172 resultados para recyclable
Novel g-C3N4/NaTaO3 hybrid nanocomposites have been prepared by a facile ultrasonic dispersion method. Our results clearly show the formation of interface between NaTaO3 and g-C3N4 and further loading of g-C3N4 did not affect the crystal structure and morphology of NaTaO3. The g-C3N4/NaTaO3 nanocomposites exhibited enhanced photocatalytic performance for the degradation of Rhodamine B under UV–visible and visible light irradiation compared to pure NaTaO3 and Degussa P25. Interestingly, the visible light photocatalytic activity is generated due to the loading of g-C3N4. A mechanism is proposed to discuss the enhanced photocatalytic activity based on trapping experiments of photoinduced radicals and holes. Under visible light irradiation, electron excited from the valance band (VB) to conduction band (CB) of g-C3N4 could directly inject into the CB of NaTaO3, making g-C3N4/NaTaO3 visible light driven photocatalyst. Since the as-prepared hybrid nanocomposites possess high reusability therefore it can be promising photocatalyst for environmental applications.
Herein we demonstrate a facile, reproducible, and template-free strategy to prepare g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites by an in situ growth mechanism. The results indicate that monodisperse Fe3O4 nanoparticles with diameters as small as 8 nm are uniformly deposited on g-C3N4 sheets, and as a result, aggregation of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles is effectively prevented. The as-prepared g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites exhibit significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of rhodamine B under visible-light irradiation. Interestingly, the g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites showed good recyclability without loss of apparent photocatalytic activity even after six cycles, and more importantly, g-C3N4–Fe3O4 could be recovered magnetically. The high performance of the g-C3N4–Fe3O4 photocatalysts is due to a synergistic effect including the large surface-exposure area, high visible-light-absorption efficiency, and enhanced charge-separation properties. In addition, the superparamagnetic behavior of the as-prepared g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites also makes them promising candidates for applications in the fields of lithium storage capacity and bionanotechnology.
The ability to tune the structural and chemical properties of colloidal nanoparticles (NPs), make them highly advantageous for studying activity and selectivity dependent catalytic behaviour. Incorporating pre-synthesized colloidal NPs into porous supports materials remains a challenge due to poor wetting and pore permeability. In this report monodisperse, composition controlled AgPd alloy NPs were synthesised and embedded into SBA-15 using supercritical carbon dioxide and hexane. Supercritical fluid impregnation resulted in high metal loading without the requirement for surface pre-treatments. The catalytic activity, reaction profiles and recyclability of the alloy NPs embedded in SBA-15 and immobilised on non-porous SiO2 are evaluated. The NPs incorporated within the SBA-15 porous network showed significantly greater recyclability performance compared to non-porous SiO2.
Palladium nanoparticles have been immobilized into an amino-functionalized metal-organic framework (MOF), MIL-101Cr-NH2, to form Pd@MIL-101Cr-NH2. Four materials with different loadings of palladium have been prepared (denoted as 4-, 8-, 12-, and 16wt%Pd@MIL-101Cr-NH2). The effects of catalyst loading and the size and distribution of the Pd nanoparticles on the catalytic performance have been studied. The catalysts were characterized by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), N-2-sorption isotherms, elemental analysis, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). To better characterize the palladium nanoparticles and their distribution in MIL-101Cr-NH2, electron tomography was employed to reconstruct the 3D volume of 8wt%Pd@MIL-101Cr-NH2 particles. The pair distribution functions (PDFs) of the samples were extracted from total scattering experiments using high-energy X-rays (60keV). The catalytic activity of the four MOF materials with different loadings of palladium nanoparticles was studied in the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction. The best catalytic performance was obtained with the MOF that contained 8wt% palladium nanoparticles. The metallic palladium nanoparticles were homogeneously distributed, with an average size of 2.6nm. Excellent yields were obtained for a wide scope of substrates under remarkably mild conditions (water, aerobic conditions, room temperature, catalyst loading as low as 0.15mol%). The material can be recycled at least 10times without alteration of its catalytic properties.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia immobilized on superparamagnetic nanoparticles using adsorption and chemisorption methodologies was efficiently applied as recyclable biocatalyst in the enzymatic kinetic resolution of (RS)-1-(phenyl)ethanols via transesterification reactions. (R)-Esters and the remaining (S)-alcohols were obtained with excellent enantiomeric excess (> 99%), which corresponds to a perfect process of enzymatic kinetic resolution (conversion 50%, E > 200). The transesterification reactions catalysed with B. cepacia lipase immobilized by the glutaraldehyde method showed the best results in terms of reusability, preserving the enzyme activity (conversion 50%, E > 200) for at least 8 successive cycles.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Unstabilized rammed earth is a recyclable, economical, and eco-friendly building material, used in the past and still applied today. Traditionally, its use was based on a long empirical knowledge of the local materials. Because this knowledge was mostly lost or is no longer sufficient, in many countries normative documents have been produced to allow the assessment of rammed earth soils. With the aim of contributing for a refining of these normative requirements, this article presents a research work that included: (i) collection of Unstabilized rammed earth samples from six constructions in Portugal; (ii) a literature survey of normative and complementary documents to identify the most mentioned key-properties, the test procedures and the corresponding threshold limits; and (iii) a discussion of the test procedures and of the thresholds limits in the light of the experimental results. The analyzed properties are the particle size distribution, maximum particle size, plasticity, compaction, linear shrinkage, organic content, and salt content. The work highlights the advantages of taking into account the characteristics of existing constructions as a basis for the establishment and further refining of consistent threshold values. In particular, it shows that it is essential to adjust the requirements to the specificities of local materials.
A indústria de transformação de material plástico contribui de forma relevante para o desenvolvimento da economia mundial. Com o objetivo de desenvolvimento dessa indústria, a empresa Pentaplast S. A., situada em Água Longa, Santo Tirso, desenvolve a conceção de novos produtos para novas aplicações. Esta empresa para continuar na posição de destaque que possui, tem que conduzir a sua existência na melhoria contínua e atualização fase ao mercado. Na indústria termoformadora existe uma procura constante de novos materiais, visto ser um mercado muito competitivo. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um filme plástico com o aspeto de papel para a indústria termoformadora, criando desta forma um impacto no consumidor para a preocupação ambiental. De forma a encontrar soluções para o problema mencionado, conduziu-se ao estudo e desenvolvimento de um novo produto – Paper Like, sendo este, um produto reciclável e adotado às necessidades da termoformação. Para isso, desenvolveu-se o projeto utilizando o processo de termolaminação, com a adição de um aditivo na camada externa, permitindo incorporar ao filme plástico, o aspeto e textura de papel. Foram testados, separadamente, dois aditivos, X e Y, base PET e PE, respetivamente, com diferentes percentagens de incorporação. O aditivo X foi desenvolvido especialmente para este projeto, tendo como base politereftalato de etileno, no entanto com a sua incorporação não se obteve os resultados esperados, somente dava um aspeto mate ao filme extrudidos. O aditivo Y, já existe no mercado mas nunca utilizado em extrusão plana, tem como base polietileno e a sua incorporação permitiu obter um filme com aspeto de papel, comprovando-se a sua compatibilidade com pigmentos, os quais dão diversas cores aos filmes, permitindo assim competir com os filmes tradicionais. Infelizmente a termolaminação do filme com o aditivo Y não foi possível, o que inviabiliza a selagem da embalagem.
Nos dias de hoje, cada vez mais, se nota uma preocupação crescente na generalidade da população no que diz respeito à proteção do meio ambiente. Como tal, tem-se procurado soluções mais amigas do ambiente nas mais diversas áreas, com o intuito de diminuir as agressões ambientais provocadas pela industrialização/fabricação dos mais diversos produtos existentes. Sendo o sector da construção, um dos grandes responsáveis pelo aumento desses impactos ambientais tem vindo a procurar selecionar possíveis alternativas, desde o controlo da energia gasta no fabrico de diversos produtos de construção, como na procura de materiais mais amigos do ambiente. A cortiça surge em resposta a estas necessidades, evidenciando-se na indústria da construção, por ser uma matéria-prima natural, amiga do ambiente podendo ainda ser reciclável e reutilizável, com propriedades de grande versatilidade, durabilidade, conservação, entre outras. A presente dissertação pretende abordar a matéria-prima cortiça, desde o seu descortiçamento à sua aplicação no sector da construção, sendo um material capaz de ser aplicado como revestimento e/ou isolamento de edifícios, mais concretamente no isolamento térmico, acústico e antivibrático. Da metodologia utilizada neste estudo, constaram análises comprativas de produtos de cortiça com outros materiais concorrentes (de revestimento e/ou isolamento). Na sua análise, tentou-se obter uma melhor perceção/compreensão das mais-valias que a cortiça nos pode revelar em relação a outros materiais do sector da construção e o seu impacto no meio ambiente.
Introduction: Cart horses are a re-emerging population employed to carry recyclable material in cities. Methods: Sixty-two horses were sampled in an endemic area of human leptospirosis. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were performed. Results: A seropositivity of 75.8% with serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae in 80.8% of the horses was observed. Blood and urine were qPCR negative. MAT showed positive correlations with rainfall (p = 0.02) and flooding (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Although horses may be constantly exposed to Leptospira spp. in the environment mostly because of rainfall and flooding, no leptospiremia or leptospiruria were observed in this study.
Dissertation to obtain PhD in Industrial Engineering
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8: 185–212, 2014
Dissertação de mestrado em Construção e Reabilitação Sustentáveis