48 resultados para sweetener


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Purpose Zinc sulfate is known to inhibit the bitterness of the antimalarial agent quinine [R. S. J. Keast. The effect of zinc on human taste perception. J. Food Sci. 68:1871–1877 (2003)]. In the present work, we investigated whether zinc sulfate would inhibit other bitter-tasting compounds and pharmaceuticals. The utility of zinc as a general bitterness inhibitor is compromised, however, by the fact that it is also a good sweetness inhibitor [R. S. J. Keast, T. Canty, and P. A. S. Breslin. Oral zinc sulfate solutions inhibit sweet taste perception. Chem. Senses 29:513–521 (2004)] and would interfere with the taste of complex formulations. Yet, zinc sulfate does not inhibit the sweetener Na-cyclamate. Thus, we determined whether a mixture of zinc sulfate and Na-cyclamate would be a particularly effective combination for bitterness inhibition (Zn) and masking (cyclamate).

Method We used human taste psychophysical procedures with chemical solutions to assess bitterness blocking.

Results Zinc sulfate significantly inhibited the bitterness of quinine–HCl, Tetralone, and denatonium benzoate (DB) (p < 0.05), but had no significant effect on the bitterness of sucrose octa-acetate, pseudoephedrine (PSE), and dextromethorphan. A second experiment examined the influence of zinc sulfate on bittersweet mixtures. The bitter compounds were DB and PSE, and the sweeteners were sucrose (inhibited by 25 mM zinc sulfate) and Na-cyclamate (not inhibited by zinc sulfate). The combination of zinc sulfate and Na-cyclamate most effectively inhibited DB bitterness (86%) (p < 0.0016), whereas the mixture's inhibition of PSE bitterness was not different from that of Na-cyclamate alone.

Conclusion A combination of Na-cyclamate and zinc sulfate was most effective at inhibiting bitterness. Thus, the combined use of peripheral oral and central cognitive bitterness reduction strategies should be particularly effective for improving the flavor profile of bitter-tasting foods and pharmaceutical formulations.


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Nature of bribery contrasted with the practice of networking - whether the different moral and legal treatment of the practices is based on principle or simply cultural preference - bribery and the form of networking known as expenditure networking both have the affect of distorting the proper functioning of the market economy by encouraging business decisions to be made on the basis of economically irrelevant considerations - the objective of both practices is to gain a market advantage by providing a 'sweetener' to a person responsible for delegating the provision of goods and services - expenditure networking does have the positive side effect of drawing people together in a social setting.


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The increasing consumption of sucrose has resulted in several nutritional and medicinal problems, including obesity. There is an alarming rise in the prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome in children and adults around the world, partly related to increasing availability of energy-dense, high-calorie foods, and perhaps to increased consumption of sugar and particularly fructose sweetened beverages. Therefore, low calorie sweeteners are urgently required to substitute table sugar.

Stevioside, a diterpene glycoside, is well known for its intense sweetness and is used as a non-caloric sweetener. Its potential widespread use requires an easy and effective extraction method. Enzymatic extraction of stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana leaves with cellulase, pectinase and hemicellulase using various parameters such as concentration of enzyme, incubation time and temperature was optimized. The extraction conditions were further optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Under the optimized conditions, the experimental values were in close agreement with predicted model and resulted in a three times yield enhancement of stevioside.

Various studies have revealed that in addition to sweetening nature of stevisoide, it exerts beneficial effects including antihypertensive, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-human rotavirus, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor actions. Its anti-amnesic potential remains to be explored, therefore the present study has been undertaken to investigate the beneficial effect of stevioside in memory deficit of rats employing scopolamine induced amnesia as an animal model.

Significance: Stevia is gaining significance in different parts of the world and is expected to develop into a major source of high potency sweetener for the growing natural food market. There is a strong possibility that Stevia sweeteners could replace aspartame in some diet variants. In addition, Stevia is expected to be used as a part substitute for sugar and also used in combination with other artificial sweeteners in the emerging phase of life cycle.


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Stevioside is a natural sweetener extracted from leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, which is commercially produced by conventional (chemical/physical) processes. This article gives an overview of the stevioside structure, various analysis technique, new technologies required and the advances achieved in recent years. An enzymatic process is established, by which the maximum efficacy and benefit of the process can be achieved. The efficiency of the enzymatic process is quite comparable to that of other physical and chemical methods. Finally, we believe that in the future, the enzyme-based extraction will ensure more cost-effective availability of stevioside, thus assisting in the development of more food-based applications.


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Increased energy consumption, especially increased consumption of sweet energy-dense food, is thought to be one of the main contributors to the escalating rates in overweight individuals and obesity globally. The individual's ability to detect or sense sweetness in the oral cavity is thought to be one of many factors influencing food acceptance, and therefore, taste may play an essential role in modulating food acceptance and/or energy intake. Emerging evidence now suggests that the sweet taste signaling mechanisms identified in the oral cavity also operate in the gastrointestinal system and may influence the development of satiety. Understanding the individual differences in detecting sweetness in both the oral and gastrointestinal system towards both caloric sugar and high intensity sweetener and the functional role of the sweet taste system may be important in understanding the reasons for excess energy intake. This review will summarize evidence of possible associations between the sweet taste mechanisms within the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and the brain systems towards both caloric sugar and high intensity sweetener and sweet taste function, which may influence satiation, satiety and, perhaps, predisposition to being overweight and obesity.


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Um experimento foi realizado visando avaliar o fornecimento de rações úmidas e de água de consumo e rações com edulcorante para leitões desmamados e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho até o 90kg de peso vivo. Foram utilizados 32 leitões Large White x Landrace, desmamados aos 21 dias, submetidos, durante a fase inicial I (21 a 42 dias de idade), a 8 tratamentos correspondentes à combinação dos fatores: forma de apresentação da ração (seca e úmida), tipo de ração (sem e com edulcorante) e água de consumo (sem e com edulcorante). Foram avaliados a ocorrência de diarréia até o 10º dia pós-desmame, o ganho diário de peso (GDP), o consumo diário de ração (CDR) e a conversão alimentar (CA) até os 90kg de peso vivo. O consumo diário de água (CDA) foi avaliado na fase inicial I. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com arranjo fatorial 2³, com quatro repetições, sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey e a incidência de diarréia pelo teste de qui-quadrado. Foram observadas diferenças (P<0,05), na fase inicial I, para o CDA para os grupos tratados com ração seca e para o CDR para os animais que receberam água com edulcorante. A ocorrência de diarréia foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais tratados com ração seca. O desempenho até os 90 kg de peso vivo foi semelhante entre os fatores (P>0,05). O experimento demonstrou que os tratamentos dirigidos na fase pós-desmame são insuficientes para melhorar os resultados até os 90kg de peso vivo.


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Um experimento foi realizado com leitões desmamados visando avaliar os efeitos de oito tratamentos, correspondentes à combinação dos fatores, apresentações de ração (seca e úmida), tipos de ração (sem e com edulcorante) e tipos de água de consumo (sem e com edulcorante) sobre o desenvolvimento morfológico e enzimático intestinal. Foram avaliadas a altura das vilosidades (V), a profundidade das criptas (C) e a relação altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas (V:C) do duodeno e do jejuno, o conteúdo de proteína na mucosa do jejuno, e as atividades enzimáticas (UA) da maltase, sacarase e dipeptidase. Utilizaram-se 32 leitões machos castrados, Large White x Landrace, desmamados aos 21 dias, submetidos aos tratamentos durante oito dias. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com oito tratamentos, fatorial 2 x 2 x 2, com quatro repetições. Foram observadas diferenças para a altura das vilosidades do duodeno para os grupos tratados com dieta úmida e ração com edulcorante e para a relação V:C do duodeno para os animais que receberam ração com edulcorante. Houve diferença para a UA da sacarase e da maltase para os grupos que receberam água sem edulcorante. As características histológicas foram favorecidas pelas dietas úmidas, o que pode sugerir que esta apresentação foi menos agressiva ao trato digestivo. Para os demais fatores os resultados contrariaram as expectativas de que o tratamento água com edulcorante melhoraria a qualidade do epitélio intestinal. A fase crítica pela qual os leitões foram submetidos, possivelmente, comprometeu os resultados.


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Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da indução do consumo de água com edulcorante, na fase de berçário (10 aos 30 dias de idade), sobre o desempenho de 270 leitões (machos e fêmeas) submetidos ao desmame precoce segregado e os efeitos residuais nas fases de pré-creche (30 aos 45 dias) e de creche (45 aos 62 dias de idade). Três tratamentos com dois sexos e três repetições (fatorial 3 x 2) foram utilizados dos 10 aos 30 dias de idade dos leitões, sendo: T1- água sem edulcorante, T2 - água com edulcorante e T3 - água com e sem edulcorante oferecidos simultaneamente em bebedouros distintos. Foram avaliados o ganho diário de peso, o consumo diário de ração e a conversão alimentar. O consumo diário de água somente foi medido na fase de berçário. A incidência de diarréia foi observada até o 10º dia após o desmame. Aos 22 dias de idade, seis leitões por tratamento foram sacrificados para avaliação da altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas da mucosa do duodeno e jejuno. Não foram observadas diferenças para as variáveis estudadas, exceto para o ganho diário de peso e consumo diário de ração nas fases compreendidas entre 30 e 45 dias e 45 e 62 dias e para o ganho diário de peso entre 10 e 62 dias, a favor das fêmeas. O uso de edulcorante na água não influenciou o consumo de água, o desempenho dos leitões e a qualidade da mucosa intestinal.


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O extrato de folhas de estévia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) é o único edulcorante utilizado na substituição da sacarose, que pode ser produzido totalmente no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os comportamentos de características temporais dos estímulos doce e amargo da estevia em doçuras equivalentes a soluções de sacarose (DESS) a 3 e 10%. As curvas tempo-intensidade (T-I) para cada substância foram coletadas utilizando-se o programa Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade - SCDTI para Windows, onde os provadores registravam com auxílio do mouse a percepção de cada estímulo solicitado em função do tempo, para cada amostra. Os parâmetros das curvas T-I coletados foram: tempo de intensidade máxima (TImax), intensidade máxima (Imax), tempo onde a intensidade máxima começa a declinar (Td), tempo de platô (Platô), área sob a curva (Área) e tempo total de duração do estímulo (Ttot). Os parâmetros Td, Ttot, Área e Platô das curvas T-I para o estímulo doce nos dois níveis de doçura foram significativamente superiores para estévia, enquanto TImax e Imax foram significativamente menores (p£0,05), sendo que as diferenças entre os valores para as duas substâncias foram muito maiores a DESS a 10%. A sacarose não apresentou nenhum registro para o estímulo amargo tanto a 3 como a 10%, enquanto a estévia apresentou curvas T-I características, com intensidade e o tempo total de duração dependente da concentração.


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O extrato de folhas de estévia (Stévia rebaudiana Bertoni) é o único edulcorante utilizado na substituição da sacarose, que pode ser produzido totalmente no Brasil. Este trabalho objetivou determinar o comportamento de características temporais dos estímulos doce e amargo do extrato de estévia em doçuras equivalentes a soluções de sacarose (DESS) a 3 e 10%. As curvas tempo-intensidade (T-I) para cada substância foram coletadas utilizando-se o programa Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade - SCDTI para Windows, onde os provadores registravam com auxílio do mouse a percepção de cada estímulo solicitado em função do tempo, para cada amostra. Os parâmetros das curvas T-I determinados foram: tempo de intensidade máxima (TImax), intensidade máxima (Imax), tempo onde a intensidade máxima começa a declinar (Td), tempo de platô (Platô), área sob a curva (Área) e tempo total de duração do estímulo (Ttot). Os parâmetros Td, Ttot, Área e Platô das curvas T-I para o estímulo doce nos dois níveis de doçura significativamente foram superiores para o extrato de estévia, enquanto TImax e Imax foram significativamente menores (p£ 0,05). As diferenças entre os valores de sacarose e extrato de estévia foram muito maiores a DESS a 10%. A sacarose não apresentou nenhum registro para o estímulo amargo tanto a 3 como a 10%, enquanto a estévia apresentou curvas T-I características, com intensidade e o tempo total de duração dependente da concentração.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sweeteners provide a pleasant sensation of sweetness that helps the sensory quality of the human diet, can be divided into natural sweeteners such as fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose and sucrose, and articial sweeteners such as aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin. This work aimed to study the thermal stability of natural and artificial sweeteners in atmospheres of nitrogen and syntetic air using thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Among the natural sweeteners analyzed showed higher thermal stability for the lactose and sucrose, which showed initial decomposition temperatures near 220 ° C, taking advantage of the lactose has a higher melting point (213 ° C) compared to sucrose (191 ° C). The lower thermal stability was observed for fructose, it has the lowest melting point (122 °C) and the lower initial decomposition temperature (170 °C). Of the artificial sweeteners studied showed higher thermal stability for sodium saccharin, which had the highest melting point (364 ° C) as well as the largest initial decomposition temperature (466 ° C under nitrogen and 435 ° C in air). The lower thermal stability was observed for aspartame, which showed lower initial decomposition temperature (158 ° C under nitrogen and 170 ° C under air). For commercial sweeteners showed higher thermal stability for the sweeteners L and C, which showed initial temperature of thermal decomposition near 220 ° C and melting points near 215 ° C. The lower thermal stability was observed for the sweetener P, which showed initial decomposition temperature at 160 ° C and melting point of 130 °C. Sweeteners B, D, E, I, J, N and O had low thermal stability, with the initial temperature of decomposition starts near 160 °C, probably due to the presence of aspartame, even if they have as the main constituent of the lactose, wich is the most stable of natural sweeteners. According to the results we could also realize that all commercial sweeteners are in its composition by at least a natural sweeteners and are always found in large proportions, and lactose is the main constituent of 60% of the total recorded


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A simple, precise, rapid and low-cost potentiometric method for saccharin determination in commercial artificial sweeteners is proposed. Saccharin present in several samples of artificial sweeteners is potentiometrically titrated with silver nitrate solution using a silver wire as the indicator electrode, coupled to a titroprocessor. The best pH range was from 3.0 to 3.5 and the detection limit of sodium saccharin was 2.5 mg/ml. Substances normally found along with saccharin in several commercial artificial sweeteners such as maltodextrin, glucose, sucrose, fructose, aspartame, cyclamate, caffeine, sorbitol, lactose, nitrate, methyl- and n-propyl-p-hydroxybenzoate, benzoic, citric and ascorbic acids do not interfere even in significant amounts (e.g. 20 excess relative to saccharin). Chloride ion interferes when present in concentrations larger than 10 mg l(-1); this interference is eliminated with previous extraction of the sweetener from the aqueous medium with ethyl acetate. The results obtained by applying the proposed method compared very favorably with those given by the HPLC method recommended by the FDA. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article reviews the metabolism of fructose and sorbitol, their main clinical indications and the consequences of inadequate use. Fructose, an important carbohydrate in the diet, is present mostly in fruits and vegetables; it can also be synthesized from glucose in the organism, through the sorbitol. Fructose is known for its metabolism's inherent errors, whose clinical manifestations are potentially serious, as well as for its use as a glucose substitute in the diabetic patients' diet, due to its metabolism not being dependent from insulin. In the last years, especially in developed countries, the consumption of fructose has increased considerably, due to its use as a sweetener in industrialized foods. However, adverse side-effects may occur with the excessive ingestion of fructose, such as the increase in blood's triglycerides and cholesterol. Therefore, to know which are the patients' normal blood levels is quite important for establishing the safe amount of fructose to be prescribed, as well as for allowing the screening of metabolism diseases associated with fructose.