903 resultados para student evaluation
School psychology can be considered a growing professional field in Brazil, in spite of the difficulties concerning both the role of the psychologists in the schools and the restrictions of the labor market. Professional training is one of the most problems faced by the area. The present study is an attempt to investigate the conceptions of school psychology and the practice of the school psychologists inside de educational agencies, from the point of view of the professional training, expressed by curricular supervised training. The reason for this choice was the important role played by supervised training in the process of professional training. To carry out this study, supervised training reports written in the 1980s and the 1990s used in the student evaluation process were examined. As the main results, we point out the co-existence during the 1980-decade of two models of psychological practice: the clinical and the educational, with the dominance of the first one. During the 1990-decade, we can observe the co-existence of the same models with the dominance (but not the hegemony) of the educational model, as shown by the activities of the students. In the 1980s, for instance, the most common activities were observation of the children (45.9%), teachers guidance (40.5%) and psychodiagnostic (37.8%). In the 1990s, the main activities were participation in staff briefings (66.6%), parents guidance (58.0%), teachers guidance (50.0%) and students counseling (41.6%). Aspects related to the importance of professional training - represented by curricular supervised training - to the professional practice are discussed
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
A lightweight Java application suite has been developed and deployed allowing collaborative learning between students and tutors at remote locations. Students can engage in group activities online and also collaborate with tutors. A generic Java framework has been developed and applied to electronics, computing and mathematics education. The applications are respectively: (a) a digital circuit simulator, which allows students to collaborate in building simple or complex electronic circuits; (b) a Java programming environment where the paradigm is behavioural-based robotics, and (c) a differential equation solver useful in modelling of any complex and nonlinear dynamic system. Each student sees a common shared window on which may be added text or graphical objects and which can then be shared online. A built-in chat room supports collaborative dialogue. Students can work either in collaborative groups or else in teams as directed by the tutor. This paper summarises the technical architecture of the system as well as the pedagogical implications of the suite. A report of student evaluation is also presented distilled from use over a period of twelve months. We intend this suite to facilitate learning between groups at one or many institutions and to facilitate international collaboration. We also intend to use the suite as a tool to research the establishment and behaviour of collaborative learning groups. We shall make our software freely available to interested researchers.
En esta investigación pretendemos conocer si las emociones que experimenta el alumnado de Primaria al ser evaluado con rúbrica pueden verse afectadas por la formación y el conocimiento que sobre dicho instrumento se les presupone a sus evaluadores. Por ello, se establece una comparativa entre las emociones que sienten los estudiantes al ser evaluados por profesores (a los que se les reconoce una formación sobre rúbrica) y las que sienten aquellos que son coevaluados por sus iguales o autoevaluados. Un total de 66 alumnos del 2º ciclo de Enseñanza Básica (10 años y 11 años) de Évora (Portugal), que habían tenido experiencia de heteroevaluación, autoevaluación o coevaluación con rúbrica, cumplimentaron un amplio cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que cerca de un 62% de los estudiantes que fueron evaluados por pares o autoevaluados a través de una rúbrica experimentan emociones positivas, frente a un 91 % de aquellos cuyo trabajo fue valorado por profesores utilizando dicho instrumento. En consonancia con este dato, existe mayor probabilidad de experimentar emociones positivas cuando se recibe una evaluación con rúbrica por parte de un maestro que cuando la valoración procede de un igual o de uno mismo. También se ha observado que el porcentaje de estudiantes que experimenta emociones negativas es mayor cuando no son evaluados por el profesor. Además, un 76 % de los alumnos evaluados con rúbrica por los compañeros considera que esta acción puede ayudarles, frente a un 81% de los evaluados por el docente que comparten esta opinión. Por último, cabe destacar la posibilidad de que estos resultados estén mediatizados por la percepción de que una evaluación realizada por un igual no posee la misma calidad que la que lleva a cabo un profesor.
O presente relatório enquadra-se no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, sob a orientação da Professora Doutora Ângela Balça. A reflexão sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem é a temática central deste relatório. Pretendemos refletir sobre as práticas educativas desenvolvidas na Escola Secundária/3 Rainha Santa Isabel, em Estremoz, nas disciplinas de Português e de Espanhol. Com a noção de que o professor deve, permanentemente, refletir sobre todas as suas escolhas pedagógicas, abordaremos os cinco principais aspetos que regulam o desempenho docente: preparação científica, pedagógica e didática; planificação e condução das aulas e avaliação das aprendizagens; análise da prática de ensino; participação na escola e desenvolvimento profissional; Report of Supervised Teaching Practice for the academic year 2015/2016 at the Secondary/3 Rainha Santa Isabel School in Estremoz Abstract: This report was written in the scope of the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice included in the Masters in Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education and of Spanish in the Basic and Secondary Education, under the guidance of Professora Ângela Balça. The main of this written report is to make an attentive reflexion about the teaching-learning process. We intend to reflect on the educational performance carried out over the previous year at Rainha Santa Isabel School, in Portuguese and Spanish language classes. Departing from the concept that the teacher must, constantly, reflect on all His pedagogical choices, we will focus on the main five aspects that regulate the teaching practice – scientific, pedagogical and didactic preparation; planning and development of the lessons, as well as assessment of the learning; analysis of the teaching practice; participation at school activities and professional development.
Evaluation of students undertaking fieldwork education placements is a critical process in the health professions. As training programs and practice evolve, systems for assessing students need to be reviewed and updated constantly. In 1995, staff of the occupational therapy training program at the University of Queensland, Australia decided to develop a new tool for assessing student fieldwork performance. Using an action research methodology, a team developed the Student Placement Evaluation Form, a flexible and comprehensive criterion-referenced evaluation tool. The present paper examines action research as an appropriate methodology for considering real-life organisational problems in a systematic and participatory manner. The action research cycles undertaken, including preliminary information gathering, tool development, trial stages and current use of the tool, are detailed in the report. Current and future development of the tool is also described.
The present prospective study, with a five-year follow-up, presents an extensive psychiatric and educational assessment of an adolescent population (N = 30) in the age range 14-20, suffering from several psychiatric disorders, though apt to follow a normal academic program. The residential settings where the study took place provide both psychiatric and schooling facilities. In this environment, what is the effectiveness of long-term hospitalization? Are there any criteria for predicting results? After discharge, could social adjustments difficulties be prevented? Assessment instruments are described and the results of one preliminary study are presented. The actual data seems to confirm the impact of the special treatment facilities combining schooling and psychiatric settings on the long term outcome of adolescents.
La asignatura troncal “Evaluación Psicológica” de los estudios de Psicología y delestudio de grado “Desarrollo humano en la sociedad de la información” de laUniversidad de Girona consta de 12 créditos según la Ley Orgánica de Universidades.Hasta el año académico 2004-05 el trabajo no presencial del alumno consistía en larealización de una evaluación psicológica que se entregaba por escrito a final de curso yde la cual el estudiante obtenía una calificación y revisión si se solicitaba. En el caminohacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, esta asignatura consta de 9 créditosque equivalen a un total de 255 horas de trabajo presencial y no presencial delestudiante. En los años académicos 2005-06 y 2006-07 se ha creado una guía de trabajopara la gestión de la actividad no presencial con el objetivo de alcanzar aprendizajes anivel de aplicación y solución de problemas/pensamiento crítico (Bloom, 1975)siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitariode Cataluña (2005). La guía incorpora: los objetivos de aprendizaje, los criterios deevaluación, la descripción de las actividades, el cronograma semanal de trabajos paratodo el curso, la especificación de las tutorías programadas para la revisión de losdiversos pasos del proceso de evaluación psicológica y el uso del foro para elconocimiento, análisis y crítica constructiva de las evaluaciones realizadas por loscompañeros
Psychological Assessment is a core subject of Psychology studies, and of the university degree Human development, at the University of Girona and according to the University regulations, had 12 credits. Until the 2005-06 academic years, the student work conducted outside the classroom consisted of undertaking a psychological assessment that was written and handed in at the end of the course. From this the student obtained a qualification and a review if they applied for it In accordance with the European Credits for Higher Education, this subject was reduced to 9 credits, which is the equivalent of a total of 255 hours of in-class work and outside the classroom. In the 2006-07 academic year we created a guide to manage the student’s experiences outside the classroom, with the objective of encouraging the application of problem solving/critical thinking (Bloom, 1975), in line with the recommendations of the Catalonia Agency for University System Quality (2005). The guide includes: learning objectives, evaluation criterions, a description of activities, work week timetable for the whole course, programmed tutorials to review all steps of the psychological assessment process, and the use of a web-based virtual forum for the transfer of knowledge, analysis and constructive critiques of the assessment done by themselves and their colleagues
seventy-eight diploma nursing students participated (from a class of 112 students) in completing the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory administered by mailed questionnaire before and at the end of the preceptorship. Also a rating form was completed by 70 preceptors to determine how the observed level of self-confidence compared to self-reported self-esteem at the end of the preceptorship program. As well, four preceptors and five preceptees completed weekly diaries and six preceptors and six preceptees participated in weekly phone interviews with the investigator. Overall, self-esteem went up after the preceptorship. A comparison was made between the pretest and posttest using the t-test (dependent paired samples). Significant difference (p=.05) was demonstrated. Self-confidence ratings by preceptors were inaccurate as they had no relation to the self-reported self-esteem level of students. The diaries and interviews of preceptors and preceptees were a rich source of data as well.
There is a body of literature that suggests that student self-assessment is a main goal in higher education (Boud et al., 1995; Tan, 2008); moreover new forms of work organization require a high level of skills and competences. The efforts to deal with competence gaps could be developed at many levels, such as employers, educational institutions, individuals and public agents. Employers could put into practice competence development programs to moderate these gaps. Educational institutions can restructure the curriculum to support students in attaining the competences that are essential in the labour market. Individuals themselves may deploy their resources (time and money) in general or specific competence training. Further, government agencies could fund competence promotion programs. Such challenges for education drive change in learning curricula and method, to properly include the competences required for developing global workers who can move beyond basic competence, to enhanced flexibility and adaptability. In performance assessment methods, there is a shift from the traditional exam-based assessments to more innovative task assessment, which considers performance in multiple different tasks carry out by students. ICTs make it technologically feasible to carry out a complete and complex selfassessment of competences, which provides immediate results to students or other recipients. In the case of students, the evaluation of competences is relevant as developing competences is part - if not all - of the objectives of education. Therefore, it is an important element of the quality of educational organizations (e.g., universities), and of their organizational success. Further, educational organizations may put special emphasis on some differentiating competences, which can be a means of positioning and differentiation from competitors. Competence assessment is an instrument to make students conscious of their strengths and weaknesses, leading to higher motivation to develop their own learning career
La asignatura troncal “Evaluación Psicológica” de los estudios de Psicología y del estudio de grado “Desarrollo humano en la sociedad de la información” de la Universidad de Girona consta de 12 créditos según la Ley Orgánica de Universidades. Hasta el año académico 2004-05 el trabajo no presencial del alumno consistía en la realización de una evaluación psicológica que se entregaba por escrito a final de curso y de la cual el estudiante obtenía una calificación y revisión si se solicitaba. En el camino hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, esta asignatura consta de 9 créditos que equivalen a un total de 255 horas de trabajo presencial y no presencial del estudiante. En los años académicos 2005-06 y 2006-07 se ha creado una guía de trabajo para la gestión de la actividad no presencial con el objetivo de alcanzar aprendizajes a nivel de aplicación y solución de problemas/pensamiento crítico (Bloom, 1975) siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Cataluña (2005). La guía incorpora: los objetivos de aprendizaje, los criterios de evaluación, la descripción de las actividades, el cronograma semanal de trabajos para todo el curso, la especificación de las tutorías programadas para la revisión de los diversos pasos del proceso de evaluación psicológica y el uso del foro para el conocimiento, análisis y crítica constructiva de las evaluaciones realizadas por los compañeros
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