Microhabitat use by black-faced impala in the Etosha National Park, Namibia

Autoria(s): Matson, T. K.; Goldizen, A. W.; Jarman, P. J.

R Scott Lutz




We Studied microhabitat use by black-faced impala in different herd types during the rut in the cold dry seasons of 2001 and 2002 in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. We investigated whether black-faced impala select feeding sites consistently for their microhabitat characteristics in 2 vegetation types, Karstveld and Tamboti Woodland. We also investigated intra-population differences in microhabitat use between herds of different types. In both habitats, sites used by impala for feeding were more likely to be in the shade, within 2 m of the edges of wooded areas and grassy clearings, with high visibility at I m height, and with lower grass swords than nearby nonfeeding sites. In Karstveld, feeding sites of impala were also located closer to the nearest shrub than were nonfeeding sites. A degree of fine-scale sexual segregation in microhabitat use was demonstrated, but it was not consistent across habitats. Incorporating these trends in the microhabitat use of black-faced impala into management, decisions should maximize the success Of Small populations released at selected off-park sites.






The Wildlife Society

Palavras-Chave #Black-faced Impala #Aepyceros Melampus Petersi #Etosha National Park #Namibia #Microhabitat Use #Ecology #Zoology #Predation #Selection #Food #C1 #270703 Terrestrial Ecology #770903 Living resources (flora and fauna)

Journal Article