859 resultados para shared leadership, teamwork


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The “Logoplaste: Conquering the world one bottle at a time” case is based on the real story of the Botton family and their journey to build the globally known company Logoplaste. Famous for its “hole in the wall” strategy within the plastics industry, Logoplaste is not only one of the major plastic bottles manufacturers in the world, but also a company which has been proving us that a shared leadership system can be successful within a family business. This case intendeds to demonstrate the dynamics of a family business, illustrating the complexity of the decision making process and how they have successfully mastered dual management in a family firm. Moreover, it also aims to demonstrate that a family firm can be managed in such way that sustainable growth, as a key pillar, can be enabled through a strong focus on internationalization and innovation. A teaching note is available at the end of the case in order to guide students and teachers in their readings. Discussions questions, for debate in class environment, are also provided together with suggested answers drawn together to increase the critical sense and theoretical application of the themes studied in class.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä tavoin viestintäteknologian kehitys, globalisaatio sekä organisaatiomuodot ovat suhteessa keskenään sekä miten ne vaikuttavat esimiestyöhön hajautuneessa organisaatiossa. Tutkimuskohteena olivat kymmenen eri asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa esimiesasemassa työskentelevää henkilöä. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisin tutkimusmenetelmin. Tutkimusaineisto hankittiin puolistrukturoitujen teemahaastattelujen sekä avoimien haastatteluiden avulla. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakennettiin hajautuneen organisaation määrittelyn ohella johtamisteorioista sekä organisaation viestinnän teorioista. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella hajautuneet organisaatiomuodot yleistyvät uusille toimialoille ja työaika ja –paikka käsitteet muuttuvat. Esimiestyö on sosiaalinen prosessi. Vuorovaikutteinen ja päätösvaltaa jakava esimiestyö on tehokkaan ja joustavan organisaation edellytys. Verkostoituminen on yleistynyt ja on organisaatioiden kannalta järkevämpi tapa saada tarvittava osaaminen käyttöön kuin rekrytoiminen. Tutkimuksen mukaan organisaatiot pyrkivät edesauttamaan verkostoitumista mahdollistamalla työajasta ja –paikasta riippumattoman työn tekemisen. Useimmat organisatioissa käyettävät sovellukset ja järjestelmät toimivat tietoliikenneverkon kautta tai pilvipalveluissa. Työntekijöitä kannustetaan voimakkaasti muodostamaan sekä löytämään omaa ja organisaation osaamista tukevia osaamiskeskuksia. Lisäksi tutkimus vahvistaa aiempien tutkimustulosten mukaisesti, että nykymuotoinen esimiestyö ei toimi työaikaja työpaikkarajoituksista vapautuneessa, hajautuneissa organisaatioissa. Tämän vaikutuksesta myös alaisten rooli muuttuu hajautuneissa organisaatioissa.


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La obtención de una ventaja competitiva, el desarrollo, el crecimiento, la perdurabilidad, entre otros, son los aspectos que buscan las organizaciones a través de las estrategias que se definen. Sin embargo, no es suficiente con diseñar las metas y los objetivos que se quieren alcanzar, es necesario aterrizar estos propósitos en planes de acción e involucrar a todos los miembros de la organización, lo cual se consigue a través de la implantación de la estrategia. En este sentido, la etapa de implantación de la estrategia en una organización, da curso al camino establecido en la etapa de formulación de la estrategia, por lo tanto, se relaciona directamente con su éxito o su fracaso. No obstante, este proceso no depende de algunos pocos miembros de la organización, de directivos o de funcionarios, sino que depende de la buena sincronización y armonía de todos aquellos que hacen parte de ella. La presente investigación a través de la revisión teórica y de evidencias empíricas, busca poner de manifiesto la incidencia de dos aspectos clave en la organización sobre la implantación de la estrategia, por un lado, los líderes, a partir de sus competencias interpersonales y por otro el capital humano, a partir de sus valores. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que tanto las competencias del líder como los valores del capital humano son determinantes para la adecuada implantación de la estrategia organizacional.


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Este trabalho pretende identificar as alterações introduzidas pela atribuição de competências resultantes da celebração do Contrato de Autonomia numa escola secundária com 3ºciclo e reflectir sobre o reforço da autonomia e da capacidade de intervenção dos órgãos de direcção para melhorar a eficácia da execução das medidas de política educativa e da prestação do serviço público de educação. Para isso realizamos entrevistas para conhecer as percepções e as atitudes de alguns intervenientes directos, nomeadamente dos elementos da comissão de acompanhamento local, director da escola e alguns docentes envolvidos nos diferentes órgãos de gestão. A atribuição de autonomia à escola visa dotá-la de uma capacidade de decisão e organização interna de forma a ser capaz de responder em tempo útil aos desafios que a comunidade local coloca. Não parece que tenha sido isso que aconteceu, pelo menos na perspectiva dos entrevistados. Para que um contrato de autonomia produza os seus verdadeiros efeitos, ele não pode ser imposto. Sendo certo que cada escola tem as suas particularidades, pode-se todavia estabelecer um conjunto de condições consideradas essenciais entre as quais: projecto educativo eficaz e eficiente, internalizado pela comunidade escolar, um corpo docente estável, lideranças assertivas e partilhadas.


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Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur ledare hanterar situationer där medarbetares privata problem inverkar negativt på arbetet för både arbetsgivare och övriga medarbetare. För att få svar på det har vi inspirerats av vinjettstudie som utgår från diskussioner av fiktiva fall. Vi har genomfört studien med fyra enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer och en fokusgruppsintervju där vi först introducerade respondenterna med vinjetterna. Deltagarna till undersökningen valdes ut genom ett subjektivt urval där vi riktade in oss på ledare, angående vilken organisation de tillhörde var av mindre vikt. I teoridelen introducerades teorierna ledarskap, medarbetarskap, individen i gruppen, ekonomi, hälsa, lagar, organisationskultur och föreskrifter samt försäkringskassans roll. Resultatet analyserades sedan mot teorierna och vi kan konstatera att respondenterna generellt menade att det var viktigt att prioritera kommunikation och relationer. Betydelsefullt var att relationerna etablerades innan problemen uppstår eftersom det anses vara svårt att skapa relationer i konfliktfyllda lägen. Tiden har betydelse vid hantering av problem av den orsaken att gränsen för vad som är acceptabelt förflyttas med tidens gång. Beroende på problem varierade graden av toleransnivå hos chefer och övriga medarbetare i vår undersökning. Resultatet visade att gränsen för privatlivets påverkan på arbetslivet går när arbetet blir misskött och när kunder och andra medarbetare påverkas. Utifrån ett genusperspektiv ansåg intervjupersonerna att det saknade betydelse om chefen var en man eller kvinna när det handlade om att hantera problem som uppkom, det ansågs vara personligt.


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This paper focuses on the importance of internal communication within the journalism departments of regional Brazilian open television networks. This research shows that these professionals recognized that communication can improve relationship among staff and journalistic performance. However, just one of the companies researched invests in internal communication management. The present study also reveals many challenges which influence internal communication, relationship, and the journalistic work in these companies, such as: lean teams, interferences from other areas in the journalistic writing, lack of formal network of communication, competition among members of the team, the journalist's professional profile, need for shared leadership and internal communication policies and information management.


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This study aimed at understanding the role played by nurses in managing a team in the Family Health Strategy (ESF) in relation to competences and skills practiced and developed in their everyday work and the difficulties found to perform their duties based on these professionals’ perceptions. Data were collected by means of focus groups with seven nurses in 2006 and then submitted to content analysis, which disclosed five themes: The context of the coordination of multidisciplinary teams in the Family Health Strategy, factors involved in the daily work in the ESF, conflicts experienced in the interface between teamwork and central coordination in the ESF, difficulties of the population towards the new model of care coordinated by the nurse, the perceived competence to exercise leadership in coordinating multidisciplinary teams. Results showed work overload, overlapping of tasks and lack of training. These professionals have been evaluated according to the logic of their work organization by productivity and not by the quality of their actions. Hence, they feel devalued professionally. They pointed out technical and scientific knowledge as an important competence attached to relational practices. There is a need to create formal opportunities to discuss the major difficulties found by the nurses managing multiprofessional teams when experiencing such management.


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Author: Jeanice Kerr Swift Title: REALIZING SUSTAINED SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Advisor: Dr. Kent Seidel and Dr. Linda Brookhart Degree Date: June, 2011 Developing effective methods for improving America's schools is dependent upon coordinated work of practitioners and researchers. School improvement proves a complicated, confusing and most often troubled process; one characterized by the unprecedented challenges of dramatic societal shift, increasing levels of student need, and ongoing involvement from political and governmental influences. The drive to discover better ways to consistently improve schools is fueled by urgency for dramatic results. This research examines both the macro and the micro levels of the school improvement process and illuminates the need for an intentional new way of thinking and leading. At the macro level, the study examined the need for implementing a systems approach to improve America's schools. The study explored a single school's improvement journey. This work aligned individual and group perceptions of staff members alongside student achievement outcome data framed against the findings in the literature. The study rendered themes from within the reflected experiences of participant educators; the work pointed to the need for an improved social technology, the importance of teams, and shared leadership in the orchestrating of successful school improvement processes, particularly the essential roles of collective listening, learning, and leading to realize transformed outcomes for schools.


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This paper reports a qualitative study of the practice of leadership in Catholic schools to ascertain the perceptions of lay principals, who as positional leaders play a critical role in embracing and creatively rebuilding the Catholic vision of life within the reality that the Catholic school principalship is now a ministry of the laity. The methodology included semi-structured interviews, field notes, reflexive journals, direct observation, and document nalysis. The study examined both individual human behaviour and the structure of the social order in Catholic schools. The findings point towards successful leadership in Catholic schools being highly influenced by the cultural and spiritual capital that a principal brings to a school signifying a fundamental importance of appointing principals who are not only professionally competent but spiritually as well. In an era of unprecedented social, educational and ecclesial change, and with an ever widening role description, lay principals are challenged to redefine and re-articulate their Catholic character and identity, and will need to look for new ways to make this explicit. Embracing a new leadership paradigm of shared leadership, the preparation and on-going formation of lay principals were identified as critical for the continuance of the Catholic school’s distinctive mission in the future.


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National guidance and clinical guidelines recommended multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) for cancer services in order to bring specialists in relevant disciplines together, ensure clinical decisions are fully informed, and to coordinate care effectively. However, the effectiveness of cancer teams was not previously evaluated systematically. A random sample of 72 breast cancer teams in England was studied (548 members in six core disciplines), stratified by region and caseload. Information about team constitution, processes, effectiveness, clinical performance, and members' mental well-being was gathered using appropriate instruments. Two input variables, team workload (P=0.009) and the proportion of breast care nurses (P=0.003), positively predicted overall clinical performance in multivariate analysis using a two-stage regression model. There were significant correlations between individual team inputs, team composition variables, and clinical performance. Some disciplines consistently perceived their team's effectiveness differently from the mean. Teams with shared leadership of their clinical decision-making were most effective. The mental well-being of team members appeared significantly better than in previous studies of cancer clinicians, the NHS, and the general population. This study established that team composition, working methods, and workloads are related to measures of effectiveness, including the quality of clinical care. © 2003 Cancer Research UK.


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The current era of American Christianity marks the transition from a Western, white-dominated U.S. Evangelicalism to an ethnically diverse demographic for evangelicalism. Despite this increasing diversity, U.S. Evangelicalism has demonstrated a stubborn inability to address the entrenched assumption of white supremacy. The 1970s witnessed the rise in prominence of Evangelicalism in the United States. At the same time, the era witnessed a burgeoning movement of African-American evangelicals, who often experienced marginalization from the larger movement. What factors prevented the integration between two seemingly theologically compatible movements? How do these factors impact the challenge of integration and reconciliation in the changing demographic reality of early twenty-first Evangelicalism?

The question is examined through the unpacking of the diseased theological imagination rooted in U.S. Evangelicalism. The theological categories of Creation, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, and Ecclesiology are discussed to determine specific deficiencies that lead to assumptions of white supremacy. The larger history of U.S. Evangelicalism and the larger story of the African-American church are explored to provide a context for the unique expression of African-American evangelicalism in the last third of the twentieth century. Through the use of primary sources — personal interviews, archival documents, writings by principals, and private collection documents — the specific history of African-American evangelicals in the 1960s and 1970s is described. The stories of the National Black Evangelical Association, Tom Skinner, John Perkins, and Circle Church provide historical snapshots that illuminate the relationship between the larger U.S. Evangelical movement and African-American evangelicals.

Various attempts at integration and shared leadership were made in the 1970s as African-American evangelicals engaged with white Evangelical institutions. However, the failure of these attempts point to the challenges to diversity for U.S. Evangelicalism and the failure of the Evangelical theological imagination. The diseased theological imagination of U.S. Evangelical Christianity prevented engagement with the needed challenge of African American evangelicalism, resulting in dysfunctional racial dynamics evident in twenty-first century Evangelical Christianity. The historical problem of situating African American evangelicals reveals the theological problem of white supremacy in U.S. Evangelicalism.


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Policymakers make many demands of our schools to produce academic success. At the same time, community organizations, government agencies, faith-based institutions, and other groups often are providing support to students and their families, especially those from high-poverty backgrounds, that are meant to impact education but are often insufficient, uncoordinated, or redundant. In many cases, these institutions lack access to schools and school leaders. What’s missing from the dominant education reform discourse is a coordinated education-focused approach that mobilizes community assets to effectively improve academic and developmental outcomes for students. This study explores how education-focused comprehensive community change initiatives (CCIs) that utilize a partnership approach are organized and sustained. In this study, I examine three research questions: 1. Why and how do school system-level community change initiative (CCI) partnerships form? 2. What are the organizational, financial, and political structures that support sustainable CCIs? What, in particular, are their connections to the school systems they seek to impact? 3. What are the leadership functions and structures found within CCIs? How are leadership functions distributed across schools and agencies within communities? To answer these questions, I used a cross-case study approach that employed a secondary data analysis of data that were collected as part of a larger research study sponsored by a national organization. The original study design included site visits and extended interviews with educators, community leaders and practitioners about community school initiatives, one type of CCI. This study demonstrates that characteristics of sustained education-focused CCIs include leaders that are critical to starting the CCIs and are willing to collaborate across institutions, a focus on community problems, building on previous efforts, strategies to improve service delivery, a focus on education and schools in particular, organizational arrangements that create shared leadership and ownership for the CCI, an intermediary to support the initial vision and collaborative leadership groups, diversified funding approaches, and political support. These findings add to the literature about the growing number of education-focused CCIs. The study’s primary recommendation—that institutions need to work across boundaries in order to sustain CCIs organizationally, financially, and politically—can help policymakers as they develop new collaborative approaches to achieving educational goals.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica


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El objetivo del presente artículo es profundizar en los conceptos de liderazgo responsable y responsabilidad social empresarial, basándose en un marco referencial y bibliográfico pertinente para la investigación. Para ello, se realizó una exhaustiva búsqueda de referencias bibliográficas, tales como artículos científicos, publicaciones académicas y estudios de caso, que ayudaron a dar un acercamiento conceptual al tema principal. Se encontraron diferentes aproximaciones conceptuales sobre el liderazgo responsable y la importancia que tiene en términos de responsabilidad social, algunas teorías del liderazgo, estilos de liderazgo responsable, la satisfacción laboral y por ultimo una serie de casos empresariales que ponen estos conceptos en práctica.


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This paper presents the different initial challenges, work processes, team formation and learning content obtained by researchers of the interdisciplinary team of the project called Proyecto Perfiles, Dinámicas y Desafíos de la Educación Costarricense (Profiles, Dynamics and Challenges of the Costa Rican Education) of Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE) (Research and Teaching Center), from Universidad Nacional, in its third phase. There will be an analysis showing how cooperative work and shared leadership as a team made a successful impact in the research process.