724 resultados para mood disorder
Objective: To examine whether health professionals who commonly deal with mental disorder are able to identify co occurring alcohol misuse in young people presenting with depression. Method: Between September 2006 and January 2007, a survey examining beliefs regarding appropriate interventions for mental disorder in youth was sent to 1710 psychiatrists, 2000 general practitioners (GPs), 1628 mental health nurses, and 2000 psychologists in Australia. Participants within each professional group were randomly given one of four vignettes describing a young person with a DSM-IV mental disorder. Herein is reported data from the depression and depression with alcohol misuse vignettes. Results: A total of 305 psychiatrists, 258 GPs, 292 mental health nurses and 375 psychologists completed one of the depression vignettes. A diagnosis of mood disorder was identified by at least 83.8% of professionals, with no significant differences noted between professional groups. Rates of reported co-occurring substance use disorders were substantially lower, particularly among older professionals and psychologists. Conclusions: GPs, psychologists and mental health professionals do not readily identify co-occurring alcohol misuse in young people with depression. Given the substantially negative impact of co-occurring disorders, it is imperative that health-care professionals are appropriately trained to detect such disorders promptly, to ensure young people have access to effective, early intervention.
The present study examined Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre (QTMHC) client characteristics in order to provide a better understanding for development of future health service delivery models. Archived data that was collected for 1499 clients over two years period (2007-2009) was analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi squares. The results indicated that clients were referred from a range of sources and were generally adults. There were more women than men, who sought services. At least half of the clients had language barriers and relied on bilingual workers. Most frequently expressed mental health issues were mood disorder symptoms, followed by symptoms of schizophrenia and psychosis and anxiety. Acculturation strains and stressors were described as the most common psychosocial issues. Mental health and psychosocial issues differed for age, gender and world regions from which the CALD clients originated. The findings provided an understanding of clients who seek services at QTMHC. Various ways in which transcultural services and data bases can be further improved are discussed.
Recent evidence has linked induced abortion with later adverse psychiatric outcomes in young women. Little is known about later adverse psychiatric outcomes in young men whose partners have fallen pregnant and either go on to have a child, have an abortion or miscarry. 1223 women and 1159 men, from an Austrailan cohort born between 1981 and 1984, were assessed at 21 years for psychiatric and substance misuse and lifetime pregnancy histories. Young women reporting a pregnancy loss (either miscarriage or abortion) had nearly three times the odds of experiencing a illicit drug disorder (excluding cannabis), and nearly twice the odds of an alcohol misuse compared to never pregnant women. Young men whose partner had an abortion, but not a miscarriage, had nearly twice the odds of cannabis disorder, illicit drug disorder, and mood disorder compared to men that had never fathered a pregnancy. Young women who have lost a pregnancy have an increased risk of developing alcohol or substance abuse in later life. Young men whose partner aborted a pregnancy only had an increased of substance abuse and mood disorder in later life. These findings add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that pregnancy loss per se increases the risk of a range of substance use disorders in young women. The findings for young men are novel and raise the possibility that the associations measured may be due to common unmeasured factors associated with early pregnancy in young people rather than pregnancy loss.
Background: Despite increasing diversity in pathways to adulthood, choices available to young people are influenced by environmental, familial and individual factors, namely access to socioeconomic resources, family support and mental and physical health status. Young people from families with higher socioeconomic position (SEP) are more likely to pursue tertiary education and delay entry to adulthood, whereas those from low socioeconomic backgrounds are less likely to attain higher education or training, and more likely to partner and become parents early. The first group are commonly termed ‘emerging adults’ and the latter group ‘early starters’. Mental health disorders during this transition can seriously disrupt psychological, social and academic development as well as employment prospects. Depression, anxiety and most substance use disorders have early onset during adolescence and early adulthood with approximately three quarters of lifetime psychiatric disorders having emerged by 24 years of age. Aims: This thesis aimed to explore the relationships between mental health, sociodemographic factors and family functioning during the transition to adulthood. Four areas were investigated: 1) The key differences between emerging adults and ‘early starters’, were examined and focused on a series of social, economic, and demographic factors as well as DSM-IV diagnoses; 2) Methodological issues associated with the measurement of depression and anxiety in young adults were explored by comparing a quantitative measure of symptoms of anxiety and depression (Achenbach’s YSR and YASR internalising scales) with DSM-IV diagnosed depression and anxiety. 3) The association between family SEP and DSM-IV depression and anxiety was examined in relation to the different pathways to adulthood. 4) Finally, the association between pregnancy loss, abortion and miscarriage, and DSM-IV diagnoses of common psychiatric disorders was assessed in young women who reported early parenting, experiencing a pregnancy loss, or who had never been pregnant. Methods: Data were taken from the Mater University Study of Pregnancy (MUSP), a large birth cohort started in 1981 in Brisbane, Australia. 7223 mothers and their children were assessed five times, at 6 months, 5, 14 and 21 years after birth. Over 3700 young adults, aged 18 to 23 years, were interviewed at the 21-year phase. Respondents completed an extensive series of self-reported questionnaires and a computerised structured psychiatric interview. Three outcomes were assessed at the 21-year phase. Mental health disorders diagnosed by a computerised structured psychiatric interview (CIDI-Auto), the prevalence of DSM-IV depression, anxiety and substance use disorders within the previous 12-month, during the transition (between ages of 18 and 23 years) or lifetime were examined. The primary outcome “current stage in the transition to adulthood” was developed using a measure conceptually constructed from the literature. The measure was based on important demographic markers, and these defined four independent groups: emerging adults (single with no children and living with parents), and three categories of ‘early starter’, singles (with no children or partner, living independently), those with a partner (married or cohabitating but without children) and parents. Early pregnancy loss was assessed using a measure that also defined four independent groups and was based on pregnancy outcomes in the young women This categorised the young women into those who were never pregnant, women who gave birth to a live child, and women who reported some form of pregnancy loss, either an abortion or a spontaneous miscarriage. A series of analyses were undertaken to test the study aims. Potential confounding and mediating factors were prospectively measured between the child’s birth and the 21-year phase. Binomial and multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate the risk of relevant outcomes, and the associations were reported as odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Key findings: The thesis makes a number of important contributions to our understanding of the transition to adulthood, particularly in relation to the mental health consequences associated with different pathways. Firstly, findings from the thesis clearly showed that young people who parented or partnered early fared worse across most of the economic and social factors as well as the common mental disorders when compared to emerging adults. That is, young people who became early parents were also more likely to experience recent anxiety (OR=2.0, 95%CI 1.5-2.8) and depression (OR=1.7, 95%CI 1.1-2.7) than were emerging adults after taking into account a range of confounding factors. Singles and those partnering early also had higher rates of lifetime anxiety and depression than emerging adults. Young people who partnered early, but were without children, had decreased odds of recent depression; this may be due to the protective effect of early marriage against depression. It was also found that young people who form families early had an increased risk of cigarette smoking (parents OR=3.7, 95%CI 2.9-4.8) compared to emerging adults, but not heavy alcohol (parents OR=0.4, 95%CI 0.3-0.6) or recent illicit drug use. The high rates of cigarette smoking and tobacco use disorders in ‘early starters’ were explained by common risk factors related to early adversity and lower SEP. Having a child and early marriage may well function as a ‘turning point’ for some young people, it is not clear whether this is due to a conscious decision to disengage from a previous ‘substance using’ lifestyle or simply that they no longer have the time to devote to such activities because of child caring. In relation to the methodological issues associated with assessing common mental disorders in young adults, it was found that although the Achenbach empirical internalising scales successfully predicted both later DSM-IV depression (YSR OR=2.3, 95%CI 1.7-3.1) and concurrently diagnosed depression (YASR OR=6.9, 95%CI 5.0- 9.5) and anxiety (YASR OR=5.1, 95%CI 3.8- 6.7), the scales discriminated poorly between young people with or without DSM-IV diagnosed mood disorder. Sensitivity values (the proportion of true positives) for the internalising scales were surprisingly low. Only a third of young people with current DSM-IV depression (range for each of the scales was between 34% to 42%) were correctly identified as cases by the YASR internalising scales, and only a quarter with current anxiety disorder (range of 23% to 31%) were correctly identified. Also, use of the DSM-oriented scales increased sensitivity only marginally (for depression between 2-8%, and anxiety between 2-6%) above the standard Achenbach scales. This is despite the fact that the DSM-oriented scales were originally developed to overcome the poor prediction of DSM-IV diagnoses by the Achenbach scales. The internalising scales, both standard and DSM-oriented, were much more effective at identifying young people with comorbid depression and anxiety, with OR’s 10.1 to 21.7 depending on the internalising scale used. SEP is an important predictor of both an early transition to adulthood and the experience of anxiety during that time Family income during adolescence was a strong predictor of early parenting and partnering before age 24 but not early independent living. Compared to families in the upper quintile, young people from families with low income were nearly twice as likely to live with a partner and four times more likely to become parents (OR ranged from 2.6 to 4.0). This association remained after adjusting for current employment and education level. Children raised in low income families were 30% more likely to have an anxiety disorder (OR=1.3, 95%CI 0.9-1.9), but not depression, as young adults when compared to children from wealthier families. Emerging adults and ‘early starters’ from low income families did not differ in their likelihood of having a later anxiety disorder. Young women reporting a pregnancy loss had nearly three times the odds of experiencing a lifetime illicit drug disorder (excluding cannabis) [abortion OR=3.6, 95%CI 2.0-6.7 and miscarriage OR=2.6, 95%CI 1.2-5.4]. Abortion was associated with alcohol use disorder (OR=2.1, 95%CI 1.3- 3.5) and 12-month depression (OR=1.9, 95%CI 1.1- 3.1). These finding suggest that the association identified by Fergusson et al between abortion and later psychiatric disorders in young women may be due to pregnancy loss and not to abortion, per se. Conclusion: Findings from this thesis support the view that young people who parent or partner early have a greater burden of depression and anxiety when compared to emerging adults. As well, young women experiencing pregnancy loss, from either abortion or miscarriage, are more likely to experience depression and anxiety than are those who give birth to a live infant or who have never been pregnant. Depression, anxiety and substance use disorders often go unrecognised and untreated in young people; this is especially true in young people from lower SEP. Early identification of these common mental health disorders is important, as depression and anxiety experienced during the transition to adulthood have been found to seriously disrupt an individual’s social, educational and economic prospects in later life.
Suicide is a serious public health issue that results from an interaction between multiple risk factors including individual vulnerabilities to complex feelings of hopelessness, fear, and stress. Although kinase genes have been implicated in fear and stress, including the consolidation and extinction of fearful memories, expression profiles of those genes in the brain of suicide victims are less clear. Using gene expression microarray data from the Online Stanley Genomics Database 1 and a quantitative PCR, we investigated the expression profiles of multiple kinase genes including the calcium calmodulin-dependent kinase (CAMK), the cyclin-dependent kinase, the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and the protein kinase C (PKC) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of mood disorder patients died with suicide (N = 45) and without suicide (N = 38). We also investigated the expression pattern of the same genes in the PFC of developing humans ranging in age from birth to 49 year (N = 46). The expression levels of CAMK2B, CDK5, MAPK9, and PRKCI were increased in the PFC of suicide victims as compared to non-suicide controls (false discovery rate, FDR-adjusted p < 0.05, fold change >1.1). Those genes also showed changes in expression pattern during the postnatal development (FDR-adjusted p < 0.05). These results suggest that multiple kinase genes undergo age-dependent changes in normal brains as well as pathological changes in suicide brains. These findings may provide an important link to protein kinases known to be important for the development of fear memory, stress associated neural plasticity, and up-regulation in the PFC of suicide victims. More research is needed to better understand the functional role of these kinase genes that may be associated with the pathophysiology of suicide
Purpose: This is one of the first studies to report that the Achenbach internalising scales were much more effective at identifying those with current comorbid depression and anxiety, rather than individual mood disorder. Introduction: The Achenbach behaviour checklists (YSR,YASR) are widely used, low cost screening tools used to assess problem behaviour. Several studies report good association between the checklists and psychiatric diagnoses; although with varying degrees of agreement. Most are cross-sectional studies involving adolescents referred to mental health services; few are in large community-based studies. This study examined the usefulness of the Achenbach internalising scales in the primary screening (both predictive and concurrent)for depression and anxiety. Methods: The sample was 2400 young adults from an Australian population-based prospective birth cohort study. The association between the empirical anxiety and depression scales were individually assessed against DSM-IV depression and anxiety diagnoses. Odds ratios and diagnostic efficiency tests report the findings. Results: Adolescents with internalising symptoms were twice (OR 2.3, 95%CI 1.7 to 3.1) as likely to be diagnosed with later DSM-IV depression. YASR internalising scale predicted DSM-IV mood disorders (depression OR = 6.9, 95% CI 5.0–9.5; anxiety OR = 5.1, 95% CI 3.8–6.7) in the previous 12 months. The internalising scales were much more effective at identifying those with comorbid depression and anxiety. Conclusions: Adolescence and early adulthood are key risk periods for the onset of anxiety and depression. This study found that young people with internalising behaviour problems were more likely to have comorbid depression and anxiety DSM-IV disorder.
This study is part of an ongoing collaborative bipolar research project, the Jorvi Bipolar Study (JoBS). The JoBS is run by the Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, and the Department of Psychiatry, Jorvi Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH), Espoo, Finland. It is a prospective, naturalistic cohort study of secondary level care psychiatric in- and outpatients with a new episode of bipolar disorder (BD). The second report also included 269 major depressive disorder (MDD) patients from the Vantaa Depression Study (VDS). The VDS was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry of the Peijas Medical Care District. Using the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), all in- and outpatients at the Department of Psychiatry at Jorvi Hospital who currently had a possible new phase of DSM-IV BD were sought. Altogether, 1630 psychiatric patients were screened, and 490 were interviewed using a semistructured interview (SCID-I/P). The patients included in the cohort (n=191) had at intake a current phase of BD. The patients were evaluated at intake and at 6- and 18-month interviews. Based on this study, BD is poorly recognized even in psychiatric settings. Of the BD patients with acute worsening of illness, 39% had never been correctly diagnosed. The classic presentations of BD with hospitalizations, manic episodes, and psychotic symptoms lead clinicians to correct diagnosis of BD I in psychiatric care. Time of follow-up elapsed in psychiatric care, but none of the clinical features, seemed to explain correct diagnosis of BD II, suggesting reliance on cross- sectional presentation of illness. Even though BD II was clearly less often correctly diagnosed than BD I, few other differences between the two types of BD were detected. BD I and II patients appeared to differ little in terms of clinical picture or comorbidity, and the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity was strongly related to the current illness phase in both types. At the same time, the difference in outcome was clear. BD II patients spent about 40% more time depressed than BD I patients. Patterns of psychiatric comorbidity of BD and MDD differed somewhat qualitatively. Overall, MDD patients were likely to have more anxiety disorders and cluster A personality disorders, and bipolar patients to have more cluster B personality disorders. The adverse consequences of missing or delayed diagnosis are potentially serious. Thus, these findings strongly support the value of screening for BD in psychiatric settings, especially among the major depressive patients. Nevertheless, the diagnosis must be based on a clinical interview and follow-up of mood. Comorbidity, present in 59% of bipolar patients in a current phase, needs concomitant evaluation, follow-up, and treatment. To improve outcome in BD, treatment of bipolar depression is a major challenge for clinicians.
353 págs.
Os transtornos psiquiátricos são um problema de saúde pública, ocupando cinco das dez principais causas de incapacitação no mundo. O transtorno bipolar (TB) é um transtorno de humor, segundo o DSM-IV (manual diagnóstico e estatístico de doenças mentais), o qual afeta cerca de 1% da população mundial. O TB do tipo I (TBI) é o mais frequente entre os TBs e é caracterizado pela presença de episódios maníacos ou mistos acompanhados por episódios depressivos. Assim como outros transtornos psiquiátricos, como a depressão, ansiedade e esquizofrenia, o TB representa um importante fator de risco cardiovascular, e pacientes com este transtorno apresentam mortalidade cardiovascular duas vezes maior que a população em geral. No entanto, os exatos mecanismos envolvidos nesta relação permanecem desconhecidos. Estudos sugerem o envolvimento da via L-arginina-óxido nitrico (NO) na patofisiologia do TB. O NO é responsável por diversas funções fisiológicas, incluindo a inibição da função plaquetária. A L-arginina, sua precursora, é transportada em plaquetas pelo carreador y+L, ativando a enzima NO sintase (NOS), a qual produz NO e e L-citrulina. Uma vez produzido, o NO ativa a enzima guanilato ciclase (GC), levando ao aumento dos níveis de guanosina monofosfato cíclica (GMPc). Adicionalmente, a L-arginina não é exclusivamente utilizada pela NOS, ela também pode ser metabolizada pela arginase e produzir L-ornitina e uréia. A biodisponibilidade do NO depende tanto de sua síntese como de sua degradação pelo estresse oxidativo ou pela inflamação. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar detalhadamente a via L-arginina-NO-GMPc em plaquetas de pacientes com TBI, a expressão da arginase e outros marcadores de estresse oxidativo e inflamação. Vinte e oito pacientes com TB e dez indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos no estudo. Nossos estudos mostraram uma redução da atividade da NOS em todos os grupos de pacientes bipolares (fases de eutimia, depressão e mania), quando comparados aos controles. Isto ocorreu na presença de concentrações normais do substrato e de seu transporte, e da expressão inalterada das isoformas eNOS e iNOS. A expressão da arginase II não diferiu entre os grupos estudados, indicando que a disponibilidade da L-arginina não está sendo desviada para o ciclo de uréia em plaquetas. A produção reduzida de GMPc foi observada mesmo com a expressão inalterada da GC. A atividade e marcadores de estresse oxidativo, avaliada através da quantificação da oxidação de proteínas e atividade da catalase, não foram modificadas em plaquetas de pacientes com TB, enquanto que a atividade da SOD estava aumentada em todas as fases. Os níveis séricos da proteína C-reativa (PCR), um marcador inflamatório, estão aumentados em pacientes maníacos, comparados aos controles. A reduzida produção de NO observada em plaquetas de pacientes bipolares pode ser um elo entre esta complexa associação entre TB e a doença cardiovascular.
This study tested the hypothesis that 12-month-old infants' use of force against peers is associated with known risk factors for violence. We conducted a prospective longitudinal study, which included laboratory observations of firstborn British infants (N = 271) during simulated birthday parties. No gender differences in aggressiveness were observed. The infants' observed aggressiveness was significantly correlated with mothers' mood disorder during pregnancy and with mothers' history of conduct problems. Infants' observed aggressiveness was correlated with parents' ratings of infants' anger and aggression, which were also predicted by mothers' mood disorder and history of conduct problems. Our findings indicate that infants at risk for serious aggression can already be identified when the motor ability to use physical force first enters the human repertoire.
Atendendo à conjuntura nacional e internacional que norteia a saúde mental e psiquiatria, a Qualidade de Vida (QDV) das pessoas com doença mental torna-se uma área fundamental de investigação, tendo em conta a sua inquestionável importância na aferição de medidas de intervenção. Um facto observável relaciona-se com um interesse crescente nos últimos anos na QDV da pessoa com doença mental como objeto de investigação. Estudos apontam para que as pessoas com doença mental percecionem a sua QDV inferior às pessoas sem doença mental e/ou com doenças físicas. Esta investigação foi realizada com base em três estudos. O Estudo I pretendeu estudar relações entre variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas e a QDV de pessoas (n = 39) com doenças do humor (Depressão Major, Distimia, Doença Bipolar e Perturbações Depressivas Sem Outra Especificação). Para isso, foram utilizados o WHOQOL-Bref, o Índice de Graffar, um Questionário de Dados Sociodemográficos e Clínicos e um Guia de Observação. Os dados foram recolhidos no domicílio dos sujeitos. No Estudo II compararam-se diferenças de QDV em duas amostras independentes: sujeitos com doenças do humor (n = 39) e sujeitos sem doença mental diagnosticada (n = 39). Utilizaram-se os mesmos instrumentos do Estudo I exceto o Guia de Observação. Nestes dois estudos os dados foram tratados recorrendo ao IBM SPSS Statistics, versão 19.0. O Estudo III teve como objetivo recolher dados sobre as narrativas dos sujeitos com doença mental e sobre o conhecimento sobre a Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados e Integrados de Saúde Mental (RNCCISM). Para esta segunda parte do objetivo foi utilizada uma amostra de profissionais de saúde mental (n = 42) que respondeu a um Questionário sobre a RNCCISM construído para o efeito. Este Instrumento foi validado e do qual resultou uma variável final: “avaliação do conhecimento sobre a RNCCISM”. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugeriram, pelo Estudo I, que a QDV difere em função da doença apresentada pelos sujeitos; encontraram-se também diferenças em relação à idade, sexo, escolaridade, classe social, estado civil e transportes utilizados para a consulta de especialidade. Pelo Estudo II, os resultados indicaram-nos diferenças entre a QDV nos dois grupos, sendo que, o Grupo com doença do humor apresenta scores mas baixos em todos os domínios do WHOOL-Bref que o Grupo sem doença mental diagnosticada. Os dados do EstudoIII sugeriram-nos: i) no primeiro momento, uma reflexão que girou em torno de cinco eixos: o sofrimento; a estigmatização; os eventos de vida perturbadores; o modelo de tratamento adotado pelos profissionais; e o acompanhamento das pessoas com doença mental; ii) no segundo momento, que os enfermeiros são os que, em média, possuíam um score de conhecimento sobre a RNCCISM mais baixo. Esta investigação sugeriu que a QDV das pessoas com doença mental é baixa, indicando algumas relações entre algumas variáveis. Durante o seu desenvolvimento, pretendemos também reforçar a necessidade do envolvimento de todos os profissionais da saúde nas alterações preconizadas, o que permite intervir de forma mais informada. Porque, durante este percurso surgiram dificuldades sérias de acesso à amostra clínica, esta tese chama ainda a atenção para a importância da investigação em saúde mental e psiquiatria e para as formalidades de acesso aos dados que a podem condicionar. De facto, ao assumirmos a QDV como uma medida de resultado em saúde, torna-se importante, por um lado, aprofundar a investigação neste domínio e, por outro, e pelo conhecimento de que já dispomos, equacionar de forma efetiva novas modalidades de intervenção, contribuindo para um plano terapêutico mais amplo, pondo em prática uma filosofia de cuidados mais abrangente e de continuidade, implementando as politicas comunitárias e globais preconizadas para a prestação de cuidados em saúde mental e psiquiatria.
La présente étude porte sur les aspects Nature-Culture relatifs à l’émergence de variations interindividuelles quant à la capacité universelle de régulation d’une émotion primaire, la tristesse. Cette problématique représente un exemple du lien entre la conception évolutionniste d’une nature humaine universelle, innée et génétiquement prescrite, mais susceptible de variation dans son expression en fonction d’expériences individuelles liées aux processus de socialisation et d’enculturation. À l’aide du devis génétiquement informatif des jumeaux, nous nous sommes d’abord penchés sur l’étiologie gènes-environnement de la dépression à l’enfance, une dysfonction du système de régulation émotionnelle de la tristesse. Puis, nous nous sommes interrogés quant à l’influence du traitement et de l’état psychique maternels sur cet aspect du développement émotionnel de l’enfant. Nos analyses de la symptomatologie dépressive indiquent une absence d’influence génétique dans le développement de ce trouble de l’humeur. Les variations individuelles de la régulation de la tristesse reposent ainsi uniquement sur les effets de l’environnement. Nos résultats révèlent également l’existence d’une relation importante entre l’état psychique de la mère, évalué lorsque les jumeaux avaient cinq mois, et la présence de symptômes dépressifs chez ces derniers mesurés huit ans plus tard. L’état psychique de la mère est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs indicateurs de la qualité du traitement maternel en bas âge. Nos mesures directes des comportements maternels envers le nourrisson et le développement ultérieur du trouble de dépression indiquent également l’existence de tendances statistiques allant dans le sens de notre hypothèse d’un traitement maternel sous-optimal contribuant au développement de dysfonctions émotionnelles ultérieures.
Au niveau mondial, la mort par suicide occupe fréquemment la deuxième ou troisième place des causes de décès chez les adolescents (AIPS, 2009). Afin de prévenir le suicide chez les jeunes, une meilleure compréhension des facteurs associés s’avère donc nécessaire. La présente étude avait pour but d’identifier les facteurs de protection d’adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire relatant les habitudes de vie et facteurs psychosociaux a été analysé. Le risque suicidaire a été évalué à partir de la version adaptée pour adolescents du SAD PERSONS Scale (Juhnke, 1994). L’échantillon de l’étude comprenait 101 jeunes de 12 à 17 ans atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Des analyses descriptives, des tests de t, des analyses de variance, des corrélations et des régressions ont été utilisées afin de vérifier la relation entre le risque suicidaire et les facteurs de protection. Il ressort que, pour les adolescents de l’étude, être satisfait du soutien reçu, avoir un bon soutien affectif parental, avoir plusieurs sources de lecture par semaine, souper plusieurs fois avec sa famille par semaine, ne pas fumer de cigarette, ne pas avoir beaucoup d’amis qui fument la cigarette, ne pas consommer d’alcool, ne pas consommer de drogue ainsi que de ne pas mélanger la consommation d’alcool et de drogue peuvent tous agir, individuellement, comme facteurs de protection du suicide chez des adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Par ailleurs, les analyses effectuées ne révèlent aucune relation significative entre les habitudes scolaires, l’activité physique, les habitudes de sommeil, l’estime de soi et le risque suicidaire des adolescents de l’étude. Enfin, miser sur les facteurs de protection du suicide identifiés par la présente étude constitue une nouvelle piste intéressante pour les infirmières et des recommandations pour la recherche et la pratique infirmière sont suggérées.
L’adhésion au traitement réfère à la mesure selon laquelle un patient respecte la posologie et la fréquence des prises médicamenteuses telles que prescrites par le médecin pour la durée recommandée. En dépit de nombreux traitements efficaces, la problématique de la non-adhésion demeure omniprésente en médecine, notamment dans les populations psychiatriques. Les patients aux prises avec un trouble de l’humeur ou un TDAH peuvent présenter des déficits cognitifs. Un projet de recherche mené auprès de 52 patients est présenté. Les résultats montrent une association entre les difficultés cognitives telles que perçues par les patients et l’adhésion. Des sous-domaines cognitifs comme la capacité d’inhibition, la flexibilité, la mémoire de travail, la planification et l’organisation de même que la capacité d’initier une action sont particulièrement impliqués. La capacité d’initier une tâche est corrélée avec l’adhésion et tend à la prédire. L’utilisation en clinique de méthodes d’évaluation simples et rapides de la cognition et de l’adhésion permettrait d’identifier ces difficultés. Des interventions visant à améliorer l’adhésion pourraient ainsi être offertes de façon plus ciblée. L’adaptation des interventions au profil de chaque individu est une avenue à explorer davantage pour tenter d’améliorer l’efficacité limitée de celles-ci jusqu’à maintenant.
La prevalencia de la Pérdida de Cabello de Patrón Femenino (FPHL) aumenta con la edad y no ha sido documentada en la población latinoamericana. Este estudio describe la prevalencia y variables asociadas a la FPHL en una consulta Dermatológica. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo en 99 mujeres mayores de 18 años asistentes a consulta dermatológica con diagnóstico de FPHL. Se realizó una prueba piloto en 22 pacientes, y posteriormente se analizaron los datos de las 99 pacientes acorde a la clasificación de Ludwig, edad, comorbilidades y alteraciones del estado del ánimo. Resultados: La prevalencia estimada de FPHL fue de 20.84%. 43,4% de las pacientes estudiadas pertenecen a edades entre 31 a 49 años; el 50,5% fueron diagnosticadas con FPHL grado II. El 62,6% tienen algún antecedente médico de importancia. El 54,4% manifestaron alguna alteración del estado del ánimo. La totalidad de las pacientes con Grado III tuvieron algún antecedente médico de importancia (ORP= 1,14 IC95% (1; 1,26) (p < 0,05)). De las pacientes con Grado II, el 61,1% presentaron alguna alteración secundaria del estado del ánimo (ORP=2,58 IC95% (1,14; 5,84) (p<0,05)). Conclusiones: Debido al aumento de la FPHL en la población colombiana la cual conlleva a múltiples gastos del sistema salud, se hacen necesarios más estudios con el fin de caracterizar la enfermedad. Se recomienda un estudio con un mayor marco muestral con el fin de caracterizar la prevalencia y las variables relacionadas con la FPHL en toda la población Colombiana.