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We study the problem of finding small s-t separators that induce graphs having certain properties. It is known that finding a minimum clique s-t separator is polynomial-time solvable (Tarjan in Discrete Math. 55:221-232, 1985), while for example the problems of finding a minimum s-t separator that induces a connected graph or forms an independent set are fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the size of the separator (Marx et al. in ACM Trans. Algorithms 9(4): 30, 2013). Motivated by these results, we study properties that generalize cliques, independent sets, and connected graphs, and determine the complexity of finding separators satisfying these properties. We investigate these problems also on bounded-degree graphs. Our results are as follows: Finding a minimum c-connected s-t separator is FPT for c=2 and W1]-hard for any ca parts per thousand yen3. Finding a minimum s-t separator with diameter at most d is W1]-hard for any da parts per thousand yen2. Finding a minimum r-regular s-t separator is W1]-hard for any ra parts per thousand yen1. For any decidable graph property, finding a minimum s-t separator with this property is FPT parameterized jointly by the size of the separator and the maximum degree. Finding a connected s-t separator of minimum size does not have a polynomial kernel, even when restricted to graphs of maximum degree at most 3, unless .


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Lan hau, Ikastolen Elkarteak sortutako Urtxintxa metodoaren 5 urteko irakaslearen gidaliburuen idazten eta irakurtzen irakasteko atalaren analisian oinarritzen da. Proiektu hau ikuspegi konstruktibista batetik eratu da, beraz, honetan idazten eta irakurtzen irakasteko erabiltzen den materialek teoria konstruktibistari jarraitzen diote. Material hau aztertu da Haur Hezkuntzako 5 urteko gelan idazketa eta irakurketa lantzeko zein neurritan erabilgarria den ezagutzeko helburuarekin. Ikerketaren ondorioek agerian utzi dute Urtxintxa modu eraikitzailean eta globalizatuan hizkuntza idatzia lantzeko gida erabilgarria dela. Idazketa-irakurketaren inguruan proposatzen diren jarduerek hizkuntza idatziaren erabilera funtzionala sustatzen dute eta horrela, haurren ikasketa esanguratsua ziurtatzen dute.


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Se analiza el aporte de la comunidad bentónica de la ría Deseado a la dieta del róbalo (Eleginops maclovinus), para contribuir al conocimiento de la trama alimentaria costera en la Patagonia austral. Entre la primavera 2005 y otoño 2006 se estudiaron las comunidades bentónicas submareales en áreas de pesca de E. maclovinus y paralelamente, se analizaron los contenidos alimentarios estomacales de róbalos provenientes de la pesca deportiva. La comunidad bentónica de planicies areno-fangosas fue dominada por poliquetos, representados principalmente por las familias Onuphidae, Orbiniidae y Maldanidae. Los crustáceos constituyeron el segundo grupo en importancia y estuvieron representados principalmente por los anfípodos gamáridos Heterophoxus sp. y Ampelisca sp. La comunidad submareal de fondos de rodados estuvo dominada por poliquetos de las familias Nereididae, Cirratulidae y Polynoidae, y los moluscos Perumytilus purpuratus y Margarites violacea. E. maclovinus presentó una dieta bentónica de tipo oportunista y generalista, con una tendencia hacia la ingesta de anfípodos gamáridos y algas clorofíceas. Durante la marea baja, la mayor contribución a su dieta la realizó la comunidad de planicies areno-fangosas submareales. Durante la marea alta, E. maclovinus se alimentó también en el intermareal rocoso, donde preda preferentemente las clorofíceas Enteromorpha spp. ENGLISH: The role of the benthic communities at Ría Deseado in the diet of the Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus) was analyzed in order to increase the understanding of the coastal food web in southern Patagonia. Subtidal benthic communities were surveyed between spring 2005 and autumn 2006 in areas of E. maclovinus sport fishing. Simultaneously, the stomach contents of patagonian blenny specimens caught during sport fishing were analyzed. The benthic community over flat sandy-muddy bottoms was dominated by polychaetes, mainly from the families Onuphidae, Orbiniidae and Maldanidae, followed by crustaceans, which were mainly represented by the gammarid amphipods Heterophoxus sp. and Ampelisca sp. The subtidal benthic community over pebbly bottoms was dominated by polychaetes from the families Nereididae, Cirratulidae and Polynoidae and the mollusks Perumytilus purpuratus and Margarites violacea. The diet of E. maclovinus was benthic opportunist and generalist, with a preference to feed on gammarid amphipods and chlorophycea algae. During low tide, the main dietary contribution came from the subtidal community over flat sandy-muddy bottoms whereas, during high tide, E. maclovinus also preyed on rocky intertidal species, mainly the Chlorophycea Enteromorpha spp.


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Undaria pinnatifida was registered in Ría Deseado (47º45´S, 65º55´W _ southern Patagonia) by the first time in spring 2005, colonizing the intertidal and shallow subtidal. A seasonal survey in 2006 showed that U. pinnatifida was established in a sheltered zone inside the estuary, along a coastal fringe of 8 km between Punta Cascajo and Cañadón del Puerto. This continuous distribution was only interrupted in the mouth of canyons that flow into Ría Deseado, where the bottom is conformed by mud and sand. The sporophytes were mainly found colonizing the rocky bottom in the lower intertidal, bordering the Macrocystis pyrifera population. The highest density and biomass of sporophytes (12.13 ind. m-2; 254.60 g m-2) were registered during spring, when the population was mainly conformed by individuals of medium sizes. The lowest density and biomass (0.33 ind. m-2; 5.69 g m-2) were registered in autumn. Juvenile sporophytes recruited throughout the year, but presented the highest percentage in the population during autumn and winter. First mature sporophytes appeared in spring and attained their maximum size in summer. After this, the sprophytes decayed and disappeared. Environmental factors such as rocky bottoms availability and water transparency may be the main factors determining the sporophytes distribution in Ría Deseado. The field experiment point out that M. pyrifera population is an important factor controlling the dispersion of U. pinnatifida towards the subtidal. SPANISH: Undaria pinnatifida fue registrada en la Ría Deseado (47º45´ S, 65º55´ W _ Patagonia austral) durante la primavera de 2005, colonizando el intermareal y submareal somero. Los relevamientos estacionales realizados durante el 2006, revelaron que U. pinnatifida se encontró establecida en una zona protegida en el interior de la ría, ocupando una franja costera de aproximadamente 8 km de largo entre Punta Cascajo y el Cañadón del Puerto. Esta distribución casi continua sólo presentó algunas interrupciones en la boca de los cañadones que desembocan en la ría, donde el fondo predominante es de tipo areno-fangoso. Los esporofitos de U. pinnatifida ocuparon preferentemente el fondo rocoso del intermareal inferior, limitando con la población de Macrocystis pyrifera. La densidad y biomasa más altas de esporofitos (12,13 ind. m-2; 254,60 g m-2) fueron registradas en primavera, cuando la población se encontró compuesta principalmente por individuos de tallas intermedias. La densidad y biomasa más bajas (0,33 ind. m-2; 5,69 g m-2) fueron registradas durante el otoño. Los esporofitos juveniles se reclutaron a lo largo de todo el año, pero alcanzaron su mayor proporción en la población durante el otoño y el invierno. Los esporofitos reproductivamente maduros aparecieron durante la primavera y alcanzaron su talla máxima durante el verano, luego del cual comenzaron a deteriorarse y a desaparecer. Factores como la disponibilidad de fondos rocosos y la transparencia de las aguas podrían actuar como los principales factores determinantes de su distribución en la ría. El experimento de campo realizado revela que los bosques de M. pyrifera actúan también como un importante factor de control, limitando la dispersión de U. pinnatifida hacia el submareal.


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对以212Pb, 133Ba和224Ra作示踪剂,(NH4)2H2EDTA为淋洗剂,用阳离子交换法从Pb、Ba中分离Ra的工艺条件做了研究。提出了一个从60 MeV/u 18O离子辐照过的ThO2靶中分离Ra的放射化学流程。实验结果表明,该流程对主要反应产物,特别是Ba的去污较好,Ra的产额可达70%以上。


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A thick natural uranium target was bombarded with a 60 MeV/u O-18 beam. The neutron-rich isotope Ra-230 as the target residue was produced through the multinucleon transfer reaction (U-238-4p-4n). The barium and radium fraction as BaCl2 precipitate were radiochemically separated first from the mixture of uranium and reaction products. Then, the radium fraction was separated from BaCl2 precipitate by using cation exchange technique. The gamma-ray spectra of the Ra fraction were measured using an HPGe detector. The production cross sections of Ra-230 were obtained by a combination of the radiochemical separation technique and off-line gamma-ray spectroscopy. The cross section of Ra-230 has been determined to be 66 +/- 20 mu b.


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Sexton, J. (2006). A Cult Film by Proxy: Space is the Place and the Sun Ra Mythos. New Review of Film and Television Studies. 4(3), pp.197-215. RAE2008


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Regenerated production (including organic nitrogen) is shown here to be important in the Ria de Vigo (Galicia, NW Iberia) in supporting both harmful algal bloom communities during the downwelling season, but also (to a lesser extent) diatom communities during stratified periods of weak to moderate upwelling. The Galician Rias, situated in the Iberian upwelling system, are regularly affected by blooms of toxic dinoflagellates, which pose serious threats to the local mussel farming industry. These tend to occur towards the end of summer, during the transition from upwelling to downwelling favourable seasons, when cold bottom shelf waters in the rias are replaced by warm surface shelf waters. Nitrate, ammonium and urea uptake rates were measured in the Ria de Vigo during a downwelling event in September 2006 and during an upwelling event in June 2007. In September the ria was well mixed, with a downwelling front observed towards the middle of the ria and relatively high nutrient concentrations (1.0-2.6 mu mol L-1 nitrate; 1.0-5.6 mu mol L-1 ammonium; 0.1-0.8 mu mol L-1 phosphate; 2.0-9.0 mu mol L-1 silicic acid) were present throughout the water column. Ammonium represented more than 80% of the nitrogenous nutrients, and the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by dinoflagellates and small flagellates. In June the water column was stratified, with nutrient-rich, upwelled water below the thermocline and warm, nutrient-depleted water in the surface. At this time, nitrate represented more than 80% of the nitrogenous nutrients, and a mixed diatom assemblage was present. Primary phytoplankton production during both events was mainly sustained by regenerated nitrogen, with ammonium uptake rates of 0.035-0.063 mu mol N L-1 h(-1) in September and 0.078-0.188 mu mol N L-1 h(-1) in June. Although f-ratios were generally low (<0.2) in both June and September, a maximum of 0.61 was reached in June due to higher nitrate uptake (0.225 mu mol N L-1 h(-1)). Total nitrogen uptake was also higher during the upwelling event (0.153-0.366 in June and 0.053-0.096 mu mol N L-1 h(-1) in September). Nitrogen uptake kinetics demonstrated a strong preference for ammonium and urea over nitrate in June.


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Math-Towers (www.math-towers.ca) is a collaborative mathematics environment for pupils in grades 7 to 9. Using a fantasy adventure game context students are presented with a mathematical challenge, given online tools for working on the problem,and provided with a messaging system by which they may exchange ideas and partial solutions. This paper presents the philosophy behind the design of Math-Towers and work with students that indicates the extent to which we have been successful in meeting our aims. The technical and social problems encountered and revisions made to address these are also described.


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Math-Towers (www.math-towers.ca) is an online resource for students in grades 6 to 10 that supports collaborative problem-solving and investigations. This paper presents the philosophical position motivating the development of Math-Towers and describes how the site presents and motivates the mathematical challenges and supports participants' exploration and collaboration.


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Photometric transit surveys promise to complement the currently known sample of extra-solar planets (ESPs) by providing additional information on the planets and especially their radii. Here, we present ESP candidates from one such survey called, the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) obtained with the SuperWASP wide-field imaging system. Observations were taken with SuperWASP North located in La Palma during the 2004 April to October observing season. The data cover fields between 23 and 03 h in RA at declinations above +12. This amounts to over ~400000 stars with V magnitudes 8-13.5. For the stars brighter than 12.5, we achieve better than 1 per cent photometric precision. Here, we present 41 sources with low-amplitude variability between ~1 and 10 mmag, from which we select 12 with periods between 1.2 and 4.4 d as the most promising ESP candidates. We discuss the properties of these ESP candidates, the expected fraction of transits recovered for our sample and implications for the frequency and detection of hot-Jupiters.


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Transparency in nonprofit sector and foundations, as an element to enhance the confidence of stakeholders in the organization, is a fact shown by several studies in recent decades. Transparency can be considered in various fields and through different channels. In our study we focused on the analysis of the organizational and economic transparency of foundations, shown through the voluntary information on their Website. We review the theoretical previous studies published to put to the foundations within the framework of the social economy. This theoretical framework has focused on accountability that make foundations in relation to its social function and its management, especially since the most recent focus of information transparency across the Website.In this theoretical framework was made an index to quantify the voluntary information which is shown on its website. This index has been developed ad hoc for this study and applied to a group of large corporate foundations.With the application of these data are obtained two kind of results, to a descriptive level and to a inferential level.We analyzed the statistical correlation between economic transparency and organizational transparency offered in the Website through quantified variables by a multiple linear regression. This empirical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the level of transparency offered by these organizations in relation to their organizational and financial information, as well as explain the relation between them.


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The SuperWASP-I (Wide Angle Search for Planets-I) instrument observed 6.7 million stars between 8 and 15mag from La Palma during the 2004 May-September season. Our transit-hunting algorithm selected 11626 objects from the 184442 stars within the RA (right ascension) range 18-21h. We describe our thorough selection procedure whereby catalogue information is exploited along with careful study of the SuperWASP data to filter out, as far as possible, transit mimics. We have identified 35 candidates which we recommend for follow-up observations.


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The Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) photometrically surveys a large number of nearby stars to uncover candidate extrasolar planet systems by virtue of small-amplitude light curve dips on a