42 resultados para retrenchment,


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This article examines the work and roles of HR managers in the Irish recession. It tests the validity of three competing views about the future of HR: that the profession needs to become a business partner; that it is knee-deep in a legitimacy crisis; and that it is fragmenting by being unable to cope with the complexity of modern organizational life. Three key findings emerge from the research. First, HR managers have gained greater influence in business decision-making, but much of this influence arises from short-run retrenchment measures. Second, many HR managers remain committed to long established professional values and ideas of good practice. Third, modern HR managers are developing a professional identity that allows them to perform multiple, competing roles. These findings challenge existing arguments about the effects of the current recession. They also speak to ongoing debates about changing HR roles by showing how HR managers remain adept at making pragmatic adaptations to secure their role in organizational life. © The Author(s) 2012.


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Over the last decade, joined-up government has assumed a prominent place in the study and practice of public management. In this article, drawing on the Irish case we adopt an institutionalist approach to the issue of joining-up government and bureaucratic reform. We explore how the period of sustained and rapid economic growth in Ireland during the 1990s was also characterised by a fragmentation of the public service and proliferation of agencies. Subsequently, as a consequence of the sharp contraction in public spending brought about by the global financial crisis, we find an accelerated process of public sector recentralisation, retrenchment and de-agencification. Much of this is occurring in an unplanned manner but under the generic banner of 'joining up' government. We identify the drivers behind these dynamics and how they have manifested themselves, as well as the changes to politicaladministrative relationships brought about by new initiatives, the power imbalances they expose, and ultimately their consequences on public service delivery. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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The impact of the global financial crisis has been particularly severe in Ireland, and the 2008-14 period has been one defined by considerable state retrenchment. It has, however, also given rise to a period of unprecedented public service reform, and particularly following the election of a government with a strong reforming mandate in 2011. In this paper, the context and content of the reforms are examined along institutional, financial and politico-administrative dimensions respectively. A final section discusses the politics of reform in a time of crisis.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Sociais (Sociologia Política), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2015


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The construction sector in Portugal declined sharply over the past 10 years. The current crisis can wiped out the entire industry. Can the industry survive? What lessons can we learn? What can be done to revive the sector? These are questions this study intends to answer. By analyzing the best practices of the industry and of the largest construction companies in Portugal, as well as the difficulties and constrains that they all faced, I found that retrenchment (operational costs and selling assets) are the main measures companies resort to, and that strategic reorientation is essential to turnaround. I found that internationalization is a key driver on strategic reorientation and diversification and concentration are complementary strategies that can enforce and strengthen the main one.


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La présente vise à étudier le rôle que jouent les groupes dans les Sénats universitaires en période de restrictions budgétaires. En utilisant le cadre d’analyse des conflits fourni par Bélanger et Lemieux (2002), en développant une typologie dérivée de celle de Hardy (1996) et en se basant sur les constats empiriques de Jones (2001, 2004) concernant les perceptions des participants à cette instance, nous avons analysé le déroulement de l’Assemblée universitaire de l’Université de Montréal au cours de l’hiver 2008. Les résultats montrent que les groupes syndicaux et associatifs collaborent peu, que la direction réussit à tirer son épingle du jeu en formant des alliances ponctuelles avec les différentes factions et que l’Assemblée ne joue plus efficacement le rôle pour lequel elle a été créée. Cette étude montre l’importance de continuer la recherche sur la micropolitique universitaire afin d’appuyer la recherche actuelle portant sur les meilleures pratiques en enseignement supérieur.


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The euro area today consists of a competitive, moderately leveraged North and an uncompetitive, over-indebted South. Its main macroeconomic challenge is to carry out the adjustment required to restore the competitiveness of its southern part and eliminate its excessive public and private debt burden. This paper investigates the relationship between fiscal and competitiveness adjustment in a stylised model with two countries in a monetary union, North and South. To restore competitiveness, South implements a more restrictive fiscal policy than North. We consider two scenarios. In the first, monetary policy aims at keeping inflation constant in the North. The South therefore needs to deflate to regain competitiveness, which worsens the debt dynamics. In the second, monetary policy aims at keeping inflation constant in the monetary union as a whole. This results in more monetary stimulus, inflation in the North is higher, and this in turn helps the debt dynamics in the South. Our main findings are: •The differential fiscal stance between North and South is what determines real exchange rate changes. South therefore needs to tighten more. There is no escape from relative austerity. •If monetary policy aims at keeping inflation stable in the North and the initial debt is above a certain threshold, debt dynamics are perverse: fiscal retrenchment is self-defeating; •If monetary policy targets average inflation instead, which implies higher inflation in the North, the initial debt threshold above which the debt dynamics become perverse is higher. Accepting more inflation at home is therefore a way for the North to contribute to restoring debt sustainability in the South. •Structural reforms in the South improve the debt dynamics if the initial debt is not too high. Again, targeting average inflation rather than inflation in the North helps strengthen the favourable effects of structural reforms.


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The Pax Americana and the grand strategy of hegemony (or “Primacy”) that underpins it may be becoming unsustainable. Particularly in the wake of exhausting wars, the Global Financial Crisis, and the shift of wealth from West to East, it may no longer be possible or prudent for the United States to act as the unipolar sheriff or guardian of a world order. But how viable are the alternatives, and what difficulties will these alternatives entail in their design and execution? This analysis offers a sympathetic but critical analysis of alternative U.S. National Security Strategies of “retrenchment” that critics of American diplomacy offer. In these strategies, the United States would anticipate the coming of a more multipolar world and organize its behavior around the dual principles of “concert” and “balance,” seeking a collaborative relationship with other great powers, while being prepared to counterbalance any hostile aggressor that threatens world order. The proponents of such strategies argue that by scaling back its global military presence and its commitments, the United States can trade prestige for security, shift burdens, and attain a more free hand. To support this theory, they often look to the 19th-century concert of Europe as a model of a successful security regime and to general theories about the natural balancing behavior of states. This monograph examines this precedent and measures its usefulness for contemporary statecraft to identify how great power concerts are sustained and how they break down. The project also applies competing theories to how states might behave if world politics are in transition: Will they balance, bandwagon, or hedge? This demonstrates the multiple possible futures that could shape and be shaped by a new strategy. viii A new strategy based on an acceptance of multipolarity and the limits of power is prudent. There is scope for such a shift. The convergence of several trends—including transnational problems needing collaborative efforts, the military advantages of defenders, the reluctance of states to engage in unbridled competition, and hegemony fatigue among the American people—means that an opportunity exists internationally and at home for a shift to a new strategy. But a Concert-Balance strategy will still need to deal with several potential dilemmas. These include the difficulty of reconciling competitive balancing with cooperative concerts, the limits of balancing without a forward-reaching onshore military capability, possible unanticipated consequences such as a rise in regional power competition or the emergence of blocs (such as a Chinese East Asia or an Iranian Gulf), and the challenge of sustaining domestic political support for a strategy that voluntarily abdicates world leadership. These difficulties can be mitigated, but they must be met with pragmatic and gradual implementation as well as elegant theorizing and the need to avoid swapping one ironclad, doctrinaire grand strategy for another.


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Has intra-party democracy deteriorated over time? A widely held view in contemporary party research is that intra-party democracy, especially in traditional mass parties, has deteriorated in the age of the cartel party. This common assessment, however, relies on insufficient empirical evidence, and is scrutinized in the article. The notion of a gradual progress towards the cartel party implicitly shares common characteristics with the classic theory of Michels. In order to investigate the actual fate of intra-party democracy, central aspects of Michels theory are explored over time in a critical case, namely the Swedish SAP. If intra-party democracy is declining, this tendency should be most likely to be observed in this case. Two internal decision-making processes, surrounding two major pension reforms – one expansion in the 1950’s and one retrenchment in the 1990’s – are compared based on criteria deducted from Michels. Instead of finding a decline in intraparty democracy, the results conclusively demonstrate major improvements.


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A dissertação enfoca o debate sobre o processo de construção de um determinado desenho de reforma, especificamente, o processo por meio do qual ideias semelhantes de orientação pelo desempenho se transformaram em diferentes reformas. Essas ideias estiveram presentes em inúmeras reformas disseminadas recentemente nos estados brasileiros, principalmente, na Educação. A necessidade de melhoria do desempenho governamental, de ajuste fiscal e a baixa accountability foram os principais impulsos para a realização das reformas nos estados brasileiros. Na Educação, a adoção das reformas ocorreu pelo baixo desempenho dos alunos nas avaliações internacionais e nacionais e, além disso, sua disseminação foi influenciada por uma série de atores e instituições, como organismos internacionais, Governo Federal, fóruns federativos e organizações da sociedade civil. Apesar da disseminação desse tipo de reforma nas redes estaduais de ensino, seus desenhos são diversos. Para entender quais são as variáveis que influenciam os desenhos das reformas, foi revisada e sistematizada a literatura de Políticas Públicas e de Ciência Política que busca explicar essa problemática e foram realizados questionários e entrevistas qualitativas com os responsáveis pelas reformas nos estados escolhidos e analistas da política educacional. Verificou-se, portanto, que a trajetória da própria política é um elemento fundamental para entender esse processo.


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O presente estudo sobre o trabalho escravo está pautado na análise dos princípios gerais e constitucionais que norteiam a matéria, em especial, o princípio da dignidade humana, discutindo principalmente as hipóteses caracterizadoras do crime de redução do trabalhador à condição análoga à de escravo, os bens jurídicos tutelados, e as possíveis formas de combater essa prática. A partir desse referencial, aprofundamos a pesquisa nas formas de atuação preventiva do Estado, como meio de propiciar a inclusão social dos trabalhadores. Ao abordar a problemática do trabalho escravo, buscamos discutir mecanismos de inclusão social, por meio de ações capazes de inibir a prática do trabalho escravo no momento do aliciamento da mão-de-obra. Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade principal chamar a atenção para o problema que vivenciamos ainda hoje no meio rural brasileiro, demonstrando a necessidade de se agir efetivamente contra esta prática secular que é submeter o ser humano a condições subumanas de vida, por meio da superexploração do trabalho, com vistas a coibir este crime desde o momento do aliciamento, e não apenas por meio de ações repressivas como o resgate. Em outras palavras, defendemos a necessidade de atuação no momento a priori da escravidão – na arregimentação. O estudo está dividido em três capítulos, o primeiro destina-se à compreensão teórico-jurídica do trabalho escravo, analisando o crime sob as óticas internacional, constitucional e penalista; o segundo trata da análise das formas de atuação repressiva do Estado, trazendo entendimentos jurisprudenciais trabalhistas e penais a respeito do tema, cujas decisões judiciais foram selecionadas principalmente no Estado do Pará; e o terceiro capítulo traz o estudo de métodos de atuação preventiva, como forma de combate ao trabalho escravo e de promoção da inclusão social, percorrendo detalhadamente as características do aliciamento ilegal de trabalhadores, propondo, ao final, a regularização prévia da relação de trabalho, transformando o aliciamento ilegal em contrato de trabalho regular.


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The past decade has witnessed a period of intense economic globalisation. The growing significance of international trade, investment, production and financial flows appears to be curtailing the autonomy of individual nation states. In particular, globalisation appears to be encouraging, if not demanding, a decline in social spending and standards. However, many authors believe that this thesis ignores the continued impact of national political and ideological pressures and lobby groups on policy outcomes. In particular, it has been argued that national welfare consumer and provider groups remain influential defenders of the welfare state. For example, US aged care groups are considered to be particularly effective defenders of social security pensions. According to this argument, governments engaged in welfare retrenchment may experience considerable electoral backlash (Pierson 1996; Mishra 1999). Yet, it is also noted that governments can take action to reduce the impact of such groups by reducing their funding, and their access to policy-making and consultation processes. These actions are then justified on the basis of removing potential obstacles to economic competitiveness (Pierson 1994; Melville 1999).


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In general, fiscal adjustments are associated with significant reductions in social spending. Hence, the welfare state is not spared from austerity. Because the welfare state is still central to party competition, this is electorally risky. The paper addresses the following questions: Do left parties differ from their centrist and rightist competitors in the design of austerity measures? And does government type has an impact on the extent to which austerity policies rely on social spending cuts? By comparing 17 OECD countries between 1982 and 2009 we show that if governments embark on a path to austerity, their ideology does not have a significant effect on the magnitude of welfare state retrenchment. However, if major opposition parties and interest groups rally against social spending cuts, a broad pro-reform coalition is a crucial precondition for large fiscal consolidation programs to rely on substantial cuts to social security.


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Many destination marketing organizations in the United States and elsewhere are facing budget retrenchment for tourism marketing, especially for advertising. This study evaluates a three-stage model using Random Coefficient Logit (RCL) approach which controls for correlations between different non-independent alternatives and considers heterogeneity within individual’s responses to advertising. The results of this study indicate that the proposed RCL model results in a significantly better fit as compared to traditional logit models, and indicates that tourism advertising significantly influences tourist decisions with several variables (age, income, distance and Internet access) moderating these decisions differently depending on decision stage and product type. These findings suggest that this approach provides a better foundation for assessing, and in turn, designing more effective advertising campaigns.


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The fall in economic output all over Europe since 2008 has had important consequences for household liabilities. Major growth in demand and supply for household credit products has generated an increase in household debt, which contributed to growth rates during the pre-crisis period but – in some countries – became household-debt overhangs and helped inflate asset bubbles. In the run-up to the crisis, long-term economic lessons and theories were often overlooked and signs that the economic situation could worsen were ignored. Although not at the core of the crisis, household debt had important consequences for macroeconomic stability, robustness of growth and the depth of recessions. The last ten years in Europe have demonstrated the typical final stage of a household debt cycle: rapid increase and abrupt retrenchment. Widely varying outcomes across Europe enable us to consider the causes of the rapid growth in household debt and draw theoretical lessons that can help policy-makers and academics devise a coherent regulatory response to avoid extremes of the debt cycle in future.