989 resultados para multilevel approach


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The design of binary morphological operators that are translation-invariant and locally defined by a finite neighborhood window corresponds to the problem of designing Boolean functions. As in any supervised classification problem, morphological operators designed from a training sample also suffer from overfitting. Large neighborhood tends to lead to performance degradation of the designed operator. This work proposes a multilevel design approach to deal with the issue of designing large neighborhood-based operators. The main idea is inspired by stacked generalization (a multilevel classifier design approach) and consists of, at each training level, combining the outcomes of the previous level operators. The final operator is a multilevel operator that ultimately depends on a larger neighborhood than of the individual operators that have been combined. Experimental results show that two-level operators obtained by combining operators designed on subwindows of a large window consistently outperform the single-level operators designed on the full window. They also show that iterating two-level operators is an effective multilevel approach to obtain better results.


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Lung cancer patients face poor survival and experience co-occurring chronic physical and psychological symptoms. These symptoms can result in significant burden, impaired physical and social function and poor quality of life. This paper provides a review of evidence based interventions that support best practice supportive and palliative care for patients with lung cancer. Specifically, interventions to manage dyspnoea, one of the most common symptoms experienced by this group, are discussed to illustrate the emerging evidence base in the field. The evidence base for the pharmacological management of dyspnoea report systemic opioids have the best available evidence to support their use. In particular, the evidence strongly supports systemic morphine preferably initiated and continued as a once daily sustained release preparation. Evidence supporting the use of a range of other adjunctive non-pharmacological interventions in managing the symptom is also emerging. Interventions to improve breathing efficiency that have been reported to be effective include pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, positioning and pacing techniques. Psychosocial interventions seeking to reduce anxiety and distress can also improve the management of breathlessness although further studies are needed. In addition, evidence reviews have concluded that case management approaches and nurse led follow-up programs are effective in reducing breathlessness and psychological distress, providing a useful model for supporting implementation of evidence based symptom management strategies. Optimal outcomes from supportive and palliative care interventions thus require a multilevel approach, involving interventions at the patient, health professional and health service level.


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The problem of deriving parallel mesh partitioning algorithms for mapping unstructured meshes to parallel computers is discussed in this chapter. In itself this raises a paradox - we seek to find a high quality partition of the mesh, but to compute it in parallel we require a partition of the mesh. In fact, we overcome this difficulty by deriving an optimisation strategy which can find a high quality partition even if the quality of the initial partition is very poor and then use a crude distribution scheme for the initial partition. The basis of this strategy is to use a multilevel approach combined with local refinement algorithms. Three such refinement algorithms are outlined and some example results presented which show that they can produce very high global quality partitions, very rapidly. The results are also compared with a similar multilevel serial partitioner and shown to be almost identical in quality. Finally we consider the impact of the initial partition on the results and demonstrate that the final partition quality is, modulo a certain amount of noise, independent of the initial partition.


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We argue that attitudes about immigration can be better understood by paying closer attention to the various ways in which national group boundaries are demarcated. We describe two related lines of work that address this. The first deals with national group definitions and, based on evidence from studies carried out in England and analyses of international survey data, argues that the relationship between national identification and prejudice toward immigrants is contingent on the extent to which ethnic or civic definitions of nationality are endorsed. The second, which uses European survey data, examines support for ascribed and acquired criteria that can be applied when determining who is permitted to migrate to one's country, and the various forms of national and individual threat that affect support for these criteria. We explain how the research benefits from a multilevel approach and also suggest how these findings relate to some current policy debates.


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Behavioural phenotypes associated with genetic syndromes have been extensively investigated in order to generate rich descriptions of phenomenology, determine the degree of specificity of behaviours for a particular syndrome, and examine potential interactions between genetic predispositions for behaviour and environmental influences. However, relationships between different aspects of behavioural phenotypes have been less frequently researched and although recent interest in potential cognitive phenotypes or endophenotypes has increased, these are frequently studied independently of the behavioural phenotypes.

Taking Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) as an example, we discuss evidence suggesting specific relationships between apparently distinct aspects of the PWS behavioural phenotype and relate these to specific endophenotypic characteristics.

The framework we describe progresses through biological, cognitive, physiological and behavioural levels to develop a pathway from genetic characteristics to behaviour with scope for interaction with the environment at any stage.

We propose this multilevel approach as useful in setting out hypotheses in order to structure research that can more rapidly advance theory.


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This article intends to make a contribution to the clarification of the concepts of creativity and innovation using a multilevel approach of individual, group and organization, in order to show that these may be better integrated within collaborative organizations. Trying to maintain the principle of the primacy of the individual (creativity) over the business (innovation), we stressed the cognitive and emotional processes (when speaking of creativity) and power and communi- cation (when it comes to innovation). Following on a description of group processes that try to combine creativity and innovation, we address the measurement of innovation, concluding with the need to avoid classifying an organization as innovative or non-innovative. The latter judgment should be left to the market itself. At the organizational level, we gave primacy to the concept of "organizational innovation", as it is within this framework that the best fusion between creativity and innovation may be achieved. Finally, we address collaboration in business as connecting people, ideas, and resources that would not normally interact with each The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 1 Summer 2012 2 other. These decentralized organizations operate in such a way that makes it possible to abolish or, at least mitigate, the role of power. We believe that this will ultimately define the future of successful organizations


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Tese de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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Introduction : La vaccination est l’une des interventions de santé publique les plus efficaces et les plus efficientes. Comme dans la plupart des pays de la région Ouest africaine, le programme national de vaccination a bénéficié du soutien de nombreuses initiatives internationales et nationales dans le but d’accroître la couverture vaccinale. La politique vaccinale du Burkina Faso s’est appuyée sur différentes stratégies à savoir: la vaccination-prospection, la «vaccination commando», le Programme élargi de vaccination (PEV) et les Journées nationales de vaccination. La couverture vaccinale complète des enfants de 12 à 23 mois a certes augmenté, mais elle est restée en deçà des attentes passant de 34,7% en 1993, à 29,3% en 1998 et 43,9% en 2003. Objectif : Le but de cette thèse est d’analyser à plusieurs périodes et à différents niveaux, les facteurs associés à la vaccination complète des enfants de 12 à 23 mois en milieu rural au Burkina Faso. Méthodes : Nous avons utilisé plusieurs stratégies de recherche et quatre sources de données : - les enquêtes démographiques et de santé (EDS) de 1998-1999 et de 2003 - les annuaires statistiques de 1997 et de 2002 - des entretiens individuels auprès de décideurs centraux, régionaux et d’acteurs de terrain, œuvrant pour le système de santé du Burkina Faso - des groupes de discussion et des entretiens individuels auprès de populations desservies par des centres de santé et de promotion sociale (niveau le plus périphérique du système de santé) et du personnel local de santé. Des approches quantitatives (multiniveau) et qualitatives ont permis de répondre à plusieurs questions, les principaux résultats sont présentés sous forme de trois articles. Résultats : Article 1: « Les facteurs individuels et du milieu de vie associés à la vaccination complète des enfants en milieu rural au Burkina Faso : une approche multiniveau ». En 1998, bien que la propension à la vaccination s’accroisse significativement avec le niveau de vie des ménages et l’utilisation des services de santé, ces 2 variables n’expliquent pas totalement les différences de vaccination observées entre les districts. Plus de 37 % de la variation de la vaccination complète est attribuable aux différences entre les districts sanitaires. A ce niveau, si les ressources du district semblent jouer un rôle mineur, un accroissement de 1 % de la proportion de femmes éduquées dans le district accroît de 1,14 fois les chances de vaccination complète des enfants. Article 2: « Rates of coverage and determinants of complete vaccination of children in rural areas of Burkina Faso (1998 - 2003) ». Entre 1998 et 2003, la couverture vaccinale complète a augmenté en milieu rural, passant de 25,90% à 41,20%. Alors que les ressources du district n’ont présenté aucun effet significatif et que celui de l’éducation s’est atténué avec le temps, le niveau de vie et l’expérience d’utilisation des services de santé par contre, restent les facteurs explicatifs les plus stables de la vaccination complète des enfants. Mais, ils n’expliquent pas totalement les différences de vaccination complète qui persistent entre les districts. Malgré une tendance à l’homogénéisation des districts, 7.4% de variation de la vaccination complète en 2003 est attribuable aux différences entre les districts sanitaires. Article 3: « Cultures locales de vaccination : le rôle central des agents de santé. Une étude qualitative en milieu rural du Burkina Faso ». L’exploration des cultures locales de vaccination montre que les maladies cibles du PEV sont bien connues de la population et sont classées parmi les maladies du «blanc», devant être traitées au centre de santé. Les populations recourent à la prévention traditionnelle, mais elles attribuent la régression de la fréquence et de la gravité des épidémies de rougeole, coqueluche et poliomyélite à la vaccination. La fièvre et la diarrhée post vaccinales peuvent être vues comme un succès ou une contre-indication de la vaccination selon les orientations de la culture locale de vaccination. Les deux centres de santé à l’étude appliquent les mêmes stratégies et font face aux mêmes barrières à l’accessibilité. Dans une des aires de santé, l’organisation de la vaccination est la meilleure, le comité de gestion y est impliqué et l’agent de santé est plus disponible, accueille mieux les mères et est soucieux de s’intégrer à la communauté. On y note une meilleure mobilisation sociale. Le comportement de l’agent de santé est un déterminant majeur de la culture locale de vaccination qui à son tour, influence la performance du programme de vaccination. Tant dans la sphère professionnelle que personnelle il doit créer un climat de confiance avec la population qui acceptera de faire vacciner ses enfants, pour autant que le service soit disponible. Résultats complémentaires : le PEV du Burkina est bien structuré et bien supporté tant par un engagement politique national que par la communauté internationale. En plus de la persistance des inégalités de couverture vaccinale, la pérennité du programme reste un souci de tous les acteurs. Conclusion : Au delà des conclusions propres à chaque article, ce travail a permis d’identifier plusieurs facteurs critiques qui permettraient d’améliorer le fonctionnement et la performance du PEV du Burkina Faso et également de pays comparables. Le PEV dispose de ressources adéquates, ses dimensions techniques et programmatiques sont bien maîtrisées et les différentes initiatives internationales soutenues par les bailleurs de fonds lui ont apporté un support effectif. Le facteur humain est crucial : lors du recrutement du personnel de santé, une attention particulière devrait être accordée à l’adoption d’attitudes d’ouverture et d’empathie vis-à-vis de la population. Ce personnel devrait être en nombre suffisant au niveau périphérique et surtout sa présence et sa disponibilité devraient être effectives. Les liens avec la population sont à renforcer par une plus grande implication du comité de gestion dans l’organisation de la vaccination et en définissant plus clairement le rôle des agents de santé villageois. Ces différents points devraient constituer des objectifs du PEV et à ce titre faire l’objet d’un suivi et d’une évaluation adéquats. Finalement, bien que la gratuité officielle de la vaccination ait réduit les barrières financières, certaines entraves demeurent et elles devraient être levées pour améliorer l’accès aux services de vaccination.


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O modelo de negócio MVNO, acrônimo em inglês para operadoras móveis virtuais, foi introduzido no Brasil em Novembro de 2010 por uma regulamentação específica, visando aumentar a qualidade dos serviços e a competição entre as empresas do setor de Telecomunicações Móveis. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o fenômeno MVNO em seu estágio atual de adoção no Brasil, contrapondo as óticas dos atores de mercado, às teorias de Cadeia de Valor (PORTER, 1985), e decupagem da Cadeia de Valor (CHRISTENSEN et al, 2001; ANDERSON; WILLIAMS, 2004). Por se tratar de um fenômeno intrinsecamente ligado à desagregação de atividades de valor, em uma indústria originalmente verticalizada, a análise se concentrou nessa dinâmica, mas não se limitou a ela: o estudo também traz comparações com casos de MVNO estudados em diversos países e outras referências teóricas do campo da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação, tais como Economia da Informação (SHAPIRO; VARIAN, 1999), Inovação Disruptiva (CHRISTENSEN; BOWER, 1999), e Dimensões da Inovação (SAWHNEY et al, 2011). A pesquisa se baseou nas categorias conceituais da Abordagem Multinível (POZZEBON; DINIZ, 2011) – Contexto, Processo e Conteúdo – buscando conhecer os perfis e interesses de cada Grupo Social Relevante e a negociação entre os envolvidos. A partir dessa articulação, foi possível compreender o fenômeno e algumas de suas consequências para o cenário brasileiro de Telecomunicações Móveis, destacando-se entre os resultados encontrados: as linhas gerais da nova Cadeia de Valor em formação, a influência decisiva de um grupo social relevante para a adoção do modelo – os MVNE, que são integradores de MVNOs à estrutura das operadoras – e a utilização da regulação para incentivar negócios com aplicações máquina a máquina (M2M). A descrição do modelo e das características que vem assumindo no Brasil proporcionam insumos tanto para praticantes do mercado, quanto para acadêmicos. Estes últimos podem se beneficiar, além de um ponto de partida para pesquisas futuras sobre MVNO no Brasil, de uma inédita articulação da Abordagem Multinível com a teoria de Cadeia de Valor


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Although an increasing number of studies of technological, institutional and organizational change refer to the concepts of path dependence and path creation, few attempts have been made to consider these concepts explicitly in their methodological accounts. This paper addresses this gap and contributes to the literature by developing a comprehensive methodology that originates from the concepts of path dependence and path creation – path constitution analysis (PCA) – and allows for the integration of multi-actor constellations on multiple levels of analysis within a process perspective. Based upon a longitudinal case study in the field of semiconductors, we illustrate PCA ‘in action’ as a template for other researchers and critically examine its adequacy. We conclude with implications for further path-oriented inquiries.


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This paper investigates whether integration policies influence immigrants' propensity to volunteer, the latter being an important element of immigrants' integration into the host society. By distinguishing different categories of integration policies at Switzerland's subnational level and applying a Bayesian multilevel approach, our results suggest varying policy effects: while policies fostering socio-structural rights enhance immigrants' propensity to volunteer, we observe a negative curvilinear relationship between cultural rights and obligations and immigrants' volunteerism implying that a combination of cultural entitlements and obligations is most conducive to immigrants' civic engagement.


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The proposed paper investigates the effect of political education on first-time voting in Switzerland. Theoretically, the paper takes up assumptions of recent research that political education is positively related to political interest, and hence to political participation. Thereby, the paper adds to the literature in two aspects: First, in Switzerland, education is a cantonal matter presenting a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of political education on voting on individual as well as cantonal level. Second, political education is not only measured by political knowledge, but also by civic skills and attitudes acquired in school. Conceptually, the study adopts a multilevel approach permitting a simultaneous testing of the influence of individual and contextual determinants on electoral participation. This paper corresponds closely to the panel topic by examining the important question of how political education affects the voting behaviour of first-time voters not only on individual, but also on contextual level.


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Over the last few years, a new stream of research has emerged in the field of strategic management which focuses on the analysis of its microfoundations. This line of research analyzes strategic topics examining their foundations rooted in individual actions and interactions. The main purpose of this paper is to examine this emerging literature of microfoundations, indicating its usefulness and main characteristics. Through a systematic literature review, this paper contributes to the field by identifying the main areas studied, the benefits and potential of this approach, and some limitations and criticisms. Moreover, the paper studies how the integration of micro and macro aspects in strategy research may be carried out, examining several works that use a multilevel approach. Some methodological approaches that may help to effect this integration are indicated. These aspects will be analyzed in relation to the resource-based theory.


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Essa pesquisa investiga empiricamente o desempenho das empresas do Grande ABC, região industrializada e cada vez mais representativa economicamente para o país. As sete cidades que representam a região, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema, Mauá, Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra, tiverem nos últimos anos um crescimento econômico consideravelmente acima do crescimento do país e seu desenvolvimento tem impulsionado o crescimento do país. A análise empírica utiliza dados em painel e investiga o desempenho das firmas das sete cidades que compõe o Grande ABC durante os anos de 2001 a 2008 utilizando a metodologia multinível e três medidas de desempenho: ROA, OROA e ROE. A metodologia multinível possibilitou a identificação dos principais efeitos que estão associados ou não ao desempenho das empresas, entre esses efeitos estão o ano, a própria empresa, o subsetor, o setor e a cidade que a empresa se localiza. Entre as três medidas de desempenho utilizadas houve significativa convergência e, além disso, o estudo identificou que há um significativo efeito no desempenho das empresas associado ao ano e à própria empresa, além de mostrar que os setores, os subsetores e a cidade que a empresa se localiza não apresentam um efeito significativo associado ao desempenho dessas firmas.


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This paper deals with the conceptions of the different school actors about the meaning and the implications of mediation in their schools, drawing on data from a qualitative approach carried out as part of a wider project to map mediation perspectives and practices in Catalonia. The authors analyze the scope of the situations regarded as suitable or unsuitable for the introduction of restorative practices, as well as the resistance to change in the practice of conflict resolutions and in the democratization of school culture.