1000 resultados para sexual segregation


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Um total de 4824 Mustelus schmitti foi amostrado. As fêmeas apresentaram comprimento total de 25-93 cm na primavera e 28-90 cm no verão enquanto os machos apresentaram 34-82 e de 28-77 cm, respectivamente. A composição de comprimentos da população mostrou diferenças significativas entre primavera e verão sendo as fêmeas maiores do que os machos. A distribuição de comprimento total não variou significativamente entre cruzeiros. A densidade variou significativamente entre cruzeiros nos machos sendo que a variação não foi expressiva nas fêmeas. No cruzeiro da primavera, ambos os sexos ocorreram em profundidades menores do que 50 m, as fêmeas ocorrendo em toda a área de estudo, as adultas somente acima da latitude 35°30'S. Os machos adultos foram observados em toda a área sendo que os imaturos somente em dois arrastos na Bahia de Samborombón. O cruzeiro de verão mostrou uma distribuição descontínua da espécie ao longo da área de estudo, resultando na segregação espacial em dois grupos, com predominância de fêmeas imaturas em ambos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar aspectos ecológicos referentes ao crescimento relativo, tamanho de primeira maturação, reprodução, investimento energético, proporção sexual e dieta do cachorro-de-padre Auchenipterichthys longimanus (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) proveniente de igarapés da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã. As coletas de dados foram realizadas bimestralmente no período de julho de 2008 e julho de 2009, totalizando a captura de 625 exemplares de A. longimanus, sendo 338 fêmeas, 251 machos e 36 indivíduos que não tiveram seus sexos definidos macroscopicamente. Foi verificado um padrão de crescimento polifásico para ambos os sexos da espécie, sendo que o ponto de mudança de fase dessa alteração foi aproximadamente 11,5 cm para machos e 12,5 cm para fêmeas, valores estes próximos ao estimado para o tamanho de primeira maturação (L50 ). Por meio do Índice Gonadossomático (IGS%) foi observado uma assincronia reprodutiva entre os sexos, onde os machos obtiveram maiores valores de IGS% em janeiro e as fêmeas apresentaram seu pico em março. Ressalta-se ainda, diferenças nos padrões de investimento energético entre os sexos e maturidade, de acordo com o Fator de Condição (K). Em relação à proporção sexual, foi observada uma maior freqüência de captura de fêmeas no período reprodutivo, sugerindo um padrão de segregação sexual a fins reprodutivos, onde possivelmente haveria formação de haréns ou deslocamentos reprodutivos. Quanto a dieta, A. longimanus foi considerado de hábito onívoro, com tendência a insetivoria. Entretanto foi considerado especialista no mês de março de 2009 devido ao elevado consumo de frutos de ucuúba Virola surinamensis (Myristicaceae). Em vista da maior ocorrência de itens alóctones na dieta, ressalta-se a importância das florestas ripárias como fonte de alimento para uma das espécies mais abundantes dos sistemas aquáticos da região de Caxiuanã. Pelo fato das sementes permaneceram intactas no estômago de A. logimanus, foi analisado o potencial ecológico do peixe como dispersor de sementes de V. surinamensis, verificando viabilidade das mesmas após o semeio. Assim, esperamos ter contribuído de forma significativa para o conhecimento acerca da ecologia de A. longimanus no baixo Amazonas, bem como para tomadas de decisão político-ambientais relacionadas à avaliação, preservação e manejo do estoque natural das populações de peixes nos sistemas hídricos de umas das maiores Unidades de Conservação do Estado do Pará.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present thesis I examined individual and sex-specific habitat use and site fidelity in the western barbastelle bat, Barbastella barbastellus, using data from a four-year monitoring in a Special Area of Conservation in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The western barbastelle occurs in central and southern Europe from Portugal to the Caucasus, but is considered to be rare in large parts of its range. Up to now, long-term field studies to assess interannual site fidelity and the possible effects of intra- and interspecific competition have not been studied in this species. Nevertheless, such data provide important details to estimate the specific spatial requirements of its populations, which in turn can be incorporated in extended conservation actions. I used radio-telemetry, home range analyses und automated ultrasound detection to assess the relation between landscape elements and western barbastelle bats and their roosts. In addition, I estimated the degree of interspecific niche overlap with two selected forest-dwelling bat species, Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) and the brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus). Intra- and interannual home range overlap analyses of female B. barbastellus revealed that fidelity to individual foraging grounds, i.e. a traditional use of particular sites, seems to effect the spatial distribution of home ranges more than intraspecific competition among communally roosting females. The results of a joint analysis of annual maternity roost selection and flight activities along commuting corridors highlight the necessity to protect roost complexes in conjunction with commuting corridors. Using radio-tracking data and an Euclidean distance approach I quantified the sex-specific and individual habitat use by female and male western barbastelle bats within their home ranges. My data indicated a partial sexual segregation in summer habitats. Females were found in deciduous forest patches and preferably foraged along linear elements within the forest. Males foraged closer to forest edges and in open habitats. Finally, I examined the resource partitioning between the western barbastelle bat and two syntopic bat species with a potential for interspecific competition due to similarities in foraging strategies, prey selection and roost preferences. Simultaneous radio-tracking of mixed-species pairs revealed a partial spatial separation of the three syntopic bat species along a gradient from the forest to edge habitats and open landscape. Long-eared bats were found close to open habitats which were avoided by the other two species. B. barbastellus preferred linear landscape elements (edge habitats) and forests, M. bechsteinii also preferred forest habitats. Only little overlap in terms of roost structure and tree species selection was found.


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Models of population dynamics generally neglect the presence of males. While this assumption holds under many circumstances, behavioural ecology increasingly tells us that the presence (or absence) of males may have an impact on female fitness, and hence population sizes. Here we ask the question of whether males matter to population dynamics, operationally defined as a dependency of population growth on the relative density of males. We provide simple models, and evaluate the current empirical evidence for them, that illustrate various mechanisms of such male influence: mate searching behavior, male resource use (including effects of sexual dimorphism), sexual harassment and sexual segregation. In each case, theory predicts that males can have an effect on population densities, and in some extreme cases a positive feedback between an increasingly male-biased sex ratio and the effects on female harassment may theoretically even bring about population extinction. The results of this study, and the literature reviewed, show that the males can have a substantial effect on population dynamics, particularly so when human influences result in biased sex ratios.


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Sexual segregation in habitat use occurs in a number of animal species, including southern elephant seals, where differences in migration localities and dive behaviour between sexes have been recorded. Due to the extreme sexual size dimorphism exhibited by southern elephant seals, it is unclear whether observed differences in dive behaviour are due to increased physiological capacity of males, compared to females, or differences in activity budgets and foraging behaviour. Here we use a mixed-effects modelling approach to investigate the effects of sex, size, age and individual variation on a number of dive parameters measured on southern elephant seals from Marion Island. Although individual variation accounted for substantial portions of total model variance for many response variables, differences in maximum and targeted dive depths were always influenced by sex, and only partly by body length. Conversely, dive durations were always influenced by body length, while sex was not identified as a significant influence. These results support hypotheses that physiological capability associated with body size is a limiting factor on dive durations. However, differences in vertical depth use appear to be the result of differences in forage selection between sexes, rather than a by-product of the size dimorphism displayed by this species. This provides further support for resource partitioning and possible avoidance of inter-sexual competition in southern elephant seals.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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We Studied microhabitat use by black-faced impala in different herd types during the rut in the cold dry seasons of 2001 and 2002 in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. We investigated whether black-faced impala select feeding sites consistently for their microhabitat characteristics in 2 vegetation types, Karstveld and Tamboti Woodland. We also investigated intra-population differences in microhabitat use between herds of different types. In both habitats, sites used by impala for feeding were more likely to be in the shade, within 2 m of the edges of wooded areas and grassy clearings, with high visibility at I m height, and with lower grass swords than nearby nonfeeding sites. In Karstveld, feeding sites of impala were also located closer to the nearest shrub than were nonfeeding sites. A degree of fine-scale sexual segregation in microhabitat use was demonstrated, but it was not consistent across habitats. Incorporating these trends in the microhabitat use of black-faced impala into management, decisions should maximize the success Of Small populations released at selected off-park sites.


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The species Dasyatis marianae inhabits coastal areas associated with coral reefs, considered endemic to the northeast of Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to the south of Bahia. Specimens of this species are commonly sighted by divers and fishermen in the area of Maracajaú reefs, a complex reef that is part of the Environmental Protection Area of Coral Reefs (EPACR), which was developed in this study about the ecology and biology of the D. marianae, in order to characterize aspects of population structure in the area of the reef complex of Parracho de Maracajaú. We analyzed 120 specimens caught by artisanal fishing site of the size, weight, sex, stage of maturity and stomach contents. Most subjects were adult males (1.7:1) and was more abundant for rays with lengths between 25 and 29cm of LD, where females reach larger sizes, a feature common to other rays. The largest specimens were captured in the area of seagrass, which is preferred for the species. The distribution of species in the area showed an ontogenetic and sexual segregation, where the youthful occur near the beach, which is a likely area for nursery and growth of the adult females prevail in the seagrass, which apparently has a high prey availability, and Adult males are more distant, a higher proportion occurring in outlying areas, suggesting a habit more exploratory than the females. The evaluation of the reproductive system indicated 3 reproductive cycles per year, one young per pregnancy, and showed that the mature males were smaller than females. The cubs of D. marianae size at birth 12 to 15cm LD. As for diet, the species was characterized as carnivorous crustacean specialist. The performance of visual censuses in different localities allowed to evaluate the density of D. marianae in different environments of the complex. The species occurs in greater numbers in seagrass, environment very important for the conservation of the species. 100 individuals of D. marianae marked in reef complex area enrolled in a recapture rate of 3%. Some behavioral aspects were evaluated, as diurnal pattern of activity, interaction with cleaning and fish Pomacanthus paru followers as Lutjanus analis and Carangoides bartholomaei. Overall, much of the information obtained should be used for management of the species


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The species Dasyatis marianae inhabits coastal areas associated with coral reefs, considered endemic to the northeast of Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to the south of Bahia. Specimens of this species are commonly sighted by divers and fishermen in the area of Maracajaú reefs, a complex reef that is part of the Environmental Protection Area of Coral Reefs (EPACR), which was developed in this study about the ecology and biology of the D. marianae, in order to characterize aspects of population structure in the area of the reef complex of Parracho de Maracajaú. We analyzed 120 specimens caught by artisanal fishing site of the size, weight, sex, stage of maturity and stomach contents. Most subjects were adult males (1.7:1) and was more abundant for rays with lengths between 25 and 29cm of LD, where females reach larger sizes, a feature common to other rays. The largest specimens were captured in the area of seagrass, which is preferred for the species. The distribution of species in the area showed an ontogenetic and sexual segregation, where the youthful occur near the beach, which is a likely area for nursery and growth of the adult females prevail in the seagrass, which apparently has a high prey availability, and Adult males are more distant, a higher proportion occurring in outlying areas, suggesting a habit more exploratory than the females. The evaluation of the reproductive system indicated 3 reproductive cycles per year, one young per pregnancy, and showed that the mature males were smaller than females. The cubs of D. marianae size at birth 12 to 15cm LD. As for diet, the species was characterized as carnivorous crustacean specialist. The performance of visual censuses in different localities allowed to evaluate the density of D. marianae in different environments of the complex. The species occurs in greater numbers in seagrass, environment very important for the conservation of the species. 100 individuals of D. marianae marked in reef complex area enrolled in a recapture rate of 3%. Some behavioral aspects were evaluated, as diurnal pattern of activity, interaction with cleaning and fish Pomacanthus paru followers as Lutjanus analis and Carangoides bartholomaei. Overall, much of the information obtained should be used for management of the species


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The predictability of prey due to oceanographic features can result in large aggregations of apex predators. Central place foragers, such as seabirds, are limited in their foraging duration and range during the breeding period, which can restrict their ability to reach such locations. Segregation by colony and sex can further restrict foraging range and may have direct implications for the foraging ecology of a species. In parts of its range, the Australasian gannet Morus serrator breeds in colonies of relatively close proximity and has recently been found to display sexual dimorphism. Two neighbouring breeding colonies in Bass Strait that experience divergent environmental conditions were investigated to determine whether these conditions or the sex of the individual are important variables influencing foraging behaviour in this species. GPS tracking and accelerometry were paired with stable isotope analysis to compare differences in foraging effort, habitat use and diet. Birds from Point Danger, a large colony located near a seasonally strong upwelling, travelled considerably further (77%) than birds from Pope's Eye, a small colony in a nutrient-poor embayment. However, within colonies no sexual differences in foraging effort were found. While the colonies did not overlap in foraging areas, a degree of sexual segregation was apparent within both colonies (Point Danger 46.3% overlap and Pope's Eye 73.7% overlap in home range). Furthermore, stable isotope analysis indicated birds from each colony fed at different trophic niches. This study reveals differences in habitat use and, consequently, dietary niches between and within neighbouring colonies.


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The reproductive biology of 1045 female (9.5-67 cm (total length(TL)) and 1007 male (9.4-64.3 cm TL) blackmouth catsharks, Galeus melastomus, was investigated. The sharks were caught off southern Portugal by bottom crustacean trawlers at depths from 209 to 754 m. The sex ratio was 1:1, and this species is sexually dimorphic with males approaching maturity at smaller size than females. Sexual segregation appears to be given for the stork within the study area. Sexual maturity was reached at a total length above 49 cm in males and above 56 cm in females. Mating and egg-deposition take place all year round, with two reproductive peaks of activity, in winter and summer. Egg capsules are, on average, 54 mm long and 21 mm wide, with a maximum of 63 x 25 mm encountered. Morphometric measurements of claspers, testes, ovaries, and oviducal glands were suitable for determining sexual maturity of blackmouth catshark.


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This dissertation: 1) determines the factor(s) responsible for spawning induction in NematosteJla vectensis; 2) isolates, describes, and documents the source of jelly from egg masses of N. vectensis; and 3) describes N. vectensis' early development. Namatostella vectensis were maintained on a 7-day mussel feeding/water change regime over 159 days. Within 36 hours of mussel feeding/water change. 69.1% of females and 78.5% of males spawned reliably. Through manipulation of feeding, water change, oxygen and nitrogenous waste concentrations, spawning induction was found to be triggered by the oxygen concentration associated with water change, and not by feeding. Ammonia, anemones' major waste product, inhibited this induction in a concentration-dependent manner. Female N. vectensis release eggs in a persistent jellied egg mass which is unique among the Actiniaria. The major component of this egg mass jelly was a positive periodic acid-Schiffs staining, 39.5-40.5 kD glycoprotein. Antibodies developed in rabbits against this glycoprotein bound to jelly of intact egg masses and to granules (~ 2.8 IJm in diameter) present in female anemone mesenteries and their associated filaments. Antibodies did not label male tissues. Nematostella vecfensis embryos underwent first karyokinesis -60 minutes following the addition of sperm to eggs. Second nuclear division took place, followed by first cleavage, 90-120 minutes later. Each of the 4 blastomeres that resulted from first cleavage contained a single nucleus. Arrangement of these blastomeres ranged from radial to pseudospiral. Embryonic development was both asynchronous and holoblastic. Following formation of the 4-cell stage, 71% of embryos proceeded to cleave again to form an 8-cell stage. In each of the remaining 29% of embryos, a fusion of from 2-4 blastomeres resulted in 4 possible patterns which had no affect on either cleavage interval timing or subsequent development. The fusion event was not due to ooplasmic segregation. Blastomeres isolated from 4-celled embryos were regulative and developed into normal planula larvae and juvenile anemones that were 1/4 the size of those that developed from intact 4-celled embryos. Embryos exhibiting the fusion phenomenon were examined at the fine structural level. The fusion phenomenon resulted in formation of a secondary syncytium and was not a mere compaction of blastomeres.


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Data on sexual behavior were collected in six groups of semi-commensal Macaca thibetana along the trail on the slope habitat between 1987 and 1989. Ignoring the common items such as mounting, presenting etc., 20 categories of sexual behavior were described. Most of the descriptions were likely to have enlarged the behavior repertoire reported in macaques, showing a great complexity of sociosexual interactions under the principally natural condition. A great diversity of grouping appeared in the mating season. The copulatory pattern was found to be the serial type contrary to previous speculation, and the mount-to-ejaculation ratio was higher in the central subgroup, as compared with the far-peripheral adult subgroup (FAS) with less male and female rivals. An age-class subdivision of sexually active males made it possible to show that the young adult male immigrants were the most active class in sexual activity. Subgrouping form FAS was a ''space-segregation'' tactic of mating for the losers of both sexes in the competition. Some parameters of copulation were also documented.