956 resultados para methodological perspective


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En 1993, l’église du monastère Humor et six autres églises du nord de la Moldavie (Roumanie) ont été classifiés comme patrimoine de l'UNESCO, en particulier en raison de leurs caractéristiques iconographiques et architecturales uniques. Construit au seizième siècle, le monastère Humor est devenu un riche centre religieux et culturel sous le patronage du prince Petru Rares de Moldavie. Ce centre a encouragé les innovations architecturales ecclésiales, ainsi qu’un programme très prolifique de fresques, extérieures et intérieures, exprimant une créativité au-delà du canon de la peinture de l'époque. La présente thèse est concentrée sur ces innovations architecturales et iconographiques, comprises à la lumière du contexte historique de ce moment unique dans l'histoire de la Moldavie, dans le siècle qui suivit la chute de Constantinople (1453). Tandis que la première partie de la thèse est concentrée sur ces circonstances historiques, et plus précisément sur l'impact du patronage du Prince Rares, la deuxième partie de la recherche est concentrée sur l'analyse des sources littéraires et de la théologie d’une série unique de fresques, placé dans la gropnita (chambre funéraire) de l’église monastique d’Humor, évoquant la vie de la Mère de Dieu. La série est un exemple extraordinaire d’interaction des textes, le Protévangile de Jacques et le Synaxarion, avec l'iconographie. Une attention particulière à l'iconographie du monastère Humor démontre le besoin de la corrélation entre texte et icône d'une part, ainsi que la nécessité d’une corrélation entre les études théologiques, l'art et l’histoire d’autre part. Un autre avantage de la recherche est de contribuer à une appréciation plus riche des trésors culturels et religieux des communautés chrétiennes de l'Europe de l'Est aux points de vue religieux et culturel, en réponse à leur reconnaissance comme patrimoine de l’UNESCO.


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La recerca sobre l'expressió escrita ha evolucionat de forma espectacular al llarg d'aquest segle. Si fins als anys 60 l'objectiu dels estudis es centrava exclusivament en les produccions escrites i en l'anàlisi del sistema de la llengua des d'una òptica essencialment gramatical, actualment l'interès dels investigadors s'orienta a analitzar els diversos aspectes comunicatius, lingüístics i socioculturals de l'acte d'escriure i a comprendre els diferents processos i operacions cognitius implicats en els processos redaccionals. En aquest sentit, doncs, per un costat, gràcies a les aportacions de diverses ciències del llenguatge (la lingüística del text, l'anàlisi del discurs, la pragmàtica filosòfica, la sociolingüística, etc.) el text escrit ja no s'analitza com una suma de frases que compleixen amb les regles i convencions gramaticals, el text escrit és vist com una unitat lingüística amb entitat pròpia que té una finalitat comunicativa concreta, es produeix en un context determinat i que s'estructura internament a través de l'ús de regles de gramàtica, però també, de cohesió i coincidència textuals. I, per l'altre costat, des de la dècada dels 70, un nombre de recerques, sobretot des de la psicologia cognitiva es preocupen per aprofundir en el coneixement dels subprocessos i operacions inherents al fet d'escriure, amb la intenció fonamental de plantejar quins són els principals problemes que l'escriptura pressuposa per als escriptors aprenents, i així contribuir a reorientar els processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de l'expressió escrita a les escoles. A partir d'aquí, queda definida la intenció última d'aquest treball: obtenir informació sobre l'ús dels coneixements, habilitats i estratègies implicats en un procés psicològic complex com és l'expressió escrita en els nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB de Girona. La pretensió, doncs, és contribuir al coneixement de les característiques de l'expressió escrita, tant les que fan referència a les produccions escrites com el procés de composició, que presenten els nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB a la ciutat de Girona. Entenem que aquest és un primer pas, un punt de partida, perquè posteriorment es pugui continuar treballant en desenvolupament de propostes tècnico-pràctiques que serveixin per fonamentar el procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de l'expressió escrita. Amb aquest propòsit, doncs, l'estudi s'estructura en tres parts: En la primera o Marc Teòric, es defineixen els elements teòrics que regeixen i basen la recerca. Per a l'establiment d'aquest marc conceptual, es presenta primerament la concepció de llengua, funcional i comunicativa, que, a finals del segle XX fonamenta tant els models lingüístics com les perspectives didàctiques. Es revisen, en un segon moment, diverses aportacions tècniques sobre el concepte d'expressió escrita i es formula la definició pròpia, que permet articular coherentment la investigació realitzada: L'expressió escrita és un procés psicològic complex, en el qual hi intervenen operacions cognitives de naturalesa diversa, i que implica l'ús de coneixements i d'habilitats variats. Coneixements i habilitats que tenen com a finalitat la comunicació d'idees per mitjà de símbols gràfics i que, d'una banda fan referència a la gramàtica i a la llengua que s'utilitza en els textos escrits (codi escrit) i, de l'altra, a les estratègies comunicativo-lingüístiques que s'empren per a produir-los (procés de composició). S'aborda després l'aproximació conceptual al codi escrit, ressaltant la noció moderna de text i de les propietats textuals, tasca que esdevé decisiva per al plantejament de la primera fase de la recerca. En l'apartat següent, s'aprofundeix en la comprensió teòrica del procés de composició escrita, la qual es configura com a punt de partida clau per al desplegament de la segona fase de la recerca. I, per últim, s'analitza el procés d'ensenyament/aprenentatge de l'expressió escrita, amb la voluntat de pressentir les principals perspectives i propostes teòrico-didàctiques actuals, per acabar contrastar-les amb les pràctiques escolars que avui es donen de forma habitual en l'ensenyament de l'expressió escrita. La segona part o La Recerca inclou tres capítols. En el primer o Capítol II, s'ofereix el plantejament general de la recerca és a dir, s'estableixen els objectius generals plantejats i es presenten les dues fases amb què aquesta recerca s'estructura. En el Capítol III es desenvolupa la que s'anomena primera fase de la recerca, un estudi descriptiu que es proposa com a objectiu general conèixer quin és el domini general de les habilitats i els coneixements de l'expressió escrita en llengua catalana, concretament en relació al text produït, al codi escrit, que presenten els nois i noies del cicle superior d'EGB de Girona. Amb aquesta intenció, s'especifiquen aquests coneixements i habilitats agrupant-los d'acord amb les cinc propietats textuals a priori establertes: adequació, coherència, cohesió, correcció gramatical i variació. Sota una perspectiva metodològica i un mètode descriptiu. es desenvolupen les diferents passes que se segueixen per a la consecució dels objectius marcats: 1) es selecciona la mostra d'estudi (388 nois i noies de tres escoles de Girona), 2) s'efectua el procés d'obtenció de la informació necessària, prèviament realitzant una àmplia revisió bibliogràfica sobre el tema de l'avaluació del producte escrit, la qual porta a elaborar dos instruments propis: el bàsic o Prova d'Expressió Escrita i el complementari o Full de Valoració de l'Expressió Escrita per part del Professor. i a recollir també d'altres dades informatives, a ressaltar, les qualificacions acadèmiques de l'hora de llengua, 3) s'apliquen els instruments ideats i es recull l'altra informació prevista. 4) s'analitza la informació obtinguda per mitjà d'una anàlisi estadística descriptiva i diferencial, més exhaustivament i completa en el cas de la Prova d'Expressió Escrita, en tant que instrument bàsic i específicament dissenyat per a respondre als objectius de l'estudi. i 5) s'analitzen i s'interpreten amb rigurositat totes les aportacions informatives obtingudes, per acabar definint les principals conclusions extretes de la realització d'aquesta primera fase de la recerca. En el Capítol IV, s'exposa l'anomenat Estudi de Casos o segona fase de la recerca, el qual es planteja com a objectiu general constatar si es presenten diferències clares pel que fa al procés de composició seguit en l'elaboració i construcció del text escrit, entre els nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB que mostren un nivell elevat en el domini dels coneixements i habilitats del codi escrit, i els que en mostren un nivell de domini baix. Objectiu general que pressuposa l'establiment de dos subobjectius generals: 1) Conèixer quines són i com són utilitzades les estratègies pròpies del procés de composició, que segueixen en l'elaboració i construcció del text escrit d'aquells nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB de Girona que, seleccionats a partir de l'estudi realitzat en la primera fase de la recerca, presenten un major domini general dels coneixements i habilitats del codi escrit, i 2) el mateix que l'anterior però centrat en aquells nois i noies que presenten un menor domini general dels coneixements i habilitats del codi escrit. Amb aquests propòsits, es defineix primerament el marc teòric que regula el desenvolupament d'aquesta segona fase de la recerca: es tracta de la proposta teòrica de referència que, en base al model cognitiu del procés de composició escrita proposat per Flower i Hayes, defineix els processos i subprocessos sota els quals s'estructura l'estudi: anàlisi de la situació comunicativa , planificació (generalització d'idees, organització i formulació d'objectius), textualització, revisió i control, alhora que també concreta les estratègies i habilitats específiques a través de les quals es vol obtenir la informació referida a cadascun d'aquests processos i subprocessos redaccionals. Seguidament, i en el marc d'una perspectiva metodològica qualitativa, definida i especificada a través d'un Estudi de Casos, es desplega el pla de treball marcat per a la consecució dels objectius preestablerts: 1) d'acord amb uns criteris rigurosament sistematitzats, i a partir de la informació principal obtinguda en la primera fase del a recerca, es seleccionen els 12 casos d'estudi agrupats en dos grups: el grup A o els 6 casos que presenten el nivell més baix en el domini dels coneixements i habilitats del producte escrit, i el grup B o els 6 casos que en mostren el nivell més alt; 2)es realitza el procés d'obtenció de la informació, a través de l'aplicació de dos instruments: l'observació i l'entrevista, per a l'elaboració a curada i rigurosa dels quals, prèviament s'efectua una revisió bibliogràfica sobre el tema de la complexitat de l'avaluació dels processos cognitius i sobre els requeriments metodològics derivats de la naturalesa essencialment qualitativa dels propis instruments; 3) s'apliquen els dos instruments en els 6 casos del grup B i els casos del grup A; 4) s'analitza la informació obtinguda a través de tècniques d'anàlisi de contingut, en primer lloc, establint unitats de registre que faciliten una primera aproximació a ala temàtica enregistrada a través de l'observació i de l'entrevista de cadascun dels 12 casos, i, en segon lloc, establint categories en el contingut de les unitats establertes, estructurant i classificant així la temàtica de les dades obtingudes; 5) s'elabora l'informe, és a dir, s'exposen quines són i com són utilitzades les estratègies pròpies del procés de composició escrita definides en la proposta teòrica de referència, especificant aquest informe per als casos del grup A, per als casos del grup B, i sobretot oferint un informe específic per a la comparació entre els casos del grup A i els del grup B; i 6) es revisa el desenvolupament dels diferents moments de l'Estudi de Casos i es reanalitza amb rigurositat la informació exposada en els tres informes, per finalitzar definint les principals conclusions que es deriven de la realització d'aquesta segona fase de la recerca. En la tercera i última part o capítol V, primer es sintetitzen les principals aportacions i conclusions de cadascun dels quatre capítols anteriors, per finalitzar exposant les implicacions més significatives que aquesta tesi permet establir de cares a la pràctica de l'ensenyament/aprenentatge i la recerca educatives en l'àmbit de l'expressió escrita.


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L'activitat professional és fonamental en la vida de qualsevol persona i en el cas de les persones amb discapacitat resulta molt potent per tal que assumeixin la identitat adulta. Per això, en la tesi es realitza una aproximació al binomi discapacitat i treball i a les mesures que justifiquen l'actual situació de la inserció laboral de les persones amb discapacitat al mercat laboral protegit i al mercat laboral ordinari. L'objectiu general de la tesi és conèixer en profunditat una experiència d'inserció laboral de persones amb discapacitat psíquica a l'Administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya. La investigació realitzada s'ha estructurat en dues fases. En la primera fase s'ha fet una anàlisi descriptiva del col·lectiu estudiat i en la segona fase, emmarcada en una perspectiva metodològica qualitativa, s'ha desenvolupat un estudi de casos per tal de mostrar el testimoni dels protagonistes, partir del seu relat i recollir les seves valoracions.


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Seventeen-month-old infants were presented with pairs of images, in silence or with the non-directive auditory stimulus 'look!'. The images had been chosen so that one image depicted an item whose name was known to the infant, and the other image depicted an image whose name was not known to the infant. Infants looked longer at images for which they had names than at images for which they did not have names, despite the absence of any referential input. The experiment controlled for the familiarity of the objects depicted: in each trial, image pairs presented to infants had previously been judged by caregivers to be of roughly equal familiarity. From a theoretical perspective, the results indicate that objects with names are of intrinsic interest to the infant. The possible causal direction for this linkage is discussed and it is concluded that the results are consistent with Whorfian linguistic determinism, although other construals are possible. From a methodological perspective, the results have implications for the use of preferential looking as an index of early word comprehension.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a dinâmica trabalho e saúde na atividade dosbombeiros militares de uma Corporação na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Como foco deinvestigação privilegiamos as narrativas relativas ao cotidiano dos trabalhadores, levandoem consideração o cenário encontrado na ocasião da pesquisa. Para marco teóricoconceitualforam selecionados os aportes da psicodinâmica do trabalho, da ergologia, daclínica da atividade e da psicossociologia. A perspectiva metodológica foi situada noâmbito da pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória. Utilizamos a abordagem dashistórias de vida, guiada por um roteiro, juntamente com a aplicação de um pequenoquestionário, o qual registrou alguns dados mais objetivos. Os sujeitos da pesquisacompuseram um grupo de 20 (vinte) bombeiros de diversas patentes militares. A análisedos resultados foi organizada em três grandes seções com os seus respectivosdesdobramentos 1) Contextualização do cenário de atividade; 2) Narrativasprofissionais de três bombeiros militares e por último 3) A realidade de ser bombeiro.A aproximação do cenário, vivido pelos bombeiros militares, permitiu o exame dassituações que foram vivenciadas em um momento de tensão no campo das negociaçõespor direito à saúde e ao trabalho. Em função desta pauta, analisamos os depoimentos dostrabalhadores à luz do marco teórico conceitual proposto e neste mesmo percurso foipossível fazer emergir os aspectos que, em decorrência da natureza da atividade, exercemimpactos na saúde dos profissionais. Por tratar de uma atividade cujo principal objetivo ésalvar vidas e bens, os profissionais trabalham sob um clima de tensão e risco à própriavida. Contudo, concluímos diante dos resultados do estudo que, embora os bombeirosmilitares estabeleçam correlações entre o trabalho e a saúde, a categoria ainda não possuidispositivos coletivos para minimizar os efeitos deletérios da prática de trabalhoconstituídos desta relação.


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Resumen En este estudio se analizan las actitudes lingüísticas de un grupo de mujeres argentinas, venezolanas y mexicanas residentes en Qatar, Argentina y Suecia en relación con el voseo argentino. Metodológicamente se utilizan tres técnicas: la primera consiste en grabar dos versiones de un texto leído por una persona de Argentina; en la segunda un grupo de informantes escucha el texto grabado y contestan simultáneamente una encuesta que evalúa su postura con respecto al uso del pronombre vos, así como de sus usuarios; la tercera está dedicada a la entrevista, en la cual se pregunta a las informantes argentinas cuál es su opinión acerca del voseo como sinónimo de identidad lingüística. El análisis de los resultados indica que existe una diferencia significativa entre cómo se juzgan las dimensiones de estatus y solidaridad, ya que las entrevistadas dieron un menor valor a los atributos relacionados con la dimensión de estatus que a los de solidaridad. Resumiendo los resultados, se advierte que las argentinas evalúan más positivamente el uso del vos que el tú, confirmando que tienen una posición positiva sobre su identidad lingüística.


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Purpose – The constructs of relativism and absolutism have a significant role to play in the development of ethical theory; however, they are commonly simplified in their depictions and are philosophically more complex than we give them credit for. The purpose of this paper is to undertake an in-depth examination of ethical relativity and ethical absolutism before concluding with a discussion of which research implications warrant further investigation.
Design/methodology/approach – A descriptive, historical, anthological approach has been taken.
Findings – Ethical relativism is regrettably subject to a proliferation of related terminology and, in many instances with different meanings ascribed to similar terms. In addition, ethical relativity appears to attract different research perspectives that are heavily dependent on their academic origins. A clear distinction needs to be made between ethical and situational relativity. It is suggested that relativism is present in the process of moral justification and that ethical relativism should be analyzed from three levels: the individual level, the role and group level, and the cultural levels. The over-riding objection to ethical relativism rests on the consequences of accepting relativism, which undermines the existence and strength of global moral standards and the inherent positioning of ethical absolutism. Absolutism does not deny the existence of multiple moral practices evident around the world, but proposes that variations in ethical actions could still be rooted in common universal moral standards based on our requirements as human beings and the necessities of long-term survival.
Research limitations/implications – The ensuing discussions of relativism and absolutism open up a rich vein of research opportunities and suggest caution is required in regard to research methodologies. From a methodological perspective, care needs to be taken. For example, using hypothetical ethical dilemmas that are often unrelated to a specific industry or cultural setting has resulted in many researchers observing situational relativity rather than true ethical relativity.
Originality/value – This paper specifically examines whether there are differences in underlying and basic moral standards even though similarities in ethical behaviour have been determined, or whether differing ethical actions could, as the absolutists believe, originate from common universal standards despite apparent differences in perceptions and actions across cultures.


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The objective was to study the multidimensional nature of the relationship between adult obesity (OB) and socio-economic status (SES),
using comprehensive indices of SES taken separately or synthesised in an overall index. A nationally representative sample of adults aged
18–79 years was taken from the French second National Individual Survey on Food Consumption (INCA 2) dietary survey (2006–07).
Weight and height were measured and OB defined as BMI $ 30 kg/m2. SES variables were reported in questionnaires and included
occupation, education and characteristics of household wealth. Composite indices of SES (household wealth and overall SES indices)
were computed by correspondence analysis, and relationships with OB were investigated with logistic regression analysis. In total, 11·8
(95% CI 10·1, 13·4) % of French adults were obese, without significant difference by sex. While no significant relationship was observed
in men, all SES indicators were inversely correlated to OB in women. Both education and the household wealth index were retained in the
stepwise multivariate model, confirming that different socio-economic variables are not necessarily proxies of each other regarding the OB
issue. On the other hand, ‘controlling for SES’ while including several measures of SES in multivariate models may lead to collinearity, and
thus over-adjustment. A more integrative approach may be to derive a synthetic index by including the SES factors available in a given
study. Beyond this methodological perspective, understanding how OB is related to the different dimensions of SES should help to
target the more vulnerable groups and increase the effectiveness of prevention.


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The reality experienced by many families and individuals who seek and require the services of the Unified Health System - SUS, the relationships between users, health professionals, and political representatives, establishes the core of the issue that guides the choice and interest of this study concerning the prominence of clientelist practices and gifts that permeate the health field. The research is based on the analysis and reflection of the intrinsic relationship between the health and political fields. It analyses the health field and its relationship with the dynamics and developments of the local political scenario relating it to the implementation of the Family Health Program and Community Health Agents Program (PACS/PSF health programs) in the city of Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte which refers to the period 1991-2010; and falls into a methodological perspective of qualitative approach. The methodological tools and techniques used were based on semi-structured interviews, direct observation of the field, journalistic texts and documentary sources. The construction and questioning of the object of the research were based on theoretical contributions from authors discussing the social field and symbolic power: Bourdieu (2005); clientelist relationships and gifts from asymmetric exchanges: Rouland (1997), Lanna (1995), Martins (1999), Carvalho (1999), Diniz (1982); exercise of hegemony and political strategy from authors who analyse this subject: Gramsci (1995), Coutinho (1981), and Gruppi (1978). Furthermore, the research has established dialogues with authors who address the dynamics of Brazilian politics such as Baquero (2001) and Weffort (1993). The collected data were subjected to qualitative content analysis. The results showed that with the implementation of the PACS/PSF programs in the aforementioned city, the health field has established itself as a key scenario for the exercise of political hegemony of the factions that dominate this socio-political context, resizing clientelist practices, however, without modifying the power structures within this social scenario


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This work is an attempt to show that the ideological conflict that has been developed by the hegemony of the 1930 Revolution historical events in Paraíba, conceptually turned into an insoluble social contradiction. It ocurred due to imaginary or formal resolutions of the literature that ended up by altering the epistemological rules of the relation between fiction and reality. The present work is based on The unconscious politics: a narrative as a socially symbolic act , book in which all the literary or cultural texts can and should be read as symbolic resolutions to insoluble social contradictions. From string to contemporary literature this phenomenon has been registered by the several ways of textual production turning the 1930 Revolution into one of the main elements which guides the political scene of Paraíba. The ideological groups still centered on the political resentment and committed to a political conflict forged the existence of two historical truths: one which suits the liberais , the winners, and another is of the 1930 conflict. This work argues in favour of the unconscious politics of the 1930 Revolution. This thesis considers necessarily the relation that the Paraibana society maintains with its past and how this past reaches in the present the liberation of a hidden and repressed truth through its narrativization. Beyond that, how the ideological partiality generated the political resentment through the way of thinking of the rivals under the perspective of the good and evil reveals its insoluble social contradiction. Process which comprehends varied narrative forms of the mass culture products and literary production, as in the methodological perspective pointed by Fredric Jameson that all literary or cultural texts can and shall be read as symbolic resolutions of true political and social contradictions. In the case of Paraiba we will have resolutions that search for the reasons which caused the death of João Pessoa: forgery and publicity of love letters, dispute over the official version of suicide commited by João Dantas, the man who assassinated João Pessoa


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Urbanization in their mearing simpler, the agglomeration of people, occurred from the time that the productive activities have to be based on trade. The first cities arose when the evolution of agriculture allowed the production and storage of surpluses. However, with industrialization was that urbanization becomes intense, according to Singer (1987), the industrial revolution was to stage, from the beginning, the urban area. It requires, in its proximity, the presence of a large number of workers. With respect to the Cariri cearense, the occupation of its territory is associated with the movement of agricultural surpluses produced and reproduced under the hegemony of merchant capital and due to the development of extensive cattle that promoted the territorial occupation of Ceará. From the 1960s, the region has undergone changes in its productive structure due to industrial planning policies of the government of Ceará. However it was in the 1990s that the region itself as economic and urban polo because policies to attract investments from the state government of Ceará. This policy led to boosting trade and services marking the predominance of tertiary activities in the region, especially the retail, wholesale , medical services and education. Investments also consolidated the industrial park area making it diverse, especially the footwear industries, mining, non-metallic minerals, transport equipment, pharmaceutical chemical, food and beverages, rubber and leather and construction. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the region of Cariri cearense occupation of its territory institutionalizing its metropolitan region, to understand what factors influenced the Cariri cearense become an important area in urban and economic terms in the interior of Ceará. In order to develop this research in that refers to the methodological perspective, research is guided by bibliographic studies and also makes use of secondary data analysis (population, GDP, urbanization rate, employment) of the main databases the country, as IBGE, IPEADATA and RAIS - MTE


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The thesis has as object of study the autobiographical memmorials. The general objective is to describe the history of the memmorial as an academic tradition of higher education in Brazil. Considered a hybrid genre, memmorials are known for focusing on life stories from a scientific perspective. The investigation revolves around three intertwined branches: History of Education, educational practices and language usages, which allow us to conduct a dialogue with multiple theoretical-methodological references with a view to supporting our analyses. The corpus used for the analysis was made up of 40 autobiographical memmorials, distributed as follows: 16 academic memmorials, dated from 1935 to 1970; 07 academic memmorials, dated from 1980 to 2007; and 17 formation memmorials, dated from 1995 to 2000. In this corpus, we also included official documents, which relate to legislation contained in edicts, resolutions, ordinances, regulations, which we used with a view to: 1) getting to know and understanding the big picture of higher education regulation in Brazil and the aspects related to the higher education teaching career; 2) investigating the text of memmorials in the light of the injunctive discourse characteristic of the edicts and resolutions in which they were based. The analysis of the memmorial supported by the legislation which regulates it allowed us to reconstitute the image of the professor throughout 80 years in the Brazilian public university. For this purpose, the study was conducted in the theoretical-methodological perspective of the (auto)biographical research in Education and of the sociolinguistic studies on discourse genres and discursive traditions. The investigations reveal the memmorial as an academic genre in which the professor's academic-professional history and the history of the higher education teaching career in Brazil intertwine. Anchored in the Bakhtinian perspective on discourse genres, according to which the memmorials evolve and become more complex as their contexts of usage also evolve and become more complex themselves, the results of our analyses allowed us to correlate genre changes to the sociohistorical context and to its usage as an educational practice in the university, in the decades under study. Therefore, the analyses showed that these self-writings: go from latent subjectivity to pure objectivity from the 1930s to 1960s; they show total annulment of the subject from the 1960s to the 1970s; they reappear in the 1980s, having Professor Magda Soares' memmorial as perspective; they expand and diversify from the 1990s onwards, taking on a formative role and a perspective of future as well. So far as language usages are concerned, we investigated the relationship of the subject with the language, especifically the manifestation of alterity on the discursive tissue of the memmorials. In this branch, the analyses pointed to the influence of the authoritative discourse on the formation of the professor and of the injunction and reinventing discourses on the authorship process. Therefore, the autobiographical memmorial reveals itself as a specific expression of the Brazilian academy's cultural sphere and allows us to confirm the hypothesis that each memorial tackles a singular-plural situation, by presenting a dialectical articulation between private and public, according to the institutional structures, in which and with which the professor has already formed him/herself and with which he/she dialogues


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Considering the Brazilian current context, where many children are in institutional shelter waiting for adoption, the aim of this study was to know the meaning that sheltered children (whose families had already lost their custody or were in the process of losing it, at the moment of the field work) gave to their adoption condition. The research was carried out with three children in the shelter where they lived, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The field work took six months approximately. In order to meet the objective of this research, individual procedures were structuralized using figures and drawing material. With these procedures the children could speak directly or indirectly about the application of the legal measure of institutional shelter, about their lives before the application of this legal measure and what happened since then, and their original families and future perspectives. The content of the procedures was tape recorded and registered in the field work diary. The analysis of the corpus occurred with the Thematic Content Analysis, considering the theoretical methodological perspective of the Net of Meanings approach. The analysis of the corpus showed the ambiguity of the children, who consider good to live in the institution where they are, recognizing the responsibility of the original caregivers for their sheltered condition and, at the same time, they miss their relatives and wish to be with them. The subjects recognize the perspective of adoption and imagine it in a positive way. However, when the children were questioned about what could happen to them in the future, they said that they did not know, expressing uncertainty concerning their destinations


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The present study deals with the exercise of professional social workers in private health care plans registered with the Regional Council of Medicine/RN, in the city of Natal/RN, with regards to the demands/tasks, work conditions, and the professional response, given the climate of restructuring the capital. The set of socio-historical transformations, as a results of the dynamic capitalist, is a process of new configurations in relation to state and society that interfere directly in relation to working conditions, social rights historically won by workers. In this context, the operator of health plans arises as a possibilities to provide services in health, through the logic of the market, in which the subjects of law, become consumers contributing to the displacement of the responsibilities of the State. Obligating workers to lessen the burden with the reproduction of their workforce. This involves changing societal context for social service, since it is one of the professions that are active in terms of the immediate social issue, and come as part of the collective worker. From qualitative research based on a theoretical and methodological perspective and critical dialectics, it was possible to unveil some features and trends of the exercise of(a) social operators in private health care plans. The survey results indicated that : a) the demands and duties for certain social service, are associated with the redevelopment of the capital, whose requirements and responsibilities professionals have with their needs, particularly the guarantee of profit, services rendered; b) in the conditions of work there is a trend of insecurity uncertainty and dismantling of professionals; c) the answers professionals suffer the limits and contradictions present in the daily training, mainly depending one the characteristics of management and operation of the operators, which has professional relative autonomy


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The quarrel, in this study, tells about the language as social practical in the daily of Parnamirim State Prison that is integrated to the Rio Grande do Norte Penitentiary System - SISPERN, destined for men in fulfilment of penalty privative of freedom, in closed regimen. For the accomplishment of the research, the delimited objectives had been to analyze the language repertoires created in the prisional daily, trying to identify how it´s turned into distinct forms of resistance to the mechanisms of control in penitentiary system; to investigate which are the language repertoires created from the new sociability forms developed among prisoners and identify how the language repertoires are expressed in the daily prisional on relations/exercises of power not-institutionalized. In the methodological aspect, the study is in a qualitative boarding, that has as main instrument the interview. The inquiry was possible by means of using instruments for data collection, like as: the direct comment in the prisional daily duly registered as researcher´s ethnographical procedure, the analysis of interns´ cadastre handbooks and the application of half-structuralized interview, to the subjects of the research. The construction and understanding of the study object had been based on authors who argue on the arrest, as: Foucault, Goffman, Carvalho Filho and, in particular was searched the theorical referencial that approaches the language in a social and cultural perspective: Orlandi, Manfred, Bastos and Candiotto, amongst others. Beyond the normative endorsement of the Brazilian legislation, through the Law of Criminal Execution, of the Criminal Code and the Federal Constitution of the country and the legal apparatus in state scope. Still in the research methodological perspective, after the collection the data had been submitted to an analysis of the speech from Foucalt´s theory and in the Orlandi´s perspective, being also qualitative and quantitative. The results had evidenced that the social and juridical profile of the population in the site inquired is not different of others Brazilian prisons, composed for men, in its majority, with age band between 21 and 30 years old, prisoners for practicing crimes against the patrimony, against life, amongst others, and, in special, criminal recidivists. It evidenced, still, that the daily prisional of PSP is characterized for a sociocultural diversity expressed in the relations of power not institutionalized, that contributes for the formation and division of the groups, each one using a set of language codes/ repertoires sustentation. Therefore, the language, in the daily prisional, is one of the ways to understand the singularity of the sociability relations and as social practicing mediated by relations/exercises of power and antagonistic interests, in which each group aims first of all, their own interests. It represents the complexity of the social relations, in the prisional space, with diverse effects, in function of the situation and the moment. The language in the arrest, beyond the communication function, assumes and represents central element for the sociability human being, contributes for its changings and it´s configured as one of the resistance forms of prisoners against the controling, disciplining and monitoring mechanisms of penitentiary system