835 resultados para proportional representation


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The process of constituency boundary revision in Ireland, designed to satisfy what is perceived as a rigid requirement that a uniform deputy-population ratio be maintained across constituencies, has traditionally consumed a great deal of the time of politicians and officials. For almost two decades after a High Court ruling in 1961, the process was a political one, was highly contentious, and was marked by serious allegations of ministerial gerrymandering. The introduction in 1979 of constituency commissions made up of officials neutralised, for the most part, charges that the system had become too politicised, but it continued the process of micro-management of constituency boundaries. This article suggests that the continuing problems caused by this system – notably, the permanently changing nature of constituency boundaries and resulting difficulties of geographical identification – could be resolved by reversion to the procedure that is normal in proportional representation systems: periodic post-census allocation of seats to constituencies whose boundaries are based on those of recognised local government units and which are stable over time. This reform, replacing the principle of redistricting by the principle of reapportionment, would result in more recognisable constituencies, more predictable boundary trajectories over time, and a more efficient, fairer, and speedier process of revision.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the pedagogical knowledge relevant to the successful completion of a pie chart item. This purpose was achieved through the identification of the essential fluencies that 12–13-year-olds required for the successful solution of a pie chart item. Fluency relates to ease of solution and is particularly important in mathematics because it impacts on performance. Although the majority of students were successful on this multiple choice item, there was considerable divergence in the strategies they employed. Approximately two-thirds of the students employed efficient multiplicative strategies, which recognised and capitalised on the pie chart as a proportional representation. In contrast, the remaining one-third of students used a less efficient additive strategy that failed to capitalise on the representation of the pie chart. The results of our investigation of students’ performance on the pie chart item during individual interviews revealed that five distinct fluencies were involved in the solution process: conceptual (understanding the question), linguistic (keywords), retrieval (strategy selection), perceptual (orientation of a segment of the pie chart) and graphical (recognising the pie chart as a proportional representation). In addition, some students exhibited mild disfluencies corresponding to the five fluencies identified above. Three major outcomes emerged from the study. First, a model of knowledge of content and students for pie charts was developed. This model can be used to inform instruction about the pie chart and guide strategic support for students. Second, perceptual and graphical fluency were identified as two aspects of the curriculum, which should receive a greater emphasis in the primary years, due to their importance in interpreting pie charts. Finally, a working definition of fluency in mathematics was derived from students’ responses to the pie chart item.


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The outcome of interspecific hybridization between native and invasive species depends on the relative frequencies of parental taxa and viability of hybrid progeny. We investigated individual and population level consequences of hybridization between the Australian native, Senecio pinnatifolius, and the exotic S. madagascariensis, with AFLP markers and used this information to simulate the expected outcome of hybridization.A high frequency (range 8.3-75.6 %) of hybrids was detected in open pollinated seeds of both species, but mature hybrids were absent from sympatric populations indicating that sympatric populations represent tension zones. A hybridization advantage was observed for S. madagascariensis,where significantly more progeny than expected were sired based on proportional representation of the two species in sympatric populations. Simulations indicated S. pinnatifolius could be replaced in sympatric populations if hybridization was density dependent.For this native-exotic pair, prezygotic isolating barriers are weak, but low hybrid viability maintains a strong postzygotic barrier to introgression. Due to asymmetric hybridization, S. pinnatifolius appears under threat from demographic swamping, and local extinction is possible where it occurs in sympatry with S. madagascariensis.


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Coate and Loury (1993) suggest the impact of affirmative action on a negative stereotype is theoretically ambiguous leading to either: a benign equilibrium in which affirmative action eradicates the negative stereotype and leads to equal proportional representation of the two groups; or alternatively a patronising equilibrium in which the stereotype persists. The current paper examines this theoretical ambiguity within the context of a laboratory experiment. Although benign and patronising equilibria are equally plausible in theory, the laboratory experiments easily replicate most features of the benign equilibrium, but diverge from the theoretically predicted patronising equilibrium.


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Verifica, por meio de estudo de caso, se o direito da Minoria de propor a criação de Comissões Parlamentares de Inquérito - CPIs - é usurpado pela composição das Comissões pelo sistema de representação proporcional, que dá à Maioria superioridade de votos nas decisões das CPIs. Analisa dados numéricos e de conteúdo das notas taquigráficas da chamada CPI da Crise do Tráfego Aéreo, para verificar o uso da palavra pelos membros de cada partido representado na Comissão, a votação das propostas oferecidas à CPI e o relatório final. Nos resultados apurados verifica-se que, apesar do contundente uso da palavra pela Minoria e dos requerimentos apresentados, visando responsabilizar órgãos do Governo Federal pela insuficiência na formação dos controladores de vôo e de equipamentos de controle, de irregularidades nos processos licitatórios para construção e manutenção de aeroportos, o resultado da votação é favorável ao Governo Federal pelo voto da Maioria governista.


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In Belgium, gender-parity has been compulsory for all party lists (in local, regional, federal and European elections) for several years. As a result, the proportion of women has risen from a fourth up to a third of the deputies. Yet, strict parity is still far from realised. This article seeks to establish what causes this glass ceiling, namely the parties' reluctance to place female candidates in the top positions or even as the front-runner. In a proportional representation system with half-open lists, and especially when the constituencies are small, this automatically leads to a smaller proportion of women among the elected deputies. One important reason for the parties' reluctance to rank female candidates higher is their assumption that women are less effective as "election locomotives" than men. However, the analysis of the Belgian election results makes clear that this is not the case. Female candidates in top positions are as successful as their male counterparts. © (2008) Swiss Political Science Review.


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Although data quality and weighting decisions impact the outputs of reserve selection algorithms, these factors have not been closely studied. We examine these methodological issues in the use of reserve selection algorithms by comparing: (1) quality of input data and (2) use of different weighting methods for prioritizing among species. In 2003, the government of Madagascar, a global biodiversity hotspot, committed to tripling the size of its protected area network to protect 10% of the country’s total land area. We apply the Zonation reserve selection algorithm to distribution data for 52 lemur species to identify priority areas for the expansion of Madagascar’s reserve network. We assess the similarity of the areas selected, as well as the proportions of lemur ranges protected in the resulting areas when different forms of input data were used: extent of occurrence versus refined extent of occurrence. Low overlap between the areas selected suggests that refined extent of occurrence data are highly desirable, and to best protect lemur species, we recommend refining extent of occurrence ranges using habitat and altitude limitations. Reserve areas were also selected for protection based on three different species weighting schemes, resulting in marked variation in proportional representation of species among the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species extinction risk categories. This result demonstrates that assignment of species weights influences whether a reserve network prioritizes maximizing overall species protection or maximizing protection of the most threatened species.


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At its core, Duverger’s Law—holding that the number of viable parties in first-past-the-post systems should not exceed two—applies primarily at the district level. While the number of parties nationally may exceed two, district-level party system fragmentation should not. Given that a growing body of research shows that district-level party system fragmentation can indeed exceed two in first-past-the-post systems, I explore whether the major alternative explanation for party system fragmentation—the social cleavage approach—can explain such violations of Duverger’s Law. Testing this argument in several West European elections prior to the adoption of proportional representation, I find evidence favouring a social cleavage explanation: with the expansion of the class cleavage, the average district-level party system eventually came to violate the two-party predictions associated with Duverger’s Law. This suggests that sufficient social cleavage diversity may produce multiparty systems in other first-past-the-post systems.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Cette thèse s'intéresse au lien qui existe entre le système électoral et deux comportements importants de la vie civique, soit la participation à une élection et la désertion stratégique du candidat préféré vers un autre candidat. Ces thèmes sont abordés dans de nombreux et de très importants ouvrages en science politique. En passant par la théorie (Downs, 1957) jusqu'à des études de terrain par l'entremise de sondages (Abramson, 2010; Blais, 2010), diverses méthodologies ont été employées pour mieux expliquer les choix des électeurs. Ma contribution à l'avancement des connaissances dans ce domaine passe par l'usage de la méthode expérimentale pour mieux saisir les similitudes et différences dans les comportements des électeurs sous le système uninominal à un tour (UT) et la représentation proportionnelle (RP) ainsi que les mécanismes au niveau individuel qui produisent ces similitudes et différences. Le cœur de la thèse est composé des trois articles dont voici les résumés : Article 1. Des élections expérimentales faites à Montréal, Paris et Bruxelles permettent d'estimer l’influence directe du mode de scrutin sur la décision des électeurs de voter ou non, et de voter pour leur parti préféré ou non. En tout, 16 groupes de 21 électeurs votent sous différents systèmes électoraux, soit le UT et la RP. Les préférences sont attribuées aléatoirement et connues de tous les participants. Nos résultats indiquent que le vote n'est pas globalement plus sincère et que la participation électorale n'est pas plus élevée sous le système proportionnel. Toutefois, nous observons moins de désertion d'un petit parti sous le système proportionnel. Article 2. Les expériences permettent également d'expliquer pourquoi les électeurs votent parfois pour un parti autre que leur parti préféré. La conclusion principale est que la décision de voter de façon sincère ou non est influencée par les préférences individuelles, mais aussi par les perceptions des chances de gagner des candidats ainsi que des chances que son propre vote puisse décider le résultat de l'élection. Les électeurs qui désertent leur premier choix prennent en considération quel candidat est le plus près de leurs positions politiques, mais également de la viabilité de cette alternative. De plus, les électeurs qui aiment prendre des risques ont davantage tendance à déserter. Article 3. Le modèle de l'électeur pivot est mis à l'épreuve pour mieux comprendre la décision de voter ou non lors d'une élection. Nos expériences permettent de répliquer, avec un devis expérimental différent, les résultats importants des travaux de Duffy et Tavits (2008). Nos résultats confirment que la perception d'être pivot augmente la participation, que ces perceptions sont sujettes à la surestimation et que cette surestimation ne décline pas complètement dans le temps. Nous allons également plus loin que les recherches de Duffy et Tavits et nous trouvons que la participation n'est pas plus forte sous RP que sous UT et que la probabilité d'être pivot a un impact plus important chez les électeurs évitant de prendre des risques.


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Seriam as reformas tributárias condicionadas por fatores políticos? Verificando a escassez de trabalhos empíricos sobre o tema, elaboramos definição própria de reforma tributária e adotamos uma tipologia para esses fenômenos. Em seguida, compilamos a base de dados de reformas tributárias a partir das respostas aos formulários da pesquisa de campo IPES 2006, realizada pelo Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, com apoio do Centro Interamericano de Administrações Tributárias (CIAT). Esses formulários foram preenchidos por funcionários especialistas dos ministérios de finanças latino-americanos, que reportaram reformas entre 1990 e 2004. Depois, construímos os índices de reformas tributárias, que foram utilizados como variáveis dependentes em nossos modelos. Os índices contribuem para o desenvolvimento de estudos quantitativos sobre reformas tributárias, portando flexibilidade para testar diversas hipóteses. Eles tornaram possível analisar separadamente os determinantes das reformas da tributação da renda e do consumo, das reformas gerais e direcionadas, das reformas tendentes a aumentar ou reduzir tributos. Nos testes, destacou-se a influência da lista fechada, indicando que a disciplina parlamentar é importante para aprovar reformas. Em menor número de especificações, foram também relevantes a magnitude distrital, o bicameralismo, o poder de decreto do presidente da república e seu ciclo eleitoral. Não captamos evidência de fatores políticos conjunturais, como a ideologia partidária e maioria do governo no parlamento. Do mesmo modo, a influência dos poderes presidenciais de agenda e veto não se confirmou. O domínio de um partido na coalizão de governo foi relevante somente quando vinculado à lista fechada nas eleições. Em geral, os resultados confirmam o impacto de fatores político-institucionais sobre reformas tributárias, não se observando o mesmo para fatores político-conjunturais. Além disso, foram observadas diferenças nos condicionantes políticos que definem reformas na tributação da renda e do consumo, direcionadas e gerais, expansivas e redutoras (incentivos). O estudo contribui para análise quantitativa dos condicionantes políticos das reformas tributárias na América Latina e fornece dados antes indisponíveis. Oferece evidência empírica, considerando diferentes tipos de reformas e de fatores políticos. O estudo conclui pela necessidade de incorporar as variáveis políticas nas análises que envolvam reformas tributárias, até então marcadas pelo domínio dos argumentos econômicos. Além disso, sugere que o aperfeiçoamento das instituições políticas é importante para melhorar as decisões de política tributária na América Latina.


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It seems that a dual location for vagal preganglionic neurones (VPNs) has important functional correlates in all vertebrates. This may be particularly the case with the central control exerted over the heart by cardiac VPNs (CVPNs). About 30 % of VPNs but up to 70 % of CVPNs are in the nucleus ambiguus (NA) of mammals. There is a similar proportional representation of VPNs between the major vagal nuclei in amphibians and turtles but in fish and crocodilians; the proportion of VPNs in the NA is closer to 10% and in some lizards and birds it is about 5%. However, the CVPNs are distributed unequally between these nuclei so that 45 % of the CVPNs are located in the NA of the dogfish, and about 30% in the NA of Xenopus and the duck. This topographical separation of CVPNs seems to be of importance in the central control of the heart. Cells in one location may show respiration-related activity (e.g those in the dorsal vagal nucleus (DVN) of dogfish and in the NA of mammals) while cells in the other locations do not. Their different activities and separate functions will be determined by their different afferent inputs from the periphery or from elsewhere in the CNS, which in turn will relate to their central topography. Thus, CVPNs in the NA of mammals receive inhibitory inputs from neighbouring inspiratory neurones, causing respiratory sinus arrythmia (RSA), and the CVPNs in the DVN of the dogfish may generate cardiorespiratory synchrony (CRS).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conventional wisdom suggests that environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) play a major role in pushing states towards more ambitious environmental policies. However, demonstrating that this presumption is in fact true is rather difficult, because the same system structures of democracies that may create more opportunities for ENGO activities are also, on their own, conducive to better environmental policies. This leaves open the possibility that the additional (marginal) impact of ENGOs on policy making is smaller than presumed. In trying to disentangle these effects, this paper examines the influence of ENGOs contingent on key structural characteristics of democratic systems. We develop the argument that presidential systems with a plurality electoral rule per se tend to provide more environmental public goods, which induces a smaller marginal impact of ENGOs. Conversely, parliamentary systems with a proportional representation electoral rule are likely to provide fewer environmental public goods, which allows for a larger marginal impact of ENGOs. We find robust empirical support for these hypotheses in analyses that focus on the ratification behavior of 75 democracies vis-à-vis 250 international environmental agreements in 1973–2002.


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Understanding the effects of the external environment on bacterial gene expression can provide valuable insights into an array of cellular mechanisms including pathogenesis, drug resistance, and, in the case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, latency. Because of the absence of poly(A)+ mRNA in prokaryotic organisms, studies of differential gene expression currently must be performed either with large amounts of total RNA or rely on amplification techniques that can alter the proportional representation of individual mRNA sequences. We have developed an approach to study differences in bacterial mRNA expression that enables amplification by the PCR of a complex mixture of cDNA sequences in a reproducible manner that obviates the confounding effects of selected highly expressed sequences, e.g., ribosomal RNA. Differential expression using customized amplification libraries (DECAL) uses a library of amplifiable genomic sequences to convert total cellular RNA into an amplified probe for gene expression screens. DECAL can detect 4-fold differences in the mRNA levels of rare sequences and can be performed on as little as 10 ng of total RNA. DECAL was used to investigate the in vitro effect of the antibiotic isoniazid on M. tuberculosis, and three previously uncharacterized isoniazid-induced genes, iniA, iniB, and iniC, were identified. The iniB gene has homology to cell wall proteins, and iniA contains a phosphopantetheine attachment site motif suggestive of an acyl carrier protein. The iniA gene is also induced by the antibiotic ethambutol, an agent that inhibits cell wall biosynthesis by a mechanism that is distinct from isoniazid. The DECAL method offers a powerful new tool for the study of differential gene expression.