948 resultados para market monitoring costs


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This dissertation contains three essays on mechanism design. The common goal of these essays is to assist in the solution of different resource allocation problems where asymmetric information creates obstacles to the efficient allocation of resources. In each essay, we present a mechanism that satisfactorily solves the resource allocation problem and study some of its properties. In our first essay, ”Combinatorial Assignment under Dichotomous Preferences”, we present a class of problems akin to time scheduling without a pre-existing time grid, and propose a mechanism that is efficient, strategy-proof and envy-free. Our second essay, ”Monitoring Costs and the Management of Common-Pool Resources”, studies what can happen to an existing mechanism — the individual tradable quotas (ITQ) mechanism, also known as the cap-and-trade mechanism — when quota enforcement is imperfect and costly. Our third essay, ”Vessel Buyback”, coauthored with John O. Ledyard, presents an auction design that can be used to buy back excess capital in overcapitalized industries.


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This paper gives an overview of the economic rationale for limited entry as a method of fishery management and discusses general advantages and disadvantages of license limitation and catch rights as the two primary methods of restricting access to marine fisheries. Traditional open-access methods of regulation (e.g., gear restrictions, size limits, trip limits, quotas, and closures) can be temporarily effective in protecting fish populations, but they generally fail to provide lasting biological or economic benefits to fishermen because they do not restrict access to the fishery. The general result of regulation with unrestricted access to a fishery is additional and more costly and complex regulations as competition increases for dwindling fishery resources. Regulation that restricts access to a fishery in conjunction with selected traditional methods of regulation would encourage efficient resource usage and minimize the need for future regulatory adjustments, provided that enforcement and monitoring costs are not too great. In theory, catch rights are superior to license limitation as a means of restricting access to a fishery.


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Dependency on thermal generation and continued wind power growth in Europe due to renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets has resulted in an interesting set of challenges for power systems. The variability of wind power impacts dispatch and balancing by grid operators, power plant operations by generating companies and market wholesale costs. This paper quantifies the effects of high wind power penetration on power systems with a dependency on gas generation using a realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model. The test system is analyzed under two scenarios, with and without wind, over one year. The key finding of this preliminary study is that despite increased ramping requirements in the wind scenario, the unit cost of electricity due to sub-optimal operation of gas generators does not show substantial deviation from the no wind scenario.


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The UK government introduced the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and, latterly, the Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) in an attempt to improve public service provision. As a variant of PFI, LIFT seeks to create a framework for the effective provision of primary care facilities. Like conventional PFI procurement, LIFT projects involve long-term contracts, complex multi-party interactions and thus create various risks to public sector clients. This paper investigates the advantages and disadvantages of LIFT with a focus on how this approach facilitates or impedes risk management from the public sector client perspective. Our paper concludes that LIFT has a potential for creating additional problems, including the further reduction of public sector control, conflicts of interest, the inappropriate use of enabling funds, and higher than market rental costs affecting the uptake of space in the buildings by local health care providers. However, there is also evidence that LIFT has facilitated new investment and that Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) have themselves started addressing some of the weaknesses of this procurement format through the bundling of projects and other forms of regional co-operation.


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Power systems have been through deep changes in recent years, namely with the operation of competitive electricity markets in the scope and the increasingly intensive use of renewable energy sources and distributed generation. This requires new business models able to cope with the new opportunities that have emerged. Virtual Power Players (VPPs) are a new player type which allows aggregating a diversity of players (Distributed Generation (DG), Storage Agents (SA), Electrical Vehicles, (V2G) and consumers), to facilitate their participation in the electricity markets and to provide a set of new services promoting generation and consumption efficiency, while improving players` benefits. A major task of VPPs is the remuneration of generation and services (maintenance, market operation costs and energy reserves), as well as charging energy consumption. This paper proposes a model to implement fair and strategic remuneration and tariff methodologies, able to allow efficient VPP operation and VPP goals accomplishment in the scope of electricity markets.


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Power systems have been through deep changes in recent years, namely due to the operation of competitive electricity markets in the scope the increasingly intensive use of renewable energy sources and distributed generation. This requires new business models able to cope with the new opportunities that have emerged. Virtual Power Players (VPPs) are a new type of player that allows aggregating a diversity of players (Distributed Generation (DG), Storage Agents (SA), Electrical Vehicles (V2G) and consumers) to facilitate their participation in the electricity markets and to provide a set of new services promoting generation and consumption efficiency, while improving players’ benefits. A major task of VPPs is the remuneration of generation and services (maintenance, market operation costs and energy reserves), as well as charging energy consumption. This paper proposes a model to implement fair and strategic remuneration and tariff methodologies, able to allow efficient VPP operation and VPP goals accomplishment in the scope of electricity markets.


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Este trabajo de grado se realiza gracias al esfuerzo de La Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico, Maloka, CIDEM, Universidad del Rosario y de la coordinadora al colaborar y participar con el aprendizaje y desarrollo de las PYMES colombianas, con el objetivo de mejorar los procesos internos de la empresa en sus diferentes departamentos y así poder penetrar exitosamente en el mercado internacional con el fin de aumentar ser más competitivos no solo en el mercado interno si no también en el externo. Este proyecto se dividió en cinco etapas: Inteligencia de Mercados, Costos, Logística, Comercialización y Plan Exportador que sirvieron como base para la estrategia a seguir en el proceso de penetración de mercados internacionales. En consecuencia se realizó un diagnóstico de la empresa de Telar Arte y Diseño. En conclusión se identificaron tres mercados potenciales Costa Rica, Estados Unidos y España.


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Las pymes son el mayor grupo representativo de empresas en Colombia, estas contribuyen en buena medida en los diferentes indicadores socioeconómicos y son el pilar fundamental para el empleo y la producción nacional. Es por ello que el gobierno nacional busca el desarrollo de programas que ayuden e incentiven la competitividad de estas para fomentar las exportaciones no tradicionales y generar desarrollo económico. Estas preocupaciones dan lugar a que el Estado, la empresa privada y la academia se unan en proyectos para dar herramientas a los empresarios en la preparación de sus empresas para incursionar en los mercados extranjeros. En este sentido, La secretaria de Desarrollo Económico de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, Maloka y el Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Empresarial CIDEM extensión de la Facultad de Administración del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, se unen en el “Proyecto Maloka” que consta de cinco fases: Inteligencia de mercados, costos, logística, área comercial, área internacional. Este proyecto tiene como finalidad el desarrollo de un plan exportador donde se plasman las estrategias y la ruta a seguir de las diferentes empresas escogidas. Lo que se presenta a continuación es el producto del trabajo que se desarrolla con Colombia Ají E.U. una de las empresas que entró a hacer parte de este programa y en donde se muestra el plan exportador resultante.


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Partiendo de un estudio previamente realizado a una de las empresas colombianas con mayor éxito en el mercado confitero llamada Súper de Alimentos S.A., y cimentado en las diferentes teorías desarrolladas sobre los procesos de internacionalización en Colombia, se logró identificar un patrón integral de uso esencial y general para los empresarios del sector confitero colombiano que decidan aventurarse a enfrentar el mercado internacional. Se comprobó que las empresas vinculadas al sector confitero en Colombia tienen necesidades sumamente similares en materia de internacionalización. En efecto, se evidenció el compromiso que poseen la mayoría de estas empresas con sus clientes, aportando así un alto grado de innovación, calidad y experiencias al paladar de sus consumidores. La rentabilidad demostrada por estas empresas ha sido producto de un arduo análisis de los mercados, costos, riesgos, entre otros, que se planearon afrontar. Teniendo en cuenta figuras como alianzas, licitaciones, joint ventures, etc., y al estar sujetos a un plan estratégico claro, basado en los modelos de internacionalización lo cual da paso a trazar la ruta de internacionalización deseada, permitió a la empresa Súper de Alimentos S.A. irse posicionando no solo en los mercados naciones sino también internacionales.


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Research Question/Issue: This study examines the relevance of currently accepted best practice recommendations regarding board structure on the survival likelihood of new economy initial public offering companies. We argue that industry context determines governance outcomes. Research Findings/Insights: We study 125 Australian new economy firms listed between 1994 and 2002. Each firm is tracked until the end of 2007 for monitoring their survival. We find that board independence is associated with an increase in the likelihood of corporate survival. We also find that the benefits of board independence increase at a decreasing rate. Theoretical/Academic Implications: The standard best practice recommendation of board independence stems from the monitoring role of directors and is based on agency theory. The results from our study suggest that the recommendation regarding board independence does not work well for new economy firms. While the agency theory based model implies a monotonic relation between board independence and performance, our research suggests that the relationship is nonlinear. This variation occurs because of increased monitoring costs faced by outsiders due to higher information asymmetry and complexity of new economy firms. Our empirical results suggest that inside directors play a complementary role to outsiders in mitigating firm failure. Practitioner/Policy Implications: Our research offers insights to policy makers who are interested in setting best practice standards regarding board structure. Our research suggests that firm/industry characteristics play a crucial role in determining the optimal board structure. In firms/industries where outsiders face significantly higher information processing costs, insiders can play a valuable complementary role to outsiders in enhancing the effectiveness of the board. Thus future hard or soft regulations related to board structure should consider industry context.


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This article investigates the level of delegation in franchise chains, distinguishing the two most relevant franchising models: Business Format Franchising and Learning Network Franchising. The two models basically differ on the level of real authority (effective control over decisions) exercised by the franchisors. Differences in business features, such as the required standardization, monitoring costs and consumer sensitivity to variations in product attributes (consumer measurement costs), explain the adoption of the different models of franchising. These variables affect the trade-off between the risk of brand name loss and the gains in knowledge sharing and learning within the network. The higher the need for standardization, the higher is the risk of brand name loss, and, consequently, the more likely the franchisor will adopt an organizational design that confers more control over franchisees’ decisions, such as business format franchising. This paper presents two case studies with Brazilian food franchise chains that illustrate the main argument and suggest additional propositions. Moreover, an empirical analysis of 223 franchise chains provides additional support to the hypothesis of a negative the effect of required standardization on the level of delegation.


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Empirical evidence shows that larger firms pay higher wages than smaller ones. This wage premium is called the firm size wage effect. The firm size effect on wages may be attributed to many factors, as differentials on productivity, efficiency wage, to prevent union formation, or rent sharing. The present study uses quantile regression to investigate the finn size wage effect. By offering insight into who benefits from the wage premi um, quantile regression helps eliminate and refine possible explanations. Estimated results are consistent with the hypothesis that the higher wages paid by large firms can be explained by the difference in monitoring costs that large firms face. Results also suggest that more highly skilled workers are more often found at larger firms .


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Study objective was to evaluate economically a Nile tilapia juvenile production, employing different feeding techniques. Tilapia fingerlings of 8g were stocked at 5 fish m-2 stocking in 50 and 150 m2 ponds, during 75 days. Treatments were: inorganic fertilization (P205 and N); organic fertilization (poultry manure) and commercial ration (32% CP). Water quality results were considered adequate for fish rearing. In juvenile production there were significant differences among treatments for individual final weight, medians were: for inorganic fertilization 12.92g (13.35g in 50 m2 and 12.49g in 150 m2); for organic fertilization 30.55g (33.69g in 50 m2 and 27.40g in 150 m2) and for commercial ration 51.23g (52.90g in 50 m2 and 50.15g in 150 m2). Survival rate ranged from 63 to 71%, with no statistic difference. Commercial ration was effective to bigger juvenile production, with a better market value. Costs considered in economic analyses were tilapia fingerlings, fertilizer, ration, labor and installation depreciation. Obtained information showed that juvenile production in 50 m2 ponds is not viable economically and, in 150 m2, production is viable only when commercial ration is used.


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