984 resultados para media law


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The Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) which regulates broadcasting and on-demand audiovisual media services is at the nexus of current discussions about the convergence of media. The Green Paper of the Commission of April 2013 reflects the struggle of the European Union to come to terms with the phenomenon of convergence and highlights current legal uncertainties. The (theoretical) quest for an appropriate and future-oriented regulatory framework at the European level may be contrasted to the practice of national regulatory authorities. When faced with new media services and new business models, national regulators will inevitably have to make decisions and choices that take into account providers’ interests to offer their services as well as viewers’ interests to receive information. This balancing act performed by national regulators may tip towards the former or latter depending on the national legal framework; social, political and economic considerations; as well as cultural perceptions. This paper thus examines how certain rules contained in the AVMSD are applied by national regulators. It focuses first on the definition of an on-demand audiovisual media service and its scope. Second, it analyses the measures adopted with a view to protection minors in on-demand services and third discusses national approaches towards the promotion of European works in on-demand services. It aims at underlining the significance of national regulatory authorities and the guidelines these adopt to clarify the rules of a key EU Directive of the “media law acquis”.


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Feedback on student performance, whether in the classroom or on written assignments, enables them to reflect on their understandings and restructure their thinking in order to develop more powerful ideas and capabilities. Research has identified a number of broad principles of good feedback practice. These include the provision of feedback that facilitates the development of reflection in learning; helps clarify what good performance is in terms of goals, criteria and expected standards; provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance; delivers high quality information to students about their learning; and encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem. However, high staff–student ratios and time pressures often result in a gulf between this ideal and reality. Whilst greater use of criteria referenced assessment has enabled an improvement in the extent of feedback being provided to students, this measure alone does not go far enough to satisfy the requirements of good feedback practice. Technology offers an effective and efficient means by which personalised feedback may be provided to students. This paper presents the findings of a trial of the use of the freely available Audacity program to provide individual feedback via MP3 recordings to final year Media Law students at the Queensland University of Technology on their written assignments. The trial has yielded wide acclaim by students as an effective means of explaining the exact reasons why they received the marks they were awarded, the things they did well and the areas needing improvement. It also showed that good feedback practice can be achieved without the burden of an increase in staff workload.


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Social media revolution has impacted on how people interact with one another. This has been a worldwide phenomenon. Whilst social media had its genesis in the personal and private realm its use has expanded exponentially to professional and business contexts, as well as being adopted by governments, politicians, journalists – everyone in just about every walk of life. Although at first the uptake was slow, surgeons and other health professionals are now using social media in their professional as well as personal capacity. This comes with significant advantages and opportunities for improving surgical practice and for facilitating attending communication, but it also comes with certain risks, including legal liability. This paper outlines the ways in which social media including, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and SMS, is increasingly being employed in surgical practice and explains the legal and ethical consequences that may inadvertently arise in its official, as well as, unofficial use.


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This special issue of the International Journal of Technology Policy and Law considers recent developments in the reconfiguration of communication regulation to account for the impact of media convergence. It is readily apparent that media worldwide are going through a series of transformations, associated with the rise of the internet, user-created content and social media. The papers in the collection draw upon legal and policy developments in Australia, the European union and South Korea, and consider such issues as public participation in media policy and regulation, civic media governance for online platforms, the future copyright laws, the roles and responsibilities of internet intermediaries, and regulatory frameworks for internet protocol television (IPTV).


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Review(s) of: The journalist's guide to media law, 4th edition, by Mark Pearson and Mark Polden, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2011, 480 pp. ISBN 9781742370385; Blogging and tweeting without getting sued: A global guide to the law for anyone writing online, by Mark Pearson, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2012, 222 pp. ISBN 9781742378770.


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This entry discusses the origins and history of media content regulation, the reasons for content regulations, and their application to different media platforms. It discusses online content regulations and the concerns that have motivated such policies with particular reference to debates about internet filtering. It is noted that, as there is growing convergence of media content, platforms, devices, and services, the debates can be expected to shift from free speech and censorship on the internet and the social protection of internet users, to wider issues of media policy reform that include cultural policy and industry development in the digital economy.


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Le présent mémoire se penche sur la constitutionnalité des articles 517 et 539 C.cr., qui prévoient des ordonnances de non-publication à l'enquête sur mise en liberté provisoire ainsi qu'à l'enquête préliminaire. L'auteur présente d'abord les modalités d'application de chacune de ces ordonnances. Suit ensuite un portrait de la jurisprudence sur la constitutionnalité de ces deux dispositions. L'auteur applique par la suite aux dispositions le test élaboré dans l'arrêt Oakes. Il conclut que l'objectif des dispositions, qui consiste à assurer un procès équitable à l'accusé, est urgent et réel. L'auteur constate ensuite que le critère du lien rationnel n'est pas satisfait puisque, ordonnance ou pas, les informations préjudiciables pour un accusé seront de toute façon dispersées dans le public, notamment grâce aux nouvelles technologies de l'information. À défaut de profiter d'informations fiables retransmises par les médias, le public devra se concentrer sur les rumeurs non vérifiables propagées par le Web. Le critère de l'atteinte minimale est également examiné. L'auteur estime que ni les récusations motivées, ni le changement de venue, ni les directives aux jurés ne sont en mesure de remplacer des ordonnances de non-publication. Enfin, l'auteur estime que les articles 517 et 539 C.cr. échouent le critère de proportionnalité entre les effets préjudiciables et les effets bénéfiques. En conclusion, comme alternative aux interdits de publication, l'auteur propose une réforme du processus de récusations motivées.


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Este trabajo de grado estudia el modo como dos diarios colombianos, El Tiempo y El Espectador, presentaron la información sobre el debate de “Leyes de medios” en Ecuador y Argentina, desarrollado en los años recientes. El estudio analizó las noticias, columnas, editoriales, reportajes y entrevistas publicados desde el año 2009 (cuando se generalizó el debate) hasta 2013. La metodología facilitó el análisis comparativo de los dos periódicos y de sus posturas frente al debate de las leyes de medios. Se argumenta que los medios, como actores principales del debate, han tomado partido, en sus páginas editoriales e informativas, en contra de las políticas que buscan regular su actividad. Así, existe una persistencia en la prensa para imponer discursos con una ideología específica a través de los actores que son presentados en la construcción de los relatos, en este caso, dispuestos a contrariar la aprobación de las leyes de medios propuestas por el gobierno argentino y ecuatoriano. Se evidencia en el marco interpretativo de los textos periodísticos analizados, la guerra de poderes en países de la región latinoamericana que persiste entre los medios y los gobiernos.


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Os meios de comunicação social encontram-se indelevelmente ligados ao combate pela liberdade e pluralismo que caracteriza os regimes democráticos, nos quais assumem o imprescindível papel de veiculador de informação e de formador da opinião pública, para que esta possa, de um modo consciente e esclarecido, cumprir o seu desígnio de "árbitro no domínio do político", como prescreve a democracia participativa.


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The Politics of Indonesia is the only book to provide a complete analysis of Indonesian politics, from the declaration of independence until the election of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in late 2004. The book examines the underlying themes and tensions that affect Indonesian politics, from the dichotomy between the small wealthy elite and the poverty in which most of the population live to the system of corruption and patronage within which the political system and armed forces operate. Analyzing the role and impact of the military, separatism, the media, law, and the economy on Indonesia, this book provides a topical and thought-provoking guide to one of the regions most populous countries, and the largest predominantly Muslim country in the world.


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This presentation will start with a brief review of the first phase of this project, which focused largely on the impact on innovation of legal and institutional IP reforms in Asia triggered by the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and by subsequent bilateral or multilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). The presentation will then show the emerging issues relevant for the second phase of the project, which in an increasingly diversified IP landscape will lie at the intersection of IP with other disciplines and other areas of law, such as competition law, media law, criminal law, human rights, environmental law and constitutional law.