41 resultados para subjetivismo
Se aporta un estudio del rendimiento escolar medido a través de dos tipos de variables: las calificaciones escolares y las pruebas objetivas. Se abordan en profundidad dos de los ejes de reflexión alrededor de los cuales gira la problemática del tema: definición y medida del rendimiento escolar. Las pruebas objetivas pretenden ser una medida controlada, carente de subjetivismo y analizable estadísticamente, de un conjunto de saberes y conocimientos. En el caso de las calificaciones escolares, se evalúa la adquisición de conocimientos donde entran en juego un conjunto de factores que conllevan un elevado riesgo de subjetivismo. Con este estudio, se obtiene una información extensa, con datos variables, que permiten la clarificación del concepto de rendimiento educativo en el contexto del Estado Español.
Se ofrece la perspectiva de la educación y la enseñanza de Joaquín Costa. Una de las mayores preocupaciones de Costa fue la cuestión pedagógica. Para compendiar sus ideas principales al respecto se recurre a la conferencia que dio en la Sociedad El Sitio, en Bilbao, el 12 de febrero de 1912 el señor Cossío, que fue su compañero en la Universidad y en la Institución Libre de Enseñanza. El primer ejemplo educador que todos debemos aprender de Costa, ha sido la protesta contra uno de los vicios más terribles que corroen el carácter nacional: el del subjetivismo de la personalidad. Costa era esencialmente krausista. Significaba aquella tendencia un profundo sentido ético y afirmaba que no podían separarse jamás las ideas del hecho. Entre el conocimiento y la vida tenia que haber, más que una perfecta asociación, una unidad perfecta; la conducta habrá de ser siempre reflejo fiel de las ideas. Pero fue también, por último, educador en otra esfera, en la más específica: como maestro de escuela, dando enseñanza y a la vez elaborando y produciendo todas sus ideas personales sobre la educación y la escuela.
El tema a tratar es la enseñanza de la filosofía en el estado español, que ha resultado problemático, ya que se cuestionaba en última instancia la filosofía. Las cuestiones en torno a la transmisión del saber filosófico dieron paso a la polémica acerca de lo que cada cual entendía por tal forma de saber; con todo lo paradójico que resulta tratar de enseñar algo acerca de cuya naturaleza no se han puesto de acuerdo los supuestos enseñantes. La característica principal del Congreso fueron las polémicas entre libertarios y marxistas. Los temas tratados fueron: 1õ. Enseñar a pensar o transmitir ideologías. Filosofar y filosofía. El primero es un producto pretendidamente logrado, de finido y cerrado, un producto ideológico manipulable que sustenta lo que la sociedad y el Estado piensan como pensable. De la misma forma que en vez de pensar se hace filosofía. Pero idea vieja, inservible y masoquista . Ideas de García Calvo, que criticó Gustavo Bueno, quien propone una alternativa.: enfocar la filosofía como superación del subjetivismo. Sólo así, podrá ejercer su función crítica. Así, su concepción marxista le hace pensar que la filosofía debe cooperar en la transformación de la sociedad ¿Cómo? Haciendo comprensible la realidad; 2õ. Enseñar lo inenseñable: acerca de lo abstracto y lo concreto. Para Savater abstracto es el saber manejable y enseñable, que modela, canaliza y orienta. Es el saber que perpetua la sociedad científica. Lo concreto sería esa aspiración inenseñable que la filosofía debe tratar de introducir en las aulas; 3õ. El arte de la memoria; 4õ. Sobre el tiempo del discurso; 5õ. La enseñanza de la filosofía en Grecia. Por último se plantearon los temas a tratar en el próximo Congreso.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
El trabajo examina el impacto y las modificaciones consecuentes que se originaron tras las Reformas Educativas de 1938, donde se instauraron los exámenes de Estado. Igualmente se analizan las posiciones, bien a favor bien en contra, de diversos grupos sociales. Objeto: análisis de la documentación legal y estadística disponible (lo que constituye la muestra) para el período elegido. Análisis histórico de la legislación educativa sobre certificación y promoción académica en el período 1938-1969. Se abordan los siguientes aspectos: legislacion aprobada. Opiniones suscitadas en diferentes grupos sociales. Contenido y tipo de exámenes. Materias curriculares. Datos estadísticos de promoción. Fuentes documentales: MEC e INE. Análisis histórico. Análisis cualitativo. Los diferentes grupos implicados argumentan a favor y en contra del examen de Estado. En contra se aducen razones de masificación, enchufismo, improvisación, fomento del memorismo y el subjetivismo al evaluar. También se argumentaba que el examen promovía desigualdades sociales y perturbaba la vida académica de la universidad y a las familias (por los desplazamientos que conlleva). A favor se afirmaba que el examen incrementaba la calidad de la educación y de la formación recibida, asegurando una adecuada selección. Por otro lado, en el período 1953-1957 se regulan las pruebas de acceso a la Enseñanza Superior y se instaura un curso preuniversitario. No obstante, la legislación fue modificada a partir de estas fechas alterándose el currículum del curso preuniversitario y el contenido del examen de madurez. La instauración del examen de Estado en 1938 cristalizó las tensiones en torno al control de la educación que sostenían Iglesia y Estado. Por otro lado, el acceso a la universidad sufrió modificaciones tanto curriculares como en el contenido de los exámenes. El trabajo incluye porcentajes de aprobados desagregados por opciones, sexo y tribunal. También se incluyen descripciones precisas de los exámenes.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal analisar o cabimento, no direito processual brasileiro, de uma distribuição dinâmica das regras do ônus da prova. Na primeira parte, são analisados o conceito, o objeto e a finalidade da prova, com apontamento da distinção entre fontes e meios. Após, são estudados o conceito de ônus da prova e sua distinção da obrigação, dando ênfase aos seus aspectos objetivo e subjetivo e às principais teorias, antigas e modernas, que tratam dos critérios para a distribuição do ônus da prova. Estudou-se, em seguida, os principais fenômenos relacionados ao ônus da prova, quais sejam a distribuição, cuja regra geral está no art. 333 do CPC, e a redistribuição como gênero, tendo com espécies a redistribuição strictu sensu, cabível em casos de probatio diabolica e em excepcionais casos em que a prova se apresenta difícil por fatores externos ao processo, e a inversão, cujo exemplo, no direito pátrio, é o art. 6o, inc. VIII, do CDC. Na segunda parte do trabalho, são apresentadas duas novas teorias sobre a distribuição do ônus da prova: a visão solidarista do ônus da prova e a teoria dinâmica dos ônus probatórios. Por fim, ante a necessidade de flexibilização das atuais regras gerais de distribuição do ônus da prova e, ao mesmo tempo, controle do excessivo subjetivismo judicial, analisa-se o cabimento da aplicação da teoria dinâmica no direito brasileiro, apontando-se os parâmetros para a decisão judicial que a aplique. Do estudo, concluiu-se que o direito processual brasileiro admite a aplicação da teoria dinâmica dos ônus probatórios em face da incidência do princípio da igualdade, dos poderes instrutórios do juiz e do dever de lealdade, boa-fé e colaboração das partes. Concluiuse, ainda, que embora possa acontecer em momento diverso, o momento mais oportuno para a ocorrência da redistribuição do ônus da prova é a audiência preliminar, não podendo se verificar, em nenhuma hipótese, surpresa às partes, sob pena de ferimento ao princípio do contraditório. Quanto à decisão judicial que aplica a teoria dinâmica, deve esta levar em conta que tal aplicação é de caráter excepcionalíssimo, devendo ser bem fundamentada.
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de propor uma nova abordagem para os aspectos tributários envolvidos na implementação das normas internacionais de contabilidade (IFRS) no Brasil, o que se faz a partir do referencial teórico do direito e desenvolvimento. Após a apresentação do movimento de harmonização contábil internacional e a contextualização da evolução histórica e legislativa da implementação das IFRS no Brasil, realiza-se um levantamento bibliográfico, a partir da doutrina jurídico-tributária nacional, sobre os impactos decorrentes da utilização das novas normas contábeis em matéria tributária, identificando-se quatro ordens de problemas: (i) problemas de qualificação, relacionados à utilização do princípio da primazia da essência sobre a forma; (ii) problemas relacionados a conflitos temporais no momento de reconhecimento dos resultados contábeis e tributários; (iii) problemas relacionados ao surgimento de lacunas jurídicas e; (iv) problemas relacionados ao subjetivismo das novas normas contábeis. Em seguida, argumenta-se que essa abordagem estritamente jurídico-tributária sobre o tema, denominada no trabalho de perspectiva jurídico-tributária, tem conduzido à ideia de que as IFRS seriam as portadoras das complexidades e inseguranças que permeiam a tributação no Brasil, o que pode representar um paradigma de análise estreito sobre a questão. A partir da perspectiva jurídico-institucional, própria do direito e desenvolvimento, o trabalho apresenta um novo referencial de análise para o tema, classificando o movimento de implementação das IFRS no Brasil como um processo de reforma institucional e desenvolvendo a hipótese de que os problemas apresentados pela doutrina jurídico-tributária são apenas sintomas da existência de uma path dependence em matéria tributária no Brasil, conceito da literatura de direito e desenvolvimento que significa “dependência da trajetória institucional pregressa”. A adoção desse referencial de análise distinto tem o escopo de incrementar o debate, abrindo margens para se ressignificar os problemas apresentados pela doutrina tributária e considerar as reacomodações jurídico-institucionais que se façam necessárias no direito tributário nacional em prol de uma demanda maior por desenvolvimento, qual seja: alinhar as práticas contábeis brasileiras às internacionais, usando o ordenamento tributário como um elemento que viabilize essa mudança, e não como uma barreira destinada a evitá-la.
The study of social practices aims to overcome the theoretical dichotomies that insist on separating the individual from the social structures and vice versa. In this sense, the debate between objectivism and subjectivism in the construction of social reality still has occupied much time and reflection of various scholars of the humanities. Pierre Bourdieu has extensive work that seeks to advance in relation to the theoretical framework of traditional sociological explanations. Bourdieu`s approach regarding social practices is considered by some researchers as a synthesis of classical theories and by others as an attempt of complexify contemporary studies on the significance of social life. This thesis sharesthis effort to understand the social practices of agents, aiming to analyze the strategies of social and political leaders of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi in Rio Grande do Norte, and it has as reference the theoretical and methodological concepts of habitus, field and capital, in Bourdieu. Therefore, we studied the trajectories of social leaders, here called agents as family farming in the two locations in Rio Grande do Norte. As techniques and procedures of the study, we resortedto semi-structured interviews, observations, participation in events and other researches. In conclusion, this thesis gives an account of the construction of two different relational fields for the activities of agents of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi. Although the relational fields in the territories have been structured under the same prevailing institutions, which are: church, union and political party, the social practice of agents shows itself from social position and political variety. Even with the similarities and differences identified and analyzed in different fields of construction, the social relations of the agents in the territories result in the construction of gated communities, the social capital that is the substrate which the agents called empowered .
Brazilian law passes through a crisis of effectiveness commonly attributed to the extravagance of fundamental rights and public shortage. However, public finances are not dogmatically structured to solve the conflicts around the limitations of public spending. There are ethical conditioning factors, like morality, proportionality and impartiality, however, these principles act separately, while the problem of public shortage is holistic. Also, the subjectivity of politics discretionary in the definition of public spending, which is supported in an indeterminate concept of public interest, needs material orientation about the destination of public funds, making it vulnerable to ideological manipulation, resulting in real process of catching rights. Not even the judicial activism (such as influx of constitutionalism) is shown legally appropriate. The Reserve of Possible, also presents basic ethical failure. Understanding the formation of public shortage is therefore essential for understanding the crisis of effectiveness of state responsibilities, given the significant expansion of the state duty of protection, which does not find legal technique of defense of the established interests. The premise of argument, then, part of the possibility of deducting minimal model ethical of desire to spend (public interest) according to objective parameters of the normative system. Public spending has always been treated disdainfully by the Brazilian doctrine, according to the legal character accessory assigned to the monetary cost. Nonetheless, it is the meeting point between economics and law, or is in the marrow of the problem of public shortage. Expensive Subjects to modernity, as the effectiveness of fundamental rights, pass necessarily an ethical legal system of public spending. From the ethical principles deducted from the planning, only the democratic principle guides the public spending through the approval of public spending in the complex budget process. In other words, there is an ethical distancing of economic reality in relation to state responsibilities. From the dogmatic belief of insufficiency, public spending is evaluated ethically, according to the foundations of modern constitutionalism, in search of possible of the financial reserve, certain that the ethics of public economy is a sine qua non condition for legal ethics.
In Brazil, social rights have always been considered secondary legal categories, whose implementation could wait for the pending of political decisions. At the end of the Second World War, International Law emphasizes the protection of human beings, raising his dignity as a legal pillar of the legal orders and one of the main foundations of Constitutions. At the post-positivism Constitutionalism, the realization of social rights receives special attention with the assumption of supremacy and normativity of the Constitutions, while the judiciary participates in the realization of democracy, not only as applicator of laws, but also as the guardian of constitutionality of the acts and administrative omissions, creatively contributing to the constitutional achievement, filling gaps and normative state omissions. In this aspect, the supply of medicines, whose costs can not be supported by the individual, keep a close connection with the right to life, health and dignity of the human being, as the subject of numerous lawsuits directed against the Public Administration. Such phenomenon has caused intense debate regarding judicial activism and legitimacy of these decisions, particularly on the need to define what are the limits and possibilities considering the principle of separation of powers and the principle of reserve of the possible; bieng this the problematic developed in this research. Thus, this research aims to verify the legitimacy of judicial decisions that determines to the Public Administration the compulsory providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of their treatment, as well as, contribute to the dogmatic constructions of parameters to be observed by judicial interference. Regarding the methodology, this research has an investigative and descriptive caracter and an theoretical approach based on bibliographical data collection (judicial and doutrine decisions) that received qualitative treatment and dialectical approach. As a result, it is known that the judicial decision that determines the supply of medicines to those individuals who can not afford them with their own resources is legitimate and complies with the democratic principle, not violating the principle of separation of powers and the reserve of the possible, since the judicial decison is not stripped with an uniform and reasonable criteria, failing to contain high burden of subjectivism and witch signifies a possible exacerbation of functions by the judiciary, suffering, in this case, of requirement of legal certainty. It is concluded that the Court decision that determines the government the providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of treatment should be based on parameters such as: the protection of human dignity and the minimum existencial principle, the inafastable jurisdiction principle; compliance critique of the possible reserve principle; subsidiarity of judicial intervention; proportionality (quantitative and qualitative) in the content of the decision; the questioning about the reasons for non-delivery of the drug through administrative via; and, finally, the attention not to turn the judiciary into a mere production factor of the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the cartelization of the right to health
Helena is the romance of perishable and discontinuous title character denominator of a dialectic that does not consume and build the narrative by sequential fragmentation combined with episodic frame. The novel is a lightning stroke to the romantic literary project. Therefore, this study aims to find "objective" elements of the novel that would constitute a conception of literary nation proposed by Machado de Assis, as in classical writing, where women are engaged as a metaphor for the nation by a non-cultural heroism, as the example of the Greek myth of Helena, where the feminine represents a mythical image of the nation. The paper's theoretical conception of the history of Walter Benjamin, that is, that is constructed as an allegorical appeal, the conclusions about the disciplinary society of nineteenth century of Michel Foucault, the construction of the nation as a subtle game to remember and forget of Wander Miranda and the rhetoric of death and loss reflected in the speeches of the cultural heritage of José Reginaldo Santos Gonçalves, which allow you to analyze the work permeated by subjectivity and existential conflicts by Machado, who has it arranged in dialectic with the avant-garde literary romanticism and realism. In this relationship with the Greek myth of Helen, explained that characters with the nickname of Helena in Machado's work are not uncommon. As in classical Helena, Machado s Helena uses three rhetorical are the cause of the seizure of the nation. In this game of remembering and forgetting, in the daily plebiscite, Machado draw ideal images that forged our mythical past and commitment to the future. The suffering love of Helena is suffering from failure of the nation which would have led the author to the use of allegorical language, seeking a balance in the chaos generated by the opposition between cruelty and pity widespread view in an area where only left the character's confession guilt for the death. It is a simulacrum of unfinished nation, the space for the game of remembering and forgetting, while the rhetoric of negotiation of our Brazilianness
Ce travail veut montrer que le scepticisme n‟est pas q‟un des principaux défis pour la philosophie moderne jusqu‟a la déflagration da la Reforme Protestante, la redecouverte et la traduction des textes de Sexte Empirique. La reception de ce scepticisme n‟est q‟un des principaux facteurs qui determinent le noveau fondament da la philosophie moderne avec base dans la subjectivité. Dans ce contexte d‟un nouveau fondament de la philosophie sous la base de la subjectivité, Hegel aborde le problème du scepticisme. La pensé developpé par Hegel dans période de Jena (1801-1807), principalement dans l‟écrit de la Differance parmi les philosophies de Fichte e Schelling, et dans les articles du Journal Critic de Philosophie, Relation du scepticisme avec la philosophie et Foi et Savoir, part du dialogue avec la philosophie d‟idealisme allemand, qui est le point plus haut du subjectivisme dans la philosophie developpé à partir du retour du scepticisme. Hegel essaye à travès l‟interpretation et la superation du scepticisme, établir une nouvelle base pour la philosophie. Alors, le scepticisme, dans cette période de la philosophie d‟Hegel, a la function d‟être la negativité propre à la authentique philosophie qui anéante le point de vue des les philosophies de la subjectivité. Cette manière comme Hegel intégre la scepticisme à sa philosophie, a son point plus haut dans la Phénoménologie de l Esprit. La figure du scepticisme parfait présenté dans l‟introduction de la Phénoménologie de l Esprit a la function de faire le passage du point de vue des philosophies de la subjectivité au point de vue espéculatif da la raison
This research aims to reconstruct and explain the argument proposed by Peter Singer to justify the principle of equal consideration of interests (PECI). The PECI is the basic normative principle according to people should consider the interests of all sentient beings affected when somebody taking a moral decision. It is the join that Singer proposes between universalizability and the principle of equal consideration of interests that constitutes a compelling reason to justify it. The universalizability requires to disregard the numerical differences, putting yourself in other people s shoes, and to consider preferences, interests, desires and ideals of those affected. Singer joins universalizability to normative principle and molds the form and content of his theory. The first chapter introduces the discussion will be developed in this essay. The second chapter deals the historical and philosophical viewpoint from which Singer starts his studies. The third chapter is about the Singer s critiques of naturalism, intuitionism, relativism, simple subjectivism and emotivism. The fourth chapter exposes the design of universal prescriptivism proposed by R. M. Hare. The universal prescriptivism indicates, in the Singer s viewpoint, a consistent way to create the join between the universalizability and PECI. It highlights also the criticism designed by J. L. Mackie and Singer himself to universal prescriptivism. The second part of this chapter shows briefly some of the main points of the classical conception of utilitarianism and its possible relationship with the theory of Singer. The fifth chapter introduces the Singer s thesis about the origin of ethics and the universalizability as a feature necessary to the point of view of ethic, and the way which this argument is developed to form the PECI. The sixth chapter exposes the main distinctions that characterize the PECI. Finally the seventh chapter provides a discussion about the reasons highlighted by Singer for one who wants orient his life according to the standpoint of ethics. This structure allows explaining the main ideas of the author concerning the theoretical foundations of his moral philosophy
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)