951 resultados para mt genome


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Les champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires (CMA) sont très répandus dans le sol où ils forment des associations symbiotiques avec la majorité des plantes appelées mycorhizes arbusculaires. Le développement des CMA dépend fortement de la plante hôte, de telle sorte qu'ils ne peuvent vivre à l'état saprotrophique, par conséquent ils sont considérés comme des biotrophes obligatoires. Les CMA forment une lignée évolutive basale des champignons et ils appartiennent au phylum Glomeromycota. Leurs mycélia sont formés d’un réseau d’hyphes cénocytiques dans lesquelles les noyaux et les organites cellulaires peuvent se déplacer librement d’un compartiment à l’autre. Les CMA permettent à la plante hôte de bénéficier d'une meilleure nutrition minérale, grâce au réseau d'hyphes extraradiculaires, qui s'étend au-delà de la zone du sol explorée par les racines. Ces hyphes possèdent une grande capacité d'absorption d’éléments nutritifs qui vont être transportés par ceux-ci jusqu’aux racines. De ce fait, les CMA améliorent la croissance des plantes tout en les protégeant des stresses biotiques et abiotiques. Malgré l’importance des CMA, leurs génétique et évolution demeurent peu connues. Leurs études sont ardues à cause de leur mode de vie qui empêche leur culture en absence des plantes hôtes. En plus leur diversité génétique intra-isolat des génomes nucléaires, complique d’avantage ces études, en particulier le développement des marqueurs moléculaires pour des études biologiques, écologiques ainsi que les fonctions des CMA. C’est pour ces raisons que les génomes mitochondriaux offrent des opportunités et alternatives intéressantes pour étudier les CMA. En effet, les génomes mitochondriaux (mt) publiés à date, ne montrent pas de polymorphismes génétique intra-isolats. Cependant, des exceptions peuvent exister. Pour aller de l’avant avec la génomique mitochondriale, nous avons besoin de générer beaucoup de données de séquençages de l’ADN mitochondrial (ADNmt) afin d’étudier les méchanismes évolutifs, la génétique des population, l’écologie des communautés et la fonction des CMA. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de mon projet de doctorat consiste à: 1) étudier l’évolution des génomes mt en utilisant l’approche de la génomique comparative au niveau des espèces proches, des isolats ainsi que des espèces phylogénétiquement éloignées chez les CMA; 2) étudier l’hérédité génétique des génomes mt au sein des isolats de l’espèce modèle Rhizophagus irregularis par le biais des anastomoses ; 3) étudier l’organisation des ADNmt et les gènes mt pour le développement des marqueurs moléculaires pour des études phylogénétiques. Nous avons utilisé l’approche dite ‘whole genome shotgun’ en pyroséquençage 454 et Illumina HiSeq pour séquencer plusieurs taxons de CMA sélectionnés selon leur importance et leur disponibilité. Les assemblages de novo, le séquençage conventionnel Sanger, l’annotation et la génomique comparative ont été réalisés pour caractériser des ADNmt complets. Nous avons découvert plusieurs mécanismes évolutifs intéressant chez l’espèce Gigaspora rosea dans laquelle le génome mt est complètement remanié en comparaison avec Rhizophagus irregularis isolat DAOM 197198. En plus nous avons mis en évidence que deux gènes cox1 et rns sont fragmentés en deux morceaux. Nous avons démontré que les ARN transcrits les deux fragments de cox1 se relient entre eux par épissage en trans ‘Trans-splicing’ à l’aide de l’ARN du gene nad5 I3 qui met ensemble les deux ARN cox1.1 et cox1.2 en formant un ARN complet et fonctionnel. Nous avons aussi trouvé une organisation de l’ADNmt très particulière chez l’espèce Rhizophagus sp. Isolat DAOM 213198 dont le génome mt est constitué par deux chromosomes circulaires. En plus nous avons trouvé une quantité considérable des séquences apparentées aux plasmides ‘plasmid-related sequences’ chez les Glomeraceae par rapport aux Gigasporaceae, contribuant ainsi à une évolution rapide des ADNmt chez les Glomeromycota. Nous avons aussi séquencé plusieurs isolats de l’espèces R. irregularis et Rhizophagus sp. pour décortiquer leur position phylogénéque et inférer des relations évolutives entre celles-ci. La comparaison génomique mt nous montré l’existence de plusieurs éléments mobiles comme : des cadres de lecture ‘open reading frames (mORFs)’, des séquences courtes inversées ‘short inverted repeats (SIRs)’, et des séquences apparentées aux plasimdes ‘plasmid-related sequences (dpo)’ qui impactent l’ordre des gènes mt et permettent le remaniement chromosomiques des ADNmt. Tous ces divers mécanismes évolutifs observés au niveau des isolats, nous permettent de développer des marqueurs moléculaires spécifiques à chaque isolat ou espèce de CMA. Les données générées dans mon projet de doctorat ont permis d’avancer les connaissances fondamentales des génomes mitochondriaux non seulement chez les Glomeromycètes, mais aussi de chez le règne des Fungi et les eucaryotes en général. Les trousses moléculaires développées dans ce projet peuvent servir à des études de la génétique des populations, des échanges génétiques et l’écologie des CMA ce qui va contribuer à la compréhension du rôle primorial des CMA en agriculture et environnement.


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Zentrales Thema der Arbeit war die Aufklärung von Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen im „Tree of Life“ der vielzelligen Tiere (Metazoa) unter Einsatz großer DNA-Sequenzdatensätze und phylogenomischer Methoden. Zur Untersuchung der internen Phylogenie der Syndermata (= meist freilebende Rädertiere („Rotifera“) + endoparasitische Kratzwürmer (Acanthocephala)) sowie ihrer Position im Metazoen-Stammbaum wurden insgesamt sieben neue mitochondriale (mt) Genome sowie neue Transkriptom-Sequenzdaten von sieben verschiedenen Syndermata-Spezies generiert und/oder analysiert. Die Stammbaumrekonstruktionen auf Grundlage dieser sowie orthologer Sequenzen anderer Spezies in Form von phylogenomischen Datensätzen mit bis zu 82.000 Aminosäurepositionen ergaben folgende Aussagen zur Evolution: (i) Innerhalb der Acanthocephala bilden monophyletische Palaeacanthocephala das Schwestertaxon zu den Eoacanthocephala. Die Archiacanthocephala sind Schwestertaxon zu allen vorgenannten. (ii) Innerhalb der Syndermata bilden die epizoisch lebenden Seisonidea das Schwestertaxon zu den endoparasitischen Acanthocephala (= Pararotatoria), die Bdelloidea sind das Schwestertaxon zu den Pararotatoria (= Hemirotifera) und die Monogononta das Schwestertaxon zu den Hemirotifera. Die klassischen Eurotatoria (= Bdelloidea + Monogononta) sind demnach paraphyletisch. (iii) Innerhalb der Metazoa bilden die Syndermata gemeinsam mit den Gnathostomulida die Gnathifera. Diese sind die Schwestergruppe zu allen anderen Spiralia-Taxa, welche sich in Rouphozoa (= Platyhelminthes + Gastrotricha) sowie die Lophotrochozoa aufspalten. Die Platyzoa (= Gnathifera + Platyhelminthes + Gastrotricha) sind demnach paraphyletisch. Diese phylogenetischen Hypothesen wurden im Hinblick auf ihre Implikationen für die Evolution morphologischer und ökologischer Merkmale interpretiert. Demnach sind während der Evolution dieser Tiergruppen mehrfach sekundäre Verlustereignisse von komplexen morphologischen Merkmalen aufgetreten (laterale sensorische Organe innerhalb der Acanthocephala und das Räderorgan (Corona) innerhalb der Syndermata), was die Verwendung dieser Merkmale im Sinne einer klassisch-morphologischen Phylogenetik kritisch erscheinen lässt. Der Endoparasitismus der Acanthocephala hat sich wahrscheinlich über ein epizoisches Zwischenstadium, wie man es heute noch bei den Seisonidea findet, entwickelt. Der letzte gemeinsame Vorfahre der Spiralia war vermutlich klein und unsegmentiert und besaß keine echte Leibeshöhle (Coelom). Demnach hätten sich Segmentierung und Coelome innerhalb der Metazoa mehrfach unabhängig voneinander (konvergent) entwickelt. Die Arbeit beinhaltete folgende weitere, zum Teil methodische Aspekte: (i) die Analyse der Architektur der mt Genome der Monogononta bestätigte die aberrante Organisation in zwei Subgenomen für die Brachionidae. (ii) Eine Prüfung der Tauglichkeit ribosomaler Proteine für molekular-phylogenetische Arbeiten ergab das Vorhandensein widersprüchlicher phylogenetischer Signale in diesen speziellen Proteinsequenzen. (iii) Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass systematische Fehler wie „long-branch attraction“ bei der Positionierung der Syndermata im Stammbaum der Metazoa eine große Rolle spielen und adressiert werden müssen.


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The mammalian mitochondrial (mt) genome codes for only 13 proteins, which are essential components in the process of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP into ATP. Synthesis of these proteins relies on a proper mt translation machinery. While 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs are also coded by the mt genome, all other factors including the set of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are encoded in the nucleus and imported. Investigation of mammalian mt aminoacylation systems (and mt translation in general) gains more and more interest not only in regard of evolutionary considerations but also with respect to the growing number of diseases linked to mutations in the genes of either mt-tRNAs, synthetases or other factors. Here we report on methodological approaches for biochemical, functional, and structural characterization of human/mammalian mt-tRNAs and aaRSs. Procedures for preparation of native and in vitro transcribed tRNAs are accompanied by recommendations for specific handling of tRNAs incline to structural instability and chemical fragility. Large-scale preparation of mg amounts of highly soluble recombinant synthetases is a prerequisite for structural investigations that requires particular optimizations. Successful examples leading to crystallization of four mt-aaRSs and high-resolution structures are recalled and limitations discussed. Finally, the need for and the state-of-the-art in setting up an in vitro mt translation system are emphasized. Biochemical characterization of a subset of mammalian aminoacylation systems has already revealed a number of unprecedented peculiarities of interest for the study of evolution and forensic research. Further efforts in this field will certainly be rewarded by many exciting discoveries.


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To better understand the evolution of mitochondrial (mt) genomes in the Acari (mites and ticks), we sequenced the mt genome of the chigger mite, Leptotrombidium pallidum (Arthropoda: Acari: Acariformes). This genome is highly rearranged relative to that of the hypothetical ancestor of the arthropods and the other species of Acari studied. The mt genome of L. pallidum has two genes for large subunit rRNA, a pseudogene for small subunit rRNA, and four nearly identical large noncoding regions. Nineteen of the 22 tRNAs encoded by this genome apparently lack either a T-arm or a D-arm. Further, the mt genome of L. pallidum has two distantly separated sections with identical sequences but opposite orientations of transcription. This arrangement cannot be accounted for by homologous recombination or by previously known mechanisms of mt gene rearrangement. The most plausible explanation for the origin of this arrangement is illegitimate inter-mtDNA recombination, which has not been reported previously in animals. In light of the evidence from previous experiments on recombination in nuclear and mt genomes of animals, we propose a model of illegitimate inter-mtDNA recombination to account for the novel gene content and gene arrangement in the mt genome of L. pallidum.


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To investigate the evolution pattern and phylogenetic utility of duplicate control regions (CRs) in mitochondrial (mt) genomes, we sequenced the entire mt genomes of three Ixodes species and part of the mt genomes of another I I species. All the species from the Australasian lineage have duplicate CRs, whereas the other species have one CR. Sequence analyses indicate that the two CRs of the Australasian Ixodes ticks have evolved in concert in each species. In addition to the Australasian Ixodes ticks, species from seven other lineages of metazoa also have mt genomes with duplicate CRs. Accumulated mtDNA sequence data from these metazoans and two recent experiments on replication of mt genomes in human cell lines with duplicate CRs allowed us to re-examine four intriguing questions about the presence of duplicate CRs in the mt genomes of metazoa: (1) Why do some mt genomes, but not others, have duplicate CRs? (2) How did mt genomes with duplicate CRs evolve? (3) How could the nucleotide sequences of duplicate CRs remain identical or very similar over evolutionary time? (4) Are duplicate CRs phylogenetic markers? It appears that mt genomes with duplicate CRs have a selective advantage in replication over mt genomes with one CR. Tandem duplication followed by deletion of genes is the most plausible mechanism for the generation of mt genomes with duplicate CRs. Once duplicate CRs occur in an mt genome, they tend to evolve in concert, probably by gene conversion. However, there are lineages where gene conversion may not always occur, and, thus, the two CRs may evolve independently in these lineages. Duplicate CRs have much potential as phylogenetic markers at low taxonomic levels, such as within genera, within families, or among families, but not at high taxonomic levels, such as among orders.


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The arrangement of genes in the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of most insects is the same, or near-identical, to that inferred to be ancestral for insects. We sequenced the entire mt genome of the small pigeon louse, Campanulotes bidentatus compar, and part of the mt genomes of nine other species of lice. These species were from six families and the three main suborders of the order Phthiraptera. There was no variation in gene arrangement among species within a family but there was much variation in gene arrangement among the three suborders of lice. There has been an extraordinary number of gene rearrangements in the mitochondrial genomes of lice!


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The gene content of a mitochondrial (mt) genome, i.e., 37 genes and a large noncoding region (LNR), is usually conserved in Metazoa. The arrangement of these genes and the LNR is generally conserved at low taxonomic levels but varies substantially at high levels. We report here a variation in mt gene content and gene arrangement among chigger mites of the genus Leptotrombidium. We found previously that the mt genome of Leptotrombidium pallidum has an extra gene for large-subunit rRNA (rrnL), a pseudo-gene for small-subunit rRNA (PrrnS), and three extra LNRs, additional to the 37 genes and an LNR typical of Metazoa. Further, the arrangement of mt genes of L. pallidum differs drastically from that of the hypothetical ancestor of the arthropods. To find to what extent the novel gene content and gene arrangement occurred in Leptotrombidium, we sequenced the entire or partial mt genomes of three other species, L. akamushi, L. deliense, and L. fletcheri. These three species share the arrangement of all genes with L. pallidum, except trnQ (for tRNA-glutamine). Unlike L. pallidum, however, these three species do not have extra rrnL or PrrnS and have only one extra LNR. By comparison between Leptotrombidium species and the ancestor of the arthropods, we propose that (1) the type of mt genome present in L. pallidum evolved from the type present in the other three Leptotrombidium species, and (2) three molecular mechanisms were involved in the evolution of mt gene content and gene arrangement in Leptotrombidium species.


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Background The gene composition, gene order and structure of the mitochondrial genome are remarkably stable across bilaterian animals. Lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) are a major exception to this genomic stability in that the canonical single chromosome with 37 genes found in almost all other bilaterians has been lost in multiple lineages in favour of multiple, minicircular chromosomes with less than 37 genes on each chromosome. Results Minicircular mt genomes are found in six of the ten louse species examined to date and three types of minicircles were identified: heteroplasmic minicircles which coexist with full sized mt genomes (type 1); multigene chromosomes with short, simple control regions, we infer that the genome consists of several such chromosomes (type 2); and multiple, single to three gene chromosomes with large, complex control regions (type 3). Mapping minicircle types onto a phylogenetic tree of lice fails to show a pattern of their occurrence consistent with an evolutionary series of minicircle types. Analysis of the nuclear-encoded, mitochondrially-targetted genes inferred from the body louse, Pediculus, suggests that the loss of mitochondrial single-stranded binding protein (mtSSB) may be responsible for the presence of minicircles in at least species with the most derived type 3 minicircles (Pediculus, Damalinia). Conclusions Minicircular mt genomes are common in lice and appear to have arisen multiple times within the group. Life history adaptive explanations which attribute minicircular mt genomes in lice to the adoption of blood-feeding in the Anoplura are not supported by this expanded data set as minicircles are found in multiple non-blood feeding louse groups but are not found in the blood-feeding genus Heterodoxus. In contrast, a mechanist explanation based on the loss of mtSSB suggests that minicircles may be selectively favoured due to the incapacity of the mt replisome to synthesize long replicative products without mtSSB and thus the loss of this gene lead to the formation of minicircles in lice.


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A phylogenetic hypothesis for the lepidopteran superfamily Noctuoidea was inferred based on the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of 12 species (six newly sequenced). The monophyly of each noctuoid family in the latest classification was well supported. Novel and robust relationships were recovered at the family level, in contrast to previous analyses using nuclear genes. Erebidae was recovered as sister to (Nolidae+(Euteliidae+Noctuidae)), while Notodontidae was sister to all these taxa (the putatively basalmost lineage Oenosandridae was not included). In order to improve phylogenetic resolution using mt genomes, various analytical approaches were tested: Bayesian inference (BI) vs. maximum likelihood (ML), excluding vs. including RNA genes (rRNA or tRNA), and Gblocks treatment. The evolutionary signal within mt genomes had low sensitivity to analytical changes. Inference methods had the most significant influence. Inclusion of tRNAs positively increased the congruence of topologies, while inclusion of rRNAs resulted in a range of phylogenetic relationships varying depending on other analytical factors. The two Gblocks parameter settings had opposite effects on nodal support between the two inference methods. The relaxed parameter (GBRA) resulted in higher support values in BI analyses, while the strict parameter (GBDH) resulted in higher support values in ML analyses.


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Background: There are many advantages to the application of complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes in the accurate reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in Metazoa. Although over one thousand metazoan genomes have been sequenced, the taxonomic sampling is highly biased, left with many phyla without a single representative of complete mitochondrial genome. Sipuncula (peanut worms or star worms) is a small taxon of worm-like marine organisms with an uncertain phylogenetic position. In this report, we present the mitochondrial genome sequence of Phascolosoma esculenta, the first complete mitochondrial genome of the phylum. Results: The mitochondrial genome of P. esculenta is 15,494 bp in length. The coding strand consists of 32.1% A, 21.5% C, 13.0% G, and 33.4% T bases (AT = 65.5%; AT skew = -0.019; GC skew = -0.248). It contains thirteen protein-coding genes (PCGs) with 3,709 codons in total, twenty-two transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and a non-coding AT-rich region (AT = 74.2%). All of the 37 identified genes are transcribed from the same DNA strand. Compared with the typical set of metazoan mt genomes, sipunculid lacks trnR but has an additional trnM. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses of the protein sequences show that Myzostomida, Sipuncula and Annelida (including echiurans and pogonophorans) form a monophyletic group, which supports a closer relationship between Sipuncula and Annelida than with Mollusca, Brachiopoda, and some other lophotrochozoan groups. Conclusion: This is the first report of a complete mitochondrial genome as a representative within the phylum Sipuncula. It shares many more similar features with the four known annelid and one echiuran mtDNAs. Firstly, sipunculans and annelids share quite similar gene order in the mitochondrial genome, with all 37 genes located on the same strand; secondly, phylogenetic analyses based on the concatenated protein sequences also strongly support the sipunculan + annelid clade (including echiurans and pogonophorans). Hence annelid "key-characters" including segmentation may be more labile than previously assumed.


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Mitchell et al. argue that divergence-time estimates for our avian phylogeny were too young because of an "inappropriate" maximum age constraint for the most recent common ancestor of modern birds and that, as a result, most modern bird orders diverged before the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event 66 million years ago instead of after. However, their interpretations of the fossil record and timetrees are incorrect.