987 resultados para pollen-tube pathway


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Plant cell expansion is controlled by a fine-tuned balance between intracellular turgor pressure, cell wall loosening and cell wall biosynthesis. To understand these processes, it is important to gain in-depth knowledge of cell wall mechanics. Pollen tubes are tip-growing cells that provide an ideal system to study mechanical properties at the single cell level. With the available approaches it was not easy to measure important mechanical parameters of pollen tubes, such as the elasticity of the cell wall. We used a cellular force microscope (CFM) to measure the apparent stiffness of lily pollen tubes. In combination with a mechanical model based on the finite element method (FEM), this allowed us to calculate turgor pressure and cell wall elasticity, which we found to be around 0.3 MPa and 20–90 MPa, respectively. Furthermore, and in contrast to previous reports, we showed that the difference in stiffness between the pollen tube tip and the shank can be explained solely by the geometry of the pollen tube. CFM, in combination with an FEM-based model, provides a powerful method to evaluate important mechanical parameters of single, growing cells. Our findings indicate that the cell wall of growing pollen tubes has mechanical properties similar to rubber. This suggests that a fully turgid pollen tube is a relatively stiff, yet flexible cell that can react very quickly to obstacles or attractants by adjusting the direction of growth on its way through the female transmitting tissue.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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An extracellular form of the calcium-dependent protein-cross-linking enzyme TGase (transglutaminase) was demonstrated to be involved in the apical growth of Malus domestica pollen tube. Apple pollen TGase and its substrates were co-localized within aggregates on the pollen tube surface, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence staining and the in situ cross-linking of fluorescently labelled substrates. TGase-specific inhibitors and an anti-TGase monoclonal antibody blocked pollen tube growth, whereas incorporation of a recombinant fluorescent mammalian TGase substrate (histidine-tagged green fluorescent protein: His6-Xpr-GFP) into the growing tube wall enhanced tube length and germination, consistent with a role of TGase as a modulator of cell wall building and strengthening. The secreted pollen TGase catalysed the cross-linking of both PAs (polyamines) into proteins (released by the pollen tube) and His6-Xpr-GFP into endogenous or exogenously added substrates. A similar distribution of TGase activity was observed in planta on pollen tubes germinating inside the style, consistent with a possible additional role for TGase in the interaction between the pollen tube and the style during fertilization.


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In contrast to animals and lower plant species, sperm cells of flowering plants are non-motile and are transported to the female gametes via the pollen tube, i.e. the male gametophyte. Upon arrival at the female gametophyte two sperm cells are discharged into the receptive synergid cell to execute double fertilization. The first players involved in inter-gametophyte signaling to attract pollen tubes and to arrest their growth have been recently identified. In contrast the physiological mechanisms leading to pollen tube burst and thus sperm discharge remained elusive. Here, we describe the role of polymorphic defensin-like cysteine-rich proteins ZmES1-4 (Zea mays embryo sac) from maize, leading to pollen tube growth arrest, burst, and explosive sperm release. ZmES1-4 genes are exclusively expressed in the cells of the female gametophyte. ZmES4-GFP fusion proteins accumulate in vesicles at the secretory zone of mature synergid cells and are released during the fertilization process. Using RNAi knock-down and synthetic ZmES4 proteins, we found that ZmES4 induces pollen tube burst in a species-preferential manner. Pollen tube plasma membrane depolarization, which occurs immediately after ZmES4 application, as well as channel blocker experiments point to a role of K(+)-influx in the pollen tube rupture mechanism. Finally, we discovered the intrinsic rectifying K(+) channel KZM1 as a direct target of ZmES4. Following ZmES4 application, KZM1 opens at physiological membrane potentials and closes after wash-out. In conclusion, we suggest that vesicles containing ZmES4 are released from the synergid cells upon male-female gametophyte signaling. Subsequent interaction between ZmES4 and KZM1 results in channel opening and K(+) influx. We further suggest that K(+) influx leads to water uptake and culminates in osmotic tube burst. The species-preferential activity of polymorphic ZmES4 indicates that the mechanism described represents a pre-zygotic hybridization barrier and may be a component of reproductive isolation in plants.


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本文应用反义基因技术对减法杂交和差异筛选所获得的春化相关基因CDNA克隆( Verc203)的功能进行鉴定。将Vcrc203插入PB1221质粒的CaMV35S启动子与GLIS基因之间构成表达载体,采用花粉管途径转基因法导入冬小麦胚,得到300粒种子。将上述处理的冬小麦种子萌发后在2-4℃处理28天,转入自然条件下栽培。以幼叶为材料提取基因组DNA,以Gus基因片断为探针,用点杂交法筛选获得转基因植株.转基因植株在自然条件下生长三个月未见抽穗, 而同样栽培条件下的对照(未经转基因处理的冬小麦,经相同条件春化处理)则全部抽穗。以Vcrc203和Gus基因的部分序列为引物,在转基因材料的基因组DNA中扩增出Vcrc203反义基因序列,Gus活性检测表明Gus基因在转基因小麦的茎尖和叶片中得到表达。上述结果表明Vcrc203的反义基因已整合到冬小麦基因组内,并得到高效表达。转基因植株的发育受到严重影响,显示Vcrc203基因可能参与了冬小麦春化作用对植物发育进程的调控.


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直到九十年代,以利用拟南芥菜和金鱼草突变体克隆到花器官发育基因为重要标志的植物发育研究取得了重大突破。但由于开花决定过程分子控制机理研究进展却较为缓慢。以mRNA人手利用差异筛选技术获得春化相关基因克隆(verc203,verc17),Northem blot初步证明这些克隆对春化处理的特异性。根据反义RNA理论和技术对克隆化verc203基因功能进行研究。另外,从纯化蛋白人手,在金针菇中克隆到新的溶血性毒蛋白编码基因,并在细菌中得到表达,这一实验为利用此途径来克隆发育调控蛋白的编码基因进行了有益的技术路线探索。本研究的具体结果如下: 1. 春化相关基因(verc203)对冬小麦花发育调控 根据反义RNA的理论和技术进一步证明verc203在冬小麦开花启动和花发育过程中的可能控制作用。将verc203 DNA序列插入带有CaMV35S启动子和GUS基因的pBI221表达载体, 使之能在植物中高效表达反义RNA,并以转正义基因植株作为对照。通过花粉管途径转基因方法,得到326粒反义质粒冬小麦转化种子和1 98粒正义质粒冬小麦转化种子.所有转化处理种子和正常小麦种子萌发后,经春化处理,与未春化冬小麦植株一起培养直到对照植株达到成熟期。实验观察发现,转反义基因植株的抽穗受到明显的阻抑,开花过程大大推迟。其中表达较强的6株转基因植株甚至晚花五十多天。还发现一些表达较弱的植株尽管晚花20到30天,但花器官发育却受到影响,如,雄蕊缺失,穗发育异常等。Southemblot和PCR实验结果表明外源基因整合到转基因植株基因组。 Northrenblot以及报告基因(GUS)活性等实验证明反义基因在转反义基因植株RNA水平上得到高效表达。同时,GUS基因在蛋白质水平上得到表达。基于上述实验,有理由认为ver203基因可能是控制冬小麦春化诱导的成花启动和花发育过程中的主要基因之一。 2. 金针菇毒蛋白flammutoxin编码基因的克隆及其在细菌中的表达 利用色谱分离技术及SDS.PAGE电泳技术从金针菇(Flammuleina velutips)分离得到一种分子量为31 kDa、对人血红细胞具有溶血活性的蛋白质(flammutoxin),通过蛋白质序列微量分析技术测得其N-端3 1个氨基酸顺序。利用氨基酸序列推测其编码基因序列信息,通过RT - PCR克隆到一个由973个核苷酸组成的编码基因,5’端93个核苷酸编码肽链序列与测得flammutoxin N-端氨基酸序列完全相同。基因序列同源性分析表明在GenBank (USA),EMBL Database (Europe)和DDBJ (Japan)基因序列数据库中未找到与之同源的基因序列。这个基因与载体p-半乳糖苷酶部分基因编码的融合蛋白在E coli细胞中有效地得到表达。表达产物的SDS-PAGE,Western blot和溶血活性实验表明它是flammutoxin蛋白原编码基因。并对融合蛋白的溶血活性降低原因作了讨论。


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将pBIN35S-mGFP4质粒转入受体菌DH5α中,扩繁后提取纯化质粒DNA,待棉花盛花期时,用花粉管通道转化方法将其注射到授粉24小时左右的子房中。在被检测的950个发育10~20天左右的幼胚中,发现七个幼胚在蓝光(460~490nm)激发下发出绿色荧光,而对照发出程度不同的红色荧光。将收获的“转化种子”浸泡萌发得到生长5~6天的黄化无菌苗,在200粒种子来源的无菌苗中,检出两棵转化植株。在紫外光照射灯下转化植株发出绿色荧光,其叶片和下胚轴横切面在蓝光激发下也与对照明显不同。PCR及Southern blotting结果均证实转化植株的真实性,从而为花粉管通道转化方法的可行性提供了直接可靠的细胞及分子生物学证据。 将GFPmut1质粒的gfp通过一端平接一端粘接后重组到pBI121的BamH1和Sal1限制性酶切位点从而代替GUS基因,然后将新的重组质粒用三亲交配法转入到LBA4404菌株中得到双元载体,用于棉花下胚轴切段的转化。结果表明,gfp象gus一样可作为报告基因用于农杆菌介导的棉花转化。在对筛选培养基上生长的“抗性愈伤”进一步进行报告基因检测时,只需手持紫外灯就可以检出GFP阳性愈伤,大大减少了工作量和试验费用。 另外,在进行农杆菌转化前的棉花卡那霉素敏感性实验中发现,卡那霉素对棉花下胚轴的愈伤组织形成和增殖均有明显的抑制作用,随其浓度的增加,愈伤组织形成的频率降低,增殖的倍数减小;当浓度增加到100mg/L时,愈伤组织严重褐化,其正常生长受到完全抑制;下胚轴形态学上端切段较下端更易受卡那霉素的影响。


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应用花粉管通道技术将新疆大赖草总DNA导入小麦,用高重序列分析方法,已为大赖草总DNA转入小麦提供了初步的分子证据。在转 化后代中选育出稳定遗传的大穗变异株系,分析表明,这些转化株中蛋白质含量明显增高(13%-17%)。对基因供体新疆大赖草、受 体春麦761、转化株的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)进行了SDS-PAGE分析,发现这些转化株中HMW-GS发生了很大变化,并在此基础 上,用来自小麦基因组的四对特异引物,以PCR方法扩增供体、受体以及转化株的1Ax、1Bx、1Dx及1Ay、1By、1Dy型HMW-GS全基因 ,比较他们扩增产物的差异,结果表明,受体与转化株在HMW-GS基因1Ax、1Bx位点上的扩增产物差异不大,在HMW-GS基因位点1Dx 和y型基因上的扩增产物有较大差异,说明了受体在基因位点1Dx、1Ay、1By和1Dy上可能发生了多位点插入,可能由于这些基因位 点上的插入引起了转化株的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)的变化,这就再一次为大赖草总DNA导入提供了直接的分子证据。虽然大 赖草总DNA导入提高了小麦蛋白质的含量,改变了HMW-GS的组成,部分改变了品质评分,但我们感到这些转化株在品质改良方面仍 有很大余地,如何更好地利用新疆大赖草蛋白质的优良特性及避免总DNA导入给转化株带来的不良性状,一个大赖草HMW-GS基因正 被分离及克隆,并准备将其利用于未来的品质育种当中。Total DNA of Leymus racemosus had been transformed into wheat through pollen tube pathway. Analysis of the repeated gene sequence had provided an elementary proof. Some variant cultivars with big ear were screened from their offsprings, and their protein content increased greatly from 13% (receptor)to 17%(transformed). The result from SDS-PAGE analysis of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits(HMW- GS) respectively in donor(Xinjiang Leymus racemosus), receptor(spring wheat cultivar 761)and transformed wheats, showed the HMW-GS composition changed in the transformed plants. On the basis of the research, Four special pairs primers from wheat(T.aestivum L.) genome were used to amplify complete coding regions of HMW-GS genes on 1Ax、1Bx 、1Dx and 1Ay、1By、1Dy loci of donor、receptor and the big ear transformed cultivars. By comparing amplified PCR products. Faint differences were found among receptor and transformed cultivar's 1Ax、1Bx PCR amplifed products and apparent differences on those of 1Dx、y-typePCR product. We gueseed that there may be some DNA inserts in 1Dx 、1By、1Dy loci resulted in the changes of the HMW-GS among transformed cultivars. This provides second direct molecular witness to the exogenous DNA introduction. Even though the transformed plants have higher protein content, changed HMW-GS composition, partially improved process quality, there still leave much work to improve quality. In order to make full use of the excellent property of Leymus racemosus protein and avoid the disadvantages introducced by total DNA transformation, a HMW-GS gene of Leymus racemosus was being isolated and cloned.


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Rapid pollen tube growth requires a high rate of sugar metabolism to meet energetic and biosynthetic demands. Previous work on pollen sugar metabolism showed that tobacco pollen carry out efficient ethanolic fermentation concomitantly with a high rate of respiration (Bucher et al ., 1995). Here we show that the products of fermentation, acetaldehyde and ethanol, are further metabolised in a pathway that bypasses mitochondrial PDH. The enzymes involved in this pathway are pyruvate decarboxylase, aldehyde dehydrogenase and acetyl-CoA synthetase. Radiolabelling experiments show that during tobacco pollen tube growth label of C-14-ethanol is incorporated into CO2 as well as into lipids and other higher molecular weight compounds. A role for the glyoxylate cycle appears unlikely since activity of malate synthase, a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle, could not be detected.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Rapid pollen tube growth places unique demands on energy production and biosynthetic capacity. The aim of this work is to understand how primary metabolism meets the demands of such rapid growth. Aerobically grown pollen produce ethanol in large quantities. The ethanolic fermentation pathway consists of two committed enzymes: pyruvate decarboxylase ( PDC) and alcohol dehydrogenase ( ADH). Because adh mutations do not affect male gametophyte function, the obvious question is why pollen synthesize an abundant enzyme if they could do just as well without. Using transposon tagging in Petunia hybrida, we isolated a null mutant in pollen- specific Pdc2. Growth of the mutant pollen tubes through the style is reduced, and the mutant allele shows reduced transmission through the male, when in competition with wild- type pollen. We propose that not ADH but rather PDC is the critical enzyme in a novel, pollen- specific pathway. This pathway serves to bypass pyruvate dehydrogenase enzymes and thereby maintain biosynthetic capacity and energy production under the unique conditions prevailing during pollen - pistil interaction.


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Phosphonate fungicides are used widely in the control of diseases caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. For the most part phosphonate is seen as a safe to use on crops with phytotoxicity rare. However, recent research has shown that phosphonate has detrimental effects on the floral biology of some indigenous Australian plants. Since phosphonate fungicides are regularly used for the control of Phytophthora root rot in avocados, research was carried out to study the translocation of phosphonate fungicide in 'Hass' trees and any effects on their floral biology. Field-grown trees were sprayed with 0, 0.06 or 0.12 M mono-dipotassium phosphonate (pH 7.2) at summer flush maturity, floral bud break or anthesis. Following treatment, phosphonic acid concentrations were determined in leaves, roots, inflorescence rachi and flowers and in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth studied. Phosphonic acid concentration in the roots and floral parts was related to their sink strength at the respective times of application with concentration in roots highest (36.9.mg g±1) after treatment at summer flush maturity and in flowers (234.7 mg g±1) after treatment during early anthesis. Phosphonate at >0.03 M was found to be significantly phytotoxic to in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth. However, this rate gave a concentration far in excess of that measured in plant tissues following standard commercial applications of mono-dipotassium phosphonate fungicide. There was a small effect on pollen germination and pollen tube growth when 0.06 and 0.12 M mono-dipotassium phosphonate was applied during early anthesis. However, under favourable pollination and fruit set conditions it is not expected to have commercial impact on tree yield. However, there may be detrimental commercial implications from phosphonate sprays at early anthesis if unfavourable climatic conditions for pollination and fruit set subsequently occur. A commercial implication from this study is that phosphonic acid root concentrations can be elevated and maintained with strategic foliar applications of phosphonate fungicide timed to coincide with peaks in root sink strength. These occur at the end of the spring and summer flushes when shoot growth is relatively quiescent. Additional foliar applications may be advantageous in under high disease-pressure situations but where possible should be timed to minimize overlap with other significant growth events in the tree such as rapid inflorescence, and fruit development and major vegetative flushing.


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Rapid change in climate is challenge for the adaptation of forest trees in the future. In wind pollinated tree species pollen mediated long distance gene flow may provide alleles that are (pre)adapted to a future climate. In order to examine the long distance pollen flow in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), we measured the amount and viability of airborne pollen and flowering phenology in central, northern, and northernmost Finland during four years. Viable airborne pollen grains were detected during female flowering and before local pollen shedding in all study sites. The situation when there was nonlocal pollen in the air lasted from one to four days depending on the year and study site. The amount of nonlocal airborne pollen varied also between years and study sites, the total amount of nonlocal viable pollen in the air was 2.3% from all detected viable pollen grains. The effect of pollen origin on seeds siring ability was studied with artificial pollination experiments. Pollen genotypes originating from southern Finland sired 76% and 48 % of the analysed seeds in competition studies where both pollen origin were introduced simultaneously into the female strobili. We examined the importance of arrival order of pollen grains in to the strobili in a study where pollen genotypes of different origin were introduced in two hours interval. Northern genotypes sired 76% of the analysed seeds when it was injected first, but in the "southern first" experiment both pollen types sired equal amount of seeds. The first pollen grain in the pollen chamber do not always fertilizes the ovum, instead there likely is more complex way of competition between pollen grains. To examine chemically mediated pollen-pollen interactions we conducted in vitro germination experiment where different pollen genotypes had chemical but not physical contact. Both positive and negative effects of interactions were found. We found highly negative effects in germinability of northern pollen grains when they were germinating with southern pollen, and increase in the germinability of southern pollen. There were no variation in the size of the dry pollen grains between pollen origins, and minor variation between different genotypes. After hydration and germination northern pollen grains were larger than southern pollen. Pollen genotypes having high hydration rates had low germinability and tube growth rate, however, germinated pollen grains were larger in size than nongerminated. This supports the suggestion that the early germination and growth of pollen tube is dependent on pollen storage materialsand less dependent on water intake and hydration. Long distance pollen movements and good competition ability of southern pollen makes gene flow possible, although rising temperature and timing of pollen movements may affect pollen competition and the amount of gene flow.