914 resultados para public decision
Is a Confucian cultural climate hostile to gender equality in families and public decision-making? What is the impact of gender equality legislation in East Asia? Approaches to these welfare regimes have ignored gender, while gendered accounts of welfare have neglected East Asia. Comparisons with Western welfare states show strong economies with life expectancy in Japan and South Korea above those of Western social democracies but in contrast there are extremely large gender gaps in employment, earning, unpaid work and parliamentary representation and conjoined with this low fertility rates and and minimal public social spending on childcare and early education.
In this volume, contributors address questions about gender equality in a Confucian context across a wide and varied social policy landscape, from Korea and Taiwan, where Confucian culture is deeply embedded, through China, with its transformations from Confucianism to communism and back, to the mixed cultural environments of Hong Kong and Japan. Overall, the collections asks: Has East Asia's rapid economic transformation been accompanied by social and cultural transformation?
This book explores the relationship between women, the state and democratic politics in Ireland today. It highlights the conservatism of the political culture shared by all traditions on the island, and how this culture circumscribes women’s political agency in Northern Ireland and Ireland. The book explores the opportunities and obstacles to women’s participation and representation on each side of the border. The chapters take the view that public decision-making institutions and processes are subject to rules and practices that reinforce the gendered foundations of democratic politics. They document women’s continuing quest for full participation and equal representation in these male-gendered arenas. The contributors focus on the marginalised experiences of women in modern politics in Ireland and detail their efforts to challenge the masculinized status quo. The book addresses the classical issues of citizenship, participation, representation and equal rights in a sustained analysis of the political systems on the island. It also deals with modern issues – multiculturalism, peace-building, the male-gendered legislature and the unequal nature of women’s citizenship in constitutional, institutional and policy contexts. The book is completed by a comprehensive appendix of all women elected to political office on the island from 1918-2013.
According to a recent Eurobarometer survey (2014), 68% of Europeans tend not to trust national governments. As the increasing alienation of citizens from politics endangers democracy and welfare, governments, practitioners and researchers look for innovative means to engage citizens in policy matters. One of the measures intended to overcome the so-called democratic deficit is the promotion of civic participation. Digital media proliferation offers a set of novel characteristics related to interactivity, ubiquitous connectivity, social networking and inclusiveness that enable new forms of societal-wide collaboration with a potential impact on leveraging participative democracy. Following this trend, e-Participation is an emerging research area that consists in the use of Information and Communication Technologies to mediate and transform the relations among citizens and governments towards increasing citizens’ participation in public decision-making. However, despite the widespread efforts to implement e-Participation through research programs, new technologies and projects, exhaustive studies on the achieved outcomes reveal that it has not yet been successfully incorporated in institutional politics. Given the problems underlying e-Participation implementation, the present research suggested that, rather than project-oriented efforts, the cornerstone for successfully implementing e-Participation in public institutions as a sustainable added-value activity is a systematic organisational planning, embodying the principles of open-governance and open-engagement. It further suggested that BPM, as a management discipline, can act as a catalyst to enable the desired transformations towards value creation throughout the policy-making cycle, including political, organisational and, ultimately, citizen value. Following these findings, the primary objective of this research was to provide an instrumental model to foster e-Participation sustainability across Government and Public Administration towards a participatory, inclusive, collaborative and deliberative democracy. The developed artefact, consisting in an e-Participation Organisational Semantic Model (ePOSM) underpinned by a BPM-steered approach, introduces this vision. This approach to e-Participation was modelled through a semi-formal lightweight ontology stack structured in four sub-ontologies, namely e-Participation Strategy, Organisational Units, Functions and Roles. The ePOSM facilitates e-Participation sustainability by: (1) Promoting a common and cross-functional understanding of the concepts underlying e-Participation implementation and of their articulation that bridges the gap between technical and non-technical users; (2) Providing an organisational model which allows a centralised and consistent roll-out of strategy-driven e-Participation initiatives, supported by operational units dedicated to the execution of transformation projects and participatory processes; (3) Providing a standardised organisational structure, goals, functions and roles related to e-Participation processes that enhances process-level interoperability among government agencies; (4) Providing a representation usable in software development for business processes’ automation, which allows advanced querying using a reasoner or inference engine to retrieve concrete and specific information about the e-Participation processes in place. An evaluation of the achieved outcomes, as well a comparative analysis with existent models, suggested that this innovative approach tackling the organisational planning dimension can constitute a stepping stone to harness e-Participation value.
Un intérêt grandissant pour le rôle du citoyen dans la prise de décision concernant la vie publique se développe depuis les dernières années. Le développement et la mise en oeuvre de divers mécanismes de participation citoyenne, comme les conférences citoyennes, témoignent de cet intérêt. Nombre de ces expériences ont fait l'objet d'une évaluation, mais essentiellement au niveau de l'efficacité ou du succès de l'exercice. Peut-on les évaluer sur le plan de l’éthique? Quels sont les défis éthiques posés par les mécanismes de participation citoyenne? Ce mémoire évalue une expérience de conférence citoyenne portant sur les avancées de la biologie humaine à l’ère de la génomique mise sur pied par le Groupe de recherche en bioéthique (GREB) de l’Université de Montréal en 2005. À l’aide du concept de l’éthique de la discussion, telle que proposée par quatre auteurs québécois, une analyse qualitative est effectuée sur six documents rédigés dans le cadre de la conférence. Deux catégories de résultats sont discutées. D’abord, les divers éléments relatifs à la conférence citoyenne qui ont soulevé notre attention. Ensuite, les préoccupations des participants en lien avec la science, la société et la participation. Une meilleure compréhension des aspects éthiques auxquels on devrait accorder une attention particulière contribuera à l’amélioration du mécanisme de conférence citoyenne et à son utilisation à long terme.
Les évolutions scientifiques et technologiques engendrent des risques environnementaux complexes. Ces risques doivent être gérés démocratiquement, dans l’intérêt du dêmos. Dans la démocratie représentative, les autorités publiques recourent souvent à l’expertise scientifique pour éclairer leurs décisions relatives à ces risques. Or, ces experts ne le sont pas dans d’autres aspects tout aussi importants tels que les considérations éthiques et les perceptions des risques par le dêmos. En principe, les autorités publiques intègreraient ces autres aspects dans leurs décisions relatives aux risques environnementaux : sur la base d’une évaluation scientifique d’un risque déterminé, les représentants en assureraient une gestion démocratique. Autrement formulé, les autorités publiques garantiraient un filtre démocratique entre l’évaluation scientifique d’un risque environnemental et la décision publique relative à ce risque. Or, sous l’influence exclusive des experts scientifiques et éloignée du dêmos, elles ne sont pas aptes à garantir ce filtre. Les décisions publiques relatives aux risques environnementaux se calquent principalement sur l’évaluation scientifique de ceux-ci. Afin de pallier ces écueils l’idée de faire participer directement le dêmos à l’élaboration de la décision publique environnementale est née. Cette participation enrichirait et nuancerait l’expertise scientifique et permettrait aux autorités publiques d’intégrer dans leurs décisions d’autres facettes des risques environnementaux que les facettes purement scientifiques. Le filtre démocratique entre l’évaluation scientifique et la décision publique serait rétabli. D’abord organisée, en droit international, dans le cadre de l’évaluation des incidences sur l’environnement d’activités susceptibles d’y avoir un impact significatif, la participation directe du public au processus décisionnel a ensuite été étendue. Cela a été tout particulièrement illustré par la convention d’Århus du 25 juin. L’intervention examinera si et comment le système participatif de la convention d’Århus assure réellement une gestion démocratique du risque environnemental et pointera de sérieuses faiblesses démocratiques du système. Explorant les potentialités du système participatif de la convention d’Århus, l’intervention offrira des suggestions pour remédier à ses faiblesses, afin d’assurer une gestion véritablement démocratique du risque environnemental.
Fieldwork in a major construction programme is used to examine what is meant by professionalism where large integrated digital systems are used to design, deliver, and maintain buildings and infrastructure. The increasing ‘professionalization’ of the client is found to change other professional roles and interactions in project delivery. New technologies for approvals and workflow monitoring are associated with new occupational groups; new kinds of professional accountability; and a greater integration across professional roles. Further conflicts also arise, where occupational groups have different understandings of project deliverables and how they are competently achieved. The preliminary findings are important for an increasing policy focus on shareable data, in order for building owners and operators to improve the cost, value, handover and operation of complex buildings. However, it will also have an impact on wider public decision-making processes, professional autonomy, expertise and interdependence. These findings are considered in relation to extant literatures, which problematize the idea of professionalism; and the shift from drawings to shareable data as deliverables. The implications for ethics in established professions and other occupational groups are discussed; directions are suggested for further scholarship on professionalism in digitally mediated project work to improve practices which will better serve society.
This research had as objective to identify as if it gives to the process of decisions in the City of Macaé. It was a case study, therefore to make possible this analysis, the used ways had been the research of field, bibliographical and documentary. The bibliographical survey was made in books, specialized periodicals, thesis, dissertations, monographs, sites and the pertinent legislation to the case, generating an analytical base of the subject considered for study. The research also was documentary, since internal document use of the City Hall of Macaé became. In the field, the public decision-making of Macaé, the previous management, had been interviewed, so that it was understood of that it forms if gives the process of taking of decisions in this city. Moreover, the interviewed ones had been encouraged to display its beliefs and feelings, to tell to experiences and personal characteristics. With this, one searched to better understand the universe lived for the respondents and, simultaneously, to compare the speeches and the reality. The data had suffered analysis of content based on the studies from Bardin (1979), Laville and Dione (1999) and Vergara (2005). The study it approaches the City of Macaé, and, in accordance with Yin (2001), studies of cases allow to work with an immense variety of evidences, as documents, devices, interviews and comments. The research bibliographical, documentary, of field, in the case study had been complementary and with its confrontation it searched to get a general vision of form to give to reply to the final question proposal. One concludes that the process of decisions politics and its implementation in the City of Macaé if gave by means of the awareness of the executive former-managers of the City Hall, in assuming roles of true entrepreneurs, the good relationship with the Common Council, in the search of chances and the combat to the problems and the establishment of public politics, focused in the access and the improvement of the quality of the public rendering of services, in the incentive the economic development and in the promotion of the citizenship for the population place.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The constant misuse of land in Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) have been recurrent, especially in urban areas, where the dynamics of change is constant. The protection of these areas to maintain a balance in the ecosystem and the population's quality of life is fundamentally important. So it is of utmost important to draw up a mechanism that can help in decision-making in relation to measures for the protection, mitigation of damages that are being caused and revitalization of these areas. Thus, a managing these areas based on the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) in order to create mechanisms to facilitate the protection and revitalization of APPs, could be of great help for making public decision-making bodies that are entrusted to protect such areas. Based on this, we elaborated a project management in order to revitalize and protect the APPs in urban area of Rio Claro, SP and could become a model for future use by public bodies
How much leeway did governments have in designing bank bailouts and deciding on the height of intervention during the 2007-2009 financial crisis? This paper analyzes comparatively what explains government responses to banking crises. Why does the type of intervention during financial crises vary to such a great extent across countries? By analyzing the variety of bailouts in Europe and North America, we will show that the strategies governments use to cope with the instability of financial markets does not depend on economic conditions alone. Rather, they take root in the institutional and political setting of each country and vary in particular according to the different types of business-government relations banks were able to entertain with public decision-makers. Still, “crony capitalism” accounts overstate the role of bank lobbying. With four case studies of the Irish, Danish, British and French bank bailout, we show that countries with close one-on-one relationships between policy-makers and bank management tended to develop unbalanced bailout packages, while countries where banks have strong interbank ties and collective negotiation capacity were able to develop solutions with a greater burden sharing from private institutions.
Étude de cas / Case study
Étude de cas / Case study
With the application of GIS methodologies to spatial data, researchers can now identify patterns of occurrence for many social problems including health-issues and crime. Further more, since this type of data also contains clues as to the underlying causes of social problems, it can be used to make well-educated and consequently, more effective policy decisions.
Residents, businesses, local, state and national government stakeholders all want to have their say when airports expand or develop. While stakeholder engagement is increasingly a strategy employed for managing the tensions attracted to airport development, different stakeholders have different expectations and demands of airports. This requires different approaches to stakeholder engagement. Identifying the public interests that are at stake in developing airports provides an initial step towards building a platform for selecting and applying stakeholder engagement strategies in airport and more general infrastructure contexts. This paper uses the existing literature of public interests and values to build a general typology of public values for the stakeholders of airport development. A range of semi-privatised and state owned airport case studies from Europe have been used to demonstrate the universal nature of the identified values. The result is a framework that identifies both the substantive and procedural values, separated into local, state/regional and national levels of interest. The typology provides a generalised view of public interests in airport development; however, the public interests identified may be limited to more western oriented societies due to the skew of airport cases reviewed. Contributions are made to the literature with a typology of public values derived from existing knowledge and explored using empirical case examples. The provided typology enables research of airport development decision-making to delineate public interests both within and between stakeholder groups, and helps to explain the different perspectives that stakeholders have towards airport development. Future research may focus on refining the typology for different types of airport governance structures, such as differences between public values in state and market-led airport development; include more airport cases from eastern societies to draw parallels or differences between western and eastern societies; or utilise the typology as a framework for analysing changes in public interests of airports over time.
Residents, businesses, local, state and national government stakeholders all want to have their say when airports expand or develop. While stakeholder engagement is increasingly a strategy employed for managing the tensions attracted to airport development, different stakeholders have different expectations and demands of airports. This requires different approaches to stakeholder engagement. Identifying the public values that are at stake in developing airports provides an initial step towards building a platform for selecting and applying stakeholder engagement strategies in airport and more general infrastructure contexts. -------- This paper uses the existing literature of public values to build a general typology of public values for the stakeholders of airport development. A range of semi-privatised and state owned airport case studies from Europe have been used to demonstrate the universal nature of the identified values. The result is a framework that identifies both the substantive and procedural values, separated into local, state/regional and national levels of interest. The typology provides a generalised view of public values in airport development; however, the public values identified may be limited to more western oriented societies due to the skew of airport cases reviewed. --------- Contributions are made to the literature with a typology of public values derived from existing knowledge and explored using empirical case examples. The provided typology enables research of airport development decision-making to delineate public values both within and between stakeholder groups, and helps to explain the different perspectives that stakeholders have towards airport development. Future research may focus on refining the typology for different types of airport governance structures, such as differences between public values in state and market-led airport development; include more airport cases from eastern societies to draw parallels or differences between western and eastern societies; or utilise the typology as a framework for analysing changes in public values of airports over time.