205 resultados para mistake-proofing
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Discusses the implications for the doctrine of common mistake of the Court of Appeal ruling in Great Peace Shipping Ltd v Tsavliris Salvage (International) Ltd on whether a contract for the hire of a ship was void on the ground of common mistake regarding the position of the ship. Reviews the origins of the doctrine of common mistake and the relationship between the doctrine and the implication of terms. Considers the determination of impossibility. Examines the role of equity in common mistake and remedial equitable intervention.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine students’ perceptions of managerial mistakes and why (and why not) managers admit mistakes. Design/methodology/approach – This paper provides a reflective account of how students’ perceive management mistakes and deal with admitting “mea culpa” – “I am to blame”. Findings – The findings show a range of attitudes: they highlight the intermingling pressures associated with the cultural environment and mistakes; they identify media characteristics and its influences on mistakes and mea culpa; they highlight ceremonial processes and tasks that shape and influence the declaration of mea culpa; and they identify how the psychology and sociology of mistakes confronts and affects students. Taken together, the study highlights the varying degrees of wariness that is carried forward by the students from vicariously learning about management mistakes. Originality/value – This paper links up with recent discussions on retail failure and retail pedagogy. It is hoped that this paper will encourage more academics to address, and engage with, management mistakes creatively in their teaching.
Az elemzés a PPP (Public-Private Partnership) magyarországi felfutásának és visszaesésének izgalmas éveit tárja fel, amelynek alapján megállapítható, hogy a magyar gyakorlatban körvonalazódó PPP nem az a PPP, amely a nemzetközi tapasztalatok alapján a közfeladatok megvalósításának közgazdaságilag megalapozott eszköze lehetne. A szerző úgy gondolja, hogy nem a PPP-módszer elvetése a megfelelő válasz a létező hibákra, hanem alkalmazásának módján kell javítani, a fokozatosan halmozódó tapasztalatok értő felhasználásával. ______ Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has quickly become a well-known phenomenon in Hungary. Despite its proliferation in various areas of activities, and the fact that most of these projects are still running, interest for starting new PPP projects has ceased, and even the cancellation of the project has become an issue. My research objective was to understand better how the concept of PPP has been interpreted by the wider public, through the assessment of the projects appearance in the main economic newspapers. The analysis shows that what has been implemented as PPP projects in Hungary are conceptually different from what PPP as an economically justified concept substantiates. PPP seems to be a phenomenon grossly misunderstood in Hungary.
In this paper we point out a prosodic mistake in the Latin etymology Astur, -uris, which is found in the two last editions of the Diccionario de la Lengua Española (twenty-second and twentythird – Edición del Tricentenario) and put forward its correction. We also analyse the entry astur in the prior editions of the Diccionario in order to recognise the changes undergone by the Latin term.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
IN recent decades nationalism has sometimes been classed in the same category of immoral behaviours as racism and sexism. Reading from the historical and literary record, nationalism often appears to have been little other than racism and sexism. Race was the very basis of the national settlement in early twentieth-century Australia; how profoundly, I think, is something we still have to learn. How far are we from thinking in terms of First Nations as a way of acknowledging Indigenous Australia? Our easy familiarity with and moral superiority to' pre- I967 Australia and the White Australia Policy means that there are many degrees of Australian racism that remain hidden from commonplace historical knowledge·:' Australians still tend to think of South Africa as belonging to-another time and place altogether, another moral universe and historical trajectory. This was not a mistake that colonial Australians made. The parallels will become less and less resistible.
We report a study in which Italian children aged 3 to 5 years were given situations requiring a distinction between lies and honest mistakes. As in previous research, the children displayed an incipient grasp of the lie-mistake distinction with regard to situations involving falsehoods about edibility of a substance that had been contaminated. However, children of all ages often regarded instances of both lies and mistakes as negative rather than restricting their judgements of naughtiness to the lying alone. The results are discussed in terms of the characteristics of Italian language and culture such as the connotations of words used to indicate mistakes'' and references to anger in labelling a variety of emotional events.
Celebrating Darwin: Proceedings of the Symposium Darwin's Mistake and what we are doing to correct it, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Açores, September 19-22, 2009.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Comunicação (Jornalismo), 22 de Janeiro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
Mestrado (PES II), Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 3 de Julho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia