978 resultados para semiotic analysis


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This thesis develops an understanding of how propaganda entered the realm of journalism and popular culture in the United States during World War I through an examination of materials created by the Committee on Public Information (CPI). The CPI was a US governmental propaganda organisation created during World War I to persuade the nation to mobilise for war. Three of its divisions were chosen for this study: the Division of News (DoN), the Division of Four Minute Men (FMM) and the Division of Pictorial Publicity (DPP). Chapter 1 provides a general context for the thesis, outlines the research questions and details previous research on the CPI. Chapter 2 outlines the methods of analysis for interpreting the case study chapters and provides contextual information. The case studies are presented in Chapters 3, 4 and 5. These chapters are structured in the order of context, medium and content, and contain historical contextual information about each particular division, medialogical aspects of its propagated form and thematic groupings created from close reading of CPI materials. A semiotic analysis in the Peircian tradition is also performed on visual forms of propaganda in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 discusses how the expectations of persuasion, truth and amusement relate to each other when mediated in culture, using Lotman’s concept of the semiosphere. This further develops an understanding of propaganda as a cultural system in relation to other cultural systems – in this case, journalism and popular culture. Chapter 7 provides conclusions about the study, outlines relative strengths and weaknesses regarding the selection and deployment of methods, makes recommendations for future research, and summarises the key contributions of the thesis.


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The dissertation presents a functional model for analysis of song translation. The model is developed on the basis of an examination of theatrical songs and a comparison of three translations: the songs of the Broadway musical My Fair Lady (Lerner and Loewe, 1956), made for the premiere productions (1959–1960) in Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian. The analysis explores the three challenges of a song translator: the fitting of a text to existing music, the consideration of a prospective sung performance, and the verbal approximation of the content of the source lyric. The theoretical foundation is based on a functional approach to translation studies (Christiane Nord) and a structuralist/semiotic analysis of a theatrical message (Ivo Osolsobě, building on Roman Jakobson). Thus, three functional levels in the fitting of a text to music are explored: first, a prosodic/phonetic format; secondly, a poetic/rhetoric format; and thirdly, semantic/reflexive values (verbalizing musical expression). Similarly, three functional levels in the textual connections to a prospective performance are explored: first, a presentational goal; secondly, the theatrical potential; and thirdly, dramaturgic values (for example dramatic information and linguistic register). The functionality of Broadway musical theatre songs is analyzed, and the song score of My Fair Lady, source and target lyrics, is studied, with an in-depth analysis of seven of the songs. The three translations were all considered very well-made and are used in productions of the musical to this day. The study finds that the song translators appear to have worked from an understanding of the presentational goal, designed their target texts on the prosodic and poetic shape of the music, and pursued the theatrical functionality of the song, not by copying, but by recreating connections to relevant contexts, partly independently of the source lyrics, using the resources of the target languages. Besides metaphrases (closest possible transfer), paraphrases and additions seem normally to be expected in song translation, but song translators may also follow highly individual strategies – for example, the Norwegian translator is consistently more verbally faithful than the Danish and Swedish translators. As a conclusion, it is suggested that although linguistic and cultural difference play a significant role, a translator’s solution must nevertheless be arrived at, and assessed, in relation to the song as a multimedial piece of material. As far as a song can be considered a theatrical message – singers representing the voice, person, and situation of the song – the descriptive model presented in the study is also applicable to the translation of other types of song.


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Aim of this master's thesis paper for consumer economics, is to research gambling advertisements in Finland over a period of 35 years, from 1970 to 2006. Veikkaus Oy (later Veikkaus), was founded in 1940, as one of the three licensed gambling organizations in Finland. Material for the current research comprised 1494 advertisements published by Veikkaus in newspapers and magazines at that time. Veikkaus has the exclusive licence to organize lotto games, sport games, instant games and other draw games in Finland. The other two operators, The Finnish Slot Machine Association RAY and Fintoto (on-track horse betting), were not included in the current analysis. This study has been completed according to research contract and grand by the Finnish Foundation for Gaming Research (Pelitoiminnan tutkimussäätiö). In general, advertisements reflect surrounding culture and time, and their message is built on stratified meanings, symbols and codes. Advertising draws the viewer's attention, introduces the advertised subject, and finally, affects the individual's consumption habits. However, advertisements not only work on individual level, but also influence public perception of the advertised product. Firstly, in order to assess gambling as a phenomenon, this paper discusses gambling as consumer behaviour, and also reviews history of gambling in Finland. Winning is a major feature of gambling, and dreaming about positive change of life is a centre of most gambling ads. However, perceived excitement through risk of losing can also be featured in gambling ads. Secondly, this study utilizes Veikkaus’ large advertising archives, were advertising data is analyzed by content analysis and the semiotic analysis. Two methods have been employed to support analyzing outcome in a synergistic way. Content analysis helps to achieve accuracy and comprehensiveness. Semiotic analysis allows deeper and more sensitive analysis to emerged findings and occurrences. It is important to understand the advertised product, as advertising is bound to the culture and time. Hence, to analyze advertising, it is important to understand the environment where the ads appear. Content analysis of Veikkaus data discovered the main gambling and principal advertisement style for each.period. Interestingly, nearly half of Veikkaus’ advertisements promoted topic other than “just winning the bet”. Games of change, like Lotto, typically advertised indirectly represented dreams about winning. In the category of skill gambling, features were represented as investment, and the excitement of sporting expertise was emphasized. In addition, there were a number of gambling ads that emphasize social responsibility of Veikkaus as a government guided organization. Semiotic methods were employed to further elaborate on findings of content analysis. Dreaming in the advertisements was represented by the product of symbols, (e.g. cars and homes) that were found to have significance connection with each other. Thus, advertising represents change of life obtained by the winning. Interestingly, gambling ads promoting jackpots were often representing religious symbolisms. Ads promoting social responsibility were found to be the most common during economical depression of the 90’s. Deeper analysis showed that at that time, advertisements frequently represented depression-related meanings, such as unemployment and bank loans. Skill gaming ads were often represented by sports expertise – late 90’s, their number started sky rocketing, and continued increasing until 2006 (when this study ended). One may conclude that sport betting draws its meanings from the relevant consumer culture, and from the rules and features of the betted sport.


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Com a maior valorização da alimentação saudável e o crescente interesse das pessoas em relação à dieta e à imagem corporal, observamos o desencadeamento de distúrbios do comportamento alimentar, como a ortorexia, e o espaço da mídia como divulgação de um padrão de corpo perfeito e da magia das dietas da moda. É uma pesquisa qualitativa que atende a proposta do curso de doutorado com resultados publicáveis em capítulos de livros ou artigos em periódico científico. Os artigos são encadeados por uma trajetória temática de construção de concepções de alimentação saudável que permeia o universo das dietas e dos transtornos alimentares na sociedade contemporânea. A metodologia segue referencial teórico-conceitual para fundamentação de análise de elementos variados selecionados do campo no decorrer da pesquisa, com técnicas de análise semiótica, revisão de literatura e análise interpretativa com analogia entre sistemas culturais distintos. Na primeira publicação, Dietas da moda: um processo incessante e ininterrupto..., foram analisadas e discutidas as dietas da moda em revistas impressas e sua relação com o consumo na sociedade. Em um segundo momento, foi necessário compreender o encanto que as dietas da moda suscitam no mundo de hoje. Este artigo, Dietas da moda: o feiticeiro, a magia e sua eficácia simbólica, corresponde a discussão da magia das dietas da moda na contemporaneidade, traçando uma analogia com textos de Claude Lévi-Strauss. O terceiro artigo, Ortorexia: o (des)encontro entre a saúde e a doença, questiona uma concepção de alimentação saudável que leva a ortorexia. Apresenta uma abordagem biopsicossocial por meio da revisão de literatura e reflexão conceitual do que é saúde, segundo Georges Canguilhem, explorando os conceitos de medicalização, biopoder e biopolítica de Michel Foucault. Na dieta da moda, seja alternativa, milagrosa ou mágica, é a moda e seus princípios de efemeridade, sedução e diferenciação que vão dirigir o olhar, principalmente das mulheres, para consumir a dieta evidenciada pela mídia, respaldada pelo discurso científico, fazendo parte de um processo incessante e ininterrupto pela busca do corpo perfeito e da vida saudável. Os elementos das dietas da moda, no senso comum, formam uma rede de encantamento comparada a rituais de magia descritos por Lévi-Strauss, como os papéis do feiticeiro e do enfeitiçado, que se organizam em torno da acusação para exibir a eficácia de um feitiço em algumas aldeias, e dos profissionais de saúde que nestas revistas são legitimados pelo saber, e dos consumidores das revistas enfeitiçados que reforçam resultados surpreendentes ou a própria idéia de alimentação saudável como algo mágico, no mundo atual. Na seqüência, a ortorexia é a exacerbação das benesses de uma alimentação saudável, a pessoa assume práticas alimentares para desintoxicação corporal a partir da pureza dos alimentos, recorre a uma disciplina e controle rigorosos da alimentação diária, criando normas dietéticas que levam ao isolamento e ao adoecimento, no sentido de saúde como uma potência para construção e adaptação de normas para um bem viver. A disseminação do biopoder e da biopolítica favorece a restrição de um regime de vida, voltado para o controle e a segurança. O indivíduo é responsabilizado por suas escolhas e adoecimento, pois poderia afastar os riscos à saúde com a medicalização, ou uma dieta saudável que o purificasse dos males.


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The Edinburgh Festival Fringe (The Fringe) is the largest arts festival in the world and it has inspired the creation of similar festivals world-wide. Since its conception in 1947, the Fringe has demonstrated significant growth in visitor numbers; ticket sales; and its economic contribution. Despite this, the sustainable future of Edinburgh’s festivals is debated as Edinburgh, ‘the Festival City’, faces threats from other festival destinations. Festivals position Edinburgh creatively in contrast to the city’s traditionally perceived image as a cultural-historic centre. Despite this, little research has been undertaken into the creative and cultural significance of Edinburgh’s festivals, including the Fringe. This interdisciplinary research grounded in marketing, tourism, and festival and event management; and underpinned by constructivism, presents an understanding of types of brand relationships that exist between the Fringe and its primary stakeholders. This is achieved through defining both the Fringe brand image and its primary stakeholders; and applying these definitions to the development of a typology of Fringe-stakeholders’ brand relationships. The significance of this study is evident within its topic of inquiry and the research methods applied. In the little-considered arena of arts festivals and their stakeholders, this is the first in-depth study into the Fringe as a festival and festival brand. Within this, the definition of a Fringe brand image contributes to understanding the cultural and creative significance of the Fringe. Furthermore, this research contributes a unique understanding of the types of stakeholders that are engaged with the Fringe. The types of brand relationships that exist between these stakeholders and the Fringe are another significant contribution to knowledge and understanding. While specific to the present context, these findings may prove transferable to further festivals or events, and related areas and industries. The contribution made by this research to the methodological developments in festival and event studies is of additional significance. The application of visual research methods, including semiotic analysis and photo-elicitation within phenomenological interviews, has previously been applied in marketing, consumer, and tourism research, but not to the understanding of festival brands and stakeholders’ brand relationship types. Findings of this research illustrate that existing marketing and consumer brand frameworks and stakeholder theories are applicable to festivals. Further, it is possible to define ‘a’ Fringe brand image which is subjective and contradictory. The unique open-access and organic, operational model of the Fringe facilitates its many contributors, and consumers. Fringe stakeholders may be categorised according to their level of engagement with the Fringe (as primary or secondary) and their particular stakeholder role(s), which are varied and multiple. Fringe-stakeholder brand relationship types are overwhelmingly positive; and are based upon interpersonal relationship dimensions (including friendships, marriages, kinships and partnerships). Fringe-stakeholder brand relationship types can be classified therefore as having similar dimensions to those brand relationship types previously described for consumer products and brands.


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Este estudo tem como principal objetivo identificar e compreender quais os valores de masculinidade que são representados na publicidade impressa. Para levar este estudo a cabo foram analisados os anúncios contidos na revista impressa Men’s Health, na edição do mês de setembro, desde o ano de 2002 a 2012, num total de 174 anúncios. A escolha da revista Men’s Health prende-se com o facto de ser uma revista dirigida ao segmento masculino. Foram traçados objetivos para o estudo em que todos eles convergem para um ponto em comum: identificação e compreensão dos valores de masculinidade presentes na publicidade em revistas dirigidas ao segmento masculino. Após a construção de uma grelha de análise foi desenvolvida uma análise extensiva, realizada aos diferentes anúncios e uma análise semiótica para que desta forma possamos ter uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Por fim, na conclusão e discussão dos resultados identificámos os valores de masculinidade que mais se encontram presentes nos anúncios dirigidos ao segmento masculino e posicionamos esses valores num esquema com o objetivo de conseguirmos classificar a forma de masculinidade refletida nos anúncios.


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Esta dissertação estuda de que forma a publicidade impressa contribui para a construção de marcas de luxo. Inicialmente é trabalhado o conceito de luxo de forma aprofundada, elencando os seus principais autores e respetivas teorias identificando ainda os principais atributos deste tipo de produtos e serviços. Posteriormente é desenvolvido o conceito de marca, em conjunto com os modelos de construção de marca, focando a análise do modelo proposto por David Aaker com o intuito de compreender melhor quais os principais ativos aos quais uma marca deve estar atenta se quer estar presente neste sector. Numa segunda parte deste estudo desenvolveu-se um método de investigação que engloba a análise de um corpus de 232 anúncios retirados da revista Wallpaper durante o ano de 2012. Trabalhou-se este conjunto de anúncios por um lado através de uma análise extensiva, quantitativa, e por outro lado através de uma análise semiótica, qualitativa. Procurou-se deste modo compreender o que torna único este tipo de marcas no que diz respeito ao contributo do seu discurso publicitário para a sua afirmação e posicionamento no sector do luxo. Através deste estudo foi possível identificar o importante contributo da publicidade para o sucesso, crescimento e manutenção de uma marca de luxo. Foi possível concluir que é determinante para este tipo de marcas manter de forma coerente e contínua a sua identidade ao longo do tempo. A narrativa publicitária em imagem impressa, assume-se como um importante agente comunicacional, possibilitando e potenciando ligações emocionais duradouras a longo prazo com os seus consumidores, consolidando a marca, e reforçando a sua identidade.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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This article aims to explain how newspapers commented on the movie Good Night, and Good Luck before its release. The media coverage anticipated George Clooney's film as a partisan attack launched against George W. Bush's policy since 9/11. Clooney advocates another reading: the historic confrontation between journalist Edward Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarty permits to reflect on the crucial role that the media play for democracy. Such reflection tries to prevent the dividing of the public sphere into antagonistic camps opposing "friends" to "foes," a division that undermines the possibility of a true pluralism. Our socio-semiotic analysis will focus on the critical work accomplished by the media, and on the way that work determines the collective meaning of a cultural object. Simultaneously, we will discuss the necessary conditions for pluralism in a public sphere.


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It has bee1l said that feminism is dead, but in fact feminism is alive in popular cultural fonlls that offer pleasure, style, fUll and advice, as well as political messages that are internalized alld continuously enacted in the lives of North American female youth. This thesis discusses popular feminism with respect to mainstream girls' cultural discourses in music alld magazine reading. Specifically this thesis examines the importance of Madonna, Gwen Stefani, and the Spice Girls, in addition to the numerous girl magazines available on the market today, such as Seventeen and YM. Focusing on the issue of the feminine versus feminist polarity and its importance to girls' culture, this thesis attempts to demonstrate how popular feminism can be used as a mode of empowerment and illustrates the mode of consumption of popular feminist texts that frames female selfimage, attitude, behaviour and speech. Through the employment of popular feminist theories and a discourse alld semiotic analysis of musical lyrics, performance and style, in addition to magazine reading and advertisements, this thesis highlights the use of active media reading and being by girls to gaill an understanding with regards to social positioning and postmodern political identity. More fundamentally, this thesis questions how popular feminism disables, questions and critiques popular ideologies ill a patriarchal society.


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Notre thèse s’attache à définir certains rapports possibles entre le cinéma et le politique ou, plus précisément, entre le cinéma et le concept pratique de résistance. Il existe une théorie de la résistance, soit sous la forme d’une cartographie du pouvoir moléculaire (M. Foucault), soit sous la forme d’une analytique de la résistance (F. Proust). Il existe également une théorie de la résistance cinématographique, soit comme sociologie ou histoire de l’action politique par le cinéma (cinéma de la Résistance, cinéma militant), soit comme une sémiotique des formes et des genres marginaux (cinéma expérimental, cinéma des avant-gardes). Suivant une direction tracée par Serge Daney et Gilles Deleuze, nous croyons qu’il faut poser autrement le problème : si « le politique est affaire de perception », alors la résistance est d’abord une invention de visibilité et d’audibilité. En ce sens, la résistance cinématographique est une exploration de ce que peut le cinéma, tant d’un point de vue esthétique, éthique, que politique. D’où notre hypothèse, qui est double : d’une part, cette invention de visibilité, cette création de potentiel n’est peut-être possible qu’en passant par un ré-enchaînement anachronique d’une déformation plastique, narrative et audiovisuelle à une autre, c’est-à-dire d’une survivance à une autre. D’autre part, nous croyons qu’une forme esthétique est en soi matière politique et manière de politique, et qu’elle implique également une éthique venant brasser notre propre subjectivité (de cinéaste, de spectateur, de citoyen, etc.). Or, pour saisir cette invention de visibilité inhérente au cinéma, il faut en passer par une généalogie de certaines alliances théoriques et pratiques parmi les plus importantes. Le cas de trois machines autopoïétiques nous intéressera tout particulièrement, trois constellations d’œuvres et de pensées qui débordent le nom propre des « Auteurs » convoqués : Eisenstein et les résistances méthodologiques ; Syberberg et les résistances plastiques ou audiovisuelles (à travers la seule figure du hors-champ) ; Welles et les résistances esth/éthico-politiques. Ainsi, une telle chaîne généalogique nous permettra de mieux mesurer l’efficace de ces résistances, mais sans désir de systématisation ni constitution d’une Théorie de la résistance cinématographique.


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Ce mémoire propose une analyse sémio-narrative d’un corpus de dix-neuf contes merveilleux recueillis auprès des conteurs canadiens-français et canadiens-hurons par l’anthropologue Charles-Marius Barbeau, au début du XXe siècle. Après avoir passé en revue les principales théories dans l’approche sémiotique du conte à partir de Vladimir Propp jusqu’à nos jours, nous avons procédé à une étude narrative du corpus selon la méthode du grand folkloriste russe : cela nous a permis d’en montrer la valeur exceptionnelle mais aussi les limites. Nous avons constaté ainsi que le travail sur un corpus inédit peut mener à l’identification de nouveaux éléments dans la structure du conte merveilleux. En poursuivant nos recherches sur les dix-neuf contes recueillis par Barbeau, nous sommes passée du schéma linéaire, syntagmatique de Propp aux modèles logiques de ses continuateurs, particulièrement celui élaboré par Guy Laflèche. Nos analyses ont mis en évidence non seulement le fait que la structure en miroir est un modèle valide auquel une partie des contes merveilleux se plie parfaitement (d’emblée l’exclusivité du schéma de Propp est mise en question, sinon infirmée), mais aussi que tout conte merveilleux est exceptionnellement organisé, structuré (ce qui confirme la théorie de Claude Bremond conformément à laquelle le récit narratif est une alternance de dégradations et d’améliorations). Enfin, la dernière partie du mémoire est une analyse sémio-discursive de notre corpus qui, au lieu d’être une simple accumulation de listes de mots, d’expressions et de figures, tente d’aborder la structure idéologique, grâce à une étude en parallèle d’un conte du corpus et de deux versions littéraires.


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, Lebensmittelqualität am Beispiel von Speisequark aus hofeigener und industrieller Verarbeitung mit natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Methoden zu erfassen bzw. zu betrachten. Das Neue dieser interdisziplinären Arbeit lag in der Entwicklung von Verbindungen zwischen hedonischen/sensorischen, ökologischen und kulturellen Qualitäten von Speisequark. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine sensorische Schulung für die hofeigene Milchverarbeitung entwickelt und erprobt, um die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit in die Praxis umzusetzen. Zuerst musste ein theoretischer Ansatz entwickelt werden, der die Esshandlungen der Verbraucher als Integrationsmoment von objektiven, subjektiven und sozial-kulturellen Qualitäten betrachtet. Bei diesem handlungstheoretischen Ansatz galt es, die Trennung zwischen objektiven und subjektiven Qualitäten zu überwinden, indem über Esshandlungen der Verbraucher integrierte Verbindungen zwischen hedonischen/sensorischen, ökologischen und kulturellen Qualitäten am Beispiel von Speisequark entwickelt wurden. Als empirische Grundlage wurde erstens die sensorische Qualität mit Profilprüfungen erfasst. Zweitens wurde die ökologische Qualität mit einer Verbraucherumfrage und Conjoint-Analyse und drittens die kulturelle Qualität mit einer semiotischen Analyse betrachtet. Die diskursiven Begründungen des Esshandelns, die in ermittelnden Gruppendiskussionen qualitativ erhoben wurden, zeigten deutlich, dass diese drei Qualitäten des Hofquarks untrennbar miteinander verbunden sind. Der komplexe Begriff authentisch, mit dem die Verbraucher Hofquark charakterisierten, beinhaltete vor allem den Geschmack, aber auch die damit verbundene handwerkliche Herstellungsweise, die Verpackung, die regionale Herkunft und die ökologische Anbauweise. Hofquark ist aus Verbrauchersicht ein gutes Lebensmittel, das seine besondere Bedeutung (kulturellen Wert) auch dadurch erhält, was es nicht ist, nämlich ein industrielles Molkereiprodukt. Der neue natur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Ansatz dieser Arbeit stellt gleichzeitig ein Plädoyer für eine mehrdimensionale Qualitätsbetrachtung von Lebensmitteln dar. Aus interdisziplinärer Sicht besteht hierzu noch ein großer Forschungsbedarf.


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This paper aims to explain how semiotics and constructivism can collaborate in an educational epistemology by developing a joint approach to prescientific conceptions. Empirical data and findings of constructivist research are interpreted in the light of Peirce’s semiotics. Peirce’s semiotics is an anti-psychologistic logic (CP 2.252; CP 4.551; W 8:15; Pietarinen in Signs of logic, Springer, Dordrecht, 2006; Stjernfelt in Diagrammatology. An investigation on the borderlines of phenomenology, ontology and semiotics, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007) and relational logic. Constructivism was traditionally developed within psychology and sociology and, therefore, some incompatibilities can be expected between these two schools. While acknowledging the differences, we explain that constructivism and semiotics share the assumption of realism that knowledge can only be developed upon knowledge and, therefore, an epistemological collaboration is possible. The semiotic analysis performed confirms the constructivist results and provides a further insight into the teacher-student relation. Like the constructivist approach, Peirce’s doctrine of agapism infers that the personal dimension of teaching must not be ignored. Thus, we argue for the importance of genuine sympathy in teaching attitudes. More broadly, the article also contributes to the development of postmodern humanities. At the end of the modern age, the humanities are passing through a critical period of transformation. There is a growing interest in semiotics and semiotic philosophy in many areas of the humanities. Such a case, on which we draw, is the development of a theoretical semiotic approach to education, namely edusemiotics (Stables and Semetsky, Pedagogy and edusemiotics: theoretical challenge/practical opportunities, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2015).