenozoic. Given the potential differences in founding terrestrial species and climatic conditions, it seems likely that the ecology may have been very diferent between the North and South Islands. New genetic data from the 10 or so species of extinct moa suggest that the radiation of moa was much more recent than previously suggested, and reveals a complex pattern that is inferred to result from the interplay of the Cenozoic biogeography, marine barriers, and glacial cycles.




Geology & Genes IV : Extended abstracts presented at the Christchurch meeting, 2009



Cooper, Alan, Kamp, Peter, Bunce, Mike, Phillips, Matthew J., & Worthy, Trevor (2009) A new geological model of Cenozoic New Zealand suggests a complex phylogeographic history for New Zealand terrestrial taxa. In Geology and Genes Meeting IV, 2009, Christchurch.


School of Earth, Environmental & Biological Sciences; Science & Engineering Faculty


Conference Item