965 resultados para migration studies, rural destinations, integration


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Given the migration premium previously identified in an impact evaluation approach, this paper asks the question of why migration is not more prominent, given such high premium associated with it. Using long-term household panel data drawn from rural Tanzania, Kagera for the period 1991-2004, this study aims to answer this question by exploring the contribution of education in the migration premium. By separating migrants into those that moved out of original villages but remained within Kagera and those who left the region, this study finds that, in consumption, the return on investment in education is higher at both destinations. However, whilst the higher return on education fully explains the gains associated with migration within Kagera, it only partly explains those of external migration. These findings suggest that welfare opportunities are higher at the destination and that an individual's limited investment in education plays a major role in preventing short-distance migration from becoming a significant source of raising welfare, which is not the case for long-distance migration. While education plays a role, it appears that other mechanisms may prohibit rural agents from exploiting the arbitrage opportunity when they migrate to the destination at a great distance from the source.


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Recent literature suggests that the increasingly blurred relationship between paid employment and retirement facilitates a retirement transition period, a life course stage which may involve a change of residence. The role of pre-retirement mobility in the repopulation of rural areas has, however, received relatively little academic scrutiny from UK geographers. This article draws upon findings from a two-year study conducted in three UK case study areas. It examines the extent of pre-retirement age (aged 50-64) migration into rural communities and the impacts this type of movement has upon economic activity, social and community engagement and service provision. It is argued that while this under-researched group offers significant potential to support the social and economic sustainability of rural communities (at least in the short and medium term), there are notable regional variations which are likely to have important long term implications for rural communities as this cohort ages in situ.


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This paper describes patterns and processes of recent migration in Northern Ireland. A conceptual approach is provided for spatial understandings of migration in new destinations, and the role of context is explored with regard to migration to a divided society. Recent migration to Northern Ireland is characterised and the geography of migrant residences evidenced in the 2011 Census is presented. Key patterns include the rural nature of migration in Northern Ireland, variation among migrant groups, and the spatial concentration of migrant communities. This exploration of spatial patterns is expanded on through a consideration of the processes of migration and diversification according to the themes of Finding Housing and Neighbourhood Interactions. In conclusion we explore the implications of the data presented, reflecting on spatial problems and spatial solutions in diversifying Northern Ireland.


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Notre recherche a pour objet la migration pour études et plus précisément l’expérience de retour et du non-retour des diplômés guinéens formés au Canada. Elle repose sur une démarche qualitative. Prenant appui sur des matériaux discursifs issus d’entrevues individuelles dans deux sites (en Guinée et au Canada), auprès d’un échantillon de trente et un diplômés, notre étude s’est attachée, dans un premier temps, à faire ressortir les motivations des étudiants à « retourner au pays » à la fin de leurs études au Canada ou, à l’inverse, à demeurer dans le pays d’accueil. Dans une seconde phase, la recherche s'est intéressée au devenir des enquêtés après leurs études et en particulier à l’insertion ou réinsertion sociale, familiale et professionnelle des diplômés retournés en Guinée ou installés au Canada. Enfin, notre étude examine les perspectives d’avenir de l’ensemble de nos répondants; leurs satisfactions et frustrations après le retour en Guinée ou l’installation au Canada, le bilan qu’ils tirent de leur expérience de migration pour études mais aussi les perspectives de retour éventuelles et les liens que ceux qui sont restés entretiennent avec leur pays d’origine. Pour les diplômés retournés en Guinée, l’analyse des données montre que les « perspectives d’emploi et de promotion » ont joué un rôle central dans leur décision de rentrer. Ils sont également nombreux a déclaré avoir choisi le retour pour des raisons familiales. Certains justifient aussi leur retour par « la volonté de servir le pays ». Si l’insertion familiale a été facile pour la plupart des diplômés retournés en Guinée, la réinsertion sociale, le retour à des pratiques sociales et à un environnement précaire « qu’ils avaient oublié » semble en revanche avoir été moins aisé. Sur le plan professionnel, le séjour canadien est perçu comme ayant eu un impact très positif sur leur carrière. Les diplômes canadiens semblent très valorisés en Guinée et les réseaux canadiens que les diplômés ont pu établir lors de leur séjour sont aussi très utiles. La possibilité de trouver un emploi décent au Canada domine également le discours des répondants qui ont choisi de demeurer au pays d’accueil après leur formation. Les répondants ayant choisi de demeurer au Canada évoquent également fréquemment l’idée de « sacrifier » leur retour au profit de « l’avenir » des enfants. La politique de l’immigration canadienne par « l’incitation » de demeurer au Canada après les études ont aussi influencé certains diplômés dans leurs décisions de ne pas retourner. Même s’ils évoquent fréquemment l’emploi pour justifier leur installation au Canada, nos répondants restés au Canada ne trouvent pas facilement un travail qui correspond à leur formation et doivent souvent se contenter de « petits boulots ». Plusieurs pointent du doigt le «bilinguisme» et la «discrimination» en milieu de travail comme obstacles majeurs. Enfin, pour bon nombre d’entre eux le « retour au pays » est une perspective jamais écartée, la plupart n’ont jamais coupé le lien avec leur pays d’origine et plusieurs tiennent à faire connaître la culture guinéenne à leurs enfants.


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This article uses census data for Berkshire to argue that large-scale counterurbanization began much earlier than is generally recognized in some parts of southern England. This was not just movement down the urban hierarchy, which as Pooley and Turnbull have demonstrated was a long-term feature of England’s settlement system, but in some cases at least amenity-driven migration to rural areas of the kind increasingly recognized as a core component of recent counterurbanization. Despite a reduction of acreage Berkshire’s rural districts saw a 54% rise in population between 1901 and 1951. The sub-regional pattern of growth is assessed to gauge whether ‘clean break’ migration to the remote west of the county (which remained effectively out of commuting range from London throughout the period) was taking place, or whether counterurbanization was confined to the more accessible eastern districts. However, whilst population did increase in both west and east, it was in fact the central districts that grew most impressively. Three case study parishes are investigated in order to gauge the nature and consequences of counterurbanization at a local level. Professional and business migrants figure prominently, seeking to preserve and promote the rural attributes of their new communities, without however cutting their ties to urban centres. It is argued that migration to rural Berkshire in the first half of the twentieth century cannot adequately be described either as a form of extended suburbanization or an anti-metropolitan ‘clean break’. Rather, early counterurbanization marks the first stage on the long road to a post-productivist countryside, in which countryside becomes detached from agriculture, there is socio-economic convergence between town and country, and the ‘rural’ increasingly becomes defined by landscape and identity rather than economic function.


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This paper investigates whether integration policies influence immigrants' propensity to volunteer, the latter being an important element of immigrants' integration into the host society. By distinguishing different categories of integration policies at Switzerland's subnational level and applying a Bayesian multilevel approach, our results suggest varying policy effects: while policies fostering socio-structural rights enhance immigrants' propensity to volunteer, we observe a negative curvilinear relationship between cultural rights and obligations and immigrants' volunteerism implying that a combination of cultural entitlements and obligations is most conducive to immigrants' civic engagement.


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Based on the recent census data this paper analyses the district level rural to urban migration rates (both intra-state and the inter-state) among males and females separately. Both the rates are closely associated irrespective of whether the migrants originate from the rural areas within the state or outside the state. This would suggest that women usually migrate as accompanists of the males. Though many of the relatively poor and backward states actually show large population mobility, which is primarily in search of a livelihood, the mobility of male population is also seen to be prominent in the relatively advanced states like Maharashtra and Gujarat. Rapid migration of rural females within the boundaries of the states is, however, evident across most of the regions. The social networks, which play an important role in the context of migration are prevalent among the short distance migrants and tend to lose their significance with a rise in the distance between the place of origin and destination though there are some exceptions to this phenomenon. Besides the north-south divide in the Indian context is indeed a significant phenomenon with a few exceptions of metropolitan cities. As regards the effect of factors at the place of destination, prospects for better job opportunities are a major determinant of male migration. Low castes and minority groups tend to pull migration through network effects. Among females also these effects are evident though with the inclusion of the male migration rate they become less significant. Finally the paper brings out the policy implications.


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International mobility in search of amenity spaces for long-stay tourism is a growing phenomenon. U.S. citizens have practiced this lifestyle migration for decades to Latin American countries, especially to Mexico. British citizens move to Spain for similar reasons. In this paper we make a comparative analysis of these two international contexts in order to gain greater insight into the diversity and breadth of this type of migration. The study uses quantitative surveys administered at each field site. First, we analyze the phenomenon of U.S. citizens’ mobility to Mazatlán, Mexico. Second, we analize citizens from the United Kingdom residing in El Campello, Spain. In particular we compare their socio-demographic profiles, transnational practices and some patterns of social integration.


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We combine data from the Latin American Migration Project and the Mexican Migration Project to estimate models predicting the likelihood of taking of first and later trips to the United States from five nations: Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Peru. The models test specific hypotheses about the effects of social capital on international migration and how these effects vary with respect to contextual factors. Our findings confirm the ubiquity of migrant networks and the universality of social capital effects throughout Latin America. They also reveal how the sizes of these effects are not uniform across settings. Social capital operates more powerfully on first as opposed to later trips and interacts with the cost of migration. In addition, effects are somewhat different when considering individual social capital (measuring strong ties) and community social capital (measuring weak ties). On first trips, the effect of strong ties in promoting migration increases with distance whereas the effect of weak ties decreases with distance. On later trips, the direction of effects for both individual and community social capital is negative for long distances but positive for short distances.


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This paper analyzes the impact of Spain’s economic crisis on social reproduction strategies of Ecuadorian migrant families in Madrid and Quito. The paper analyzes circular migration experiences and more permanent returns to Ecuador. I argue that these strategies and migrants' greater or lesser capabilities to move between different migration destinations show significant gender differences. On the one hand, men and women make a differential use of their migratory status to deploy transnational strategies and expand their mobility. On the other hand, migrants’ degree of mobility and flexibility with regard to the labor market and transnational social reproduction are derivative of a specific gendered order and sexual division of labor.