949 resultados para scholarly journals


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Este trabalho investiga e analisa o fenômeno dos MBAs no Brasil e seu papel na disseminação e legitimação de novas práticas gerenciais. Os MBAs, assim como as escolas de administração, fazem parte do campo do management, junto com a mídia de negócios, os gurus empresariais e as empresas de consultoria. O objeto de estudo é constituído pelos programas de Mestrado Profissional em Administração, que são informalmente denominados de MBAs. A pesquisa compreendeu quatro etapas: (1) investigação sobre o tema junto à publicações acadêmicas e à mídia de negócios, (2) entrevistas com coordenadores e pessoas-chave dos cursos, (3) análise dos dados obtidos e dos depoimentos dos entrevistados, e (4) preparação do relatório final. O estudo fornece um quadro amplo do fenômeno no Brasil, apontando algumas questões-chave.


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[EN]This paper proposes an alternative bibliometric indicator for evaluating scholarly journals based on the percentage of highly cited articles in a journal. It compares such an index with the impact factor and the h-index by using different time windows and levels of citation that can determine when a document can be considered as highly cited compared to others of the same year and discipline. The main outcome of this comparison suggests that the best index for obtaining data distributions that are comparable between scientific fields is by taking the 20% citation percentile over a three-year time frame for considering citations.


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A la luz de la Convergencia Europea, los títulos de grado en comunicación elaborados en España están fundamentados en las competencias requeridas para el ejercicio de cada una de las profesiones. Es necesario, pues, analizar al profesional de la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas, del Periodismo y de la Comunicación Audiovisual. Este trabajo pretende conocer los estudios de investigación centrados en este tema. Realiza una revisión sistemática de los artículos, libros y tesis doctorales sobre las profesiones de comunicador desde la década de los setenta hasta 2009, en las bases de datos ISOC, ISBN y TESEO. Extrae indicadores bibliométricos y sigue los criterios de evaluación mantenidos por la CNEAI (Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora) y la ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación) para valorar las investigaciones. Los resultados muestran que es la firma del Plan Bolonia lo que parece iniciar un ciclo de atención hacia las profesiones de comunicación. Periodismo es la profesión más estudiada. La mayoría de los estudios no cumplen con los criterios de calidad de las agencias evaluadoras. En conjunto, se observa la necesidad de aumentar la cantidad y la calidad de las investigaciones para realizar planes de estudios «basados en evidencia», así como la pertinencia de fortalecer la formación de los investigadores en la metodología de la investigación social.


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Special issue editorial: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to outline the articles presented in the Special Issue on the topic of “Marketing and flexibility”, and to discuss key issues associated with major debates relating to flexibility in order to position the articles within a wider context and highlight some key issues for further research. Design/methodology/approach – Themes in prior research relating to “Marketing and flexibility” are documented and the growth of research interest into strategic flexibility is tabulated. The contributions of each article are briefly discussed. Findings – There has been a steady growth of research interest into flexibility. To provide an example of this growth, the increase in the number of articles published on the topic of strategic flexibility in scholarly journals is highlighted over a 20-year period. Key issues in prior research such as alternative definitions and the different postulated relationships between market orientation and strategic flexibility are revealed, as are issues for future research. Originality/value – Key issues relating to research into flexibility for marketing scholars are revealed.


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This thesis traces the mechanisms and sources responsible for the generation of civic social capital (a set of shared norms and values that promote cooperation between groups, enabling them to participate in the political process) by black churches in West Perrine, Florida. Data for this thesis includes over fifty interviews and participant observations, archival records, newspaper articles, and scholarly journals. ^ Despite the institutional racism of the first half of the twentieth century, many blacks and whites in Perrine developed levels of trust significant enough to form an integrated local governing body, evidence of high levels of csc. At mid-century, when black and white interactions ceased, Perrine's csc decreased, leading to the deterioration of Perrine's social and physical conditions. Perrine's csc increased in the 1980s by way of broad-based coalitions as Perrine's churches invested their csc in an effort to eradicate crime, clean up its neighborhood, and win back its youth. ^


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Publishing in scholarly journals is challenging due to a high manuscript rejection rate. One third of the rejection rate can be attributed to poor organization (McKercher, Law, Weber, Song, & Hsu, 2007). This paper discusses four components of reporting qualitative empirical studies to guide researchers in developing a logical manuscript.


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Alasdair MacIntyre’s distinction between institutions and practices helps illuminate how powerful institutional forces frame and constrain the practice of organizational research as well as the output and positioning of scholarly journals like Organization. Yet his conceptual frame is limited, not least because it is unclear whether the activity of managing is, or is not, a practice. This article builds on MacIntyre’s ideas by incorporating Aristotle’s concepts of poíēsis, praxis, téchnē and phrónēsis. Rather than ask, following MacIntyre, whether management is a practice, this wider network of concepts provides a richer frame for understanding the nature of managing and the appropriate role for academia. The article outlines a phronetic paradigm for organizational inquiry, and concludes by briefly examining the implications of such a paradigm for research and learning.


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Alasdair MacIntyre’s distinction between institutions and practices helps illuminate how powerful institutional forces frame and constrain the practice of organizational research as well as the output and positioning of scholarly journals. Yet his conceptual frame is limited, not least because it is unclear whether the activity of managing is, or is not, a practice. This paper builds on MacIntyre’s ideas by incorporating Aristotle’s concepts of poíēsis, praxis, téchnē and phrónēsis. Rather than ask, following MacIntyre, whether management is a practice, this wider network of concepts provides a richer frame for understanding the nature of managing and the appropriate role for academia. The paper outlines a phronetic paradigm for organizational inquiry, and concludes by briefly examining the implications of such a paradigm for research and learning.


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In the past decade, Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) has become a major element of global capital flows. As a consequence, recent years have witnessed an increasing growth in the number of papers focusing on Chinese companies “going global.” This paper reviews 112 empirical papers focusing on Chinese OFDI that were published in major scholarly journals between 2002 and 2014. We report on individual and institutional contributions, citations, the theories and methods used and the research topics. We also identify the research gaps and discuss the implications of our literature review for future theory building.


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This is the lead article for an issue of M/C Journal on the theme ‘obsolete.’ It uses the history of the International Journal of Cultural Studies (of which the author has been editor since 1997) to investigate technological innovations and their scholarly implications in academic journal publishing; in particular the obsolescence of the print form. Print-based elements like cover-design, the running order of articles, special issues, refereeing and the reading experience are all rendered obsolete with the growth of online access to individual articles. The paper argues that individuation of reading choices may be accompanied by less welcome tendencies, such as a decline in collegiality, disciplinary innovation, and trust.


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This review is in response to Thinking Collaboratively about Peer-Review Process in Journal Article Publication by Kevin K.Kumashiro. Several authors critique and analyse the reflections of Kevin K. Kumashiro on challenges to publishing ant-oppressive research in educational journals.


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Fierce debates have characterised 2013 as the implications of government mandates for open access have been debated and pathways for implementation worked out. There is no doubt that journals will move to a mix of gold and green and there will be an unsettled relationship between the two. But what of books? Is it conceivable that in those subjects, such as in the humanities and social sciences, where something longer than the journal article is still the preferred form of scholarly communications that these will stay closed? Will it be acceptable to have some publicly funded research made available only in closed book form (regardless of whether print or digital) while other subjects where articles are favoured go open access? Frances Pinter is in the middle of these debates, having founded Knowledge Unlatched (see www.knowledgeunlatched.org). KU is a global library consortium enabling open access books. Knowledge Unlatched is helping libraries to work together for a sustainable open future for specialist academic books. Its vision is a healthy market that includes free access for end users. In this session she will review all the different models that are being experimented with around the world. These include author-side payments, institutional subsidies, research funding body approaches etc. She will compare and contrast these models with those that are already in place for journal articles. She will also review the policy landscape and report on how open access scholarly books are faring to date Frances Pinter, Founder, Knowledge Unlatched, UK


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“Predatory vs Quality journals,” presented by Paula Callan, Scholarly communications Librarian, QUT and Stephanie Bradbury, Research Support Coordinator, QUT. Presented 5 August via Blackboard Collaborate as part of the QULOC Research Support for Library Liaison webinar series. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


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The Internet has made possible the cost-effective dissemination of scientific journals in the form of electronic versions, usually in parallel with the printed versions. At the same time the electronic medium also makes possible totally new open access (OA) distribution models, funded by author charges, sponsorship, advertising, voluntary work, etc., where the end product is free in full text to the readers. Although more than 2,000 new OA journals have been founded in the last 15 years, the uptake of open access has been rather slow, with currently around 5% of all peer-reviewed articles published in OA journals. The slow growth can to a large extent be explained by the fact that open access has predominantly emerged via newly founded journals and startup publishers. Established journals and publishers have not had strong enough incentives to change their business models, and the commercial risks in doing so have been high. In this paper we outline and discuss two different scenarios for how scholarly publishers could change their operating model to open access. The first is based on an instantaneous change and the second on a gradual change. We propose a way to manage the gradual change by bundling traditional “big deal” licenses and author charges for opening access to individual articles.