331 resultados para lms
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Esta tesis doctoral estudia la naturaleza de los contenidos educativos digitales desde la perspectiva de su uso e integraci??n en el acto did??ctico-comunicativo mediante sistemas de gesti??n del aprendizaje (LMS). Se analizan las transformaciones que sufren los contenidos desde su concepci??n para operar a trav??s de un LMS; las funciones de los LMS que permiten y desarrollan la difusi??n de los contenidos; y la repercusi??n que estos fen??menos y factores tienen en el acto did??ctico-comunicativo. La aplicaci??n de una metodolog??a que combina las t??cnicas del an??lisis documental, el grupo de discusi??n de expertos en la materia, el an??lisis funcional se soluciones TIC para el aprendizaje y el cuestionario usuarios de contenidos digitales, arroja unos resultados que permiten la aproximaci??n a un modelo de optimizaci??n de la integraci??n de los elementos estudiados -contenidos educativos digitales, sistemas de gesti??n del aprendizaje y acto did??ctico comunicativo- en el contexto educativo espa??ol.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
A estatística nos dias de hoje está incorporada de uma forma generalizada no currículo da matemática no ensino básico e secundário e em diferentes cursos do ensino superior.Este interesse, não é exclusivo da comunidade de educação matemática, mas sim da sociedade em geral, pois a sua apropriação permite contribuir para um melhor espirito crítico sobre a informação e logo um exercicio de melhor cidadania. Esta experiência realizou-se no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Introdução à Estatística da licenciatura em Educação Básica da Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti , a qual contou com a participação de 74 estudantes inscritos na unidade curricular.Tendo como referência as diretrizes para o ensino superior impulsionadas por o processo de Bolonha que apontam para a centralidade do estudante no processo autónomo de aprendizagem ao longo da vida implementamos uma metodologia de b-learning alicerçada na plataforma moodle usando o fórum de forma a potenciar o pensamento crítico.Do ponto de vista pedagógico, utilizamos o modelo Community of Inquiry desenvolvido por Garrison, Anderson e Archer.Os posts que lançamos para a discussão, eram notícias dos meios de comunicação fazendo um pequeno comentário de forma a fomentar o sentido crítico face ao modo como a informação é apresentada e a aptidão para ler e interpretar tabelas e gráficos à luz das situações a que dizem respeito, com o objetivo de desenvolver skills interpretativos e a literacia estatística, desenvolver a capacidade para comunicar estatisticamente e desenvolver disposições estatísticas úteis.Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos vários indicadores que caracterizam a formação de futuros professores da educação básica em estatística,recolhendo os dados das interações do fórum, monitorizados com o software SNAPP e a análise dos mesmos com o Netdraw e SPSS.E ainda, a interpretabilidade de diversos fatores, de acordo com a estrutura e conceção do instrumento a respeito de como o estudante perceciona a presença cognitiva relativamente à construção do significado e compreensão da matéria da unidade curricular.Concluímos que a maioria dos estudantes apesar de saber calcular medidas de localização e dispersão, tem dificuldade em apresentar argumentos em que as explicite, pois ainda não conseguiu interpretar, interiorizar as medidas, para que possa inseri-los e articulá-los numa argumentação.
The convergence speed of the standard Least Mean Square adaptive array may be degraded in mobile communication environments. Different conventional variable step size LMS algorithms were proposed to enhance the convergence speed while maintaining low steady state error. In this paper, a new variable step LMS algorithm, using the accumulated instantaneous error concept is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the accumulated instantaneous error is used to update the step size parameter of standard LMS is varied. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is simpler and yields better performance than conventional variable step LMS.
The simulation and development work that has been undertaken to produce a signal equaliser used to improve the data rates from oil well logging instruments is presented. The instruments are lowered into the drill bore hole suspended by a cable which has poor electrical characteristics. The equaliser described in the paper corrects for the distortions that occur from the cable (dispersion and attenuation) with the result that the instrument can send data at 100 K.bits/second down its own suspension cable of 12 Km in length. The use of simulation techniques and tools were invaluable in generating a model for the distortions and proved to be a useful tool when site testing was not available.
Searching for the optimum tap-length that best balances the complexity and steady-state performance of an adaptive filter has attracted attention recently. Among existing algorithms that can be found in the literature, two of which, namely the segmented filter (SF) and gradient descent (GD) algorithms, are of particular interest as they can search for the optimum tap-length quickly. In this paper, at first, we carefully compare the SF and GD algorithms and show that the two algorithms are equivalent in performance under some constraints, but each has advantages/disadvantages relative to the other. Then, we propose an improved variable tap-length algorithm using the concept of the pseudo fractional tap-length (FT). Updating the tap-length with instantaneous errors in a style similar to that used in the stochastic gradient [or least mean squares (LMS)] algorithm, the proposed FT algorithm not only retains the advantages from both the SF and the GD algorithms but also has significantly less complexity than existing algorithms. Both performance analysis and numerical simulations are given to verify the new proposed algorithm.
This paper analyzes the convergence behavior of the least mean square (LMS) filter when used in an adaptive code division multiple access (CDMA) detector consisting of a tapped delay line with adjustable tap weights. The sampling rate may be equal to or higher than the chip rate, and these correspond to chip-spaced (CS) and fractionally spaced (FS) detection, respectively. It is shown that CS and FS detectors with the same time-span exhibit identical convergence behavior if the baseband received signal is strictly bandlimited to half the chip rate. Even in the practical case when this condition is not met, deviations from this observation are imperceptible unless the initial tap-weight vector gives an extremely large mean squared error (MSE). This phenomenon is carefully explained with reference to the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix when the input signal is not perfectly bandlimited. The inadequacy of the eigenvalue spread of the tap-input correlation matrix as an indicator of the transient behavior and the influence of the initial tap weight vector on convergence speed are highlighted. Specifically, a initialization within the signal subspace or to the origin leads to very much faster convergence compared with initialization in the a noise subspace.
Adaptive filters used in code division multiple access (CDMA) receivers to counter interference have been formulated both with and without the assumption of training symbols being transmitted. They are known as training-based and blind detectors respectively. We show that the convergence behaviour of the blind minimum-output-energy (MOE) detector can be quite easily derived, unlike what was implied by the procedure outlined in a previous paper. The simplification results from the observation that the correlation matrix determining convergence performance can be made symmetric, after which many standard results from the literature on least mean square (LMS) filters apply immediately.
Adaptive least mean square (LMS) filters with or without training sequences, which are known as training-based and blind detectors respectively, have been formulated to counter interference in CDMA systems. The convergence characteristics of these two LMS detectors are analyzed and compared in this paper. We show that the blind detector is superior to the training-based detector with respect to convergence rate. On the other hand, the training-based detector performs better in the steady state, giving a lower excess mean-square error (MSE) for a given adaptation step size. A novel decision-directed LMS detector which achieves the low excess MSE of the training-based detector and the superior convergence performance of the blind detector is proposed.
Airborne high resolution in situ measurements of a large set of trace gases including ozone (O3) and total water (H2O) in the upper troposphere and the lowermost stratosphere (UT/LMS) have been performed above Europe within the SPURT project. SPURT provides an extensive data coverage of the UT/LMS in each season within the time period between November 2001 and July 2003. In the LMS a distinct spring maximum and autumn minimum is observed in O3, whereas its annual cycle in the UT is shifted by 2–3 months later towards the end of the year. The more variable H2O measurements reveal a maximum during summer and a minimum during autumn/winter with no phase shift between the two atmospheric compartments. For a comprehensive insight into trace gas composition and variability in the UT/LMS several statistical methods are applied using chemical, thermal and dynamical vertical coordinates. In particular, 2-dimensional probability distribution functions serve as a tool to transform localised aircraft data to a more comprehensive view of the probed atmospheric region. It appears that both trace gases, O3 and H2O, reveal the most compact arrangement and are best correlated in the view of potential vorticity (PV) and distance to the local tropopause, indicating an advanced mixing state on these surfaces. Thus, strong gradients of PV seem to act as a transport barrier both in the vertical and the horizontal direction. The alignment of trace gas isopleths reflects the existence of a year-round extra-tropical tropopause transition layer. The SPURT measurements reveal that this layer is mainly affected by stratospheric air during winter/spring and by tropospheric air during autumn/summer. Normalised mixing entropy values for O3 and H2O in the LMS appear to be maximal during spring and summer, respectively, indicating highest variability of these trace gases during the respective seasons.
This article investigates barriers to a wider utilization of a Learning Management System (LMS). The study aims to identify the reasons why some tools in the LMS are rarely used, in spite of assertions that the learning experience and students’ performance can be improved by interaction and collaboration, facilitated by the LMS. Lecturers’ perceptions about the use of LMSs over the last four years at the School of Engineering, University of Borås were investigated. Seventeen lecturers who were interviewed in 2006 were interviewed again in 2011. The lecturers’ still use the LMS primarily for distribution of documents and course administration. The results indicate that their attitudes have not changed significantly. The apparent reluctance to utilize interactive features in the LMS is analyzed, by looking at the expected impact on the lecturers’ work situation. The author argues that the main barrier to a wider utilization of LMS is the lecturers’ fear of additional demands on their time. Hence, if educational institutions want a wider utilization of LMS, some kind of incentives for lecturers are needed, in addition to support and training.
Mass spectrometric analysis of elemental and isotopic compositions of several NIST standards is performed by a miniature laser ablation/ionisation reflectron-type time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LMS) using a fs-laser ablation ion source (775 nm, 190 fs, 1 kHz). The results of the mass spectrometric studies indicate that in a defined range of laser irradiance (fluence) and for a certain number of accumulations of single laser shot spectra, the measurements of isotope abundances can be conducted with a measurement accuracy at the per mill level and at the per cent level for isotope concentrations higher and lower than 100 ppm, respectively. Also the elemental analysis can be performed with a good accuracy. The LMS instrument combined with a fs-laser ablation ion source exhibits similar detection efficiency for both metallic and non-metallic elements. Relative sensitivity coefficients were determined and found to be close to one, which is of considerable importance for the development of standard-less instruments. Negligible thermal effects, sample damage and excellent characteristics of the fs-laser beam are thought to be the main reason for substantial improvement of the instrumental performance compared to other laser ablation mass spectrometers.
During the last years, there has been much concern about learning management systems' (LMS) effectiveness when compared to traditional learning and about how to assess students' participation during the course. The tracking and monitoring capabilities of most recent LMS have made it possible to analyse every interaction in the system. The issues addressed on this study are: a) Is LMS student's interaction an indicator of academic performance?; b) Are different results in performance expected between distance and in-class LMS-supported education?; c) How can LMS interactions from logs be categorised?; d) May this categorisation detect 'learning witnesses'? To answer these questions, a set of interaction types from Moodle LMS activity record logs has been analysed during two years in online and in-class Master's degrees at the UPM. The results show partial or no evidence of influence between interaction indicators and academic performance, although the proposed categorisation may help detect learning witnesses.
Received signal strength-based localization systems usually rely on a calibration process that aims at characterizing the propagation channel. However, due to the changing environmental dynamics, the behavior of the channel may change after some time, thus, recalibration processes are necessary to maintain the positioning accuracy. This paper proposes a dynamic calibration method to initially calibrate and subsequently update the parameters of the propagation channel model using a Least Mean Squares approach. The method assumes that each anchor node in the localization infrastructure is characterized by its own propagation channel model. In practice, a set of sniffers is used to collect RSS samples, which will be used to automatically calibrate each channel model by iteratively minimizing the positioning error. The proposed method is validated through numerical simulation, showing that the positioning error of the mobile nodes is effectively reduced. Furthermore, the method has a very low computational cost; therefore it can be used in real-time operation for wireless resource-constrained nodes.