793 resultados para oil reserves
Este trabalho teve como objetivo incluir flexibilidades gerenciais (tais como técnicas de injeção de gás e água) na avaliação de reservatórios. Concluimos que esta técnicas podem aumentar o valor dos reservatórios em até 25% segundo a teoria de opções reais. A principal vantagem da metodologia de teoria de opções face a tradicional técnica de fluxo de caixa descontado é levar em conta as questões operacionais da indústria do petróleo. Utilizamos dois modelos clássicos para a precificação de reservatórios de petróleo, e aplicamos uma análise de sensibilidade para determinarmos quais fatores são mais relevantes no seu valor econômico. Como era de se esperar em ambos os modelos, o tempo de concessão, bem como a taxa de convenience e/ou dividend yield foram os fatores mais importantes.
Poder judiciário fluminense e capixaba diante do comércio internacional e do pré-sal: novos desafios
As transformações recentes das relações sociais e econômicas incrementados pelo dinamismo do comércio internacional, sua crescente complexidade e as recémdescobertas reservas petrolíferas na camada pré-sal, aliadas ao fenômeno da globalização, contribuem para o processo de internacionalização do Direito. Esse cenário tem demandado, ainda, novos instrumentos de solução dos conflitos e de controle social, exigindo dos magistrados brasileiros maior expertise no julgamento das demandas contemporâneas. Diante desse cenário, é necessário construir alternativas que realmente busquem modificar as estruturas vigentes na teoria, na práxis e no ensino do Direito. Assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é contribuir para a eficiência da prestação jurisdicional dos magistrados, seja no âmbito estadual ou federal, que atuam no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, diante dos novos desafios que terão em face do comércio internacional e do pré-sal. Com a finalidade de alcançar seu escopo, a pesquisa, no Capítulo 1, trata dos conceitos, princípios e metodologia para atingir o objetivo geral da pesquisa. O Capítulo 2 ocupa-se da abordagem das disciplinas relevantes para uma eficiente prestação jurisdicional do pré-sal e do comércio internacional. Em seguida, o Capítulo 3 trata de analisar o conteúdo das disciplinas ministradas nas Escolas de Magistratura Estadual do Rio de Janeiro e Federal da 2ª Região, bem como as provas para ingresso à carreira da magistratura federal e estadual do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, no que tange à existência de disciplinas como Direito do Petróleo, Gás e Energia, Direito Econômico, Direito Internacional Público e Privado, Exploração & Produção, Direito do Mar, Direito Marítimo, Direito da Navegação Marítima, Direito Portuário, Direito Aduaneiro e Direito Ambiental. Por fim, serão feitas algumas considerações e apresentadas as referências da pesquisa.
Formação de agenda e formulação de uma política pública no Brasil: o caso do Fundo Social do Pré-Sal
Entender o processo que engendra o Fundo Social do Pré-Sal demanda compreender a nova regulação do petróleo, aprovada em 2010. Esta tese empreende análise da trajetória da regulação do petróleo no Brasil, partindo da aprovação da Lei do Petróleo (1997), e avalia como ideias e interesses interagem com instituições vigentes, ação política e condições econômicas, para gerar nova configuração setorial. Combinando visão abrangente do institucionalismo histórico aos métodos robustos do institucionalismo da escolha racional para determinação das preferências dos atores, este trabalho aponta para a determinação histórica das escolhas dos agentes. Em termos empíricos, mostra como as condições econômicas foram determinantes na permeabilidade da política econômica brasileira aos interesses representados pelas instituições multilaterais, esclarece a importância do volume de reservas de petróleo na determinação do novo marco regulatório; e aponta razão para a escalada de valor da Petrobras após 1997.
Exploration of heavy oil reservoirs is increasing every year in worldwide, because the discovery of light oil reservoirs is becoming increasingly rare. This fact has stimulated the research with the purpose of becoming viable, technically and economically, the exploration of such oil reserves. In Brazil, in special in the Northeast region, there is a large amount of heavy oil reservoir, where the recovery by the so called secondary methods Water injection or gas injection is inefficient or even impracticable in some reservoirs with high viscosity oils (heavy oils). In this scenario, steam injection appears as an interesting alternative for recover of these kinds of oil reservoirs. Its main mechanism consists of oil viscosity reduction through steam injection, increasing reservoir temperature. This work presents a parametric simulation study of some operational and reservoir variables that had influence on oil recovery in thin reservoirs typically found in Brazilian Northeast Basins, that use the steam injection as improved oil recovery method. To carry out simulations, it was used the commercial software STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modeling Group) version 2007.11. Reservoirs variables studied were horizontal permeability, vertical and horizontal permeability ratio, water zone and pay zone thickness ratio, pay zone thickness and thermal conductivity of the rock. Whereas, operational parameters studied were distance between wells and steam injection rate. Results showed that reservoir variables that had more influence on oil recovery were horizontal permeability and water zone and pay zone thickness ratio. In relation to operational variables, results showed that short distances between wells and low steam injection rates improved oil recovery
One of the main activities in the petroleum engineering is to estimate the oil production in the existing oil reserves. The calculation of these reserves is crucial to determine the economical feasibility of your explotation. Currently, the petroleum industry is facing problems to analyze production due to the exponentially increasing amount of data provided by the production facilities. Conventional reservoir modeling techniques like numerical reservoir simulation and visualization were well developed and are available. This work proposes intelligent methods, like artificial neural networks, to predict the oil production and compare the results with the ones obtained by the numerical simulation, method quite a lot used in the practice to realization of the oil production prediction behavior. The artificial neural networks will be used due your learning, adaptation and interpolation capabilities
With the growth of energy consumption worldwide, conventional reservoirs, the reservoirs called "easy exploration and production" are not meeting the global energy demand. This has led many researchers to develop projects that will address these needs, companies in the oil sector has invested in techniques that helping in locating and drilling wells. One of the techniques employed in oil exploration process is the reverse time migration (RTM), in English, Reverse Time Migration, which is a method of seismic imaging that produces excellent image of the subsurface. It is algorithm based in calculation on the wave equation. RTM is considered one of the most advanced seismic imaging techniques. The economic value of the oil reserves that require RTM to be localized is very high, this means that the development of these algorithms becomes a competitive differentiator for companies seismic processing. But, it requires great computational power, that it still somehow harms its practical success. The objective of this work is to explore the implementation of this algorithm in unconventional architectures, specifically GPUs using the CUDA by making an analysis of the difficulties in developing the same, as well as the performance of the algorithm in the sequential and parallel version
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The sun has an extremely important role in the existence of human beings, and Brazil has a privileged geographical position to explore sunlight. The union of these two factors favors the use of solar cells for converting solar energy into electricity by photovoltaic technology: it is a great alternative energy source, especially for being a clean one, causing less damage to the environment. This paper addresses the photovoltaic technology with a focus on hospitals, through case studies found in international literature, because hospitals, even running all important services to society, have a potential for pollution capable of causing damage to human health and the environment that is around them. It is estimated that the Brazilian oil reserves are sufficient for twenty-two years. This makes the search for alternative sources for power generation a necessity.
This work intends to discuss about the current happenings in oil sector, and how the recent discovery of huge oil reserves on the layer known as Pre-Sal can positively transform in the socioeconomic context, the country. The impact of this huge quantity of natural resources it depends on the legislative policies adopted for the exploration and production (E & P) in the Pre-Salt layer, and the way in which laws are imposed for distribution of such resources. Therefore, it is made a shortly background of the laws from oil exploration, production and distribution, since the monopoly of Petrobras, to nowadays. To this end, an analysis is performed about the Oil Law, and about the possible legislative changes with the new Regulatory Framework. This monograph attempts to prove, based on historical data, socioeconomic facts, and international experiences, using either comparative statistical, that with the discovery in the Pre-Salt area, the best way to optimize the use of these resources, mainly the reduction of social inequality and economic contrasts, a legacy from colonization, would directly those recipes to a National Development Fund, the Social Fund, established by law for the new Regulatory Framework
The technological advancement in order to improve the methods of obtaining energy sources such as oil and natural gas is mainly motivated by the recent discovery of oil reserves. So, increasingly , there is a need for a thorough knowledge of the materials used in the manufacture of pipelines for transportation and exploration of oil and natural gas. The steels which follow the API standard (American Petroleum Institute), also known as high strenght low alloy (hsla), are used in the manufacture of these pipes, as they have, with their welded joints, mechanical properties to withstand the working conditions to which these ducts will be submitted . The objective of this study is to evaluate the fatigue behavior in microalloyed steel grade API 5L X80 welded by process HF / ERW . For this, axial fatigue tests to obtain S-N curve (stress vs. number of cycles ) were conducted. To complement the study, it was performed metallographic , fractographic , Vickers hardness tests and tensile tests to characterize the mechanical properties of the steel and check whether the values satisfy the specifications of the API 5L standard . From the fatigue tests , it was concluded that the surface finish influences directly on the fatigue life of the material
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
The international energy situation indicates to the depletion of oil reserves in the short term. Brazil, considering its potential, has sought through public policy, encourage the study of alternative forms of energy. Many of these forms are based on sub-products and agricultural products, especially the ethanol industry for fuel purposes. Another alternative of vegetable origin, most recently discussed, would be the production of fuel oil called biodiesel. The study aimed to extract and measure the pulp oil production of macaúba palm [Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq) Lodd. ex Mart], collected in Botucatu (SP). In addition, the qualitative analysis of the pulp and almond oil are determined. The results showed low productivity in oils, compared to the reported for macauba natural populations of Minas Gerais. The qualitative analysis of the macauba pulp shows to be rich in long chain fatty acids, while the almond have significant amounts of lauric acid.
The annexation of Crimea has brought the Russian authorities significant dividends, in particular on the domestic stage: it has resulted in an unprecedented social and political consolidation, and strengthened Vladimir Putin’s position after several years of decline in social support for him. It has provided Russia with strategic benefits, giving it broad access to the Black Sea and the military infrastructure on the peninsula, as well as access to natural gas and crude oil reserves. Russia has also taken over numerous assets (including the tourist infrastructure) previously owned by the Ukrainian state. However, the decision itself concerning Moscow’s annexation of Crimea was taken off the cuff, with no calculation of the costs of integrating it with the Russian legal, political and socio-economic space. Russia took over a region that required subsidies from the Ukrainian budget; moreover, the annexation struck at the most important industry of the Crimean economy – tourism. Crimea’s integration with Russia will be a complex process that entails high costs, financial, organisational and social, including multi-billion dollar investments in the modernisation and development of infrastructure, covering the region’s budget deficit, and paying out social benefits. For reasons of prestige and political significance, Moscow is treating Crimea as a showcase region. Russia is determined to prove that the Crimean incorporation will be beneficial for the region’s economy and will raise people’s living standards. However, the expenses triggered by Crimea’s integration will coincide with a deteriorating economic situation in Russia, aggravated by US and EU sanctions, and this may force Russia to postpone or even give up some of its ambitious investments in the peninsula. Some of the integration costs will have to be borne by other Russian regions, even though they already face serious financial problems that have forced them to reduce their own investment programs. Another issue that has come into question is the fulfilment of the Crimean people’s’ expectations concerning the improvement of their living standards, due to the tourist sector’s problems (small-scale tourist services used to be one of the local people’s main sources of income), the rising costs of maintenance, and finally, restrictions of civil rights after the introduction of the more restrictive Russian legislation.
Falling amounts of natural resources and the ‘peak oil’ question, i.e. the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of easily-accessible oil reserves is reached, have been among the key issues in public debate in Germany on all levels: expert, business and – most crucially – the government level. The alarming assessments of German analysts anticipate a rapid shrinkage of oil reserves and a sharp rise in oil prices, which in the longer term will affect the economic and political systems of importer countries. Concerns about the consequences of the projected resource deficit, especially among representatives of German industry, are also fuelled by the stance of those countries which export raw materials. China, which meets 97% of global demand for minerals crucial for the production of new technologies, cut its exports by 40% in summer 2010 (compared to 2009), arguing that it had to protect its reserves from overexploitation. In 2009 the value of natural resources Germany imported reached €84 billion, of which €62 billion were spent on energy carriers, and €22 billion on metals. For Germany, the shrinkage of resources is a political problem of the utmost importance, since the country is poor in mineral resources and has to acquire petroleum and other necessary raw materials abroad1. In autumn 2010, the German minister of economy initiated the establishment of a Resources Agency designed to support companies in their search for natural resources, and the government prepared and adopted a national Raw Material Strategy. In the next decade the policy of the German government, including foreign policy, will be affected by the consequences of the decreasing availability of natural resources. It can be expected that the mission of the Bundeswehr will be redefined, and the importance of African states and current exporter countries such as Russia and China for German policies will increase. At the same time, Germany will seek to strengthen cooperation among importer countries, which should make pressure on resource-exporting states more effective. In this context, it can be expected that the efforts taken to develop an EU resource strategy or even a ‘comprehensive resource policy’ will be intensified; or at least, the EU’s energy policy will permanently include the issue of sourcing raw materials.
Currently, the main source for the production of liquid transportation fuels is petroleum, the continued use of which faces many challenges including depleting oil reserves, significant oil price rises, and environmental concerns over global warming which is widely believed to be due to fossil fuel derived CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases. In this respect, lignocellulosic or plant biomass is a particularly interesting resource as it is the only renewable source of organic carbon that can be converted into liquid transportation fuels. The gasification of biomass produces syngas which can then be converted into synthetic liquid hydrocarbon fuels by means of the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis. This process has been widely considered as an attractive option for producing clean liquid hydrocarbon fuels from biomass that have been identified as promising alternatives to conventional fossil fuels like diesel and kerosene. The resulting product composition in FT synthesis is influenced by the type of catalyst and the reaction conditions that are used in the process. One of the issues facing this conversion process is the development of a technology that can be scaled down to match the scattered nature of biomass resources, including lower operating pressures, without compromising liquid composition. The primary aims of this work were to experimentally explore FT synthesis at low pressures for the purpose of process down-scaling and cost reduction, and to investigate the potential for obtaining an intermediate FT synthetic crude liquid product that can be integrated into existing refineries under the range of process conditions employed. Two different fixed-bed micro-reactors were used for FT synthesis; a 2cm3 reactor at the University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a 20cm3 reactor at Aston University. The experimental work firstly involved the selection of a suitable catalyst from three that were available. Secondly, a parameter study was carried out on the 20cm3 reactor using the selected catalyst to investigate the influence of reactor temperature, reactor pressure, space velocity, the H2/CO molar ratio in the feed syngas and catalyst loading on the reaction performance measured as CO conversion, catalyst stability, product distribution, product yields and liquid hydrocarbon product composition. From this parameter study a set of preferred operating conditions was identified for low pressure FT synthesis. The three catalysts were characterized using BET, XRD, TPR and SEM. The catalyst selected was an unpromoted Co/Al2O3 catalyst. FT synthesis runs on the 20cm3 reactor at Aston were conducted for 48 hours. Permanent gases and light hydrocarbons (C1-C5) were analysed in an online GC-TCD/FID at hourly intervals. The liquid hydrocarbons collected were analyzed offline using GC-MS for determination of fuel composition. The parameter study showed that CO conversion and liquid hydrocarbon yields increase with increasing reactor pressure up to around 8 bar, above which the effect of pressure is small. The parameters that had the most significant influence on CO conversion, product selectivity and liquid hydrocarbon yields were reactor temperature and catalyst loading. The preferred reaction conditions identified for this research were: T = 230ºC, P = 10 bar, H2/CO = 2.0, WHSV = 2.2 h-1, and catalyst loading = 2.0g. Operation in the low range of pressures studied resulted in low CO conversions and liquid hydrocarbon yields, indicating that low pressure BTL-FT operation may not be industrially viable as the trade off in lower CO conversions and once-through liquid hydrocarbon product yields has to be carefully weighed against the potential cost savings resulting from process operation at lower pressures.