954 resultados para magazine publishing industry
The objective of this thesis was to study the relationship between firstorder capabilities and online innovations. First-order capabilities can be divided into market and technology capabilities, and they play an important role in the production of innovations. The study was carried out in publishing industry, where many changes have taken place in the online environment during the last few years. In the empirical research, four companies were studied, two magazine publishers and two newspaper publishers. The analysis was done in two phases; first every case was analyzed alone and then the cases were compared in cross-case analysis. The most important finding was the positive impact of market capability to the production of online innovations. The study also increased understanding about the relationship between market and technology capabilities and online innovations in general.
Knowledge plays an important role in health care. The production and diffusion of health-related knowledge are increasingly under the control of private commercial interests, which are characterized by conflicts of interests that result in abuses of power. Considerable research has been done on the medical-industrial complex and its role in the production of power imbalances and the consequent abuses, but little attention has been dedicated to the role played by the publishing industry, which can be subject to the same problems. The widely diffused idea that "frequent and major changes" occur in medicine, albeit unsupported by clearcut evidence, is an effective marketing tool for both the pharmaceutical and publishing industries, who feed and thrive on physicians' insecurities. The production and distribution of knowledge should be addressed as a strategic component of public health.
Este artigo tem como objetivo resgatar a trajetória das histórias em quadrinhos brasileiras na década de 1970, considerada de especial relevância para o avanço da arte gráfica sequencial no Brasil. Nesse período, observa-se, de um lado, iniciativas de pequenas editoras localizadas em vários estados brasileiros, e, de outro, empreendimentos feitos por editoras de grande porte na publicação de material nacional. Como estudo de caso, apresenta a revista Crás!, produzida pela Editora Abril, de São Paulo, que reuniu talentos veteranos e jovens da arte gráfica sequencial brasileira. A análise dessa publicação revela as dificuldades do quadrinho brasileiro frente às necessidades e limites das editoras comerciais e do mercado editorial no país.
Title from cover.
Successively Issued by: U.S. Business and Defense Services Administration. Printing and Publishing Industries Division; U.S. Bureau of Domestic Commerce. Printing and Publishing Division; U.S. Bureau of Domestic Commerce. Forest Products More
UNESCO’s approval of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (UNESCO, 2005) has been an important element in catalyzing any attempt to measure the diversity of cultural industries (UIS, 2011). Within this framework, this article analyzes the relations between the music and radio industries in Spain from a critical perspective through the analysis of available data on recorded music offer and consumption (sales lists, radio-formula lists, the characteristics of the phonographic and radio markets) in different key moments due to the emergence of new formats and devices (CDS, Mp3, Internet).The main goal of this work is to study the evolution of the Spanish record market in terms of diversity from the end of the 1970s to the present, through the study of radio music hits lists and, the business structure of the phonographic and radio sectors, and phonograms top sales
Em 29 de Outubro de 1885 era publicado o primeiro número d’O Recreio, Publicação Semanal, Litteraria e Charadistica, criado e dirigido por Ignacio Moreira. No número 26, de 9 de Agosto de 1886, na primeira página, sob o título “Expediente”, dá-se conta aos leitores e aos colaboradores que “d’este numero em deante toda a correspondencia deve ser dirigida a João Romano Torres, rua Nova de S. Mamede, aos Caldas, 26, 3.º - Lisboa” (p. 201). Para João Romano Torres, que acabara de adquirir a publicação, trata-se de um acto refundacional, que significará para o editor o início de um percurso editorial através do qual se dará origem a uma editora cuja actividade chegará ao último quartel do século seguinte, estabelecendo um catálogo que a tornou reconhecível e reconhecida no espaço do livro em Portugal. Desta editora se falará aqui apenas de um período situado entre o ano de 1885 e o fim da primeira década de 1900. ABSTRACT - On the 29th October 1885, the first issue of O Recreio, Publicação Semanal, Litteraria e Charadística (proposed English translation: The Playground, Weekly, Literary and Charades Publication) was published, created and headed by Ignacio Moreira. On the 26th issue, issued on the 9th August 1886, in the front page, under the headline “Dispatch”, it is imparted with readers and collaborators that “from this issue forward, all correspondence should be addressed to João Romano Torres, Nova de S. Mamede street, at Caldas, 26, 3rd - Lisbon” (p. 201). For João Romano Torres, who had just acquired the publication, this was a re-foundational act, which will represent for this publisher the beginning of a publishing trajectory through which a new publishing house will emerge, whose activity will reach the final quarter of the next century, establishing a catalogue which made it recognizable and recognized in the book field in Portugal. This publishing house will be addressed here regarding only the period spanning from the year 1885 to the end of the first decade of the 1900s.
The authoritarian regime of the Portuguese Estado Novo (New State), the longest dictatorship in twentieth-century Western Europe, suffered one of its most serious threats during the late 1950s and the whole of the following decade. An array of events and dynamics of opposition to the regime and condemnation of the political and social situation in Portugal appeared at that time. One of the core groups that displayed their dissidence in the 1960s, with the awakening of their critical conscience, originated in Catholic sectors that rallied the laity and the clergy to express their disagreement or even break with the government of Salazar (and, later, Marcelo Caetano). This article aims to establish the role of print culture and, in particular, publishing in the opposition’s mobilisation of Catholics who criticised the Estado Novo. It will also closely examine the contribution of certain publishers to the formulation of the terms of this mobilisation, in publishing new authors and topics and creating new printed forums (e.g. periodicals) for discussion and reflection. The most detailed case will be that of the publishing house Livraria Moraes Editora, under the command of the publisher António Alçada Baptista.
Neste artigo procura-se entender a dúplice forma como o Estado Novo em Portugal lidou com o livro como objecto de acção política. As tentativas de enquadrar o livro como alvo de promoção no sentido de um apoio efectivo e da adopção de medidas correctivas das disfunções do mercado, próprias de uma matriz contemporânea e aberta de sistemas políticos e sociais desenvolvidos, nunca terão verdadeiramente existido durante o período autocrático. Com efeito, desde o seu começo até meados da década de 1950 o regime hesitou entre fórmulas – isoladas – de suporte à edição e à leitura, que não pôde ou não quis consolidar, e opções tendentes a conseguir arregimentar agentes do livro (sobretudo editores e autores) à nunca concretizada literatura oficial do Estado Novo, e que obedecesse aos seus pressupostos. O caminho trilhado parece ter sido, a partir de dado momento, essencialmente o da repressão ao livro, pautando o poder a sua actuação pela ausência de propostas de fomento do mercado editorial e livreiro como as que se verificaram noutros contextos nacionais, inclusive ditatoriais.
During the whole of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century the transatlantic book trade was plainly asymmetrical, with Brazil seen by book vendors in Portugal as a natural extension of their market, destined to import books — a situation due largely to the incipient nature of Brazilian book production. However, the rapid development of the Brazilian printing and publishing industry in the first half of the twentieth century brought profound changes in the circulation of print material and in the traditional movements in the transatlantic book trade. Aware of those changes, some publishers and booksellers sought ways of expanding their businesses, by creating new openings for the circulation of books between the two countries. Taking the particular case of António de Sousa Pinto and his three Luso-Brazilian publishing ventures of the 1940s (Livros de Portugal, Edições Dois Mundos and Livros do Brasil), this article tries to understand the way publishers behaved in bringing together the two sides of the Atlantic closer together for the Lusophone book.
Translation during the noucentisme was a very important resource for standardising the modern Catalan language and for filling in the historical gaps of Catalan Literature. The literati of the noucentisme looked to Europe to find works that had similar ideals to their own and that could be presented in Catalonia to educate and instruct its new generations. The translation of children and young adults’ literature, therefore, formed a major part of the project. Together with the best writers and illustrators of the period and the support of the publishing industry, the golden era in the history of children and young adults’ literature emerged. In this project our aim is to study the reception of British children and young adults’ literature during the noucentisme. This will be done by using Treasure Island and two of its translations, the first of which is from 1926 by Joan Arús and the second from 2008 by Joan Sellent. Cultural references and the illustrations will be analysed, and we shall ascertain whether the two translators and illustrators used domesticating or foreignising strategies and whether they followed the tendencies of translation of children and young adults’ literature.
S'ofereix una visió general de les principals iniciatives nacionals per incorporar nous serveis al voltant del llibre electrònic a les biblioteques, així com de les propostes internacionals que ens permeten intuir futurs serveis. Les conclusions que se'n deriven permeten reflexionar sobre la relació entre les biblioteques i el llibre electrònic, i els reptes i oportunitats que afronten les biblioteques.
Estudi sobre l'edició de l'any 2013 del Saló Internacional del Llibre de Torí. Anàlisi del funcionament del Saló -activitats, espais i propostes-, importància de la internacionalització, possibilitats reals de negoci i transacció comercial i, per últim, rendibilitat de la celebració del Saló. Tot això tenint en compte el context de globalització i de digitalització que pateix actualment el sector del llibre.
Ciència catalana a Madrid: el discurs de Jesús M. Bellido Golferichs a la Biblioteca Nacional (1927)
We analyze Dr. Bellido"s discourse at the Spanish National Library in Madrid (1927) in the framework of what has been called Medical Catalanism. Further development of this case study will provide a better understanding of Catalan as a scientific language, the importance of the role played by Catalan publishing industry and the cultural and political relationship between Madrid and Barcelona.