981 resultados para plane wave expansion


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The electronic states of nano-structures are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory using the plane wave basis. The barrier width and the number of plane waves are proposed to be 2.5 times the effective Bohr radius and 15(n), respectively, for n-dimensional nano-structures (n = 1,2,3). Our proposals can be widely applied in the design of various nano-structure devices.


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We investigate the modulation instability of quasi-plane-wave optical beams in biased photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals by globally treating the space-charge field. The modulation instability growth rate is obtained, which depends on the external bias field, on the bulk photovoltaic effect, and on the ratio of the optical beam's intensity to that of the dark irradiance. Our analysis indicates that this modulation instability growth rate is identical to the modulation instability growth rate studied previously in biased photorefractive-nonphotovoltaic crystals when the bulk photovoltaic effect is negligible for shorted circuits, and predicts the modulation instability growth rate in open- and closed-circuit photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals when the external bias field is absent.


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A simple plane wave solution of the Schrodinger-Helmholtz equation is a quantum eigenfunction obeying both energy and linear momentum correspondence principles. Inclusion of the outgoing wave with scattering amplitude f asymptotic development of the plane wave, we show that there is a problem with angular momentum when we consider forward scattering at the point of closest approach and at large impact parameter given semiclassically by (l + 1/2)/k where l is the azimuthal quantum number and may be large (J. Leech et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88. 257901 (2002)). The problem is resolved via non- uniform, non-standard analysis involving the Heaviside step function, unifying classical, semiclassical and quantum mechanics, and the treatment is extended to the case of pure Coulomb scattering.


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Les diagnostics cliniques des maladies cardio-vasculaires sont principalement effectués à l’aide d’échographies Doppler-couleur malgré ses restrictions : mesures de vélocité dépendantes de l’angle ainsi qu’une fréquence d’images plus faible à cause de focalisation traditionnelle. Deux études, utilisant des approches différentes, adressent ces restrictions en utilisant l’imagerie à onde-plane, post-traitée avec des méthodes de délai et sommation et d’autocorrélation. L’objectif de la présente étude est de ré-implémenté ces méthodes pour analyser certains paramètres qui affecte la précision des estimations de la vélocité du flux sanguin en utilisant le Doppler vectoriel 2D. À l’aide d’expériences in vitro sur des flux paraboliques stationnaires effectuées avec un système Verasonics, l’impact de quatre paramètres sur la précision de la cartographie a été évalué : le nombre d’inclinaisons par orientation, la longueur d’ensemble pour les images à orientation unique, le nombre de cycles par pulsation, ainsi que l’angle de l’orientation pour différents flux. Les valeurs optimales sont de 7 inclinaisons par orientation, une orientation de ±15° avec 6 cycles par pulsation. La précision de la reconstruction est comparable à l’échographie Doppler conventionnelle, tout en ayant une fréquence d’image 10 à 20 fois supérieure, permettant une meilleure caractérisation des transitions rapides qui requiert une résolution temporelle élevée.


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Holographic grating with good storage life in poly(vinyl alcohol) based photopolymer film, prepared by gravity settling method, with reduced concentration of the dye was found to give good diffraction efficiency without crosslinking. The material was found to show good diffraction efficiency and sensitivity (75% diffraction efficiency at exposure energy of 80 mJ/cm2). The shelf life of the photopolymer solution could be improved by storage at a temperature 4 C in refrigerator


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Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin (PWDG) methods are a class of Trefftz-type methods for the spatial discretization of boundary value problems for the Helmholtz operator $-\Delta-\omega^2$, $\omega>0$. They include the so-called ultra weak variational formulation from [O. Cessenat and B. Després, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 35 (1998), pp. 255–299]. This paper is concerned with the a priori convergence analysis of PWDG in the case of $p$-refinement, that is, the study of the asymptotic behavior of relevant error norms as the number of plane wave directions in the local trial spaces is increased. For convex domains in two space dimensions, we derive convergence rates, employing mesh skeleton-based norms, duality techniques from [P. Monk and D. Wang, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 175 (1999), pp. 121–136], and plane wave approximation theory.


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In this paper, we study the approximation of solutions of the homogeneous Helmholtz equation Δu + ω 2 u = 0 by linear combinations of plane waves with different directions. We combine approximation estimates for homogeneous Helmholtz solutions by generalized harmonic polynomials, obtained from Vekua’s theory, with estimates for the approximation of generalized harmonic polynomials by plane waves. The latter is the focus of this paper. We establish best approximation error estimates in Sobolev norms, which are explicit in terms of the degree of the generalized polynomial to be approximated, the domain size, and the number of plane waves used in the approximations.


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We consider the approximation of solutions of the time-harmonic linear elastic wave equation by linear combinations of plane waves. We prove algebraic orders of convergence both with respect to the dimension of the approximating space and to the diameter of the domain. The error is measured in Sobolev norms and the constants in the estimates explicitly depend on the problem wavenumber. The obtained estimates can be used in the h- and p-convergence analysis of wave-based finite element schemes.


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We consider the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation with constant coefficients on a domain with piecewise analytic boundary, modelling the scattering of acoustic waves at a sound-soft obstacle. Our discretisation relies on the Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin approach with plane wave basis functions on meshes with very general element shapes, geometrically graded towards domain corners. We prove exponential convergence of the discrete solution in terms of number of unknowns.


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Light scattering from small spherical particles has applications in a vast number of disciplines including astrophysics, meteorology optics and particle sizing. Mie theory provides an exact analytical characterization of plane wave scattering from spherical dielectric objects. There exist many variants of the Mie theory where fundamental assumptions of the theory has been relaxed to make generalizations. Notable such extensions are generalized Mie theory where plane waves are replaced by optical beams, scattering from lossy particles, scattering from layered particles or shells and scattering of partially coherent (non-classical) light. However, no work has yet been reported in the literature on modifications required to account for scattering when the particle or the source is in motion relative to each other. This is an important problem where many applications can be found in disciplines involving moving particle size characterization. In this paper we propose a novel approach, using special relativity, to address this problem by extending the standard Mie theory for scattering by a particle in motion with a constant speed, which may be very low, moderate or comparable to the speed of light. The proposed technique involves transforming the scattering problem to a reference frame co-moving with the particle, then applying the Mie theory in that frame and transforming the scattered field back to the reference frame of the observer.


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Using the U(4) formalism developed ten years ago, the worldsheet action for the superstring in Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds is expressed in a manifestly N = (2, 2) superconformally invariant manner. This simplifies the construction of consistent Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds and eliminates the problems associated with light-cone interaction point operators.


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The Green function for a spin-1/2 charged particle in the presence of an external plane wave electromagnetic field is calculated by algebraic techniques in terms of the free-particle Green function.


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A quantizable worldsheet action is constructed for the superstring in a super-symmetric plane wave background with Ramond-Ramond flux. The action is manifestly invariant under all isometries of the background and is an exact worldsheet conformal field theory. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.


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Using the U(4) formalism developed ten years ago, the worldsheet action for the superstring in Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds is expressed in a manifestly N = (2,2) superconformally invariant manner. This simplifies the construction of consistent Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds and eliminates the problems associated with light-cone interaction point operators. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.