933 resultados para memória, história


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This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.


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Shows up the memory of the elderly, as a consistent experience in the in the construction of the social memory of Janduís, Rio Grande do Norte, where the research takes place. Through an autobiographic narrative, in a qualitative approaching, the intent is to stand up aspects about the individual history and collective memories, starting in a simple question: what did they remember? A question that turns into many others, as how the remember and under which circumstances. So, the lived and remembered moments are the subject of this paper, as these testimonials shows and reveals the citizens typical aspects, intending to telling (again) the city s history by the memories of this people. By oral statements and the analysis that followed, subjective aspects that made a social memory, highlight in violent episodes, that, now remembered, occurred in the historical sediment, which connects several social times, establishing a narrative standard. In Janduís, this standard is about the memory that sticks out their individual ways, and the collective life, in the past, standing out the fair and the events that occurred on it, as the most remembered place, where the memories go stronger. When they narrate are incorporated others facts, the story is reinvented, connecting the past to the future. The paper also revels builders subjects aspects of a social memory, as historical sediment that joins the social times. At the present moment, the fair, to them, is a place that doesn t exist anymore; for the city, is a place of enlargement of women s presence at the trending spaces, which means a place of social transformation. That being said, the fair, in both times, present and past, turns into a analysis object, with important elements to reference narrative s time and place. And how the narrative update the past recorded in the old citizen s memory. What was intended to do was articulate the memory and the history form temporal and special etching that define the place and the narrative context: the lived and the remembered at the group s day by day. In that way, were identify the collective memory s common elements, enunciating the memory and the narratives that update that history, influencing and being influenced, forming in memories in a collective phenomenon fueling the local imaginary


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Radio Days de Woody Allen est un film de mémoire: le narrateur ressouvient sa enfance et l´influence du radio dans les années 1940 dans le quotidien dans sa famille. Ce film n´est pas une simple reconstitution historique mais un document pour l´histoire, document visuel en potentiel étudié dans les relations cinema, histoire et mémoire. Dans cette perspective l´analyse filmique discute le méthode suggéré par Marc Ferro pour l´analyse du document d´images en mouvement. Le film est, dans nos cas, un écrivain d´histoire et en même temps un support pour la mémoire: mémoire étendu pour Jacques Le Goff et experience collective pour Walter Benjamin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.


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This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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O presente trabalho tem como propósito refletir sobre a questão da identidade do sujeito de Os cus de Judas, de Lobo Antunes, a partir do momento em que há um deslocamento espacial do narrador-personagem. Em tempos de guerra colonial, tal deslocamento para o continente africano faz com que o sujeito da narrativa se depare com o outro; isso reflete em sua existência provocando uma crise de identidade a partir da qual ele passa a questionar sua nacionalidade, sua pátria. Ao contestar seu país e suas raízes, o personagem-narrador acaba por macular a identidade portuguesa sustentada tantos séculos por um imaginário que já não mais existe.Obrigado a participar da guerra como combatente, o narrador-personagem observa que aqueles que estão do outro lado, os colonizados, também sofrem com o sistema de governo instituído por Salazar. O processo de alteridade é rasurado e/ou quase desfeito à medida que os laços entre colonizado e colonizador se tornam mais estreitos e se rasuram.Na obra Os cus de Judas, a experiência traumática da guerra instiga o narrador-personagem ao autoexílio, pois o sujeito, ao retornar da guerra na África, torna-se um refugiado dentro de si mesmo e de sua própria nação, ensimesmado e expatriado. Tais considerações colocam em cena os conceitos de identidade do sujeito e da nação revisitados pela memória


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O estudo ora apresentado pretende concentrar-se, principalmente, na análise do romance Vida e morte de M. J. Gonzaga de Sá e trazer alguma contribuição no que se refere à relação desta obra com aspectos do romance moderno, assim como à identificação de procedimentos narrativos que explicitam traços do realismo de Lima Barreto, perpassados pela experiência da modernidade no Brasil. Nesse percurso, busca-se revelar a dinâmica que se estabelece entre cidade e subjetividade na vinculação com a memória individual e as consequências para a realização da narrativa. Realizou-se, inicialmente, uma abordagem histórica de temas como a origem do romance, a formação do público leitor na Inglaterra e no Brasil e as concepções de realismo que perpassam a forma romance, a fim de se compreender e identificar o lugar da obra de Lima Barreto na história da Literatura. Apresentou-se, ainda, correlação das concepções de memória e história, que podem ser vislumbradas no romance estudado, a partir de estudos teóricos de obras escolhidas de Friedrich Nietzsche e Walter Benjamin


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O presente trabalho procura, de forma sucinta, descrever o processo de confronto da nação alemã com o seu passado nacional-socialista, um processo que se tem vindo a desenrolar num âmbito político, jurídico e social desde há mais de seis décadas. Pretende-se ainda argumentar que o período em que a Alemanha viveu sob o domínio nazi, elemento incontornável da própria narrativa nacional, tem sido amplamente representado quer na literatura, quer no cinema, tanto por sujeitos da chamada primeira geração, como também pelas gerações que nasceram após 1945, indivíduos cuja influência do passado familiar e/ou interesse pela memória histórica do país constituem a matriz das suas obras.


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This essay offers a reflection on the concepts of identity and personal narrative, a line of argument that is closely interlaced with a subject‘s capacity to self-representation. As self-representation is necessarily composed upon remembrance processes, the question of memory as an element that directly influences the formation of an individual‘s identity becomes an emergent topic. Bearing this objective in mind, I shall highlight the notion of biographic continuity, the ability to elaborate a personal narrative, as an essential prerogative to attain a sense of identitary cohesion and coherence. On the other hand, I will argue that not only experienced memories play a key role in this process; intermediated, received narratives from the past, memories transmitted either symbolically or by elder members of the group or, what has been meanwhile termed ―postmemory‖, also influence the development of an individual‘s identitary map. This theoretical framework will be illustrated with the novel Paul Schatz im Uhrenkasten, written by German post-Holocaust author Jan Koneffke.