976 resultados para system emission limit


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Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää Alstom Finland Oy:n pääasiakkaiden ympäristö-lupatilanne sekä tarkastella, miten Alstomin toimittamat hiukkastenpuhdistuslait-teet täyttävät muuttavat lainsäädännön vaatimukset. Lisäksi työssä arvioitiin lai-tosten hiukkaspäästöjen vähentämisestä syntyvää savukaasunpuhdistuslaitteiden investointitarvetta. Työn teoriaosuus sisältää katsauksen ympäristölupakäytäntöön sekä Valtioneu-voston asetuksiin, jotka koskevat laitosten hiukkaspäästöjä. Lisäksi työssä on kä-sitelty parhaan käytettävissä olevan tekniikan mukaisia hiukkaspäästörajoja ja tekniikoita sekä hiukkasten muodostumista että raskasmetallien sitoutumista hiukkasiin. Kaikkiaan työssä mukana olevia laitoksia oli 49, joista tarkemmin tarkasteltiin 12 laitosta. Suurin osa laitoksista ei ollut saanut tai hakenut ympäristönsuojelulain mukaista ympäristölupaa, joten niillä on velvollisuus hakea lupaa siirtymäsään-nöksen mukaisesti vuoden 2004 loppuun mennessä. Tarkemmassa tarkastelussa olevien laitosten hiukkaspäästömittaustuloksia vertailtiin nykyisiin sekä uu-siin/oletettuihin ympäristölupien hiukkaspäästörajoihin. Tarkastelussa mukana olevasta seitsemästä soodakattilalaitoksesta, joilla ei vielä ollut uutta ympäristölu-paa, 43 % ylitti arvioidun uuden luparajan 50 mg/m3(n):ssa ja kolmesta meesauu-nia käyttävästä laitoksesta yksi sekä viidestä muusta kattilasta kaksi.


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EU:n suurten polttolaitosten direktiivi (2001/80/EY) sekä jätteenpolttodirektiivi (2000/76/EY) aiheuttavat lähivuosina oleellisia muutoksia polttolaitosten päästöjen tarkkailuun. Nämä direktiivit on pantu täytäntöön Suomen lainsäädännössä vastaavina asetuksina. Tässä diplomityössä selvitettiin, mitä muutoksia uudistunut lainsäädäntö tuo polttolaitosten päästölaskentaan ja viranomaisraportointiin. Suurimpia muutoksia ovat päästöjen tarkkailujaksojen lyhentyminen, raja-arvojen tulkinnan muuttuminen, häiriö- sekä ylös- ja alasajojaksojen jättäminen pois pitoisuusraja-arvojen tarkkailusta sekä siirtyminen ominaispäästöjen (mg/MJ) laskennasta pitoisuusarvojen (mg/m3n) laskentaan. Päästötietojen raportoinnissa on huomioitava, että ympäristöhallinnon tavoitteena on siirtyä sähköisesti tapahtuvaan tiedonsiirtoon ja kuukausittain tapahtuvaan raportointiin kaikkien tarkkailtavien päästöjen osalta. Uudistunut ympäristölainsäädäntö koskee jo eräitä polttolaitoksia ja lopuillekin uudistuneet vaatimukset astuvat voimaan lähivuosien aikana. LCP-asetus koskee uusia laitoksia heti, olemassa oleville laitoksille uudet mittausvelvoitteet astuvat voimaan 27.11.2004 ja asetuksen mukaiset raja-arvot 1.1.2008 alkaen. Samoin jätteenpolttoasetus koskee uusia laitoksia heti, käytössä oleville laitoksille se astuu voimaan 29.12.2005. Ensimmäisen ympäristöluvan myöntämisajankohta määrää, luetaanko laitos uusiin vai olemassa tai käytössä oleviin laitoksiin. LCP-asetuksessa uusien ja olemassa olevien laitosten päästöjen tarkkailu poikkeaa hieman toisistaan. Jätteenpoltto- ja rinnakkaispolttolaitoksilla päästöjen tarkkailun toteutustapa puolestaan riippuu poltettavan jätteen laadusta ja sen määrän suhteesta muuhun polttoaineeseen. Lisäksi tämän diplomityöprojektin aikana laadittiin yksityiskohtaiset toteutusohjeet polttolaitoksia koskevan uudistuneen ympäristölainsäädännön mukaiselle päästöjen tarkkailulle ja raportoinnille. Ohjeet laadittiin erikseen LCP- ja jätteenpolttoasetusten soveltamiseksi sekä CO2-päästöjen määrittämistä varten. Ohjeita ei ole sisällytetty tähän työhön, vaan niitä kannattaa tiedustella Kontram Oy:ltä, mikäli niihin halutaan tutustua tarkemmin.


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Different methods have been applied to solve special problems of metal analysis. First, the solid samples of tool steels were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence. Alternatively, an on-line electrodissolution implemented in a flow injection system and conventional dissolution procedure for determination of W, Mo, V and Cr in tool steels by ICP-AES is described. The resulting analyte solutions were compared with conventional dissolution procedure and determination by ICP-AES. The electrolytic procedure presented a good performance characterized by a sample throughput of 164 determinations per hour. Results were in agreement with those obtained by conventional acid dissolution.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty Leppäkosken Energia Oy:n ja Kemira Chemicals Oy:n yhteisyritys FC Energia Oy:lle. FC Energia Oy suunnittelee rakentaa uutta bio-vetyvoimalaitosta Sastamalaan. Voimalaitoksella tuotettaisiin Kemira Chemicals Oy:n ylijäämävedystä ja biopolttoaineista sähköä, kaukolämpöä ja prosessihöyryä. Ympäristölupaa on haettu hakkeen, turpeen ja kierrätyspuun poltolle vetykaasun kanssa. Voimalaitoksen kattilan toiminta perustuu kuplivaan leijukerrostekniikkaan. Diplomityössä selvitettiin, mitä muutoksia kierrätyspolttoaineiden käyttö vaatii leijukerrospoltossa verrattuna hakkeen ja turpeen polttoon. Kierrätyspolttoaineena käytetään hyvälaatuista kierrätyspuuta. Kierrätyspuun käytössä sovelletaan jätteenpoltto-asetusta. Jätteenpolttoasetus määrää tiukemmat päästöjen raja-arvot rinnakkaispoltolle kuin hakkeen ja turpeen poltolle sekä jatkuvatoimiset savukaasujen mittauslaitteet. Rinnakkaispolton hiukkasmaisten päästöjen tiukempi raja-arvo vaatii tehokkaamman sähkösuodattimen. Lisäksi kierrätyspuuta käytettäessä tulistimen materiaaliin tulee olla kestävämpää, mikä aiheuttaa huomattavan lisäinvestoinnin. Työn päätavoitteena oli selvittää, onko kierrätyspuun käyttö taloudellisesti kannattavaa. Oletetulla kierrätyspuun hinnalla 10 €/MWh kierrätyspuuta polttavan voimalaitoksen takaisinmaksuaika on sama kuin haketta polttavan laitoksen ja vuoden lyhyempi kuin turvetta polttavan laitoksen. Tulokseksi saatiin, että rinnakkaispoltto käyttö on taloudellisesti kannattavaa hakkeenpolttoon nähden jos kierrätyspuun hinta on alle 11,2 €/MWh. Kierrätyspuun polttoon liittyy toiminnallinen riski, koska vastaavanlaisia rinnakkaispolttolaitoksia ei ole aiemmin rakennettu.


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This work was carried out to study the environmental impacts produced by power generation from biomass (bagasse) in sugar mills in Cuba. For this purpose, with the collaboration of the Center for Energy and Industrial Processes (CEEPI), the University Center of Sancti Spiritus and using different research methods and techniques, conducted an environmental survey of the area. Gaseous emissions were characterized and the suspended solid particles, allowing knowing that these concentrations do not exceed the maximum emission limit set by the cubana Standard. In addition, the dispersion model applied DISPER allowed us to obtain information in crisis conditions of air emissions from sugar mill and distillery associated and concluded that emissions from the distillery are the pollutants that contribute more the atmosphere. The correlating emissions with respiratory diseases, (acute respiratory infections or subacute (IRA) and ASMA), concurrent Asthma Crisis (CAB) is the most affected. The calculated costs associated in these diseases, amounting to $ 119 599.23 per year. In order to minimize the negative alternatives are proposed to be implemented in industry and community.


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One of the fundamental questions in dynamical meteorology, and one of the basic objectives of GARP, is to determine the predictability of the atmosphere. In the early planning stage and preparation for GARP a number of theoretical and numerical studies were undertaken, indicating that there existed an inherent unpredictability in the atmosphere which even with the most ideal observing system would limit useful weather forecasting to 2-3 weeks.


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Background The evolutionary advantages of selective attention are unclear. Since the study of selective attention began, it has been suggested that the nervous system only processes the most relevant stimuli because of its limited capacity [1]. An alternative proposal is that action planning requires the inhibition of irrelevant stimuli, which forces the nervous system to limit its processing [2]. An evolutionary approach might provide additional clues to clarify the role of selective attention. Methods We developed Artificial Life simulations wherein animals were repeatedly presented two objects, "left" and "right", each of which could be "food" or "non-food." The animals' neural networks (multilayer perceptrons) had two input nodes, one for each object, and two output nodes to determine if the animal ate each of the objects. The neural networks also had a variable number of hidden nodes, which determined whether or not it had enough capacity to process both stimuli (Table 1). The evolutionary relevance of the left and the right food objects could also vary depending on how much the animal's fitness was increased when ingesting them (Table 1). We compared sensory processing in animals with or without limited capacity, which evolved in simulations in which the objects had the same or different relevances. Table 1. Nine sets of simulations were performed, varying the values of food objects and the number of hidden nodes in the neural networks. The values of left and right food were swapped during the second half of the simulations. Non-food objects were always worth -3. The evolution of neural networks was simulated by a simple genetic algorithm. Fitness was a function of the number of food and non-food objects each animal ate and the chromosomes determined the node biases and synaptic weights. During each simulation, 10 populations of 20 individuals each evolved in parallel for 20,000 generations, then the relevance of food objects was swapped and the simulation was run again for another 20,000 generations. The neural networks were evaluated by their ability to identify the two objects correctly. The detectability (d') for the left and the right objects was calculated using Signal Detection Theory [3]. Results and conclusion When both stimuli were equally relevant, networks with two hidden nodes only processed one stimulus and ignored the other. With four or eight hidden nodes, they could correctly identify both stimuli. When the stimuli had different relevances, the d' for the most relevant stimulus was higher than the d' for the least relevant stimulus, even when the networks had four or eight hidden nodes. We conclude that selection mechanisms arose in our simulations depending not only on the size of the neuron networks but also on the stimuli's relevance for action.


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The trend of CO2 emission limit and fuel saving due to the oil price increase and are important drivers for engines development. The engine auxiliary devices electrification (g.e fuel pump) is a way to reduce the energy consumption, because it becomes possible to control them depending on engine operation point, this kid of management can be applied to the electric low-pressure pump. Usually the fuel delivery is performed at the maximum flow rate and a pressure regulator discharges the exceeding fuel amount inside the rail (gasoline engine) or upstream of the high pressure pump (common rail diesel engine). In this work it has been investigated the fuel saving achievable through a proper control of the electric fuel pump on a small common rail diesel engine, and a control architecture is proposed. The aim was to maximize the fuel economy without any impact on pressure control in the engine transient conditions. L'andamento del limite di emissioni di CO2 e il risparmio di carburante dovuto all'aumento del prezzo del petrolio sono fattori importanti per lo sviluppo dei motori. I dispositivi ausiliari, come la pompa del carburante, sono un modo per ridurre il consumo energetico, in quanto diventa possibile controllarli a seconda del punto di funzionamento del motore, questo tipo di gestione può essere applicato alla pompa elettrica a bassa pressione. Solitamente la portata del combustibile viene eseguita alla portata massima e un regolatore di pressione si scarica la quantità eccedente di carburante all'interno del rail (motore a benzina) o a monte della pompa a alta pressione (common rail motore diesel). In questo lavoro è stato studiato il risparmio di combustibile ottenibile attraverso un adeguato controllo della pompa elettrica del carburante su un piccolo motore diesel common rail e viene proposta una architettura di controllo. Lo scopo è quello di massimizzare il risparmio di carburante, senza alcun impatto sul controllo della pressione nelle condizioni transitorie del motore.


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Abundances of organic carbon, sulfur, and reactive iron in sediments of three upwelling environments (Peru, Oman and Benguela) suggest that organic carbon/reduced sulfur ratios (C/S-ratios) in this category of marine sediments deviate considerably from previously established empirical ratios in normal marine sediments. To clarify the discrepancies, we investigated those components of the diagenetic system that limit the formation of pyrite: sulfate concentrations and reduction rates in pore waters, availability of reactive iron, and the quantity and quality of organic matter. All three limitations are evident in our sample pools. The results suggest that C/S-ratios in recent and fossil marine sediments rich in organic matter may be unsuitable as paleoenvironmental indicators.


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Vision extracts useful information from images. Reconstructing the three-dimensional structure of our environment and recognizing the objects that populate it are among the most important functions of our visual system. Computer vision researchers study the computational principles of vision and aim at designing algorithms that reproduce these functions. Vision is difficult: the same scene may give rise to very different images depending on illumination and viewpoint. Typically, an astronomical number of hypotheses exist that in principle have to be analyzed to infer a correct scene description. Moreover, image information might be extracted at different levels of spatial and logical resolution dependent on the image processing task. Knowledge of the world allows the visual system to limit the amount of ambiguity and to greatly simplify visual computations. We discuss how simple properties of the world are captured by the Gestalt rules of grouping, how the visual system may learn and organize models of objects for recognition, and how one may control the complexity of the description that the visual system computes.


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L’électronique organique suscite un intérêt grandissant en recherche grâce aux nouvelles possibilités qu’elle offre pour faciliter l’intégration de dispositifs électroniques dans nos vies. Grâce à elle, il est possible d’envisager des produits légers, flexibles et peu coûteux à produire. Les classes majeures de dispositifs étudiées sont les cellules photovoltaïques organiques (CPO) et les transistors organiques à effet de champ (TOEC). Dans les dernières années, une attention particulière a été portée sur les méthodes de polymérisation des matériaux organiques entrant dans la fabrication de ces dispositifs. La polymérisation par (hétéro)arylation directe (PHAD) catalysée au Pd offre une synthèse sans dérivé organométallique utilisant simplement un lien C-H aromatique, ce qui facilite la purification, diminue le nombre d’étapes et rend possible la production de matériaux à plus faible coût. De plus, la PHAD permet la préparation de matériaux qui était difficile, voire impossible, à obtenir auparavant. Cependant, l’inconvénient majeur de la PHAD reste sa limitation à certaines classes de polymères possédant des monomères ayant des positions bloquées favorisant qu’une seule paire de liaisons C-H. Dans le cadre de ces travaux de doctorat, l’objectif général est d’étudier la polymérisation par PHAD afin d’accéder à des classes de monomères qui n’étaient pas envisageables auparavant et à étendre l’application de cet outil dans le domaine des polymères conjugués. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons étudié l’utilisation de groupements protecteurs et partants sur des unités de benzodithiophènes et de bithiophène-silylés. Suivant ces résultats, nos travaux ont porté sur la polymérisation de dérivés de bithiophènes avec des bromo(aryle)s, une classe de polymères fréquemment utilisée en électronique organique mais qui était jugée impossible à polymériser par PHAD auparavant. Cette étude a montré l’importance de contrôler la PHAD afin d’obtenir le polymère souhaité. Finalement, nous avons étudié l’effet du système catalytique sur le taux de β−ramifications lors de la synthèse de polymères à base de thiophènes. Dans cette dernière étude, nous avons démontré l’importance d’utiliser des outils de caractérisation adéquats afin de confirmer la qualité des polymères obtenus.


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A preocupação com o meio ambiente, nomeadamente na descarga de águas residuais, consumo de água excessivo e produção de resíduos industriais, está cada vez mais presente no quotidiano. Devido a estas problemáticas, efetuou-se a avaliação de impacte ambiental (AIA) do processo produtivo das rolhas de cortiça naturais, tratamento das águas de cozedura da cortiça (estudo da possível reutilização do efluente tratado) e valorização de subprodutos – resíduo sólido (raspa de cortiça), sendo estes os objetivos propostos para a realização da presente dissertação. Na AIA, efetuada no decorrer das fases da Análise do Ciclo de Vida (ACV), foram selecionadas 8 categorias de impacte – aquecimento global, acidificação, dessecação, toxicidade e ecotoxicidade, eutrofização, consumo de recursos não renováveis e oxidação foto-química. A água de cozedura caracterizou-se por uma elevada carga poluente, apresentando elevada concentração de cor, Carência Química de Oxigénio (CQO), taninos e lenhina e Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST). O processo de tratamento proposto consistiu num pré-tratamento por ultrafiltração (UF), com membranas de 30.000 e 20.000 MWCO, seguido de adsorção por carvão ativado (comercial e produzido a partir de raspa de cortiça). No tratamento por UF, utilizando uma membrana de 30.000 MWCO, foram obtidas percentagens de remoção para a primeira amostra de água de cozedura de 74,8 % para a cor, 33,1 % para a CQO e para a segunda amostra de 85,2 % para a cor e 41,8 % para a CQO. Posteriormente, apenas para a segunda amostra de água de cozedura e com uma membrana de 20.000 MWCO, as percentagens de remoção obtidas foram superiores, de 93% para a cor, 68,9 % para a CQO, 88,4 % para taninos e lenhina e 43,0 % para azoto total. No tratamento por adsorção com carvão ativado estudou-se o tempo de equilíbrio do carvão ativado comercial e do carvão ativado produzido a partir de aparas de cortiça, seguindo-se o estudo das isotérmicas de adsorção, no qual foram analisados os parâmetros da cor e CQO para cada solução. Os ajustes dos modelos teóricos aos pontos experimentais demonstraram que ambos os modelos (Langmuir e Freundlich) poderiam ser considerados, uma vez que apresentaram ajustes idênticos. Relativamente ao tratamento de adsorção em contínuo do permeado, obtido por UF com membrana de 20.000 MWCO, constatou-se que ambos os carvões ativados (comercial e produzido) não ficaram saturados, tendo em consideração os tempos de saturação estimados pela capacidade máxima de adsorção (determinada para a isotérmica de Langmuir) e as representações gráficas dos valores experimentais obtidos para cada ensaio. No ensaio de adsorção com carvão ativado comercial verificou-se que o efluente tratado poderia ser descarregado no meio hídrico ou reutilizado no processo industrial (considerando os parâmetros analisados), uma vez que até aos 11 minutos de ensaio a concentração da solução à saída foi de 111,50 mg/L O2, para a CQO, e incolor, numa diluição de 1:20. Em relação à adsorção em contínuo com carvão ativado produzido verificou-se no ensaio 4 que o efluente resultante apresentou uma concentração de CQO de 134,5 mg/L O2 e cor não visível, numa diluição de 1:20, ao fim de 1h22 min de ensaio. Assim, concluiu-se que os valores obtidos são inferiores aos valores limite de emissão (VLE) presentes no Decreto-Lei n.º 236/98 de 1 de Agosto. O carvão ativado produzido apresentou elevada área superficial específica, com 870 m2/g, comparativamente ao carvão comercial que foi de 661 m2/g. O processo de extração da suberina a partir de raspa de cortiça isenta de extraíveis, efetuado através da metanólise alcalina, apresentou percentagens de extração superiores aos restantes métodos. No processo efetuado em scale-up, por hidrólise alcalina, obteve-se uma extração de 3,76 % de suberina. A aplicação da suberina no couro demonstrou que esta cera apresenta enormes potencialidades, uma vez que a sua aplicação confere ao couro um aspeto sedoso, com mais brilho e um efeito de “pull-up”.


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The achievement of the limit values established in the European legislation pose an important handicap for large urban areas with intense road traffic, such as Madrid (Spain). Despite permanent measures included in air quality plans it is important to assess additional measures that may be temporally applied under unfavourable conditions. This paper reports on the simulation of different traffic restriction strategies in Madrid for high-pollution episodes.


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We consider a model for a damped spring-mass system that is a strongly damped wave equation with dynamic boundary conditions. In a previous paper we showed that for some values of the parameters of the model, the large time behaviour of the solutions is the same as for a classical spring-mass damper ODE. Here we use spectral analysis to show that for other values of the parameters, still of physical relevance and related to the effect of the spring inner viscosity, the limit behaviours are very different from that classical ODE


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The objective of the present study was to identify the single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and magnetic resonance (MR) findings in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients with CNS involvement and to try to correlate them with neurological clinical history data and neurological clinical examination. Nineteen patients with JSLE (16 girls and 3 boys, mean age at onset 9.2 years) were submitted to neurological examination, electroencephalography, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, SPECT and MR. All the evaluations were made separately within a period of 15 days. SPECT and MR findings were analyzed independently by two radiologists. Electroencephalography and cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed no relevant alterations. Ten of 19 patients (53%) presented neurological abnormalities including present or past neurological clinical history (8/19, 42%), abnormal neurological clinical examination (5/19, 26%), and abnormal SPECT or MR (8/19, 42% and 3/19, 16%, respectively). The most common changes in SPECT were cerebral hypoperfusion and heterogeneous distribution of blood flow. The most common abnormalities in MR were leukomalacia and diffuse alterations of white matter. There was a correlation between SPECT and MR (P<0.05). We conclude that SPECT and MR are complementary and useful exams in the evaluation of neurological involvement of lupus.