980 resultados para protein transduction domains


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RÉSUMÉ Les kinases activées par des mitogènes (MAPKs) constituent une importante famille d'enzymes conservée dans l'évolution. Elles forment un réseau de signalisation qui permet à la cellule de réguler spécifiquement divers processus impliqués dans la différenciation, la survie ou l'apoptose. Les kinases formant le module MAPK sont typiquement disposées en cascades de trois partenaires qui s'activent séquentiellement par phosphorylation. Le module minimum est constitué d'une MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), d'une MAPK kinase (MAPKK) et d'une MAPK. Une fois activée, la MAPK phosphoryle différents substrats tels que des facteurs de transcription ou d'autres protéines. Chez les mammifères, trois groupes principaux de MAPKs ont été identifiés. Il s'agit du groupe des kinases régulées par des signaux extracellulaires du type «mitogènes » (ERK), ainsi que des groupes p38 et cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), ou SAPK pour stress activated protein kinase, plutôt activées par des stimuli de type «stress ». De nombreuses études ont impliqué JNK dans la régulation de différents processus physiologiques et pathologiques, comme le diabète, les arthrites rhumatoïdes, l'athérosclérose, l'attaque cérébrale, les maladies de Parkinson et d'Alzheimer. JNK, en particulier joue un rôle dans la mort des cellules sécrétrices d'insuline induite par l'interleukine (IL)-1 β, lors du développement du diabète de type 1. IB1 est une protéine scaffold (échafaud) qui participe à l'organisation du module de JNK. IB1 est fortement exprimée dans les neurones et les cellules β du pancréas. Elle a été impliquée dans la survie des cellules, la régulation de l'expression du transporteur du glucose de type 2 (Glut-2) et dans le processus de sécrétion d'insuline glucose-dépendante. IBl est caractérisée par plusieurs domaines d'interaction protéine-protéine : un domaine de liaison à JNK (JBD), un domaine homologue au domaine 3 de Src (SH3) et un domaine d'interaction avec des tyrosines phosphorylées (PID). Des partenaires d'IB1, incluant les membres de la familles des kinases de lignée mélangée (MLKs), la MAPKK MKK7, la phosphatase 7 des MAPKs (MKP-7) ainsi que la chaîne légère de la kinésine, ont été isolés. Tous ces facteurs, sauf les MLKs et MKK7 interagissent avec le domaine PID ou l'extrême partie C-terminale d'IBl (la chaîne légère de la kinésine). Comme d'autres protéines scaffolds déjà décrites, IBl et un autre membre de la famille, IB2, sont capables d'homo- et d'hétérodimériser. L'interaction a lieu par l'intermédiaire de leur région C-terminale, contenant les domaines SH3 et PID. Mais ni le mécanisme moléculaire, ni la fonction de la dimérisation n'ont été caractérisés. Le domaine SH3 joue un rôle central lors de l'assemblage de complexes de macromolécules impliquées dans la signalisation intracellulaire. Il reconnaît de préférence des ligands contenant un motif riche en proline de type PxxP et s'y lie. Jusqu'à maintenant, tous les ligands isolés se liant à un domaine SH3 sont linéaires. Bien que le domaine SH3 soit un domaine important de la transmission des signaux, aucun partenaire interagissant spécifiquement avec le domaine SH3 d'IB1 n'a été identifié. Nous avons démontré qu'IBl homodimérisait par un nouveau set unique d'interaction domaine SH3 - domaine SH3. Les études de cristallisation ont démontré que l'interface recouvrait une région généralement impliquée dans la reconnaissance classique d'un motif riche en proline de type PxxP, bien que le domaine SH3 d'IB1 ne contienne aucun motif PxxP. L'homodimère d'IB1 semble extrêmement stable. Il peut cependant être déstabilisé par trois mutations ponctuelles dirigées contre des résidus clés impliqués dans la dimérisation. Chaque mutation réduit l'activation basale de JNK dépendante d'IB 1 dans des cellules 293T. La déstabilisation de la dimérisation induite par la sur-expression du domaine SH3, provoque une diminution de la sécrétion d'insuline glucose dépendant. SUMMARY Mitogen activated kinases (MAPK) are an important and conserved enzyme family. They form a signaling network required to specifically regulate process involved in cell differentiation, proliferation or death. A MAPK module is typically organized in a threekinase cascade which are activated by sequential phosphorylation. The MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), the MAPK kinase (MAPKK) and the MAPK constitute the minimal module. Once activated, the MAPK phosphorylates its targets like transcription factors or other proteins. In mammals, three major groups of MAPKs have been identified : the group of extra-cellular regulated kinase (ERK) which is activated by mitogens and the group of p38 and cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) or SAPK for stress activated protein kinase, which are activated by stresses. Many studies implicated JNK in many physiological or pathological process regulations, like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, strokes or Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. In particular, JNK plays a crucial role in pancreatic β cell death induced by Interleukin (IL)-1 β in type 1 diabetes. Islet-brain 1 (IB 1) is a scaffold protein that interacts with components of the JNK signal-transduction pathway. IB 1 is expressed at high levels in neurons and in pancreatic β-cells, where it has been implicated in cell survival, in regulating expression of the glucose transporter type 2 (Glut-2) and in glucose-induced insulin secretion. It contains several protein-protein interaction domains, including a JNK-binding domain (JBD), a Src homology 3 domain (SH3) and a phosphotyrosine interaction domain (PID). Proteins that have been shown to associate with IB 1 include members of the Mixed lineage kinase family (MLKs), the MAPKK MKK7, the MAPK phosphatase-7 MKP7, as well as several other ligands including kinesin light chain, LDL receptor related family members and the amyloid precursor protein APP. All these factors, except MLK3 and MKK7 have been shown to interact with the PID domain or the extreme C-terminal part (Kinesin light chain) of IB 1. As some scaffold already described, IB 1 and another member of the family, IB2, have previously been shown to engage in oligomerization through their respective C-terminal regions that include the SH3 and PID domains. But neither the molecular mechanisms nor the function of dimerization have yet been characterized. SH3 domains are central in the assembly of macromolecular complexes involved in many intracellular signaling pathways. SH3 domains are usually characterized by their preferred recognition of and association with canonical PxxP motif. In all these cases, a single linear sequence is sufficient for binding to the SH3 domain. However, although SH3 domains are important elements of signal transduction, no protein that interacts specifically with the SH3 domain of IB 1 has been identified so far. Here, we show that IB 1 homodimerizes through a navel and unique set of SH3-SH3 interactions. X-ray crystallography studies indicate that the dieter interface covers a region usually engaged in PxxP-mediated ligand recognition, even though the IB 1 SH3 domain lacks this motif. The highly stable IB 1 homodimer can be significantly destabilized in vitro by individual point-mutations directed against key residues involved in dimerization. Each mutation reduces IB 1-dependent basal JNK activity in 293T cells. Impaired dimerization induced by over-expression of the SH3 domain also results in a significant reduction in glucose-dependent insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells.


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Proteins are composed of a combination of discrete, well-defined, sequence domains, associated with specific functions that have arisen at different times during evolutionary history. The emergence of novel domains is related to protein functional diversification and adaptation. But currently little is known about how novel domains arise and how they subsequently evolve. To gain insights into the impact of recently emerged domains in protein evolution we have identified all human young protein domains that have emerged in approximately the past 550 million years. We have classified them into vertebrate-specific and mammalian-specific groups, and compared them to older domains. We have found 426 different annotated young domains, totalling 995 domain occurrences, which represent about 12.3% of all human domains. We have observed that 61.3% of them arose in newly formed genes, while the remaining 38.7% are found combined with older domains, and have very likely emerged in the context of a previously existing protein. Young domains are preferentially located at the N-terminus of the protein, indicating that, at least in vertebrates, novel functional sequences often emerge there. Furthermore, young domains show significantly higher non-synonymous to synonymous substitution rates than older domains using human and mouse orthologous sequence comparisons. This is also true when we compare young and old domains located in the same protein, suggesting that recently arisen domains tend to evolve in a less constrained manner than older domains. We conclude that proteins tend to gain domains over time, becoming progressively longer. We show that many proteins are made of domains of different age, and that the fastest evolving parts correspond to the domains that have been acquired more recently.


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Ellipsometry was used to investigate the influence of ionic strength (I) and pH on the adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) or beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) onto preabsorbed layers of two polycations: poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC) or poly(4-vinylpyridine bromide) quaternized with linear aliphatic chains of two (QPVP-C2) or five (QPVP-C5) carbons. Comparisons among results for the three polycations reveal hydrophobic interactions, while comparisons between BSA and BLG-proteins of very similar isoelectric points (pI)-indicate the importance of protein charge anisotropy. At pH close to pI, the ionic strength dependence of the adsorbed amount of protein (Gamma) displayed maxima in the range 10 < I < 25 mM corresponding to Debye lengths close to the protein radii. Visualization of protein charge by Delphi suggested that these ionic strength conditions corresponded to suppression of long-range repulsion between polycations and protein positive domains, without diminution of short-range attraction between polycation segments and locally negative protein domains, in a manner similar to the behavior of PE-protein complexes in solution.(1-4) This description was consistent with the disappearance of the maxima at pH either above or below pI. In the former case, Gamma values decrease exponentially with I(1/2), due to screening of attractions, while in the latter case adsorption of both proteins decreased at low I due to strong repulsion. Close to or below pI both proteins adsorbed more strongly onto QPVP-C5 than onto QPVP-C2 or PDADMAC due to hydrophobic interactions with the longer alkyl group. Above pI, the adsorption was more pronounced with PDADMAC because these chains may assume more loosely bound layers due to lower linear charge density.


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It is unknown how receptor binding by the paramyxovirus attachment proteins (HN, H, or G) triggers the fusion (F) protein to fuse with the plasma membrane for cell entry. H-proteins of the morbillivirus genus consist of a stalk ectodomain supporting a cuboidal head; physiological oligomers consist of non-covalent dimer-of-dimers. We report here the successful engineering of intermolecular disulfide bonds within the central region (residues 91-115) of the morbillivirus H-stalk; a sub-domain that also encompasses the putative F-contacting section (residues 111-118). Remarkably, several intersubunit crosslinks abrogated membrane fusion, but bioactivity was restored under reducing conditions. This phenotype extended equally to H proteins derived from virulent and attenuated morbillivirus strains and was independent of the nature of the contacted receptor. Our data reveal that the morbillivirus H-stalk domain is composed of four tightly-packed subunits. Upon receptor binding, these subunits structurally rearrange, possibly inducing conformational changes within the central region of the stalk, which, in turn, promote fusion. Given that the fundamental architecture appears conserved among paramyxovirus attachment protein stalk domains, we predict that these motions may act as a universal paramyxovirus F-triggering mechanism.


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IkappaB kinase beta (IKKbeta) is involved in tumor development and progression through activation of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB pathway. However, the molecular mechanism that regulates IKKbeta degradation remains largely unknown. Here, we show that a Cullin 3 (CUL3)-based ubiquitin ligase, Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1), is responsible for IKKbeta ubiquitination. Depletion of KEAP1 led to the accumulation and stabilization of IKKbeta and to upregulation of NF-kappaB-derived tumor angiogenic factors. A systematic analysis of the CUL3, KEAP1, and RBX1 genomic loci revealed a high percentage of genome loss and missense mutations in human cancers that failed to facilitate IKKbeta degradation. Our results suggest that the dysregulation of KEAP1-mediated IKKbeta ubiquitination may contribute to tumorigenesis.


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Transmembrane domain orientation within some membrane proteins is dependent on membrane lipid composition. Initial orientation occurs within the translocon, but final orientation is determined after membrane insertion by interactions within the protein and between lipid headgroups and protein extramembrane domains. Positively and negatively charged amino acids in extramembrane domains represent cytoplasmic retention and membrane translocation forces, respectively, which are determinants of protein orientation. Lipids with no net charge dampen the translocation potential of negative residues working in opposition to cytoplasmic retention of positive residues, thus allowing the functional presence of negative residues in cytoplasmic domains without affecting protein topology.


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The affinity between molecules depends both on the nature and presentation of the contacts. Here, we observe coupling of functional and structural elements when a protein binding domain is evolved to a smaller functional mimic. Previously, a 38-residue form of the 59-residue B-domain of protein A, termed Z38, was selected by phage display. Z38 contains 13 mutations and binds IgG only 10-fold weaker than the native B-domain. We present the solution structure of Z38 and show that it adopts a tertiary structure remarkably similar to that observed for the first two helices of B-domain in the B-domain/Fc complex [Deisenhofer, J. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 2361–2370], although it is significantly less stable. Based on this structure, we have improved on Z38 by designing a 34-residue disulfide-bonded variant (Z34C) that has dramatically enhanced stability and binds IgG with 9-fold higher affinity. The improved stability of Z34C led to NMR spectra with much greater chemical shift dispersion, resulting in a more precisely determined structure. Z34C, like Z38, has a structure virtually identical to the equivalent region from native protein A domains. The well-defined hydrophobic core of Z34C reveals key structural features that have evolved in this small, functional domain. Thus, the stabilized two-helix peptide, about half the size and having one-third of the remaining residues altered, accurately mimics both the structure and function of the native domain.


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In cycling cells, the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) is un- and/or hypo-phosphorylated in early G1 and becomes hyper-phosphorylated in late G1. The role of hypo-phosphorylation and identity of the relevant kinase(s) remains unknown. We show here that hypo-phosphorylated pRb associates with E2F in vivo and is therefore active. Increasing the intracellular concentration of the Cdk4/6 specific inhibitor p15INK4b by transforming growth factor β treatment of keratinocytes results in G1 arrest and loss of hypo-phosphorylated pRb with an increase in unphosphorylated pRb. Conversely, p15INK4b-independent transforming growth factor β-mediated G1 arrest of hepatocellular carcinoma cells results in loss of Cdk2 kinase activity with continued Cdk6 kinase activity and pRb remains only hypo-phosphorylated. Introduction of the Cdk4/6 inhibitor p16INK4a protein into cells by fusion to a protein transduction domain also prevents pRb hypo-phosphorylation with an increase in unphosphorylated pRb. We conclude that cyclin D:Cdk4/6 complexes hypo-phosphorylate pRb in early G1 allowing continued E2F binding.


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In Caenorhabditis elegans, the EGF receptor (encoded by let-23) is localized to the basolateral membrane domain of the epithelial vulval precursor cells, where it acts through a conserved Ras/MAP kinase signaling pathway to induce vulval differentiation. lin-10 acts in LET-23 receptor tyrosine kinase basolateral localization, because lin-10 mutations result in mislocalization of LET-23 to the apical membrane domain and cause a signaling defective (vulvaless) phenotype. We demonstrate that the previous molecular identification of lin-10 was incorrect, and we identify a new gene corresponding to the lin-10 genetic locus. lin-10 encodes a protein with regions of similarity to mammalian X11/mint proteins, containing a phosphotyrosine-binding and two PDZ domains. A nonsense lin-10 allele that truncates both PDZ domains only partially reduces lin-10 gene activity, suggesting that these protein interaction domains are not essential for LIN-10 function in vulval induction. Immunocytochemical experiments show that LIN-10 is expressed in vulval epithelial cells and in neurons. LIN-10 is present at low levels in the cytoplasm and at the plasma membrane and at high levels at or near the Golgi. LIN-10 may function in secretion of LET-23 to the basolateral membrane domain, or it may be involved in tethering LET-23 at the basolateral plasma membrane once it is secreted.


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Rb protein inhibits both cell cycle progression and apoptosis. Interaction of specific cellular proteins, including E2F1, with Rb C-terminal domains mediates cell cycle regulation. In contrast, the nuclear N5 protein associates with an Rb N-terminal domain with unknown function. The N5 protein contains a region of sequence similarity to the death domain of proteins involved in apoptotic signaling. We demonstrate here that forced N5 expression potently induces apoptosis in several tumor cell lines. Mutation of conserved residues within the death domain homology compromise N5-induced apoptosis, suggesting that it is required for normal function. Endogenous N5 protein is specifically altered in apoptotic cells treated with ionizing radiation. Furthermore, dominant interfering death domain mutants compromise cellular responses to ionizing radiation. Finally, physical association with Rb protein inhibits N5-induced apoptosis. We propose that N5 protein plays a role in the regulation of apoptosis and that Rb directly coordinates cell proliferation and apoptosis by binding specific proteins involved in each process through distinct protein binding domains.


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We present a systematic approach to minimizing the Z-domain of protein A, a three-helix bundle (59 residues total) that binds tightly (Kd = 10 nM) to the Fc portion of an immunoglobin IgG1. Despite the fact that all the contacts seen in the x-ray structure of the complex with the IgG are derived from residues in the first two helices, when helix 3 is deleted, binding affinity is reduced > 10(5)-fold (Kd > 1 mM). By using structure-based design and phage display methods, we have iteratively improved the stability and binding affinity for a two-helix derivative, 33 residues in length, such that it binds IgG1, with a Kd of 43 nM. This was accomplished by stepwise selection of random mutations from three regions of the truncated Z-peptide: the 4 hydrophobic residues from helix 1 and helix 2 that contacted helix 3 (the exoface), followed by 5 residues between helix 1 and helix 2 (the intraface), and lastly by 19 residues at or near the interface that interacts with Fc (the interface). As selected mutations from each region were compiled (12 in total), they led to progressive increases in affinity for IgG, and concomitant increases in alpha-helical content reflecting increased stabilization of the two-helix scaffold. Thus, by sequential increases in the stability of the structure and improvements in the quality of the intermolecular contacts, one can reduce larger binding domains to smaller ones. Such mini-protein binding domains are more amenable to synthetic chemistry and thus may be useful starting points for the design of smaller organic mimics. Smaller binding motifs also provide simplified and more tractable models for understanding determinants of protein function and stability.


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We report that phosphoinositol-binding sorting nexin 5 ( SNX5) associates with newly formed macropinosomes induced by EGF stimulation. We used the recruitment of GFP-SNX5 to macropinosomes to track their maturation. Initially, GFP-SNX5 is sequestered to discrete subdomains of the macropinosome; these subdomains are subsequently incorporated into highly dynamic, often branched, tubular structures. Time-lapse videomicroscopy revealed the highly dynamic extension of SNX5-labelled tubules and their departure from the macropinosome body to follow predefined paths towards the perinuclear region of the cell, before fusing with early endosomal acceptor membranes. The extension and departure of these tubular structures occurs rapidly over 5-10 minutes and is dependent upon intact microtubules. As the tubular structures depart from the macropinosome there is a reduction in the surface area and an increase in tension of the limiting membrane of the macropinosome. In addition to the recruitment of SNX5 to the macropinosome, Rab5, SNX1 and EEA1 are also recruited by newly formed macropinosomes, followed by the accumulation of Rab7. SNX5 forms heterodimers with SNX1 and this interaction is required for endosome association of SNX5. We propose that the departure of SNX5-positive tubules represents a rapid mechanism of recycling components from macropinosomes thereby promoting their maturation into Rab7-positive structures. Collectively these findings provide a detailed real-time characterisation of the maturation process of the macropinocytic endosome.


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Fibronectin (FN) is a large extracellular matrix (ECM) protein that is made up of

type I (FNI), type II (FNII), & type III (FNIII) domains. It assembles into an insoluble

supra-­‐‑molecular structure: the fibrillar FN matrix. FN fibrillogenesis is a cell‐‑mediated process, which is initiated when FN binds to integrins on the cell surface. The FN matrix plays an important role in cell migration, proliferation, signaling & adhesion. Despite decades of research, the FN matrix is one of the least understood supra-­‐‑molecular protein assemblies. There have been several attempts to elucidate the exact mechanism of matrix assembly resulting in significant progress in the field but it is still unclear as to what are FN-­‐‑FN interactions, the nature of these interactions and the domains of FN that

are in contact with each other. FN matrix fibrils are elastic in nature. Two models have been proposed to explain the elasticity of the fibrils. The first model: the ‘domain unfolding’ model postulates that the unraveling of FNIII domains under tension explains fibril elasticity.

The second model relies on the conformational change of FN from compact to extended to explain fibril elasticity. FN contain 15 FNIII domains, each a 7-­‐‑strand beta sandwich. Earlier work from our lab used the technique of labeling a buried Cys to study the ‘domain unfolding’ model. They used mutant FNs containing a buried Cys in a single FNIII domain and found that 6 of the 15 FNIII domains label in matrix fibrils. Domain unfolding due to tension, matrix associated conformational changes or spontaneous folding and unfolding are all possible explanation for labeling of the buried Cys. The present study also uses the technique of labeling a buried Cys to address whether it is spontaneous folding and unfolding that labels FNIII domains in cell culture. We used thiol reactive DTNB to measure the kinetics of labeling of buried Cys in eleven FN III domains over a wide range of urea concentrations (0-­‐‑9M). The kinetics data were globally fit using Mathematica. The results are equivalent to those of H-­‐‑D exchange, and

provide a comprehensive analysis of stability and unfolding/folding kinetics of each

domain. For two of the six domains spontaneous folding and unfolding is possibly the reason for labeling in cell culture. For the rest of the four domains it is probably matrix associated conformational changes or tension induced unfolding.

A long-­‐‑standing debate in the protein-­‐‑folding field is whether unfolding rate

constants or folding rate constants correlate to the stability of a protein. FNIII domains all have the same ß sandwich structure but very different stabilities and amino acid sequences. Our study analyzed the kinetics of unfolding and folding and stabilities of eleven FNIII domains and our results show that folding rate constants for FNIII domains are relatively similar and the unfolding rates vary widely and correlate to stability. FN forms a fibrillar matrix and the FN-­‐‑FN interactions during matrix fibril formation are not known. FNI 1-­‐‑9 or the N-­‐‑ terminal region is indispensible for matrix formation and its major binding partner has been shown to be FNIII 2. Earlier work from our lab, using FRET analysis showed that the interaction of FNI 1-­‐‑9 with a destabilized FNIII 2 (missing the G strand, FNIII 2ΔG) reduces the FRET efficiency. This efficiency is restored in the presence of FUD (bacterial adhesion from S. pyogenes) that has been known to interact with FNI 1-­‐‑9 via a tandem ß zipper. In the present study we

use FRET analysis and a series of deletion mutants of FNIII 2ΔG to study the shortest fragment of FNIII 2ΔG that is required to bind FNI 1-­‐‑9. Our results presented here are qualitative and show that FNIII 2ΔC’EFG is the shortest fragment required to bind FNI 1-­‐‑9. Deletion of one more strand abolishes the interaction with FNI 1-­‐‑9.


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Fliegende Insekten orientieren sich in ihrer Umwelt mit Hilfe ihres hoch entwickelten olfaktorischen Systems. Es ermöglicht ihnen das Auffinden geeigneter Futter- und Eiablageplätze und ist unverzichtbar bei der innerartlichen Kommunikation. Der Geruchssinn muss dabei gleichzeitig sehr schnell und sensitiv sein um selbst geringste Mengen, z.B. des arteigenen Sexualpheromons, wahrnehmen zu können. Spezifische olfaktorische Rezeptoren (ORs) zur Detektion dieser Duftstoffe werden zusammen mit einem hoch konservierten Co-Rezeptor (Orco) in olfaktorischen Rezeptorneuronen (ORNs) auf den Insektenantennen exprimiert. Sie gehören zu den 7 Transmembran Rezeptoren, zeigen jedoch eine invertierte Membrantopologie im Vergleich zu den ORs der Vertebraten. Darüber hinaus bildet der OR/Orco-Komplex einen spontanaktiven Kationenkanal, die Bindung an ein G Protein ist allerdings umstritten. Daher ist noch ungeklärt, ob die Duftstoffbindung zu einer ionotropen Aktivierung des OR/Orco Kanals führt oder ob metabotrope Mechanismen die Bildung von zyklischem Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) oder Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphat (IP3) bewirken. Mit Hilfe von extrazellulären Ableitungen einzelner Trichoidsensillen (tip recordings) auf den Antennen männlicher Manduca sexta wurde die Rolle von Orco sowie die Beteiligung einer Phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ)-abhängigen Transduktionskaskade untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durch VUAA1 induzierte Spontanaktivität der ORNs durch OLC15 inhibiert und Orco somit kompetitiv gehemmt wurde. Eine Inhibition von Orco sollte die Antwort auf kurze Pheromonpulse sofort reduzieren, sollte die Transduktion über die Aktivierung des OR/Orco Kanals erfolgen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigten jedoch keine Beeinflussung der primären Pheromonantwort, vielmehr wurde die späte, langanhaltende Antwort reduziert. Die ebenfalls als Orco-Antagonisten charakterisierten Amiloride MIA und HMA beeinflussen offensichtlich weitere Ziele, da eine substanz- und zeitgeberzeitabhängige Reduzierung der primären Antwort auftrat. Zusätzlich wurde die primäre Pheromonantwort durch die Inhibierung der PLCβ und der Proteinkinase C (PKC), sowie durch die Verwendung zweier Diacylglycerol (DAG)- Derivate signifikant beeinflusst. Hierbei zeigte die Inhibierung von PLCβ und PKC zeitgeberzeitabhängige Unterschiede in der Stärke der Antwortreduktion. Auch die Applikation des DAG-Derivates DOG reduzierte die Pheromonantwort, während die Zugabe von OAG die ORN Aktivität steigern oder reduzieren konnte, abhängig von der verwendeten Derivatkonzentration und der Pheromonkonzentration. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten somit auf einen metabotropen, sehr wahrscheinlich PLCβ-abhängigen Mechanismus für die Pheromontransduktion bei Manduca sexta.


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The tat gene is required by HIV-1 for efficient reverse transcription and this function of Tat can be distinguished from its role in transcription by RNA polymerase II using tat point mutations that abrogate each function independently The mechanism of Tat's role in reverse transcription, however, is not known, nor is it known whether this role is conserved among trans-activating factors in other retroviruses. Here we examine the abilities of heterologous viral trans-activating proteins from jembrana disease virus (jTat), HIV-2 (Tat2), and equine infectious anemia virus (eTat) to substitute for HIV-1 Tat (Tat1) and restore reverse transcription in HIV-1 carrying an inactivated tat gene. Natural endogenous reverse transcription assays showed that trans-activators from some retroviruses (Tat2 and jTat, but not eTat) could substitute for Tat1 in complementation of HIV-1 reverse transcription. Finally, we show that Y47 is critical for Tat1 to function in reverse transcription, but not HIV-1 gene expression. We mutated the homologous position in jTat to H62Y and found it did not improve its ability to stimulate reverse transcription, but an H62A mutation did inhibit jTat complementation. These data highlight the finding that the role of Tat in reverse transcription is not related to trans-activation and demonstrate that other tat genes conserve this function. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).