99 resultados para silkworm


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Administration of chloromycetin has been found to enhance the oxygen uptake of the gut of the silkworm. The possibility that this increase might have been due to a thinning of the gut wall has been ruled out since the reduction in gut weight set in much later. Although glucose ultilization by the gut has been found to be increased in vitro, increase in oxygen uptake has not been affected in the presence of glucose. The possibility of a hormonal stimulation has been discussed.


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The nature and extent of the influence of chloromycetin on larval digestion and utilization of the principal dietary constituents-the proteins, fats, and minerals-was studied. The antibiotic was shown to influence favourably the utilization of all the constituents studied. The results have been discussed in the light of these and other findings.


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The transport of glycine in vitro into the silk glands of the silkworm has been studied. Glycine accumulates inside the tissue to a concentration higher than that present outside, indicating an active transport mechanism. The kinetics of uptake show a biphasic curve and two apparent Km values for accumulation, 0.33 mM and 5.00 mM. The effect of inhibitors on the energy metabolism of glycine transport is inconclusive. Exchange studies indicate the existence of two pools inside the gland, one that is easily removed by exchange and osmotic shock, and the other which is not. The results obtained conform with the carrier model of Britten and McClure concerning the amino-acid pool in E. coli.


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The silk glands of mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori are endoreplicating tissues in which the genomic DNA undergoes multiple rounds of replication without mitosis and nuclear division. In the absence of normal mitotic division, the cell cycle essentially alternates between the G1 and S phases. Cyclin E is crucial for the G1/S transition in both mitotic and endoreplicating cycles. We have cloned and characterized cyclin E (cyclin box) from B. mori, which is nearly identical to the Drosophila cyclin E box except for an insertion of 21 amino acids. Two distinct cyclin E transcripts (1.7 and 2.1 kb) were detected in the silk-gland cells of B. mori and in the B. mori-derived embryonic cell line, BmN. Using anti Cyclin E antibodies two protein bands of 52 and 44 kDa were detected in silk glands and BmN cells at Comparable levels. Both BmN- and the silk-gland cells showed the presence of the interacting kinase Cdk2. Transcripts of the mitotic cyclin, cyclin B, were barely detectable in the endoreplicating silk-gland cells and amounted to only 4-7% of that seen in the mitotically dividing BmN cells. The near absence of cyclin B transcripts and the abundant expression of cyclin E in the silk glands correlate well with the alternation of only G1 and S phases without the intervening mitosis in these cells. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The DNA content in the silk glands of the non-mulberry silkworm Philosamia ricini increases continuously during the fourth and fifth instars of larval development indicating high levels of DNA replication in this terminally differentiated tissue. Concomitantly, the DNA polymerase alpha activity also increases in the middle and the posterior silk glands during development, reaching maximal levels in the middle of the fifth larval instar. A comparable level of DNA polymerase delta/epsilon was also observed in this highly replicative tissue. The DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex from the silk glands of P. ricini has been purified to homogeneity by conventional column chromatography as well as by immunoaffinity techniques. The molecular mass of the native enzyme is 560 kDa and the enzyme comprises six non-identical subunits. The identity of the enzyme as DNA polymerase alpha has been established by its sensitivity to inhibitors such as aphidicolin, N-ethylmaleimide, butylphenyl-dGTP, butylanilino-dATP and antibodies to polymerase alpha. The enzyme possesses primase activity capable of initiating DNA synthesis on single-stranded DNA templates. The tight association of polymerase and primase activities at a constant ratio of 6:1 is observed through all the purification steps. The 180 kDa subunit harbours the polymerase activity, while the primase activity is associated with the 45 kDa subunit.


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As a prelude to achieving transgenesis in Bombyx mori, conditions have been established for successful microinjection of cloned foreign genes into the silk worm eggs. A sharpened metallic needle is used to pierce the thick chorion layer of the eggsheil, approaching through a droplet of DNA solution deposited on its surface. The microinjection is carried out within 2-2.5 h after oviposition and the injected eggs show 3-5% hatchability and 80-90% survival. Such larvae continuously expressed the microinjected cloned reporter gene, beta-galactosidase, placed under the control of a constitutively expressed cytoplasmic actin A3 gene promoter from B. mori. The expression is seen in different tissues, viz. the fat body, tracheae and the silk glands, till the late larval instars. The microinjected DNA sequences are retained in the adult G(o) moths.


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Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV)-based baculovirus expression system exploits silkworm larvae as an economical alternative to large-scale cell cultures for production of biomolecules. To generate recombinant BmNPV at high efficiency, we have achieved high efficiency transfection of B. mori cells, BmN, through lipofection. Optimal conditions for lipofection were standardized by quantification of the transient expression level of firefly luciferase (luc) reporter gene under control of an immediate early gene promoter of BmNPV Lipofection was 50-fold and 100-fold more efficient than the calcium phosphate method for transfecting BmN and Sf9 cells, respectively. Lipofection enabled us to generate a recombinant BmNPV (vBmluc), harboring luc under control of the strong polyhedrin promoter On infection with vBmluc, luciferase was expressed at very high levels, 170 mu g/10(6) BmN cells or 13 mg/larva. Expression of luciferase in vBmluc-infected larvae was visualized by luminescence emission instantaneously following luciferin injection generating ''glowing silkworms''.


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Fractionation of nuclear extracts from posterior silk glands of mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori. resolved the transcription factor TFIIIC into two components (designated here as TFIIIC and TFIIIC1) as in HeLa cell nuclear extracts. The reconstituted transcription of tRNA genes required the presence of both components. The affinity purified TFIIIC is a heteromeric complex comprising of five subunits ranging from 44 to 240 kDa. Of these, the 51-kDa subunit could be specifically crosslinked to the B box of tRNA(1)(Gly). Purified swTFIIIC binds to the B box sequences with an affinity in the same range as of yTFIIIC or hTFIIIC2. Although an histone acetyl transferase (HAT) activity was associated with the TFIIIC fractions during the initial stages of purification. the HAT activity, unlike the human TFIIIC preparations, was separated at the final DNA affinity step. The tRNA transcription from DNA template was independent of HAT activity but the repressed transcription from chromatin template could be partially restored by external supplementation of the dissociated HAT activity. This is the first report on the purification and characterization of TFIIIC from insect systems.


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A homologue of the segment polarity gene Cubitus interruptus from Bombyx Mori, (BmCi) has been cloned and characterized. This region harbouring Zn2+ finger motif is highly conserved across species. In B. Mori, BmCi RNA expression was first detected at stage 6 of embryogenesis, which reached maximum levels at stage 21C and was maintained until larval hatching. The segmentally reiterated striped pattern of transcript distribution in stage 21C embryos was in conformity with its predicted segment polarity nature. BmCi was expressed in the fore- and hind-wing discs, ovaries, testes and gut during fifth larval intermolt, reminiscent of its expression domains in Drosophila. Besides, BmCi expression was seen in the. anterior part of the middle silkglands in late embryonic stages, and this pattern was maintained during larval development. The transition from third to fourth and fifth larval intermolts was accompanied by an increase in the transcript levels in the middle silkglands. Our results demonstrate the presence of a novel expression domain for Ci in Bombyx. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A partial genomic clone of Bombyx mori homologue of the segment polarity gene Cubitus interruptus (BmCi), encoding the conserved zinc finger domain and harbouring two introns, has been characterized. BmCi was expressed in the silkglands of B. mori from embryonic to the late larval stages(3rd, 4th and 5th intermoults). The expression was confined to the anterior region of the middle silkglands, overlapping with the domain of sericin-2 expression and excluding the domains of Bm invected expression, namely the middle and posterior regions of the middle silkglands. In the wing discs, the expression was restricted to the anterior compartment, which increased from 4th to 5th larval intermoults and declined later in the pupal wing buds. In gonadal tissues (both ovaries and testes) BmCi was expressed from the larval to pupal stages. The transcripts were localized to the sperm tubes containing spermatogonia in the testis of Bombyx larvae. BmCi expression, however, was not detected in any of these tissues during the moulting stages. Expression of Ci in the wing discs and gonads is evolutionarily conserved, while the silkgland represents a novel domain. Our results imply that BmCi is involved in the specification and maintenance of micro-compartment identity within the middle silkglands.


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Epigenetic regulation in insects may have effects on diverse biological processes. Here we survey the methylome of a model insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori, at single-base resolution using Illumina high-throughput bisulfite sequencing (MethylC-Seq). We conservatively estimate that 0.11% of genomic cytosines are methylcytosines, all of which probably occur in CG dinucleotides. CG methylation is substantially enriched in gene bodies and is positively correlated with gene expression levels, suggesting it has a positive role in gene transcription. We find that transposable elements, promoters and ribosomal DNAs are hypomethylated, but in contrast, genomic loci matching small RNAs in gene bodies are densely methylated. This work contributes to our understanding of epigenetics in insects, and in contrast to previous studies of the highly methylated genomes of Arabidopsis(1) and human(2), demonstrates a strategy for sequencing the epigenomes of organisms such as insects that have low levels of methylation.