992 resultados para protein disulfide isomerase


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The significant contribution of naturally occurring disulfide bonds to protein stability has encouraged development of methods to engineer non-native disulfides in proteins. These have yielded mixed results. We summarize applications of the program MODIP for disulfide engineering. The program predicts sites in proteins where disulfides can be stably introduced. The program has also been used as an aid in conformational analysis of naturally occurring disulfides in a-helices, antiparallel and parallel beta-strands. Disulfides in a-helices occur only at N-termini, where the first cysteine residue is the N-cap residue of the helix. The disulfide occurs as a CXXC motif and can possess redox activity. In antiparallel beta-strands, disulfides occur exclusively at non-hydrogen bonded (NHB) registered pairs of antiparallel beta-sheets with only 1 known natural example occurring at a hydrogen bonded (HB) registered pair. Conformational analysis suggests that disulfides between HB residue pairs are under torsional strain. A similar analysis to characterize disulfides in parallel beta-strands was carried out. We observed that only 9 instances of cross-strand disulfides exist in a non-redundant dataset. Stereochemical analysis shows that while tbe chi(square) angles are similar to those of other disulfides, the chi(1) and chi(2) angles show more variation and that one of tbe strands is generally an edge strand.


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Radiation resistance and toxicity in normal tissues are limiting factors in the efficacy of radiotherapy. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) have been shown to be effective at enhancing radiation-induced cell death, and were initially proposed to physically enhance the radiation dose deposited. However, biological responses of GNP radiosensitization based on physical assumptions alone are not predictive of radiosensitisation and therefore there is a fundamental research need to determine biological mechanisms of response to GNPs alone and in combination with ionising radiation. This study aimed to identify novel mechanisms of cancer cell radiosensitisation through the use of GNPs, focusing on their ability to induce cellular oxidative stress and disrupt mitochondrial function. Using N-acetyl-cysteine, we found mitochondrial oxidation to be a key event prior to radiation for the radiosensitisation of cancer cells and suggests the overall cellular effects of GNP radiosensitisation are a result of their interaction with protein disulphide isomerase (PDI). This investigation identifies PDI and mitochondrial oxidation as novel targets for radiosensitisation.


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An emerging concept is that disulfide bonds can act as a dynamic scaffold to present mature proteins in different conformational and functional states on the cell surface. Two examples are the conversion of the receptor, integrin a alpha(IIb)beta(3), from a low affinity to a high affinity state, and the interaction of CD4 receptor with the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 to promote virus-cell fusion. In both of these cases there is a remodeling of the protein disulfide bonding pattern. The formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds is modulated by a family of enzymes known as the thiol isomerases, which include protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), ERp5, ERp57, and ERp72. While these enzymes were reported originally to be restricted in location to the endoplasmic reticulum, in some cells thiol isomerases are found on the cell surface. This may indicate a wider role for these enzymes in cell function. In platelets it has been shown that reagents that react with cell surface sulfhydryl groups are capable of blocking a number of functional responses, including integrin-mediated aggregation, adhesion, and granule secretion. Furthermore, the use of function blocking antibodies to either PDI or ERp5 causes inhibition of these functional responses. This review summarizes current knowledge of the extracellular regulation of disulfide exchange and the implications of this in the regulation of cell function.


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OBJECTIVE: Staphylococcus aureus can induce platelet aggregation. The rapidity and degree of this correlates with the severity of disseminated intravascular coagulation, and depends on platelet peptidoglycans. Surface-located thiol isomerases play an important role in platelet activation. The staphylococcal extracellular adherence protein (Eap) functions as an adhesin for host plasma proteins. Therefore we tested the effect of Eap on platelets. METHODS AND RESULTS: We found a strong stimulation of the platelet-surface thiol isomerases protein disulfide isomerase, endoplasmic reticulum stress proteins 57 and 72 by Eap. Eap induced thiol isomerase-dependent glycoprotein IIb/IIIa activation, granule secretion, and platelet aggregation. Treatment of platelets with thiol blockers, bacitracin, and anti-protein disulfide isomerase antibody inhibited Eap-induced platelet activation. The effect of Eap on platelets and protein disulfide isomerase activity was completely blocked by glycosaminoglycans. Inhibition by the hydrophobic probe bis(1-anilinonaphthalene 8-sulfonate) suggested the involvement of hydrophobic sites in protein disulfide isomerase and platelet activation by Eap. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, we found an additional and yet unknown mechanism of platelet activation by a bacterial adhesin, involving stimulation of thiol isomerases. The thiol isomerase stimulatory and prothrombotic features of a microbial secreted protein are probably not restricted to S aureus and Eap. Because many microorganisms are coated with amyloidogenic proteins, it is likely that the observed mechanism is a more general one.


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Under physiological conditions, the Escherichia coli cytoplasm is maintained in a reduced state that strongly disfavors the formation of stable disulfide bonds in proteins. However, mutants in which the reduction of both thioredoxins and glutathione is impaired (trxB gor mutants) accumulate oxidized, enzymatically active alkaline phosphatase in the cytoplasm. These mutants grow very poorly in the absence of an exogenous reductant and accumulate extragenic suppressors at a high frequency. One such suppressor strain, FA113, grows almost as rapidly as the wild type in the absence of reductant, exhibits slightly faster kinetics of disulfide bond formation, and has fully induced activity of the transcriptional activator, OxyR. FA113 gave substantially higher yields of properly oxidized proteins compared with wild-type or trxB mutant strains. For polypeptides with very complex patterns of disulfide bonds, such as vtPA and the full-length tPA, the amount of active protein was further enhanced up to 15-fold by co-expression of TrxA (thioredoxin 1) mutants with different redox potentials, or 20-fold by the protein disulfide isomerase, DsbC. Remarkably, higher yields of oxidized, biologically active proteins were obtained by expression in the cytoplasm of E. coli FA113 compared with what could be achieved via secretion into the periplasm of a wild-type strain, even under optimized conditions. These results demonstrate that the cytoplasm can be rendered sufficiently oxidizing to allow efficient formation of native disulfide bonds without compromising cell viability.


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The active-site cysteines of DsbA, the periplasmic disulfide-bond-forming enzyme of Escherichia coli, are kept oxidized by the cytoplasmic membrane protein DsbB. DsbB, in turn, is oxidized by two kinds of quinones (ubiquinone for aerobic and menaquinone for anaerobic growth) in the electron-transport chain. We describe the isolation of dsbB missense mutations that change a highly conserved arginine residue at position 48 to histidine or cysteine. In these mutants, DsbB functions reasonably well aerobically but poorly anaerobically. Consistent with this conditional phenotype, purified R48H exhibits very low activity with menaquinone and an apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for ubiquinone seven times greater than that of the wild-type DsbB, while keeping an apparent Km for DsbA similar to that of wild-type enzyme. From these results, we propose that this highly conserved arginine residue of DsbB plays an important role in the catalysis of disulfide bond formation through its role in the interaction of DsbB with quinones.


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Most pharmaceutically relevant proteins and many extracellular proteins contain disulfide bonds. Formation of the correct disulfide bonds is essential for stability in almost all cases. Disulfide containing proteins can be rapidly and inexpensively overexpressed in bacteria. However, the overexpressed proteins usually form aggregates inside the bacteria, called inclusion bodies, which contains inactive and non-native protein. To obtain native protein, inclusion bodies need to be isolated and resolubilized, and then the resulting protein refolded in vitro. In vitro protein folding is aided by the addition of a redox buffer, which is composed of a small molecule disulfide and/or a small molecule thiol. The most commonly used redox buffer contains reduced and oxidized glutathione. Recently, aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols have been employed as redox buffers. Aliphatic dithiols improved the yield of native protein as compared to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Dithiols mimic the in vivo protein folding catalyst, protein disulfide isomerase, which has two thiols per active site. Furthermore, aromatic monothiols increased the folding rate and yield of lysozyme and RNase A relative to glutathione. By combining the beneficial properties of aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols, aromatic dithiols were designed and were expected to increase in vitro protein folding rates and yields. Aromatic monothiols (1-4) and their corresponding disulfides (5-8), two series of ortho- and para-substituted ethylene glycol dithiols (9-15), and a series of aromatic quaternary ammonium salt dithiols (16-17) were synthesized on a multigram scale. Monothiols and disulfides (1-8) were utilized to fold lysozyme and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Dithiols (11-17) were tested for their ability to fold lysozyme. At pH 7.0 and pH 8.0, and high protein concentration (1 mg/mL), aromatic dithiols (16, 17) and a monothiol (3) significantly enhanced the in vitro folding rate and yield of lysozyme relative to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Additionally, aromatic dithiols (16, 17) significantly enhance the folding yield as compared to the corresponding aromatic monothiol (3). Thus, the folding rate and yield enhancements achieved in in vitro protein folding at high protein concentration will decrease the volume of renaturation solution required for large scale processes and consequently reduce processing time and cost.


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Hypoxia, as one suboptimal environmental condition, can affect the physiological state of shrimp during pond aquaculture. To better understand the mechanism of response to hypoxic stress in Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis, proteome research approach was utilized. Differentially expressed proteins of hepatopancreas in adult Chinese shrimp between the control and hypoxia-stressed groups were screened. By 2-DE analysis, 67 spots showed obvious changes after hypoxia. Using LC-ESI-MS/MS, 51 spots representing 33 proteins were identified including preamylase, arginine kinase, phosphopyruvate hydratase, citrate synthase, ATP synthase alpha subunit, chymotrypsin BI, chitinase, ferritin, C-type lectin receptors, transketolase, formylglutathione hydrolase, formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, glutathione peroxidase, cytosolic manganese superoxide dismutase, protein disulfide isomerase, beta-actin, oncoprotem nm23, crustacyanin-Cl and so on. These proteins could be functionally classified into several groups such as proteins related to energy production, metabolism-related proteins, immune-related proteins, antioxidant proteins, chaperones, cytoskeleton proteins and ungrouped proteins. The transcription levels of ten selected genes encode the identified proteins were analyzed by real-time PCR at different sampling times of hypoxia. This study is the first analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the hepatopancreas of shrimp after hypoxia and provides a new insight for further study in hypoxic stress response of shrimp at the protein level.


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ADAM17 (where ADAM is 'a disintegrin and metalloproteinase') can rapidly modulate cell-surface signalling events by the proteolytic release of soluble forms of proligands for cellular receptors. Many regulatory pathways affect the ADAM17 sheddase activity, but the mechanisms for the activation are still not clear. We have utilized a cell-based ADAM17 assay to show that thiol isomerases, specifically PDI (protein disulfide isomerase), could be responsible for maintaining ADAM17 in an inactive form. Down-regulation of thiol isomerases, by changes in the redox environment (for instance as elicited by phorbol ester modulation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species) markedly enhanced ADAM17 activation. On the basis of ELISA binding studies with novel fragment antibodies against ADAM17 we propose that isomerization of the disulfide bonds in ADAM17, and the subsequent conformational changes, form the basis for the modulation of ADAM17 activity. The shuffling of disulfide bond patterns in ADAMs has been suggested by a number of recent adamalysin crystal structures, with distinct disulfide bond patterns altering the relative orientations of the domains. Such a mechanism is rapid and reversible, and the role of thiol isomerases should be investigated further as a potential factor in the redox regulation of ADAM17.


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O folding oxidativo de proteínas consiste na formação de pontes dissulfureto intramoleculares envolvendo a oxidação de grupos tiol no sentido da criação de uma ligação entre duas cisteínas. Esta modificação postransducional é essencial para a estabilidade das proteínas, principalmente em proteínas secretadas para o meio extracelular. In vivo, o folding oxidativo ocorre no retículo endoplasmático e é assistido por uma série de proteínas que atuam como catalisadores. Estas reações em cadeia necessitam da presença de um aceitador final de eletrões. No presente trabalho foram estudadas duas vias que atuam no reticulo endoplasmático para o refolding oxidativo da proteína modelo Ribonuclease A: Uma via envolve a interação entre duas proteínas, a Endoplasmic Recticulum Oxireductase 1 (Ero1) e a Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI); A outra via envolve a interação da PDI com a Peroxiredoxin IV (PRDX4). Foi igualmente estudado o refolding oxidativo com uma enzima homóloga da PRDX4, a PRDX2, no sentido de compreender se existe especificidade na interação entre a PRDX4 e a PDI. O estudo do refolding oxidativo da Ribonuclease foi realizado in vitro e avaliado em géis SDS-PAGE-Tricina com o objetivo de verificar a diferença de mobilidades entre a Ribonuclease reduzida e oxidada no gel. Na via da PRDX4/PDI e PRDX2/PDI é necessária a introdução de Glucose e Glucose Oxidase, responsáveis pela produção de peróxido de hidrogénio que atua como aceitador final de eletrões desta via. Em todas as vias foi observado refolding oxidativo da RNase. Na via da Ero1/PDI este foi substancialmente mais rápido e ocorre, embora em muito menor grau, mesmo na ausência da PDI. Na via da PRDX4/PDI o refolding é mais lento e foi constatado que não existe especificidade da PRDX4 para a PDI visto que, na presença da PRDX2, os resultados foram semelhantes aos resultados obtidos com a PRDX4.


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OBJECTIVE: Thiol isomerases facilitate protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum, and several of these enzymes, including protein disulfide isomerase and ERp57, are mobilized to the surface of activated platelets, where they influence platelet aggregation, blood coagulation, and thrombus formation. In this study, we examined the synthesis and trafficking of thiol isomerases in megakaryocytes, determined their subcellular localization in platelets, and identified the cellular events responsible for their movement to the platelet surface on activation. APPROACH AND RESULTS: Immunofluorescence microscopy imaging was used to localize protein disulfide isomerase and ERp57 in murine and human megakaryocytes at various developmental stages. Immunofluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation analysis were used to localize these proteins in platelets to a compartment distinct from known secretory vesicles that overlaps with an inner cell-surface membrane region defined by the endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins calnexin and sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3. Immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry were used to monitor thiol isomerase mobilization in activated platelets in the presence and absence of actin polymerization (inhibited by latrunculin) and in the presence or absence of membrane fusion mediated by Munc13-4 (absent in platelets from Unc13dJinx mice). CONCLUSIONS: Platelet-borne thiol isomerases are trafficked independently of secretory granule contents in megakaryocytes and become concentrated in a subcellular compartment near the inner surface of the platelet outer membrane corresponding to the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum of these cells. Thiol isomerases are mobilized to the surface of activated platelets via a process that requires actin polymerization but not soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment receptor/Munc13-4-dependent vesicular-plasma membrane fusion.


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Unraveling the repertoire of venom toxins of Bothropoides pauloensis was assessed by snake venomics and venom gland transcriptomic surveys. Both approaches yielded converging overall figures, pointing to metalloproteinases (similar to 37%), PLA(2)s (26-32%), and vasoactive (bradykinin-potentiating) peptides (12-17%) as the major toxin classes. The high occurrence of SVMPs, PLA(2) molecules, vasoactive peptides, along with serine proteinases, explains the local and systemic effects observed in envenomations by B. pauloensis. Minor (<3%) C-type lectin, serine proteinase, L-amino acid oxidase, nerve growth factor, and CRISP molecules were also identified in the transcriptome and the proteome. Low abundance (0.3%) EST singletons coding for vascular endothelial growth factor (svVEGF), ohanin, hyaluronidase, and 5' nucleotidase were found only in the venom gland cDNA library. At the molecular level, the transcriptomic and proteomic datasets display low compositional concordance. In particular, although there is good agreement between transcriptome and proteome in the identity of BPPs, PLA(2) molecules and L-amino acid oxidase, both datasets strongly depart in their C-type lectin and SVMP complements. These data support the view that venom composition is influenced by transcriptional and translational mechanisms and emphasize the value of combining proteomic and transcriptomic approaches to acquire a more complete understanding of the toxinological profile and natural history of the snake venom. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Introduction Several studies link hematological dysfunction to severity of sepsis. Previously we showed that platelet-derived microparticles from septic patients induce vascular cell apoptosis through the NADPH oxidase-dependent release of superoxide. We sought to further characterize the microparticle-dependent vascular injury pathway. Methods During septic shock there is increased generation of thrombin, TNF-α and nitric oxide (NO). Human platelets were exposed for 1 hour to the NO donor diethylamine-NONOate (0.5 μM), lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 ng/ml), TNF-α (40 ng/ml), or thrombin (5 IU/ml). Microparticles were recovered through filtration and ultracentrifugation and analyzed by electron microscopy, flow cytometry or Western blotting for protein identification. Redox activity was characterized by lucigenin (5 μM) or coelenterazine (5 μM) luminescence and by 4,5-diaminofluorescein (10 mM) and 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (10 mM) fluorescence. Endothelial cell apoptosis was detected by phosphatidylserine exposure and by measurement of caspase-3 activity with an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Results Size, morphology, high exposure of the tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD81, together with low phosphatidylserine, showed that platelets exposed to NONOate and LPS, but not to TNF-α or thrombin, generate microparticles similar to those recovered from septic patients, and characterize them as exosomes. Luminescence and fluorescence studies, and the use of specific inhibitors, revealed concomitant superoxide and NO generation. Western blots showed the presence of NO synthase II (but not isoforms I or III) and of the NADPH oxidase subunits p22phox, protein disulfide isomerase and Nox. Endothelial cells exposed to the exosomes underwent apoptosis and caspase-3 activation, which were inhibited by NO synthase inhibitors or by a superoxide dismutase mimetic and totally blocked by urate (1 mM), suggesting a role for the peroxynitrite radical. None of these redox properties and proapoptotic effects was evident in microparticles recovered from platelets exposed to thrombin or TNF-α. Conclusion We showed that, in sepsis, NO and bacterial elements are responsible for type-specific platelet-derived exosome generation. Those exosomes have an active role in vascular signaling as redox-active particles that can induce endothelial cell caspase-3 activation and apoptosis by generating superoxide, NO and peroxynitrite. Thus, exosomes must be considered for further developments in understanding and treating vascular dysfunction in sepsis.


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Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and its homologs are oxidoreductases facilitating protein folding in the ER. Endo-PDI (also termed ERp46) is highly expressed in endothelial cells. It belongs to the PDI family but its physiological function is largely unknown. We studied the role of Endo-PDI in endothelial angiogenic responses. Stimulation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (with TNFα (10ng/ml) increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation. This effect was largely attenuated by Endo-PDI siRNA, whereas JNK and p38 MAP kinase phosphorylation was Endo-PDI independent. Similarly, TNFα-stimulated NF-κB signaling determined by IκBα degradation as well as TNFα-induced ICAM expression was unaffected by Endo-PDI siRNA. The action of Endo-PDI was not mediated by extracellular thiol exchange or cell surface PDI as demonstrated by nonpermeative inhibitors and PDI-neutralizing antibody. Moreover, exogenously added PDI failed to restore ERK1/2 activation after Endo-PDI knockdown. This suggests that Endo-PDI acts intracellularly potentially by maintaining the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway. Indeed, knockdown of Endo-PDI attenuated Ras activation measured by G-LISA and Raf phosphorylation. ERK activation influences gene expression by the transcriptional factor AP-1, which controls MMP-9 and cathepsin B, two proteases required for angiogenesis. TNFα-stimulated MMP-9 and cathepsin B induction was reduced by silencing of Endo-PDI. Accordingly, inhibition of cathepsin B or Endo-PDI siRNA blocked the TNFα-stimulated angiogenic response in the spheroid outgrowth assays. Moreover ex vivo tube formation and in vivo Matrigel angiogenesis in response to TNFα were attenuated by Endo-PDI siRNA. In conclusion, our study establishes Endo-PDI as a novel, important mediator of AP-1-driven gene expression and endothelial angiogenic function


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The precise contribution of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) variants in human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients to the pathogenesis of ALS remained unclear. In the present study, Woehlbier et al (2016) demonstrated that these PDI variants are capable of altering motor neuron morphology, impairing the expression of synaptic proteins, and compromising neuromuscular junction (NMJ) integrity.