951 resultados para short circuit currents
[ES]Este trabajo se basa en la aplicación de distintas metodologías (norma europea, método fácil y norma americana) para la obtención de las corrientes de cortocircuito en un sistema eléctrico de baja tensión, de forma que se sepa de antemano el valor de dichas corrientes en cualquier punto del circuito para el correcto dimensionamiento de los dispositivos de protección a emplear.
We have prepared single crystalline SnO2 and ZnO nanowires and polycrystalline TiO2 nanotubes (1D networks) as well as nanoparticle-based films (3D networks) from the same materials to be used as photoanodes for solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells. In general, superior photovoltaic performance can be achieved from devices based on 3-dimensional networks, mostly due to their higher short circuit currents. To further characterize the fabricated devices, the electronic properties of the different networks were measured via the transient photocurrent and photovoltage decay techniques. Nanowire-based devices exhibit extremely high, light independent electron transport rates while recombination dynamics remain unchanged. This indicates, contrary to expectations, a decoupling of transport and recombination dynamics. For typical nanoparticle-based photoanodes, the devices are usually considered electron-limited due to the poor electron transport through nanocrystalline titania networks. In the case of the nanowire-based devices, the system becomes limited by the organic hole transporter used. In the case of polycrystalline TiO2 nanotube-based devices, we observe lower transport rates and higher recombination dynamics than their nanoparticle-based counterparts, suggesting that in order to improve the electron transport properties of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, single crystalline structures should be used. These findings should aid future design of photoanodes based on nanowires or porous semiconductors with extended crystallinity to be used in dye-sensitized solar cells. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Although conventional rotating machines have been largely used to drive underground transportation systems, linear induction motors are also being considered for future applications owing to their indisputable advantages. A mathematical model for the transient behavior analysis of linear induction motors, when operating with constant r.m.s. currents, is presented in this paper. Operating conditions, like phase short-circuit and input frequency variations and also some design characteristics, such as air-gap and secondary resistivity variations, can be considered by means of this modeling. The basis of the mathematical modeling is presented. Experimental results obtained in the laboratory are compared with the corresponding simulations and discussed in this paper.
Here a multiobjective performance index for distribution systems with distributed generation based on a steady-state analysis of the network is proposed. This index quantifies the distributed generation impact on total losses, voltage profile and short circuit currents, and will be used as objective function in an evolutionary algorithm aimed at searching the best points for connecting distributed generators. Moreover, a loss allocation technique, based on the Zbus method, is applied on the original configuration of the network to obtain a good quality initial population. An IEEE medium voltage distribution network is analysed and results are presented and discussed.
This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming approach to solving the problem of optimal type, size and allocation of distributed generators (DGs) in radial distribution systems. In the proposed formulation, (a) the steady-state operation of the radial distribution system, considering different load levels, is modeled through linear expressions; (b) different types of DGs are represented by their capability curves; (c) the short-circuit current capacity of the circuits is modeled through linear expressions; and (d) different topologies of the radial distribution system are considered. The objective function minimizes the annualized investment and operation costs. The use of a mixed-integer linear formulation guarantees convergence to optimality using existing optimization software. The results of one test system are presented in order to show the accuracy as well as the efficiency of the proposed solution technique.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Reatores elétricos utilizados em subestações de energia têm funções específicas na operacionalização e manutenção da funcionalidade destas instalações, sendo equipamentos aplicados ao controle de reativos, de correntes de curto circuito e surtos de manobra em sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica. Detectou-se que alguns reatores em funcionamento apresentaram elevados níveis de vibração estrutural. Dois destes reatores operam na subestação da cidade de Rurópolis, situada a oeste do estado do Pará. Outro problema decorrente do elevado nível de vibração destas estruturas é a geração de pontos quentes no núcleo eletromagnético do reator, podendo gerar bolhas de gases altamente inflamáveis. A existência destes problemas operacionais pode ocasionar ao Sistema de Transmissão do Norte do Brasil interrupções na transmissão de energia elétrica. Isto geraria na região Norte e em outras interligadas (Nordeste, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste) elevados prejuízos sociais e financeiros. A aplicação de ferramentas para a minimização do problema vibro-acústico (redução dos níveis vibração e, por conseguinte, ruído) pode evitar danos estruturais e operacionais que resultem na sua indisponibilidade operativa reduzindo, conseqüentemente, perdas e a necessidade do desenvolvimento de equipamentos de custo elevado com baixos índices de vibração. No intuito de se reduzir tais níveis, propõe-se à aplicação de absorvedores dinâmicos na estrutura externa dos reatores. Uma vez dimensionados em quantidade, posição e parâmetros definidores (massa, rigidez e amortecimento) espera-se criar um sistema, que sintonizado com a freqüência da excitação de natureza eletromagnética, absorverá parte da energia vibratória do reator, minimizando-se, os elevados índices detectados e, por conseqüência, todos os problemas subseqüentes. São indicados compostos viscoelásticos nos absorvedores dinâmicos (com propriedades dinâmicas dependentes tanto da temperatura como da freqüência de trabalho), em virtude de estes materiais aumentarem o campo de ação dos absorvedores, adequando-se à elevada densidade modal verificada nas chaparias metálicas do reator.
Overcurrents may endanger the whole electrical system and living beings, they are the result of short circuits and failures that can occur in electrical systems, no matter how well designed they are. Therefore it is important to predict these failures with analysis of electrical systems to make it possible to design appropriate protections, to ensure that those intervene properly and avoid technical and mainly human losses. However there is no standard for calculation of the short circuit currents, the main authors of the national literature about the subject suggest various methods, knowing the particularities among them provides quick and easy choice and proper application of them. To do so, a base case from an electrical system that presents a short circuit is chosen, which will be analyzed using the methods presented
This paper describes the practical design of a portable capacitive load based on insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), which is used to measure the I–V characteristics of PV arrays with short-circuit currents up to 80 A and open circuit voltages up to 800 V. Such measurement allows on-site characterization of PV arrays under real operating conditions and also provides information for the detection of potential array anomalies, such as broken cells or defective connections. The presented I–V load is easy to reproduce and low-cost, characteristics that are within the reach of small-scale organizations involved in PV electrification projects.
This paper presents results of the validity study of the use of MATLAB/Simulink synchronous-machine block for power-system stability studies. Firstly, the waveforms of the theoretical synchronous-generator short-circuit currents are described. Thereafter, the comparison between the currents obtained through the simulation model in the sudden short-circuit test, are compared to the theoretical ones. Finally, the factory tests of two commercial generating units are compared to the response of the synchronous generator simulation block during sudden short-circuit, set with the same real data, with satisfactory results. This results show the validity of the use of this generator block for power plant simulation.
Com o objetivo de orientar e agilizar a busca do local de curto circuitos em redes primárias aéreas de distribuição de energia, esta pesquisa propõe uma metodologia para localização de áreas com maior probabilidade de ser sede do defeito, utilizando variáveis Heurísticas. A metodologia Heurística se aplica em problemas que envolvem variáveis com incertezas, que podem ser avaliadas por meio de recursos empíricos e na experiência de especialistas. Dentre as variáveis influentes no cálculo de curto circuito, foram consideradas como mais relevantes: a resistência de defeito, a tensão pré falta, a impedância do sistema equivalente a montante da subestação e a impedância da rede. A metodologia proposta se fundamenta no conhecimento das correntes e tensões oscilografadas no barramento da subestação por ocasião da ocorrência de um curto circuito e, por outro lado no pré-calculo de correntes de curto circuito heurísticas ao longo da rede. No âmbito da pesquisa foram realizados testes de campo para levantamento da variável heurística resistência de defeito, resumidos neste texto e documentados no CD - ROM em anexo. Foi desenvolvido um software que permitiu a efetiva aplicação da proposta desta pesquisa em vários alimentadores de uma Distribuidora, cujos resultados comprovaram a eficiência da metodologia.
Esta dissertação tem por propósito analisar os impactos da geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e sobre a proteção das redes de média tensão das concessionárias de distribuição de energia elétrica usando uma abordagem paramétrica. A principal motivação deste trabalho são os recentes incentivos regulatórios que estão fomentando a geração distribuída no Brasil. Contudo, as redes de distribuição convencionais foram projetadas para serem passivas e a introdução da geração poderá causar problemas de ordem técnica que ainda precisam ser resolvidos. Tais problemas foram pesquisados e aqueles relacionados com os impactos sobre as correntes de curto-circuito foram enfatizados. As normas técnicas das concessionárias também foram investigadas porque seus requisitos, como a ligação dos transformadores de acoplamento, influem nas correntes de curto-circuito. Para se calcular as correntes de curto-circuito, desenvolveu-se uma planilha eletrônica cujos resultados foram validados com programas comerciais de análise de redes elétricas. Esta ferramenta foi utilizada para demonstrar, através de exemplos, o impacto causado pela geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e, posteriormente, para realizar as análises paramétricas nas quais a influência de cada variável foi avaliada. A aplicação do método paramétrico permitiu o estudo de possíveis limites para a potência de um gerador distribuído em função dos impactos admissíveis, de seu ponto de conexão, de seus parâmetros elétricos e dos parâmetros elétricos da rede.
Protective relaying comprehends several procedures and techniques focused on maintaining the power system working safely during and after undesired and abnormal network conditions, mostly caused by faulty events. Overcurrent relay is one of the oldest protective relays, its operation principle is straightforward: when the measured current is greater than a specified magnitude the protection trips; less variables are required from the system in comparison with other protections, causing the overcurrent relay to be the simplest and also the most difficult protection to coordinate; its simplicity is reflected in low implementation, operation, and maintenance cost. The counterpart consists in the increased tripping times offered by this kind of relays mostly before faults located far from their location; this problem can be particularly accentuated when standardized inverse-time curves are used or when only maximum faults are considered to carry out relay coordination. These limitations have caused overcurrent relay to be slowly relegated and replaced by more sophisticated protection principles, it is still widely applied in subtransmission, distribution, and industrial systems. In this work, the use of non standardized inverse-time curves, the model and implementation of optimization algorithms capable to carry out the coordination process, the use of different levels of short circuit currents, and the inclusion of distance relays to replace insensitive overcurrent ones are proposed methodologies focused on the overcurrent relay performance improvement. These techniques may transform the typical overcurrent relay into a more sophisticated one without changing its fundamental principles and advantages. Consequently a more secure and still economical alternative can be obtained, increasing its implementation area
The objective of this paper is to show a methodology to estimate transmission line parameters. The method is applied in a single-phase transmission line using the method of least squares. In this method the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the line are obtained as a function of a set of measurements of currents and voltages (as well as their derivatives with respect to time) at the terminals of the line during the occurrence of a short-circuit phase-ground near the load. The method is based on the assumption that a transmission line can be represented by a single circuit π. The results show that the precision of the method depends on the length of the line, where it has a better performance for short lines and medium length. © 2012 IEEE.