70 resultados para submergence


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某些克隆植物通过克隆整合能够很好的适应逆境或快速扩张。基于克隆整合,研究克隆植物的抗逆性、入侵性及其对群落结构的影响在很多方面值得深入。本文主要应用实验生态学的方法,分别在野外或温室以沙鞭、空心莲子草和羊柴为主要研究对象,研究克隆整合对处于逆境生长条件下克隆植物生长的影响;克隆整合对入侵植物竞争力和被入侵植物群落组成的影响;克隆整合对沙地群落结构和初级生产力的影响,探讨克隆植物对风蚀和水淹的适应机制、入侵克隆植物的入侵机制以及对群落组成和结构的影响机制。主要结论如下: 1. 沙鞭分株的叶片数目和生物量跟沙鞭根状茎的埋藏深度高度正相关,当根状茎被暴露在空气中时,上面所依附的分株要么死亡,要么长势很弱。每样方内沙鞭的分株数目、叶片数目和总生物量随风蚀强度的增加而降低。在对照和短期风蚀中,根状茎连接并不影响上述指标,但是在长期风蚀下,根状茎连接的作用会增强。根状茎连接能够减轻风蚀对沙鞭的负面影响,这很有可能是因为遭受风蚀胁迫的分株从那些没有遭受风蚀侵害的分株那里获得了水分和光合产物的资助。本研究首次证实了保持根状茎连接有助于提高干旱区植物抵御风蚀的能力。 2. 水淹会降低空心莲子草先端分株的生长;克隆整合显著增强了空心莲子草先端分株的生长和繁殖,但降低了基端分株的生长和繁殖。最终,克隆整合并不影响整体空心莲子草克隆片段的生长表现,这预示当空心莲子草从陆地生境向水生生境扩散时,克隆整合对其总体没有净收益。我们认为空心莲子草在由陆地扩张到水域时,可能拥有一种“双刃剑”机制:当处于水生生境中的先端分株得到处于陆生生境中的基端分株的资源支持时,先端分株能够增强自身生长;当因外界扰动导致二者间相连匍匐茎断裂后,陆生生境中的基端分株能够快速增强自身的匍匐茎和分株生长。这种机制可能使得空心莲子草很好的适应高度干扰或高度异质生境,从而增强了其入侵性。 3. 竞争显著降低了空心莲子草先端分株的光系统II中的最大量子产额(Fv/Fm)和生长(生物量、分株数目、叶片数目、总匍匐茎长度和总叶面积),但并不影响高羊茅的生物量。匍匐茎连接显著增强了空心莲子草先端分株的最大量子产额和生长。然而,这种连接效应在竞争时的作用要比非竞争时的作用小的多,而且匍匐茎连接并没有改变空心莲子草的相对邻体效应。与非竞争环境相反,在竞争条件下匍匐茎连接会降低空心莲子草对根系的生物量投资。克隆整合可能对提高空心莲子草的竞争力帮助不大,但是对其开拓空旷领地却非常重要。这些结果预示空心莲子草的入侵性可能和其克隆整合作用有密切关系。 4. 克隆整合显著增强了空心莲子草在群落中的扩张能力,但并没有提高其抑制整体群落物种的能力。相比低密度播种群落,生长在高密度播种群落中的空心莲子草长势明显要弱,高密度播种群落具有更强的抵御入侵的能力。在低密度播种群落中,相比切断群落内外空心莲子草相连匍匐茎,如果保持其连接,优势物种的地上生物量会降低而次优势物种的地上生物量会增加,进而群落的丰富度会得到提高。实验结果预示克隆整合能够增强入侵物种在建植群落中的扩张速度,并能够修饰其在群落结构上的影响,改变群落中单个物种的生长表现。 5. 克隆整合显著增强了羊柴在沙地植物群落中的分株数目,但并没有提高其地上生物量。羊柴分株数目的变化受不同处理因素的影响,在加氮的处理中分株数目为最大,切断处理中为最小。在群落主要组成物种中,克隆整合显著影响了烛台虫实的地上生物量,而其它主要物种的地上生物量则不受处理因素影响。克隆整合并没有影响沙地群落的物种多样性,但会显著影响沙地群落的初级生产力,尤其是添加氮肥以后。


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通过气体交换和叶绿素荧光等方法,研究了淹水胁迫条件下及胁迫解除后皇冠草不同功能叶片的光合特性及光抑制的变化。结果表明: (1)在淹水阶段,与对照相比,气生叶(全淹组淹水前形成的功能叶)在水淹条件下叶片大小和气孔没有明显变化;但是沉水叶(全淹组淹水后新生的功能叶)的叶面积明显增加,气孔变小,上表皮气孔密度增加,下表皮气孔密度减小。 (2)水淹导致气生叶碳同化能力、光化学效率和叶绿素含量下降。沉水叶在发育过程中碳同化能力、光化学效率和叶绿素逐渐升高。 (3)出水后,在自然强光下气生叶和沉水叶的相对含水量和最大光化学效率Fv/Fm急剧且大幅度下降,发生明显的光抑制;而在弱光下Fv/Fm无明显下降。 (4)出水后离体叶片在水分充足的条件下,在强光下照射6h后气生叶和水生叶均发生严重光抑制,且在弱光下页不能恢复。 因此,我们认为淹水条件下,叶片上表皮气孔密度的增加使其蒸腾速率提高;水生叶较强的碳同化能力和增加的叶面积是确保其植株水下生存的关键;强光使水生叶出水后发生光抑制和反应中心失活,导度和蒸腾速率提高导致的叶片水分丧失则加剧了这一过程,这两者共同作用导致了自然条件下水生叶的出水死亡。


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The radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure submerged in oblique seas of finite depth is investigated. The analytical expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials are derived as infinite series by use of the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the series are determined by the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and reflection and transmission coefficients are given and verified by the boundary element method. Using the present analytical solution, the hydrodynamic influences of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the width and the thickness of the structure on the wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are discussed in detail.


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A pollen record of core PC-1 from the northern Okinawa Trough, East China Sea (ECS), provides information on vegetation and climate changes since 24 cal. kaBP. A total of 103 samples were palynologically analyzed at 8 cm intervals with a time resolution of 230 a. Four pollen zones are recognized: zone I (812-715 cm, 24.2-21.1 cal. kaBP), zone II (715-451 cm, 21.1-15.2 cal. kaBP), zone III (451-251 cm, 15.2-10.8 cal. kaBP), zone IV (251-0 cm, 10.8-0.3 cal. kaBP), corresponding to Late MIS 3, Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), deglaciation and Holocene, respectively. The LGM is characterized by the dominance of herbs, mainly Artemisia, and high pollen influx, implying an open vegetation on the exposed continental shelf and a cool and dry climate. The deglaciation is a climate warming stage with Pinus percentage increased and Artemisia percentage decreased and a rapid sea-level rise. The Holocene is characterized by predominance of tree pollen with rapid increase in Castanea-Castanopsis indicating the development of mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest and a warm, humid climate. Low pollen influx during the Holocene probably implies submergence of the continental shelf and retreat of the pollen source area. The vegetation indicated by pollen assemblage found in this upper zone is consistent with the present vegetation found in Kyushu, Japan. Originating from the humid mountain area of North Luzon of the Philippines, Tasmania and New Zealand, Phyllocladus with sporadic occurrence throughout PC-1 core probably suggests the influence of Palaeo-Kuroshio Current or intense summer monsoon. The observed changes in Pinus and Herbs percentage indicate fluctuations of the sea level, and high Pinus percentage corresponds to high sea level. Spectrum analysis of the pollen percentage record reveals many millennial-scale periodicities, such as periodicities of 6.8, 3.85 2.2, 1.6 ka.


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Well-dated, high-resolution records of planktonic foraminifera and oxygen isotopes from two sediment cores, A7 and E017, in the middle Okinawa Trough reveal strong and rapid millennial-scale climate changes since similar to 18 to 17 thousand years before present (kyr B.P.). Sedimentation rate shows a sudden drop at similar to 11.2 cal. kyr B.P. due to a rapid rise of sea level after the Younger Dryas (YD) and consequently submergence of the large continental shelf on the East China Sea (ECS) and the retreat of the estuary providing sediment to the basin. During the last deglaciation, the relative abundance of warm and cold species of planktonic foraminifera fluctuates strongly, consistent with the timing of sea surface temperature (SST) variations determined from Mg/Ca measurements of planktonic foraminifera from one of the two cores. These fluctuations are coeval with climate variation recorded in the Greenland ice cores and North Atlantic sediments, namely Heinrich event 1 (H1), Bolling-Allerod (B/A) and YD events. At about 9.4 kyr B.P., a sudden change in the relative abundance of shallow to deep planktonic species probably indicates a sudden strengthening of the Kuroshio Current in the Okinawa Trough, which was synchronous with a rapid sea-level rise at 9.5-9.2 kyr B.P. in the ECS, Yellow Sea (YS) and South China Sea (SCS). The abundance of planktonic foraminiferal species, together with Mg/Ca based SST, exhibits millennial-scale oscillations during the Holocene, with 7 cold events (at about 1.7, 2.3-4.6, 6.2, 7.3, 8.2, 9.6, 10.6 cal. kyr BP) superimposed on a Holocene warming trend. This Holocene trend, together with centennial-scale SST variations superimposed on the last deglacial trend, suggests that both high and low latitude influences affected the climatology of the Okinawa Trough. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 2003, the remains of an Early Iron Age bog body, known as ‘Oldcroghan Man’, were recovered during the cutting of a drainage ditch in a bog in the Irish Midlands. Only some fingernails and a withe fragment remained undisturbed in situ in the drain face, providing the sole evidence for the original position of the body. A detailed reconstruction of the depositional context of the body has been undertaken through multi-proxy analyses of a peat monolith collected at the findspot. The palynological record shows that the surrounding area was the focus of intensive human activity during the Later Bronze Age, but was largely abandoned during the Bronze Age–Iron transition in the mid-first millennium BC. In the mid-4th century BC, a bog pool developed at the site, evidenced in the stratigraphic, plant macrofossil, testate amoebae and coleopteran records. Plant macrofossil and pollen analysis of peat samples associated with the fingernails suggests that the body was deposited in this pool most likely during the 3rd century BC. The absence of carrion beetle fauna points to complete submergence of the body within the pool. Deposition occurred shortly before or around the time that the surrounding area again became the focus of woodland clearance, as seen in the extended pollen record from the peat monolith. This period corresponds to the Early Iron Age in Ireland, during which renewed cultural connections with Britain and continental Europe can be seen in the archaeological record and widespread forest clearance is recorded in pollen records from across Ireland. The palaeoenvironmental results indicate, therefore, that the demise of Oldcroghan Man took place at a pivotal time of socio-economic and perhaps political change.


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As a consequence of increased levels of flooding, largely attributable to urbanization of watersheds (and perhaps climate change, more frequent extreme rainfall events are occurring and threatening existing critical infrastructure. Many of which are short-span bridges over relatively small waterways (e.g., small rivers, streams and canals). Whilst these short-span bridges were designed, often many years ago, to pass relatively minor the then standard return-period floods, in recenttimes the failure incidence of such short-span bridges has been noticeably increasing. This is suggestive of insufficient hydraulic capacity or alternative failure mechanism not envisaged at the time of design e.g. foundation scour or undermining. This paper presen ts, and draws lessons, from bridge failures in Ireland and the USA. For example, in November 2009, the UK and Ireland were subjected to extraordinarily severe weather conditions for several days. The resulting flooding led to the collapse of three UK bridges that were generally 19th century masonry arch bridges, withrelatively shallow foundations. Parallel failure events have been observed in the USA. To date, knowledge of the combined effect of waterway erosion, bridge submergence, and geotechnical collapse has not been adequately studied. Recent research carried out considered the hydraulic analysis of short span bridges under flood conditions, but no consideration was given towards the likely damage to these structures due to erosive coupling of hydraulic and geotechnical factors. Some work has been done to predict the discharge downstream of an inundated arch, focusing onpredicting afflux, as opposed to bridge scour, under both pressurized and free-surface flows, but no ! predictive equation for scour under pressurized conditions was ever considered. The case studies this paper presents will be augmented by the initial findings from the laboratory experiments investigating the effects of surcharged flow and subsequent scour within the vicinity of single span arch bridges. Velocities profiles will be shown within the vicinity of the arch, in addition to the depth of consequent scour, for a series of flows and model spans. The data will be presented and correlated to the most recent predictive equations for submerged contraction and abutment scour. The accuracy of these equations is examined, and the findings used as a basis for developing further studies in relation to short span bridges.


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Le réseau magnétique consiste en un ensemble de petites concentrations de flux magnétique sur la photosphère solaire. Vu sa petite échelle de taille et de flux, à la limite de détection, son comportement n'est connu que depuis récemment. Les interactions du réseau sont pourtant cruciales afin de comprendre la dynamo et l'irradiance solaires, car beaucoup de caractérisques du réseau dépendent de ces interactions. De plus, le réseau est la principale contribution magnétique surfacique à l'irradiance solaire. Les modèles existants du réseau ne tenaient jusqu'à maintenant pas compte des interactions du réseau. Nous avons tenté de combler cette lacune avec notre modèle. Nos simulations impliquent une marche aléatoire en 2D de tubes de flux magnétiques sur la photosphère solaire. Les tubes de flux sont injectés puis soumis à des règles de déplacement et d'interaction. L'injection se fait à deux échelles, respectivement la plus petite et la plus grande observables: les tubes de flux élémentaires et les taches solaires. Des processus de surface imitant ceux observés sont inclus, et consistent en l'émergence, la coalescence, l'annulation et la submergence de flux. La fragmentation des concentrations n'est présente que pour les taches, sous forme de désintégration libérant des tubes de flux. Le modèle est appliqué au cycle solaire 21 (1976-1986, le mieux documenté en termes de caractéristiques de taches solaires. Il en résulte des réponses à deux questions importantes en physique solaire. La première est: l'injection de flux magnétique à deux échelles très distinctes peut-elle conduire à une distribution de flux en loi de puissance comme on l'observe, si l'on inclut des processus de surface qui retraitent le flux? Cette question est étroitement liée à l'origine de la dynamo solaire, qui pourrait produire ladite distribution. Nous trouvons qu'on peut effectivement produire une telle distribution avec ce type d'injection et ce type de processus de surface. Cela implique que la distribution de flux observée ne peut servir à déterminer quel type de dynamo opère dans le Soleil. La deuxième question à laquelle nous avons apporté un élément de réponse est celle à savoir combien de temps il faut au réseau pour retrouver son état d'activité de base. Cet état a été observé lors du minimum de Maunder en 1645-1715 et touche de près la question de l'influence de l'activité solaire sur le climat terrestre. Le récent minimum d'activité est considéré par certains comme ayant atteint cet état. Nous trouvons plutôt que ça n'a pas été le cas. En effet, le temps de relaxation du réseau que nous avons calculé est supérieur au temps écoulé entre la fin du dernier cycle solaire d'activité et celui de l'amorce du présent cycle.


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The diversity and load of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi associated with the mangrove soil from Suva, Fiji Islands, was determined by using the plate count method. The ability of the bacterial isolates to produce various hydrolytic enzymes such as amylase, gelatinase and lipase were determined using the plate assay. The heterotrophic bacterial load was considerably higher than the fungal load. There was a predominance of the gram positive genus, Bacillus. Other genera encountered included Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Listeria and Vibrio. Their effectiveness on the degradation of commercial polythene carry bags made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) was studied over a period of eight weeks in the laboratory. Biodegradation was measured in terms of mean weight loss, which was nearly 5 % after a period of eight weeks. There was a significant increase in the bacterial load of the soil attached to class 2 (HDPE) polythene. After eight weeks of submergence in mangrove soil, soil attached to class 1 and class 3 polythene mostly had Bacillus (Staphylococcus predominated in class 2 polythene). While most of the isolates were capable of producing hydrolytic enzymes such as amylase and gelatinase, lipolytic activity was low. Class 2 HDPE suffered the greatest biodegradation.


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The improved empirical understanding of silt facies in Holocene coastal sequences provided by such as diatom, foraminifera, ostracode and testate amoebae analysis, combined with insights from quantitative stratigraphic and hydraulic simulations, has led to an inclusive, integrated model for the palaeogeomorphology, stratigraphy, lithofacies and biofacies of northwest European Holocene coastal lowlands in relation to sea-level behaviour. The model covers two general circumstances and is empirically supported by a range of field studies in the Holocene deposits of a number of British estuaries, particularly, the Severn. Where deposition was continuous over periods of centuries to millennia, and sea level fluctuated about a rising trend, the succession consists of repeated cycles of silt and peat lithofacies and biofacies in which series of transgressive overlaps (submergence sequences) alternate with series of regressive overlaps (emergence sequences) in association with the waxing and waning of tidal creek networks. Environmental and sea-level change are closely coupled, and equilibrium and secular pattern is of the kind represented ideally by a closed limit cycle. In the second circumstance, characteristic of unstable wetland shores and generally affecting smaller areas, coastal erosion ensures that episodes of deposition in the high intertidal zone last no more than a few centuries. The typical response is a series of regressive overlaps (emergence sequence) in erosively based high mudflat and salt-marsh silts that record, commonly as annual banding, exceptionally high deposition rates and a state of strong disequilibrium. Environmental change, including creek development, and sea-level movement are uncoupled. Only if deposition proceeds for a sufficiently long period, so that marshes mature, are equilibrium and close coupling regained. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Unpredictable flooding is a major constraint to rice production. It can occur at any growth stage. The effect of simulated flooding post-anthesis on yield and subsequent seed quality of pot-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants was investigated in glasshouses and controlled-environment growth cabinets. Submergence post-anthesis (9-40 DAA) for 3 or 5 days reduced seed weight of japonica rice cv. Gleva, with considerable pre-harvest sprouting (up to 53%). The latter was greater the later in seed development and maturation that flooding occurred. Sprouted seed had poor ability to survive desiccation or germinate normally upon rehydration, whereas the effects of flooding on the subsequent air-dry seed storage longevity (p50) of the non-sprouted seed fraction was negligible. The indica rice cvs IR64 and IR64Sub1 (introgression of submergence tolerance gene Submergence1A-1) were both far more tolerant to flooding post-anthesis than cv. Gleva: four days’ submergence of these two near-isogenic cultivars at 10-40 DAA resulted less than 1% sprouted seeds. The presence of the Sub1A-1 allele in cv. IR64Sub1 was verified by gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing. It had no harmful effect on loss in seed viability during storage compared with IR64 in both control and flooded environments. Moreover, the germinability and changes in dormancy during seed development and maturation were very similar to IR64. The efficiency of using chemical spray to increase seed dormancy was investigated in the pre-harvest sprouting susceptible rice cv. Gleva. Foliar application of molybdenum at 100 mg L-1 reduced sprouted seeds by 15-21% following 4 days’ submergence at 20-30 DAA. Analyses confirmed that the treatment did result in molybdenum uptake by the plants, and also tended to increase seed abscisic acid concentration. The latter was reduced by submergence and declined exponentially during grain ripening. The selection of submergence-tolerant varieties was more successful than application of molybdenum in reducing pre-harvest sprouting.


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Background and Aims In the Amazonian floodplains plants withstand annual periods of flooding which can last 7 months. Under these conditions seedlings remain submerged in the dark for long periods since light penetration in the water is limited. Himatanthus sucuuba is a tree species found in the `varzea` (VZ) floodplains and adjacent non-flooded `terra-firme` (TF) forests. Biochemical traits which enhance flood tolerance and colonization success of H. sucuuba in periodically flooded environments were investigated. Methods Storage carbohydrates of seeds of VZ and TF populations were extracted and analysed by HPAEC/PAD. Starch was analysed by enzyme (glucoamylase) degradation followed by quantification of glucose oxidase. Carbohydrate composition of roots of VZ and TF seedlings was studied after experimental exposure to a 15-d period of submersion in light versus darkness. Key Results The endosperm contains a large proportion of the seed reserves, raffinose being the main nonstructural carbohydrate. Around 93% of the cell wall storage polysaccharides (percentage dry weight basis) in the endosperm of VZ seeds was composed of mannose, while soluble sugars accounted for 2.5%. In contrast, 74% of the endosperm in TF seeds was composed of galactomannans, while 22% of the endosperm was soluble sugars. This suggested a larger carbohydrate allocation to germination in TF populations whereas VZ populations allocate comparatively more to carbohydrates mobilized during seedling development. The concentration of root non-structural carbohydrates in non-flooded seedlings strongly decreased after a 15-d period of darkness, whereas flooded seedlings were less affected. These effects were more pronounced in TF seedlings, which showed significantly lower root non-structural carbohydrate concentrations. Conclusions There seem to be metabolic adjustments in VZ but not TF seedlings that lead to adaptation to the combined stresses of darkness and flooding. This seems to be important for the survival of the species in these contrasting environments, leading these populations to different directions during evolution.


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The Electrical Submersible Pumping is an artificial lift method for oil wells employed in onshore and offshore areas. The economic revenue of the petroleum production in a well depends on the oil flow and the availability of lifting equipment. The fewer the failures, the lower the revenue shortfall and costs to repair it. The frequency with which failures occur depends on the operating conditions to which the pumps are submitted. In high-productivity offshore wells monitoring is done by operators with engineering support 24h/day, which is not economically viable for the land areas. In this context, the automation of onshore wells has clear economic advantages. This work proposes a system capable of automatically control the operation of electrical submersible pumps, installed in oil wells, by an adjustment at the electric motor rotation based on signals provided by sensors installed on the surface and subsurface, keeping the pump operating within the recommended range, closest to the well s potential. Techniques are developed to estimate unmeasured variables, enabling the automation of wells that do not have all the required sensors. The automatic adjustment, according to an algorithm that runs on a programmable logic controller maintains the flow and submergence within acceptable parameters avoiding undesirable operating conditions, as the gas interference and high engine temperature, without need to resort to stopping the engine, which would reduce the its useful life. The control strategy described, based on modeling of physical phenomena and operational experience reported in literature, is materialized in terms of a fuzzy controller based on rules, and all generated information can be accompanied by a supervisory system