993 resultados para sector-motor


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Considering that the Brazilian energy source is based on hydroelectric power plants, every moment that it does not rain enough, we are likely to suffer power outage. Making the rational use of energy not only is wise, but also important for financial issues. The industrial sector is of great importance to Brazilian economic context, because it is one that creates more wealth and jobs. It should be noted that it is one of the sectors that consume more electricity. One of the most used equipment in industry is the three phase induction motor, which ends up providing significant waste of energy. For that reasons, studying three phase induction motors is important. One of the ways to evaluate the parameter of the three phase induction motor is using a dynamometer mechanic or electric. This work aims at further studies (and development) of electrodynamometer brake, a type of electrical dynamometer, that is the only one with reversible use. This means, it is possible to measure both the torque and the power transmitted by the electric motors, by the direct method and the indirect. Besides it allows greater stability in the imposition of charges, due to its nature of being able to regenerate the energy imparted by the engines being tested


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Considering that the Brazilian energy source is based on hydroelectric power plants, every moment that it does not rain enough, we are likely to suffer power outage. Making the rational use of energy not only is wise, but also important for financial issues. The industrial sector is of great importance to Brazilian economic context, because it is one that creates more wealth and jobs. It should be noted that it is one of the sectors that consume more electricity. One of the most used equipment in industry is the three phase induction motor, which ends up providing significant waste of energy. For that reasons, studying three phase induction motors is important. One of the ways to evaluate the parameter of the three phase induction motor is using a dynamometer mechanic or electric. This work aims at further studies (and development) of electrodynamometer brake, a type of electrical dynamometer, that is the only one with reversible use. This means, it is possible to measure both the torque and the power transmitted by the electric motors, by the direct method and the indirect. Besides it allows greater stability in the imposition of charges, due to its nature of being able to regenerate the energy imparted by the engines being tested


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El oleoturismo es una modalidad de turismo rural que se desarrolla en los municipios olivareros de la cuenca mediterránea. Las actividades turísticas están organizadas en torno al aceite de oliva y entre ellas se encuentran: visitas a campos de cultivo, a almazaras, catas, así como al estudio de la cultura y la historia del aceite. En esta investigación se analiza la situación de la actividad turística relacionada con este subsector en la Denominación de Origen Montoro-Adamuz, con el fin de conocer el perfil del consumidor de oleoturismo. A partir de aquí, se podrán diseñar herramientas para la promoción y comercialización del oleoturismo en esta región.


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El oleoturismo es una modalidad de turismo rural que se desarrolla en los municipios olivareros de la cuenca mediterránea. Las actividades turísticas están organizadas en torno al aceite de oliva y entre ellas se encuentran: visitas a campos de cultivo, a almazaras, catas, así como al estudio de la cultura y la historia del aceite. En esta investigación se analiza la situación de la actividad turística relacionada con este subsector en la Denominación de Origen Montoro-Adamuz, con el fin de conocer el perfil del consumidor de oleoturismo. A partir de aquí, se podrán diseñar herramientas para la promoción y comercialización del oleoturismo en esta región.


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El oleoturismo es una modalidad de turismo rural que se desarrolla en los municipios olivareros de la cuenca mediterránea. Las actividades turísticas están organizadas en torno al aceite de oliva y entre ellas se encuentran: visitas a campos de cultivo, a almazaras, catas, así como al estudio de la cultura y la historia del aceite. En esta investigación se analiza la situación de la actividad turística relacionada con este subsector en la Denominación de Origen Montoro-Adamuz, con el fin de conocer el perfil del consumidor de oleoturismo. A partir de aquí, se podrán diseñar herramientas para la promoción y comercialización del oleoturismo en esta región.


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Durante los últimos años, la construcción de grandes yates ha evolucionado hacia conceptos y diseños más complejos dónde se ha priorizado en muchas ocasiones la estética arquitectónica y exigencias de confort de los armadores y operadores dejando en segundo plano aspectos clave de seguridad. Diferentes Organismos Internacionales y las Sociedades de Clasificación han venido adaptando sus requisitos a la problemática específica de este tipo de buques, tratando de compatibilizar tendencias de diseño con exigencias de resistencia, integridad estructural, estanqueidad y seguridad entre otras. En la actualidad, la construcción de grandes yates con esloras incluso por encima de los 100 metros, el aumento del número de pasajeros por encima del límite tradicional de 12, las nuevas tendencias de ahorro energético y protección medioambiental que se están implantando en la industria en general y marítima en particular, plantean una serie de desafíos tanto a los diseñadores como a las Sociedades de Clasificación que deben avanzar en sus reglamentaciones para cubrir estos y otros aspectos. Son precisamente estos aspectos medioambientales, tradicionalmente relegados en la industria de grandes yates los que están ocupando en la actualidad un primer plano en los desarrollos de normativa de diferentes Organismos Internacionales y Nacionales. El impacto que estas nuevas normativas van a tener sobre el diseño de grandes yates a motor centra el desarrollo de esta Tesis. Hasta donde ha podido conocer el doctorando, esta es la primera vez que en una Tesis Doctoral se abordan los principales mecanismos que regulan el diseño y la construcción de grandes yates a motor, se estudian y analizan las regulaciones internacionales en materia de protección medioambiental y de eficiencia energética aplicables a los yates, se seleccionan y describen un conjunto de tecnologías maduras de carácter medioambiental, susceptibles de ser empleadas en yates y se determina los parámetros y aspectos del diseño a aplicar al proyecto de grandes yates a motor como resultado de la aplicación de estas tecnologías, analizados bajo la perspectiva de la Sociedad de Clasificación y de los Organismos Internacionales. La Tesis comienza con un análisis de la industria de construcción de grandes yates, la flota existente de grandes yates, la cartera actual de pedidos y la evolución esperada del mercado. Aquí se pone de manifiesto que a pesar de la crisis económica global de los últimos años, este mercado goza relativamente de buena salud y las previsiones son favorables, particularmente para el sector en Europa. A continuación se aborda el estado del arte del diseño de yate grande, sus peculiaridades, particularmente estructurales y de armamento, que le diferencian de otros tipos de buques y las tendencias en su diseño. Se pone de manifiesto cómo el proyecto de estos yates ha evolucionado hacia yates de gran tamaño y complejidad técnica, debido a la demanda y necesidades actuales y cómo ha influido en aspectos como la disposición estructural. Seguidamente se describen los principales mecanismos que regulan el diseño y construcción de grandes yates, particularmente el Código de Grandes Yates Comerciales de la Maritime & Coastguard Agency del Reino Unido, y las Reglas y Reglamentos de la Sociedad de Clasificación Lloyd’s Register para la Clasificación de yates; por ser ambas organizaciones las que lideran el Registro y la Clasificación respectivamente de este tipo de buques, objeto del estudio. El doctorando ejerce su actividad profesional como inspector de Lloyd’s Register en una oficina técnica de apoyo y evaluación de diseño, siendo especialista en grandes yates, lo que ha permitido exponer de primera mano el punto de vista de la Sociedad de Clasificación. En el siguiente Capítulo se describen las principales reglamentaciones internacionales de carácter medioambiental que afectan al diseño, construcción y operación de los yates, algunas de las cuales, como es el caso del Convenio Internacional para el Control y la Gestión del Agua de Lastre y Sedimentos de los buques (BWM 2004) aún no ha entrado en vigor a la fecha de terminación de esta Tesis. Seguidamente se realiza una selección de tecnologías desde el punto de vista de protección medioambiental y ahorro energético y su aplicación al diseño y construcción de grandes yates. Algunas de estas tecnologías son maduras y ya habían sido utilizadas con éxito en otros tipos de buques, pero su aplicación a los yates entraña ciertos desafíos que se describen en este Capítulo. A continuación se determinan y analizan los principales parámetros de diseño de los yates grandes a motor como consecuencia de las tecnologías estudiadas y se indican una serie de aspectos de diseño bajo la perspectiva de la Sociedad de Clasificación y de los Organismos Marítimos Internacionales. Finalmente se llega a una serie de conclusiones y se identifican futuras líneas de investigación en relación a las tecnologías descritas en este trabajo. ABSTRACT In recent years, the building of large yachts has evolved into more complex concepts and designs where often prioritized architectural aesthetics and comfort requirements of owners and operators leaving in the background key security aspects. Several international organizations and classification societies have been adapting their requirements to the specific problems of this type of vessel, trying to reconcile demands design trends with resistance, structural integrity, watertightness and safety among others. At present, the building of large yachts with lengths even above 100 meters, the increase in passenger numbers over the traditional limit of 12, new trends of energy saving and environmental protection are being implemented in the marine industry in particular, they pose a number of challenges to both designers and classification societies that should update and improve their regulations to cover these and other aspects. It is precisely these environmental issues, traditionally relegated to the large yacht industry, which are currently occupying center stage in the development of rules of different international and national bodies. The impact that these new standards will have on the design of large motor yachts focuses the development of this thesis. As far as it is known, this is the first time in a doctoral thesis the main mechanisms regulating the design and construction of large motor yachts are addressed, the international regulations on environmental protection and energy efficiency requirements for yachts are studied and analyzed, a set of mature environmental technologies, capable of being applied to yachts are selected and described, the parameters and design aspects to be applied to large yacht projects as a result of the application of these technologies are determined and analyzed from the perspective of the Classification Society and international organizations. The thesis begins with an analysis of the shipbuilding industry of large yachts, the existing fleet of large yachts, the current backlog and the expected market developments. Here it becomes clear that despite the global economic crisis of recent years, this market enjoys relatively good health and prospects are favorable, particularly for the sector in Europe. Then the state of the art of large yacht design, its peculiarities, particularly structural and outfitting, that differentiate it from other types of ships and trends in design is discussed. It shows how the project of these yachts has evolved to large yachts and technical complexity, due to the demand and needs and how it has influenced the structural arrangement aspects. Then the main mechanisms regulating the design and construction of large yachts, particularly the Large Commercial Yacht Code developed by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (UK) and the Lloyd’s Register Rules & Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft including yachts are described; the two organizations to be leading the registration and classification respectively of such vessels under study. The doctoral student practices his profession as a senior specialist to Lloyd’s Register in a technical support office, dealing with the design assessment of large yachts, which allowed exposing firsthand view of the Classification Society. In the next chapter describes the main international environmental regulations, affecting the design, construction and operation of yachts, some of which, such as the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM 2004) has not yet entered into force at the date of completion of this thesis. Following is a selection of technologies from the point of view of environmental protection and energy saving and its application to design and construction of large yachts. Some of these technologies are mature and have already been used successfully in other ship types, but their application to yachts entails certain challenges that are described in this chapter. Then identifies and analyzes the main design parameters of large motor yachts as a result of the technologies studied and a number of design aspects are given from the perspective of Classification Society and international maritime organizations. Finally, a number of conclusions are exposed, and future research is identified in relation to the technologies described in this Thesis.


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Subunit rotation within the F1 catalytic sector of the ATP synthase has been well documented, identifying the synthase as the smallest known rotary motor. In the membrane-embedded FO sector, it is thought that proton transport occurs at a rotor/stator interface between the oligomeric ring of c subunits (rotor) and the single-copy a subunit (stator). Here we report evidence for an energy-dependent rotation at this interface. FOF1 was expressed with a pair of substituted cysteines positioned to allow an intersubunit disulfide crosslink between subunit a and a c subunit [aN214C/cM65C; Jiang, W. & Fillingame, R. H. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 6607–6612]. Membranes were treated with N,N′-dicyclohexyl-[14C]carbodiimide to radiolabel the D61 residue on less than 20% of the c subunits. After oxidation to form an a–c crosslink, the c subunit properly aligned to crosslink to subunit a was found to contain very little 14C label relative to other members of the c ring. However, exposure to MgATP before oxidation significantly increased the radiolabel in the a–c crosslink, indicating that a different c subunit was now aligned with subunit a. This increase was not induced by exposure to MgADP/Pi. Furthermore, preincubation with MgADP and azide to inhibit F1 or with high concentrations of N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide to label most c subunits prevented the ATP effect. These results provide evidence for an energy-dependent rotation of the c ring relative to subunit a.


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The research analyses the former and the current status of the small gas-motor power plant investments in the Hungarian energy sector. It discusses the development of project financing in the segment and the major changes and effects of new regulations and subsidy-policy implemented in 2010. The objective of this paper is to present the results of an empirical research of the so called GCHP projects, and to draw conclusion concerning how classic project financing conditions were present and changed during the last decade, and how regulation affected the current and future financial status of these projects.


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Segundo o paradigma económico vigente, os intangíveis são hoje os principais factores de produção que criam riqueza no meio empresarial, devendo ser entendidos pelos gestores como factores críticos de sucesso. O conjunto de intangíveis que criam valor organizacional e sustentam a vantagem competitiva constituem o capital intelectual. Se no meio académico, o capital intelectual é visto como um motor do desenvolvimento económico, no âmbito da sociedade do conhecimento, já no meio empresarial apesar do reconhecimento da sua importância estratégica, poucos conseguem defini-lo e identificá-lo, não sabendo mesmo como tirar proveito dele. Acresce ainda o facto de o principal entrave poder estar relacionado na dificuldade em medir e representar o valor gerado por este recurso intangível. A generalidade dos autores que se dedica ao estudo do capital intelectual sustenta a existência de uma relação entre este e o desempenho organizacional, numa óptica de criação e manutenção de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo exploratório realizado no âmbito da indústria farmacêutica portuguesa, com o objectivo de investigar, por um lado, a presença dos três elementos do capital intelectual: capital humano, capital estrutural e capital relacional e, por outro, o seu inter-relacionamento dentro do contexto farmacêutico português. Por fim, pretende-se investigar até que ponto o capital intelectual contribui para o sucesso das organizações analisadas. / According to the prevailing economic paradigm, intangibles are now the main factors of production that are creating wealth in the business world and they should be seen by managers as crucial factors of success. The intangible assets that create organisational value and sustain a competitive edge constitute intellectual capital. In academia intellectual capital is viewed as a driving force for economic development, in the context of the knowledge society, but in the corporate world, although recognised for its strategic importance few people can define it and identify it, or even know how to exploit it. The chief obstacle may be related to the difficulty in measuring and representing the value engendered by this intangible resource. Most authors involved in studying intellectual capital believe that it is related to organisational performance in terms of creating and retaining sustainable competitive advantages. This work is an exploratory study of the Portuguese pharmaceutical industry and it set out, first, to inquire into the presence of the three elements of intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital and relational capital, and also to examine their interrelations within the Portuguese pharmaceutical context. A final objective was to ascertain the part played by intellectual capital in the success of the organizations studied.


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Motor vehicle theft costs dearly to the Australian economy. Conservative estimates have put the annual cost of this form of illegal activity at 654 million during 1996. A number of initiatives aimed at reducing the incidence and cost of car theft have been implemented in recent years, yet statistics indicate that car theft is on the increase. Several authors have proposed an integrated approach to the regulation of markets for stolen property. Understanding property crime as a market is central to identifying approaches to its control. This paper discusses an industry model of crime and develops it on Australian data. Our model is an adaptation of one originally proposed by Vandeale (1978). It considers a production sector that uses inputs from a market of illegal labour to generate a supply of illegal goods that are traded in a product market. These sectors interact with each other and with a criminal justice sector. The model is applied to the analysis of car theft in Queensland.


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This article reports the results of a survey of the pearl oyster industry in French Polynesia territory. Its purpose is to examine the perceptions of the priorities for the development of this industry towards sustainable development. These perceptions were apprehended by a survey of pearl oyster farmers and other stakeholders of the sector (management authorities, scientists). After describing the methodological protocol of these investigations, it comes to confront the priorities chosen by professionals (i.e. pearl farmers) concerning sustainable development, with the perceptions of others stakeholders in the sector. Secondly it comes to build a typology of the priorities of pearl farmers concerning sustainable development. This analysis enables the assessment of the degree of convergence within the sector, which is the base material for defining a shared action plan at the territory scale. This is the first study compiling data of surveys of various professionals and stakeholders of the pearl farming industry in such a large area in French Polynesia.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Programa de Ingeniería Civil


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OBJECTIVES: Educator-led programs for physical activity and motor skill development show potential but few have been implemented and evaluated using a randomized controlled design. Furthermore, few educator-led programs have evaluated both gross motor skills and physical activity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate a gross motor skill and physical activity program for preschool children which was facilitated solely by childcare educators. DESIGN: A six-month 2-arm randomized controlled trial was implemented between April and September 2012 in four early childhood centers in Tasmania, Australia. METHODS: Educators participated in ongoing professional development sessions and children participated in structured physical activity lessons and unstructured physical activity sessions. RESULTS: In total, 150 children were recruited from four centers which were randomized to intervention or wait-list control group. Six early childhood educators from the intervention centers were trained to deliver the intervention. Gross motor skills were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd edition) and physical activity was measured objectively using GT3X+ Actigraph accelerometers. No statistically significant differences were identified. However, small to medium effect sizes, in favor of the intervention group, were evident for four of the five gross motor skills and the total gross motor skill score and small to medium effect sizes were reported for all physical activity outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the potential of educator-led physical activity interventions and supports the need for further translational trials within the early childhood sector.