946 resultados para reporter


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Previously developed estrogen and androgen mammalian reporter gene assays (RGAs) were assessed for their potential use as a quantitative screening method in the detection of estrogenic and androgenic endocrine disruptors (EDs) in sport supplements. The validation of both RGAs coupled with dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE) was performed in accordance with European Commission Decision EC/2002/6579 for biological screening methods. Decision limits (CCa) and detection capabilities (CCß) were established for both the estrogen and androgen RGAs. All samples were compliant with CCa and CCß in both bioassays. Recovery rates were 96 % for 17ß-estradiol and 115 % for dihydrotestosterone as obtained in their corresponding RGA. Both estrogens and androgens were stable in samples for more than 3 weeks, when stored at -20 °C. Specificity, good repeatability (coefficients of variation (CV), 12–25 %), reproducibility and robustness of both bioassays were also observed. Four different ED modes of action were determined for estrogens and androgens in 53 sport supplements, using the validated RGAs. This study revealed that 89 % of the investigated sport supplements contained estrogenic EDs and 51 % contained androgenic compounds. In conclusion, both bioassays are suitable for sport supplement screening of estrogenic and androgenic EDs.


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Plant-derived carbon is the substrate which drives the rate of microbial assimilation and turnover of nutrients, in particular N and P, within the rhizosphere. To develop a better understanding of rhizosphere dynamics, a tripartite reporter gene system has been developed. We used three lux-marked Pseudomonas fluorescens strains to report on soil (1) assimilable carbon, (2) N-status, and (3) P-status. In vivo studies using soil water, spiked with C, N and P to simulate rhizosphere conditions, showed that the tripartite reporter system can provide real-time assessment of carbon and nutrient status. Good quantitative agreement for bioluminescence output between reference material and soil water samples was found for the C and P reporters. With regard to soil nitrate, the minimum bioavailable concentration was found to be greater than that analytically detectable in soil water. This is the first time that bioavailable soil C, N and P have been quantified using a tripartite reporter gene system.


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Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are compounds known to interfere with the endocrine system by disturbing the action or pathways of natural hormones which may lead to infertility or cancer.Our diet is considered to be one of the main exposure routes to EDs. Since milk and dairy products are major components of our diet they should be monitored for ED contamination. Most assays developed to date utilise targeted, chromatography based methods which lack information on the biological activity and mixture effects of the monitored compounds.A biological reporter gene assay (RGA) was developed to assess the total estrogen hormonal load in milk. It has been validated according to EU decision 2002/657/EC. Analytes were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction with acetonitrile followed by clean up on a HLB column which yielded good recovery and small matrix effects. The method has been shown to be estrogen specific, repeatable and reproducible, with covariance values below 20%. In conclusion, this method enables the detection of low levels of estrogen hormonal activity in milk with a detection capability of 36pgg EEQ and has been successfully applied in testing a range of milk samples. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Les maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin (MII) sont caractérisées par des réponses immunitaires incontrôlées dans l'intestin. Des études génétiques ont associé un polymorphisme dans le gène de l'IL23R à la résistance aux MII. IL23R code pour la protéine de l’IL-23r, une sous-unité du récepteur à l’IL-23 (IL-23R). Ce récepteur appartient à la famille de l’IL-12R, contenant plusieurs récepteurs hétérodimériques. D’ailleurs, IL-12R et IL-23R partagent la sous-unité IL12Rb1. Néanmoins, ces deux récepteurs favorisent des réponses immunitaires distinctes (Th1 vs Th17). Ce mémoire caractérise les dynamiques d’expression cellulaires de l’IL-23R et l’IL-12R, afin d’élucider leurs rôles dans l’inflammation. Nous avons établi qu’IL-23R et IL-12R ne sont jamais co-exprimés, malgré qu’ils partagent la sous-unité IL-12Rβ1. Parmi les cellules de rates de souris, la protéine IL-23r est trouvée dans certaines cellules T TCRγδ ou T CD4+, quelques cellules B et des cellules Lti-like. La protéine IL-12Rβ2 est exprimée par quelques cellules B. L’analyse de l’expression de l’IL-23R et l’IL-12R dans différents organes révéla que la plus grande proportion de cellules exprimant l’IL-23R se retrouve dans la lamina propria de l'intestin grêle, alors que les cellules exprimant l’IL-12Rβ2 ont été retrouvées en proportion équivalente dans tous les organes lymphoïdes. Ces observations appuient les études génétiques suggérant un rôle prédominant de l’IL23R dans les intestins. Finalement, des cultures in vitro suggèrent que l’IL-23R ou l’IL-12R avaient des réactions croisées à l’IL-12 ou l’IL-23. L’étude de l’IL-23R dans les MII devrait donc être complémentée par l’étude de l’IL-12R, car les deux récepteurs pourraient avoir des rôles complémentaires.


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Cette thèse examine les théories politiques profanes qui sont mises de l’avant dans les articles et les reportages des journalistes politiques. Par «théories profanes», nous entendons les constructions intellectuelles informelles qui aident les journalistes à appréhender et à concevoir la vie politique. Nous les définissons ici par opposition aux théories scientifiques des universitaires. Ces théories sont examinées sous trois angles différents, au travers de trois articles scientifiques distincts. Notre principal objectif est de déterminer dans quelle mesure et pour quelles raisons les théories journalistiques profanes convergent ou divergent des théories universitaires scientifiques. Au premier chapitre, nous nous demandons ce que les journalistes font, en nous attardant aux critères sur lesquels ces derniers s’appuient pour analyser la personnalité des chefs de partis politiques. Plus précisément, nous cherchons à savoir si les journalistes tiennent compte des considérations politiques jugées importantes par les citoyens. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, nous réalisons une analyse de contenu des reportages diffusés dans les grands bulletins d’information télévisés au sujet de l’ex-chef du Parti québécois, André Boisclair. Au second chapitre, nous poussons notre réflexion un cran plus loin en nous demandant ce que les journalistes disent précisément dans les théories qu’ils développent. Pour ce faire, nous examinons les théories développées par les journalistes pour expliquer le comportement des parlementaires. De manière spécifique, nous contrastons les théories académiques de la dissidence politique avec ce qui s’est écrit dans les grands journaux canadiens à l’occasion de quatre votes particulièrement serrés ayant eu lieu à la Chambre des communes à propos de la prolongation de la mission canadienne en Afghanistan et de l’abolition du registre des armes d’épaule. Enfin, nous nous attardons à ce que les journalistes pensent de leurs propres théories, en les interrogeant sur les raisons qui les poussent à mettre ces dernières de l’avant et sur la manière dont ils s’y prennent pour les développer. Nous nous attardons aux mécanismes qui rythment la pensée des journalistes et nous portons notre regard sur les matériaux dont ceux-ci se servent pour construire les théories qu’ils incluent dans leurs reportages. Pour ce faire, nous réalisons des entrevues semi-dirigées avec des journalistes politiques affectés à la couverture de l’élection présidentielle française de 2012. Nos questions portent notamment sur le chemin intellectuel qu’ils parcourent lorsqu’ils tentent de comprendre et d’expliquer le comportement des politiciens, ainsi que sur la façon dont ils conçoivent les campagnes électorales et le rôle qu’ils sont appelés à jouer à l’intérieur de celles-ci. Nos conclusions sont à l’effet que les journalistes construisent bel et bien des théories profanes de la vie politique afin d’aller au-delà des simples comptes rendus factuels et de répondre à ce qu’ils considèrent être une nécessité de leur travail. Les théories qu’ils mettent de l’avant tiennent compte des considérations politiques jugées importantes par les électeurs, et elles ont des traits communs avec certaines des idées sous-tendues par les théories scientifiques des universitaires. Ces théories s’articulent autour des observations que font les journalistes, et des conversations auxquelles ils prennent part ou dont ils sont témoins. Elles reflètent la plupart du temps l’expérience ou le vécu du journaliste. Les théories journalistiques profanes se distinguent toutefois des théories scientifiques en ce qu’elles ne sont ni formalisées, ni explicitement nommées. Elles n’ont pas la sophistication des théories universitaires, et elles sont parfois reléguées à l’arrière-plan de la couverture médiatique au bénéfice d’aspects plus théâtraux de la vie politique. Les journalistes développent par contre des mécanismes pour valider leurs théories. La contribution de cette thèse à l’avancement des connaissances se manifeste sur les plans conceptuel, théorique et empirique. Sur le plan conceptuel, nous étayons davantage le concept des théories journalistiques. Notre thèse permet de mieux comprendre la couverture médiatique de la politique, en mettant en lumière un de ses aspects jusqu’ici négligé par les politologues, soit le fait que les journalistes construisent et utilisent des théories politiques qui leur sont propres pour appréhender l’univers au sein duquel ils évoluent. Sur le plan théorique, nous faisons ressortir les objectifs et les impératifs qui guident les journalistes qui développent ces théories. Enfin, sur le plan empirique, nous donnons pour une rare fois l’occasion aux journalistes de s’exprimer sur la manière dont ils perçoivent leur propre travail.


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Background: The amino terminal half of the cellular prion protein PrPc is implicated in both the binding of copper ions and the conformational changes that lead to disease but has no defined structure. However, as some structure is likely to exist we have investigated the use of an established protein refolding technology, fusion to green fluorescence protein (GFP), as a method to examine the refolding of the amino terminal domain of mouse prion protein. Results: Fusion proteins of PrPc and GFP were expressed at high level in E. coli and could be purified to near homogeneity as insoluble inclusion bodies. Following denaturation, proteins were diluted into a refolding buffer whereupon GFP fluorescence recovered with time. Using several truncations of PrPc the rate of refolding was shown to depend on the prion sequence expressed. In a variation of the format, direct observation in E. coli, mutations introduced randomly in the PrPc protein sequence that affected folding could be selected directly by recovery of GFP fluorescence. Conclusion: Use of GFP as a measure of refolding of PrPc fusion proteins in vitro and in vivo proved informative. Refolding in vitro suggested a local structure within the amino terminal domain while direct selection via fluorescence showed that as little as one amino acid change could significantly alter folding. These assay formats, not previously used to study PrP folding, may be generally useful for investigating PrPc structure and PrPc-ligand interaction.


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A series of promoter probe vectors for use in Gram-negative bacteria has been made in two broad-host-range vectors, pOT (pBBR replicon) and pJP2 (incP replicon). Reporter fusions can be made to gfpUV, gfprnut3.1, unstable gfpmut3.1 variants (LAA, LVA, AAV and ASV), gfp+, dsRed2, dsRedT3, dsRedT4, mRFP1, gusA or lacZ. The two vector families, pOT and pJP2, are compatible with one another and share the same polylinker for facile interchange of promoter regions. Vectors based on pJP2 have the advantage of being ultra-stable in the environment due to the presence of the parABCDE genes. As a confirmation of their usefulness, the dicarboxylic acid transport system promoter (dctA(p)) was cloned into a pOT (pRU1097)- and a pJP2 (pRU1156)-based vector and shown to be expressed by Rhizobium leguminosarum in infection threads of vetch. This indicates the presence of dicarboxylates at the earliest stages of nodule formation.


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sigma(S) is responsible for the transcriptional regulation of genes related to protection against stresses and bacterial survival and it accumulates in the cell under conditions of stress, such as nutrient limitation. An increase in the levels of sigma(S) causes a reduction in the expression of genes that are transcribed by RNA polymerase associated with the principal sigma factor, sigma(70). phoA, that encodes alkaline phosphatase (AP) is expressed under phosphate shortage conditions, and is also repressed by sigma(S). Here we show that in a Pi-limited chemostat, accumulation of rpoS mutations is proportional to the intrinsic level of sigma(S) in the cells. Acquisition of mutations in rpoS relieves repression of the PHO genes. We also devised a non-destructive method based on the rpoS effect on AP that differentiates between rpo(S+) and rpoS mutants, as well as between high and low-sigma(S) producers. Using this method, we provide evidence that sigma(S) contributes to the repression of AP under conditions of Pi excess and that AP variation among different strains is at least partly due to intrinsic variation in sigma(S) levels. Consequently, a simple and non-destructive AP assay can be employed to differentiate between strains expressing different levels of sigma(S) on agar plates.


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DNA damage causes replication errors, leading to genetic instability or cell death. Besides that, many types of DNA base modifications have been shown to interfere with transcriptional elongation if they are located in the transcribed DNA strand of active genes, acting as roadblocks for RNA polymerases. It is widely assumed that transcription blockage by endogenous DNA damage is responsible for the early cell senescence in organs and accelerated ageing observed in individuals with compromised nucleotide excision repair.rnThe aims of this work were to design new experimental systems for testing transcription blocking potentials of DNA base modifications in an individual gene and to apply these test systems to the investigation of the effects of a frequent endogenously generated base modification, namely 8-oxo-7,8-hydroxyguanine (8-oxoG), on the gene transcription in cells. Several experimental strategies were employed for this purpose. First, I constructed an episomal vector encoding for a short-lived EGFP-ODC fusion protein and measured expression of the reporter gene in permanently transfected clonal cell lines exposed to DNA damaging agents. Second, the expression of plasmid-borne EGFP gene damaged with photosensitisers to obtain one or several oxidative purine modifications per plasmid molecule was determined in transiently transfected human and mouse host cells in an approach known as “host cell reactivation”. As a prerequisite for these experiments, a robust method of precise quantitative measurement of the EGFP gene expression in transiently transfected cells by flow cytometry was developed and validated. Third, I elaborated a very efficient procedure for insertion of synthetic oligonucleotides carrying 8-oxoG into plasmid DNA, avoiding any unwanted base damage and strand breaks. The consequences of 8-oxoG placed in defined positions in opposing DNA strands of the EGFP gene for transcription were measured by host cell reactivation in cells with functional 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) gene and in OGG1 null cells.rnThe results obtained in Ogg1-/- cells demonstrated that unrepaired 8-oxoG, even if situated in the transcribed DNA strand, does not have any negative effect on the reporter gene transcription. On the other hand, as few as one 8-oxoG was sufficient to cause a significant decrease of the gene expression in OGG1-proficient cell lines, i.e. in the presence of base excision repair. For two analysed positions of 8-oxoG in the plasmid DNA, the inhibition of gene transcription by the base modification correlated with the efficiency of its excision by purified OGG1 protein under cell-free conditions. Based on these findings, it has to be concluded that the observed decrease of transcription is mediated by excision of the base modification by OGG1 and probably caused by the repair-induced single-strand breaks. The mechanism of transcription inhibition by 8-oxoG is therefore clearly distinct from stalling of elongating RNA polymerase II complexes at the modified base.


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Gene therapy of the heart has been attempted in a number of clinical trials with the injection of naked DNA, although quantitative information on myocellular transfection rates is not available. The present study aimed to quantify the efficacy of electropulsing protocols that differ in pulse duration and number to stimulate transfection of cardiomyocytes and to determine the impact on myocardial integrity.


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The murine gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) is expressed in blood vessels, with vastly different contribution by endothelial and smooth muscle cells. We have used the Cre recombinase under control of TIE2 transcriptional elements to inactivate a floxed Cx43 gene specifically in endothelial cells. Cre-mediated deletion led to replacement of the Cx43 coding region by a lacZ reporter gene. This allowed us to monitor the extent of deletion and to visualize the endothelial expression pattern of Cx43. We found widespread endothelial expression of the Cx43 gene during embryonic development, which became restricted largely to capillaries and small vessels in all adult organs examined. Mice lacking Cx43 in endothelium did not exhibit altered blood pressure, in contrast to mice deficient in Cx40. Our results show that lacZ activation after deletion of the target gene allows us to determine the extent of cell type-specific deletion after phenotypical investigation of the same animal.


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BACKGROUND: Existing methods of non-viral airway gene transfer suffer from low levels of efficiency. Electroporation has been used to enhance gene transfer in a range of tissues. Here we assess the usefulness of electroporation for enhancing gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep. METHODS: Naked plasmid DNA (pDNA) expressing either luciferase or green fluorescent protein (GFP) was delivered to mouse lungs by instillation. Following surgical visualisation, the lungs were directly electroporated and the level and duration of luciferase activity was assessed and cell types that were positive for GFP were identified in lung cryosections. Naked pDNA was nebulised to the sheep lung and electrodes attached to the tip of a bronchoscope were used to electroporate airway segment bifurcations, Luciferase activity was assessed in electroporated and control non-electroporated regions, after 24 h. RESULTS: Following delivery of naked pDNA to the mouse lung, electroporation resulted in up to 400-fold higher luciferase activity than naked pDNA alone when luciferase was under the control of a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Following delivery of a plasmid containing the human polyubiquitin C (UbC) promoter, electroporation resulted in elevated luciferase activity for at least 28 days. Visualisation of GFP indicated that electroporation resulted in increased GFP detection compared with non-electroporated controls. In the sheep lung electroporation of defined sites in the airways resulted in luciferase activity 100-fold greater than naked pDNA alone. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that electroporation can be used to enhance gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep without compromising the duration of expression.