977 resultados para selective laser sintering,


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The aim of this work was to perform a detailed investigation of the use of Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technology to process eutectic silver-copper alloy Ag 28 wt. % Cu (also called AgCu28). The processing occurred with a Realizer SLM 50 desktop machine. The powder analysis (SEM-topography, EDX, particle distribution) was reported as well as the absorption rates for the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum. Microscope imaging showed the surface topography of the manufactured parts. Furthermore, microsections were conducted for the analysis of porosity. The Design of Experiments approach used the response surface method in order to model the statistical relationship between laser power, spot distance and pulse time.


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Il Selective Laser Melting è un processo di additive manufacturing che consiste nella realizzazione di componenti metallici tridimensionali, sovrapponendo strati di polvere, che viene via via fusa mediante una sorgente controllata di energia (laser). È una tecnica produttiva che viene utilizzata da più di 20 anni ma solo ora sta assumendo un ruolo rilevante nell’industria. È un processo versatile ma complesso che ad oggi permette di processare solo un numero limitato di leghe. Il presente lavoro di tesi riguarda in particolare lo studio, dal punto di vista microstrutturale, di componenti in acciaio inossidabile austenitico AISI-316L processato mediante Selective Laser Melting, attività svolta in collaborazione con il Gruppo di Tecnologia – Laser del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale. Alla base dell’attività sperimentale è stata svolta anche un’ampia ricerca bibliografica per chiarire lo stato dell’arte sul processo e sulla lega in questione, la microstruttura, i difetti, le proprietà meccaniche e l’effetto dei parametri di processo sul componente finito. Le attività sperimentali hanno previsto una prima fase di caratterizzazione delle polveri di 316L, successivamente la caratterizzazione dei campioni prodotti tramite selective laser melting, in termini di microstruttura e difetti correlati al processo. Le analisi hanno rivelato la presenza di una microstruttura “gerarchica” costituita da melt pool, grani e celle submicrometriche. I difetti rinvenuti sono pori, delaminazione degli strati, particelle di polvere non fuse. Infine è stata eseguita la caratterizzazione frattografica dei campioni sottoposti a prove di trazione e di fatica a flessione rotante (attività condotte dal gruppo Laser) per identificare la morfologia di frattura e i siti di innesco della cricca di fatica.


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Additive Manufacturing (AM) includes a range of approaches that correlate with computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing by fabrication via precise layers and is a promising method for the production of medical tools. In this study, different aspects and mechanisms of solidification for curved surfaces based on equilibrium at curved interfaces, Monge patch, interfacial and Gibbs energy will be discussed. Also, the effect of capillarity, geometry, substrate temperature, cooling rate and scanning parameters in the solidification of a prosthetic acetabular cup (PAC) using selective laser melting (SLM) is analysed. The contributions of this work are analysing solidification and effective factors in this process to produce parts with a higher quality and mechanical properties such as strength, strain, porosity, relative density and hardness. Results indicate that due to the surface to volume (S/V) ratio, and the increasing effect of the radius on Monge patch, thermal stresses and surface forces are more prevalent on outer surfaces. Moreover, solidification and mechanical properties are related to capillarity, geometry, substrate temperature, cooling rate, scanning power and speed. The results also indicate the interaction of solute diffusion and heat transfer with interatomic forces in large S/V ratio and at small scales tend to improve solidification.


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Tool deflection during milling operation leads to dimensional error, decreasing surface quality and increasing rejection rate. In this study, tool deflection during the milling of the inner surfaces of Ti–6Al–4V prosthetic acetabular shell produced by selective laser melting (SLM) was modelled. The first purpose of this research is to provide a general static cutting tool deflection model for ball nose cutters where deviation of machine components and tool holder are so small as to be considered negligible. This is because the values of machine component and tool holder deflection were lower than standard tolerances (10 μm) and found to be lower than 1/15 of tool deflection. The second and third objectives of this work involve calculating contact surfaces by determining workpiece and tool geometry and choosing second moment of inertia using a novel cross section method (CSM). Static models for three quasi-analytical methods (QAM) that are simple cantilever beam model (SCBM), two-section model (TWSM) and our three section model (THSM) are presented. THSM showed high accuracy which was validated by 3D finite element method (FEM3D) and experimental measurements. The accuracy of tool deflection calculation using THSM by computing, shank, flute and ball head deflection and also utilizing CSM to determine second moment of inertia showed notable improvements.


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In this study, the tool wear and surface integrity during machining of wrought and Selective LaserMelted (SLM) titanium alloy (after heat treatment) are studied. Face turning trails were carried out onboth the materials at different cutting speeds of 60,120 and 180 m/min. Cutting tools and machinedspecimens collected are characterized using scanning electron microscope, surface profiler and opticalmicroscope to study the tool wear, machined surface quality and machining induced microstructuralalterations. It was found that high cutting speeds lead to rapid tool wear during machining of SLMTi-6Al-4V materials. Rapid tool wear observed at high cutting speeds in machining SLM Ti-6Al-4Vresulted in damaging the surface integrity by 1) Deposition of chip/work material on the machinedsurface giving rise to higher surface roughness and 2) Increasing the depth of plastic deformationon the machined sub surface.


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This research work presents a machinability study between wrought grade titanium and selective laser melted (SLM) titanium Ti-6Al-4V in a face turning operation, machined at cutting speeds between 60 and 180 m/min. Machinability characteristics such as tool wear, cutting forces, and machined surface quality were investigated. Coating delamination, adhesion, abrasion, attrition, and chipping wear mechanisms were dominant during machining of SLM Ti-6Al-4V. Maximum flank wear was found higher in machining SLM Ti-6Al-4V compared to wrought Ti-6Al-4V at all speeds. It was also found that high machining speeds lead to catastrophic failure of the cutting tool during machining of SLM Ti-6Al-4V. Cutting force was higher in machining SLM Ti-6Al-4V as compared to wrought Ti-6Al-4V for all cutting speeds due to its higher strength and hardness. Surface finish improved with the cutting speed despite the high tool wear observed at high machining speeds. Overall, machinability of SLM Ti-6Al-4V was found poor as compared to the wrought alloy.


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Rapid prototyping (RP) is a common name for several techniques, which read in data from computer-aided design (CAD) drawings and manufacture automatically threedimensional objects layer-by-layer according to the virtual design. The utilization of RP in tissue engineering enables the production of three-dimensional scaffolds with complex geometries and very fine structures. Adding micro- and nanometer details into the scaffolds improves the mechanical properties of the scaffold and ensures better cell adhesion to the scaffold surface. Thus, tissue engineering constructs can be customized according to the data acquired from the medical scans to match the each patient’s individual needs. In addition RP enables the control of the scaffold porosity making it possible to fabricate applications with desired structural integrity. Unfortunately, every RP process has its own unique disadvantages in building tissue engineering scaffolds. Hence, the future research should be focused into the development of RP machines designed specifically for fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds, although RP methods already can serve as a link between tissue and engineering.


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Com a evolução da engenharia tecidual novos materiais estão sendo estudados visando o tratamento de defeitos ósseos. O objetivo deste projeto foi preparar e caracterizar scaffolds a base de polihidroxibutirato (PHB), apatita e peptídeo osteogênico, osteogenic growth peptide (OGP), para aplicação em reparação óssea. Além disso, avaliar a liberação prolongada do peptídeo incorporado aos scaffolds na forma livre ou incorporado a lipossomas. Os scaffolds de PHB foram confeccionados por prototipagem rápida (PR) empregando a tecnologia Selective Laser Sintering (SLS). Posteriormente, a apatita foi incorporada in situ por meio de ciclos alternados de imersão em soluções de CaCl2 e Na2HPO4, respectivamente. Neste estudo foram selecionadas 2 marcações para o OGP, uma com 5,6-carboxifluoresceína (CF) e outra com triptofano (W), para análise de liberação prolongada. Os peptídeos foram incorporados ao sistema de liberação no momento de seu preparo. A caracterização por espalhamento de luz dos sistemas de liberação desenvolvidos mostrou que os peptídeos marcados com CF foram os melhores desenvolvidos. Portanto estes peptídeos foram adsorvidos nos scaffolds de PHB-CaP. Estudos in vitro foram realizados para avaliar o perfil de liberação do peptídeo OGP-CF do sistema de liberação controlada. A incorporação da apatita às matrizes de PHB foi confirmada por análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura/ espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (MEV/EDS), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), absorção atômica, a difratometria de raios-X (DRX). Estas análises sugeriram que a principal fase precipitada foi -TCP. O sistema de liberação lipossoma/OGP-CF foi caracterizado pelas análises de dicroísmo circular e espalhamento de luz, que confirmaram a presença do peptídeo nas amostras. Após a análise da liberação, observou-se que o sistema PHB-CaP/OGP-CF obteve ...


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[ES]The purpose of this paper is to report on the use of a combination of selective laser sintering (SLS) and vacuum casting to create plastic composites made by additive manufacturing.


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Rapid Manufacturing (RM) wurde als Schlagwort in der letzten Zeit insbesondere aus dem Bereich des Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) bekannt. In dieser inzwischen über 15-jährigen Technologieentwicklung wurden in den vergangenen Jahren bedeutende Fortschritte erzielt, die die Bauteileigenschaften nahe an die Anforderungen für End-Teile heran brachten. So ist das RM denn auch weniger aus der Sicht grösserer Losgrösse zu verstehen. Viel mehr bedeutet Rapid Manufacturing, dass die Bauteile nach einer generativen Fertigung direkt im Endprodukt resp. der Endanwendung zum Einsatz kommt. Das Selective Laser Melting, mit welchem aus metallischen Pulvermaterialien direkt Metallteile in Standardmaterialien hergestellt werden können, ist aufgrund der guten Materialeigenschaften für RM prädestiniert. In den ersten Anwendungsfeldern des SLM–Verfahrens standen die Herstellung von Werkzeugeinsätzen mit konturnaher Kühlung (Conformal Cooling) im Vordergrund, wobei diese Werkzeuge unter dem Begriff RM verstanden werden müssen, da die Werkzeuge direkt für die Endanwendung - den Spritzgussprozess - verwendet werden. Aktuelle Trends gehen jedoch in Richtung der Fertigung von Funktionsteilen z.B. für den Maschinenbau. Obwohl sich in der Fertigung komplexer Funktionsteile noch Probleme, z.B. mit in Bezug auf die generative Baurichtung überhängender Bauteilstrukturen ergeben, zeigen sich trotzdem erhebliche Vorteile eines RM mittels SLM. Neben klaren Vorteilen durch das mögliche Customizing von Bauteilen können bei kleineren Bauteilgrössen auch erhebliche Kostenvorteile erzielt werden. Allerdings zeigen die Grenzen der aktuellen Möglichkeiten, in welchen Bereichen das SLM-Verfahren weiterer Entwicklung bedarf. Themen wie Produktivität, die Problematik der nach wie vor notwendigen Supportstrukturen wie auch Qualitätssicherung müssen in den nächsten Jahren angegangen werden, wenn dieses Verfahren den Schritt hin zu einem etablierten Produktionsverfahren und damit zu breiterer Akzeptanz und Anwendung finden soll


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Da eine flexible Fertigung im Bereich von Losgrößen zwischen 1-1000 Stück in vielen Wirtschaftszweigen vermehrt an Bedeutung gewinnt, steigt das Interesse an Verfahren wie dem Selektiven Lasersintern. Dennoch sollen die Eigenschaften von in Serie eingesetzten Werkstoffen erreicht werden. Aufgrund der bestehenden werkstofflichen Restriktionen auf Polyamid 12 wird aktuell an der Verarbeitung anderer teilkristalliner Thermoplaste geforscht. In diesem Beitrag werden die sich in der Markteinführung befindlichen Werkstoffe vorgestellt und basierend auf der Verarbeitung weiterer Thermoplaste die bestehende Modellvorstellung zum Lasersintern erweitert.


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Rapid Manufacturing (RM) umfasst den Begriff der direkten und wirtschaftlichen Bauteilherstellung des Serienprodukts aus 3D-Daten. Die Hauptvorteile sind u.a. das Wegfallen von Werkzeugen und eine Designfreiheit in der Produktentwicklung, die noch vor wenigen Jahren undenkbar war. Wenngleich heute eine Vielzahl von Werkstoffen im Kunststoff- und Metallbereich einsetzbar sind, konzentriert sich die Verbreitung des RM allerdings auf besondere Technologie- und Wirtschaftszweige, aufgrund mangelnder Erfahrungswerte, teilweise abweichender Werkstoffeigenschaften, fehlender Standards und ungeeigneter Testmethoden. In der Praxis sind Ingenieure und Techniker stark darauf bedacht, auf etablierte Abläufe und Standards zurückzugreifen. Es ist daher schwer einen geeigneten RM-Prozess aufzubauen, wo wichtige Eingangsgrößen meist unbekannt sind. In diesem Bericht wird beschrieben, welche Informationskanäle es innerhalb Europas zum Thema RM gibt und welche Hochschulen und Forschungszentren Aktivitäten aufweisen. Darüber hinaus werden Anwendungsfelder des RM aufgeführt, die über die bekannten Anwendungsfelder hinaus gehen. Dazu gehören Anwendungen im Bereich der Elektrotechnik, Raumfahrtinstrumentation und der Mode. Obwohl nicht alle Anwendungen des RM in diesem Bericht aufgeführt werden, sind einige Schlüsselinformationen im Bereich innovativer Anwendungen von RM enthalten.


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Most of the plastic injection companies are focused in the production of some products with a high exigency standard levels. That is why, to compete and gain some market share in front of the concurrency of companies from other countries, they need to be able to introduce new rapid prototyping techniques and product development.


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Da eine flexible Fertigung im Bereich von Losgrößen zwischen 1-1000 Stück in vielen Wirtschaftszweigen vermehrt an Bedeutung gewinnt, steigt das Interesse an Verfahren wie dem Selektiven Lasersintern. Dennoch sollen die Eigenschaften von in Serie eingesetzten Werkstoffen erreicht werden. Aufgrund der bestehenden werkstofflichen Restriktionen auf Polyamid 12 wird aktuell an der Verarbeitung anderer teilkristalliner Thermoplaste geforscht. In diesem Beitrag werden die sich in der Markteinführung befindlichen Werkstoffe vorgestellt und basierend auf der Verarbeitung weiterer Thermoplaste die bestehende Modellvorstellung zum Lasersintern erweitert.