955 resultados para non-destructive sampling
Quality control on fruits requires reliable methods, able to assess with reasonable accuracy and possibly in a non-destructive way their physical and chemical characteristics. More specifically, a decreased firmness indicates the presence of damage or defects in the fruit or else that the fruit has exceeded its “best before date”, becoming unsuitable for consumption. In high-value exotic fruits, such as mangoes, where firmness cannot be easily measured from a simple observation of texture, colour changes and unevenness of fruits surface, the use of non-destructive techniques is highly recommendable. In particular, the application of Laser vibrometry, based on the Doppler effect, a non-contact technique sensitive to differences in displacements inferior to the nanometre, appears ideal for a possible on-line control on food. Previous results indicated that a phase shift can be in a repeatable way associated with the presence of damage on the fruit, whilst a decreased firmness results in significant differences in the displacement of the fruits under the same excitation signal. In this work, frequency ranges for quality control via the application of a sound chirp are suggested, based on the measurement of the signal coherence. The variations of the average vibration spectrum of a grid of points, or of point-by-point signal velocity allows the go-no go recognition of “firm” and “over-ripe” fruits, with notable success in the particular case of mangoes. The future exploitation of this work will include the application of this method to allow on-line control during conveyor belt distribution of fruits.
This project is based on Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and Digital Image processing (I.P) for automatic condition monitoring of sleepers in the railway track. Rail inspection is a very important task in railway maintenance for traffic safety issues and in preventing dangerous situations. Monitoring railway track infrastructure is an important aspect in which the periodical inspection of rail rolling plane is required.Up to the present days the inspection of the railroad is operated manually by trained personnel. A human operator walks along the railway track searching for sleeper anomalies. This monitoring way is not more acceptable for its slowness and subjectivity. Hence, it is desired to automate such intuitive human skills for the development of more robust and reliable testing methods. Images of wooden sleepers have been used as data for my project. The aim of this project is to present a vision based technique for inspecting railway sleepers (wooden planks under the railway track) by automatic interpretation of Non Destructive Test (NDT) data using A.I. techniques in determining the results of inspection.
Introduction. Leaf area is often related to plant growth, development, physiology and yield. Many non-destructive models have been proposed for leaf area estimation of several plant genotypes, demonstrating that leaf length, leaf width and leaf area are closely correlated. Thus, the objective of our study was to develop a reliable model for leaf area estimation from linear measurements of leaf dimensions for citrus genotypes. Materials and methods. Leaves of citrus genotypes were harvested, and their dimensions (length, width and area) were measured. Values of leaf area were regressed against length, width, the square of length, the square of width and the product (length x width). The most accurate equations, either linear or second-order polynomial, were regressed again with a new data set; then the most reliable equation was defined. Results and discussion. The first analysis showed that the variables length, width and the square of length gave better results in second-order polynomial equations, while the linear equations were more suitable and accurate when the width and the product (length x width) were used. When these equations were regressed with the new data set, the coefficient of determination (R(2)) and the agreement index 'd' were higher for the one that used the variable product (length x width), while the Mean Absolute Percentage Error was lower. Conclusion. The product of the simple leaf dimensions (length x width) can provide a reliable and simple non-destructive model for leaf area estimation across citrus genotypes.
Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, estabelecer a relação entre os pigmentos fotossintéticos extraídos em DMSO e as leituras obtidas no clorofilômetro portátil ClorofiLOG® 1030, gerando modelos matemáticos capazes de predizer os teores de clorofila e de carotenóides em folhas de mamoneira. O trabalho foi conduzido na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Algodão, situada em Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba, em outubro de 2010. Para a análise indireta, foi utilizado um equipamento portátil, sendo realizada a leitura em discos foliares com diferentes tonalidades de verde, sendo feita, nesses mesmos discos, a determinação da clorofila pelo método clássico. Para a extração da clorofila, utilizaram-se 5 mL de dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), a qual foi mantida em banho-maria a 70ºC, por 30 minutos, e retirou-se 3 mL da alíquota para leitura em espectrofotômetro nos comprimentos de onda de 470, 646 e 663 nm. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância e regressão polinomial. A leitura obtida no clorofilômetro portátil foi a variável dependente, e os pigmentos fotossintéticos determinados pelo método clássico foi a variável independente. Os resultados indicaram que o clorofilômetro portátil ClorofiLOG® 1030, associado a modelos matemáticos, permitiu estimar a concentração dos pigmentos fotossintéticos, exceto a clorofila b, com alta precisão, com economia de tempo e com reagentes normalmente utilizados nos procedimentos convencionais.
This work studies the capability of generalization of Neural Network using vibration based measurement data aiming at operating condition and health monitoring of mechanical systems. The procedure uses the backpropagation algorithm to classify the input patters of a system with different stiffness ratios. It has been investigated a large set of input data, containing various stiffness ratios as well as a reduced set containing only the extreme ones in order to study generalizing capability of the network. This allows to definition of Neural Networks capable to use a reduced set of data during the training phase. Once it is successfully trained, it could identify intermediate failure condition. Several conditions and intensities of damages have been studied by using numerical data. The Neural Network demonstrated a good capacity of generalization for all case. Finally, the proposal was tested with experimental data.
Ethanol can compromise the body mineral composition and affect bone, and when associated to hypogonadism is considered an important risk factor for osteoporosis in man. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of androgen deficient and chronic ethanol consuming on mineral contents by biochemistry and non-destructive techniques. Wistar rat (n=54) were divided in orchiectomy (ORQ) or SHAM-operated and subdivided by diet. They were daily fed with a Lieber DeCarli diet model for 8 weeks long. The controls groups were free-diet and pair-fed. Ca and P were analyzed by biochemistry test in the blood and by nX-ray fluorescence and FT-Raman on the femur area. Serum analysis revealed hypocalcaemia and hypeiphosphataemia in ethanol groups more than pair-fed and free-diet. In similarity, spectroscopy indicated a decrease in bone Ca content in ORQ groups, mainly for ethanol groups. Phosphorus content and Ca/P molar ratio, otherwise, doesn't diverge in all 6 groups. Ethanol consumption impaired Ca and P homeostasis in ORQ rat more than SHAM. The relationships among ethanol consume and androgen deficit support the hypothesis that ethanol affects the mineral-regulating hormones and may mediate some effects on bone. These findings demonstrate that ethanol seemed to interfere with the normal compensatory response to these Ca and P levels and is more significant M androgen deficiency rats.
This paper presents a new non-destructive testing (NDT) for reinforced concrete structures, in order to identify the components of their reinforcement. A time varying electromagnetic field is generated close to the structure by electromagnetic devices specially designed for this purpose. The presence of ferromagnetic materials (the steel bars of the reinforcement) immersed in the concrete disturbs the magnetic field at the surface of the structure. These field alterations are detected by sensors coils placed on the concrete surface. Variations in position and cross section (the size) of steel bars immersed in concrete originate slightly different values for the induced voltages at the coils.. The values for the induced voltages were obtained in laboratory tests, and multi-layer perceptron artificial neural networks with Levemberg-Marquardt training algorithm were used to identify the location and size of the bar. Preliminary results can be considered very good.
This work presents an investigation into the use of the finite element method and artificial neural networks in the identification of defects in industrial plants metallic tubes, due to the aggressive actions of the fluids contained by them, and/or atmospheric agents. The methodology used in this study consists of simulating a very large number of defects in a metallic tube, using the finite element method. Both variations in width and height of the defects are considered. Then, the obtained results are used to generate a set of vectors for the training of a perceptron multilayer artificial neural network. Finally, the obtained neural network is used to classify a group of new defects, simulated by the finite element method, but that do not belong to the original dataset. The reached results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, and encourage future works on this subject.
Classification and standardization of the sawn wood is a usual activity, developed by countries that come as great consumers of this material. Brazil does not practice the classification of sawn wood. This work had the main objective of evaluating the sensibility of most common non-destructive tests in the classification of dimension lumber from fast grown Eucalyptus plantation. Wood was obtained from genetic material cultivated at Minas Gerais State, Brazil. 296 beams of structural dimensions (6 cm × 12 cm × 280 cm) from 10 different clones of Eucalyptus were sampled. Beams were non-destructively (stress wave, ultrasound and transverse vibration) and destructively (static bending and compression parallel to grain) tested. Non-destructive results showed sensibility in the classification of structural dimension lumber, being possible to establish wave velocity intervals that attend to the main strength classes reported by Wooden Structures Brazilian Code.
Piezoelectric array transducers applications are becoming usual in the ultrasonic non-destructive testing area. However, the number of elements can increase the system complexity, due to the necessity of multichannel circuitry and to the large amount of data to be processed. Synthetic aperture techniques, where one or few transmission and reception channels are necessary, and the data are post-processed, can be used to reduce the system complexity. Another possibility is to use sparse arrays instead of a full-populated array. In sparse arrays, there is a smaller number of elements and the interelement spacing is larger than half wavelength. In this work, results of ultrasonic inspection of an aluminum plate with artificial defects using guided acoustic waves and sparse arrays are presented. Synthetic aperture techniques are used to obtain a set of images that are then processed with an image compounding technique, which was previously evaluated only with full-populated arrays, in order to increase the resolution and contrast of the images. The results with sparse arrays are equivalent to the ones obtained with full-populated arrays in terms of resolution. Although there is an 8 dB contrast reduction when using sparse arrays, defect detection is preserved and there is the advantage of a reduction in the number of transducer elements and data volume. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.
Several Lamb wave modes can be coupled to a particular structure, depending on its geometry and transducer used to generate the guided waves. Each Lamb mode interacts in a particular form with different types of defects, like notches, delamination, surface defects, resulting in different information which can be used to improve damage detection and characterization. An image compounding technique that uses the information obtained from different propagation modes of Lamb waves for non-destructive testing of plate-like structures is proposed. A linear array consisting of 16 piezoelectric elements is attached to a 1 mm thickness aluminum plate, coupling the fundamental A0 and S0 modes at the frequencies of 100 kHz and 360 kHz, respectively. For each mode two images are obtained from amplitude and phase information: one image using the Total Focusing Method (TFM) and one phase image obtained from the Sign Coherence Factor (SCF). Each TFM image is multiplied by the SCF image of the respective mode to improve contrast and reduce side and grating lobes effects. The high dispersive characteristic of the A0 mode is compensated for adequate defect detection. The information in the SCF images is used to select one of the TFM mode images, at each pixel, to obtain the compounded image. As a result, dead zone is reduced, resolution and contrast are improved, enhancing damage detection when compared to the use of only one mode. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)