962 resultados para lipid analysis


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Lipidit ovat rasvaliukoisia kudoksesta peräisin olevia yhdisteitä, joilla on monia eri fysiologisia tehtäviä. Lipidien analyysimenetelmien kehittämien on tärkeää, sillä niiden esiintymistä elimistössä voidaan käyttää biomarkkerina sairauksien diagnostiikassa ja apuna sairauksien kehittymismekanismien tutkimisessa. Lipideihin kuuluu polaarisuudeltaan ja rakenteeltaan hyvin erilaisia yhdisteitä. Niiden massaspektrometria-analytiikassa on aikaisemmin käytetty useita erilaisia ionisaatiomenetelmiä, jotka vaativat näytteen esikäsittelyn ennen analyysia. Desorptiosähkösumutusionisaatio-massaspektrometria (DESI-MS) ja desorptio-ilmanpainefotoionisaatio-massaspektrometria (DAPPI-MS) ovat uusia ionisaatio-menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat yhdisteiden analysoinnin suoraan eri matriiseista, kuten kudosnäytteistä, usein ilman esikäsittelyä. DESI-MS soveltuu parhaiten suhteellisen polaaristen yhdisteiden analytiikkaan, kun taas DAPPI:lla voidaan ionisoida myös poolittomia yhdisteitä. DESI-MS:lla on jo aikaisemmin analysoitu erilaisia lipidejä, kun taas DAPPI-MS:lla on aikaisemmin analysoitu vain steroideja. DAPPI- ja DESI-MS:lla tutkittiin erilaisten lipidien (fosfolipidit, triglyseridit, rasvahapot, rasvaliukoiset vitamiinit ja steroidit) ionisoitumista. Molemmilla menetelmillä optimoitiin standardiyhdisteille mittausolosuhteet. Lipidejä analysoitiin myös suoraan farmaseuttisista valmisteista. DAPPI:n ja DESI:n soveltuvuudessa erilaisten lipidien ionisoimiseen oli jonkin verran eroja. DAPPI toimi hyvin varsinkin poolittomampien lipidien, eli triglyseridien, steroidien, vitamiinien ja rasvahappojen ionisaatiossa, mutta huonosti hieman polaarisempien ja herkästi hajoavien fosfolipidien ionisaatiossa. Fosfolipidit fragmentoituivat DAPPI-ionisaatiossa, eikä moolimassatiedon sisältävää ionia saatu näkyviin. DESI puolestaan toimii hyvin fosfolipidien ionisoimisessa ja melko hyvin myös muiden tutkittavien lipidien ionisoimisessa, lukuunottamatta kaikkein poolittomimpia lipidejä. Uutta tietoa tutkimuksessa saatiin varsinkin DAPPI:n soveltuvuudesta erilaisten lipidien analytiikkaan. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että DAPPI toimii yhtä hyvin tai jopa DESI:a paremmin useiden eri lipidien analytiikkassa. Menetelmää tulisi kuitenkin kehittää edelleen, jotta fosfolipidien, jotka ovat elimistön tärkeä lipidiryhmä, analysointi onnistuisi DAPPI:lla. Työssä ei analysoitu lipidejä suoraan kudosnäytteestä, joten DAPPI:n soveltuvuudesta lipidien analysointiin suoraan kudosnäytteistä ei voida tehdä johtopäätöksiä tämän työn perusteella.


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These are definitively exciting times for membrane lipid researchers. Once considered just as the cell membrane building blocks, the important role these lipids play is steadily being acknowledged. The improvement occurred in mass spectrometry techniques (MS) allows the establishment of the precise lipid composition of biological extracts. However, to fully understand the biological function of each individual lipid species, we need to know its spatial distribution and dynamics. In the past 10 years, the field has experienced a profound revolution thanks to the development of MS-based techniques allowing lipid imaging (MSI). Images reveal and verify what many lipid researchers had already shown by different means, but none as convincing as an image: each cell type presents a specific lipid composition, which is highly sensitive to its physiological and pathological state. While these techniques will help to place membrane lipids in the position they deserve, they also open the black box containing all the unknown regulatory mechanisms accounting for such tailored lipid composition. Thus, these results urges to different disciplines to redefine their paradigm of study by including the complexity revealed by the MSI techniques.


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A procedure for estimating total organochlorine pesticide and PCB residue in seal blubber at concentrations of greater than 1μg g-1 of lipid is described. Lipid is cleaned up by alumina column chromatography, and the halogen concentration of the resulting hexane eluace is determined by combustion and microcoulometry. Results are similar to those obtained by gas chromatographic analysis and can be used to interpolate between results so obtained when data on specific organochlorine compounds is not required for each sample. The organochlorine residues recovered in this manner did not constitute all the halogen determined by combustion and microcoulometry of seal lipid. Analysis by the total halogen procedure was 2.5 tunes faster than the rate achieved with a combination of liquid and gas chromatography operated manually; the requirements for laboratory equipment and space for sample preparation are reduced.


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The increase in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) consumption has prompted research into alternative resources other than fish oil. In this study, a new approach based on focal-plane-array Fourier transform infrared (FPA-FTIR) microspectroscopy and multivariate data analysis was developed for the characterisation of some marine microorganisms. Cell and lipid compositions in lipid-rich marine yeasts collected from the Australian coast were characterised in comparison to a commercially available PUFA-producing marine fungoid protist, thraustochytrid. Multivariate classification methods provided good discriminative accuracy evidenced from (i) separation of the yeasts from thraustochytrids and distinct spectral clusters among the yeasts that conformed well to their biological identities, and (ii) correct classification of yeasts from a totally independent set using cross-validation testing. The findings further indicated additional capability of the developed FPA-FTIR methodology, when combined with partial least squares regression (PLSR) analysis, for rapid monitoring of lipid production in one of the yeasts during the growth period, which was achieved at a high accuracy compared to the results obtained from the traditional lipid analysis based on gas chromatography. The developed FTIR-based approach when coupled to programmable withdrawal devices and a cytocentrifugation module would have strong potential as a novel online monitoring technology suited for bioprocessing applications and large-scale production.


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Os stents são dispositivos intravasculares implantados com o objetivo de dilatar ou fixar a placa de colesterol contra a parede arterial. O objetivo avaliar dois tipos de stents de aço inoxidável, um recoberto com poliéster (dacron) e outro não recoberto, implantados na aorta infra-renal de suínos jovens, foram avaliados por morfometria digital para medir o espessamento intimal. Foi realizado um estudo experimental randomizado, separados em dois grupos(stents não revestidos e revestidos com dacron) e duas fases (I e II). Oito stents recobertos com dacron e oito stents de aço inoxidável (30mm de extensão e 8 mm de diâmetro), não revestidos, foram implantados através de abordagem retroperitoneal na aorta infrarenal normal de 16 suínos normolipêmicos. Para a passagem do sistema de implante, foi necessário uma pequena arteriotomia na aorta distal (fase I). Após quatro semanas, a aorta com os stents foram removidas em monoblocos (fase II). Os valores de hematimetria e do lipidograma foram coletados nas duas fases e não apresentaram alterações que pudessem influenciar o estudo. Amostras de tecido dos sítios de fixação (proximal e distal) dos stents foram retiradas, confeccionadas lâminas, que foram coradas pelas técnicas de hematoxilina e eosina de Verhoeff e enviadas para análise morfométrica digital. A camada intima distal não apresentou diferença estatística significativa. A camada média proximal das porções proximal e da porção distal não apresentaram diferença entre os grupos. Os dois tipos de stents apresentaram 100% de perviedade, boa biocompatibilidade e boa incorporação a parede aórtica de suínos normolipêmicos. A camada íntima proximal do grupo de stents revestidos com dacron apresentou espessura maior do que os stents não revestidos, mas com significância estatísitica limítrofe.


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A rapid and simple method was developed for quantitation of polar compounds in fats and oils using monostearin as internal standard. Starting from 50 mg of oil sample, polar compounds were obtained by solid-phase extraction (silica cartridges) and subsequently separated by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography into triglyceride polymers, triglyceride dimers, oxidized triglyceride monomers, diglycerides, internal standard and fatty acids. Quantitation of total polar compounds was achieved through the internal standard method and then amounts of each group of compounds could be calculated. A pool of polar compounds was used to check linearity, precision and accuracy of the method, as well as the solid-phase extraction recovery. The procedure was applied to samples with different content of polar compounds and good quantitative results were obtained, especially for samples of low alteration level.


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Objective: This study determined the effects of adding monosodium glutamate (MSG) to a standard diet and a fiber-enriched diet on glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and oxidative stress in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats (65 ± 5 g, n = 8) were fed a standard diet (control), a standard diet supplemented with 100 g of MSG per kilogram of rat body weight, a diet rich in fiber, or a diet rich in fiber supplemented with 100 g of MSG per kilogram of body weight. After 45 d of treatment, sera were analyzed for concentrations of insulin, leptin, glucose, triacylglycerol, lipid hydroperoxide, and total antioxidant substances. A homeostasis model assessment index was estimated to characterize insulin resistance. Results: Voluntary food intake was higher and feed efficiency was lower in animals fed the standard diet supplemented with MSG than in those fed the control, fiber-enriched, or fiber- and MSG-enriched diet. The MSG group had metabolic dysfunction characterized by increased levels of glucose, triacylglycerol, insulin, leptin, and homeostasis model assessment index. The adverse effects of MSG were related to an imbalance between the oxidant and antioxidant systems. The MSG group had increased levels of lipid hydroperoxide and decreased levels of total antioxidant substances. Levels of triacylglycerol and lipid hydroperoxide were decreased in rats fed the fiber-enriched and fiber- and MSG-enriched diets, whereas levels of total antioxidant substances were increased in these animals. Conclusions: MSG added to a standard diet increased food intake. Overfeeding induced metabolic disorders associated with oxidative stress in the absence of obesity. The fiber-enriched diet prevented changes in glucose, insulin, leptin, and triacylglycerol levels that were seen in the MSG group. Because the deleterious effects of MSG, i.e., induced overfeeding, were not seen in the animals fed the fiber-enriched diets, it can be concluded that fiber supplementation is beneficial by discouraging overfeeding and improving oxidative stress that is induced by an MSG diet. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Moderate amounts of alcohol intake have been reported to have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and this may involve enhanced insulin sensitivity. We established an animal model of increased insulin sensitivity by low ethanol consumption and here we investigated metabolic parameters and molecular mechanisms potentially involved in this phenomenon. For that, Wistar rats have received drinking water either without (control) or with 3% ethanol for four weeks. The effect of ethanol intake on insulin sensitivity was analyzed by insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), intravenous insulin tolerance test (IVITT) and lipid profile. The role of liver was investigated by the analysis of insulin signaling pathway, GLUT2 gene expression and tissue glycogen content. Rats consuming 3% ethanol showed lower values of HOMA-IR and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) levels and higher hepatic glycogen content and glucose disappearance constant during the IVITT. Neither the phosphorylation of insulin receptor (IR) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), nor its association with phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3-kinase), was affected by ethanol. However, ethanol consumption enhanced liver IRS-2 and protein kinase B (Akt) phosphorylation (3 times, P < 0.05), which can be involved in the 2-fold increased (P < 0.05) hepatic glycogen content. The GLUT2 protein content was unchanged. Our findings point out that liver plays a role in enhanced insulin sensitivity induced by low ethanol consumption. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Whether the consumption of egg yolk, which has a very high cholesterol content without excess saturated fats, has deleterious effects on lipid metabolism is controversial. Absorbed dietary cholesterol enters the bloodstream as chylomicrons, but the effects of regular consumption of large amounts of cholesterol on the metabolism of this lipoprotein have not been explored even though the accumulation of chylomicron remnants is associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). We investigated the effects of high dietary cholesterol on chylomicron metabolism in normolipidemic, healthy young men. The plasma kinetics of a chylomicron-like emulsion, doubly-labeled with 14C-cholesteryl ester ( 14C-CE) and 3H-triolein ( 3H-TG) were assessed in 25 men (17-22 y old, BMI 24.1 ± 3.4 kg/m 2). One group (n = 13) consumed 174 ± 41 mg cholesterol/d and no egg yolk. The other group (n = 12) consumed 3 whole eggs/d for a total cholesterol intake of 804 ± 40 mg/d. The nutritional composition of diets was the same for both groups, including total lipids and saturated fat, which comprised 25 and 7%, respectively, of energy intake. Serum LDL and HDL cholesterol and apoprotein B concentrations were higher in the group consuming the high-cholesterol diet (P < 0.05), but serum triacylglycerol, apo AI, and lipoprotein (a) did not differ between the 2 groups. The fractional clearance rate (FCR) of the 14C-CE emulsion, obtained by compartmental analysis, was 52% slower in the high-cholesterol than in the low-cholesterol group (P < 0.001); the 3H-TG FCR did not differ between the groups. Finally, we concluded that high cholesterol intakes increase the residence time of chylomicron remnants, as indicated by the 14C-CE kinetics, which may have undesirable effects related to the development of CAD. © 2006 American Society for Nutrition.


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Nitric oxide is synthesized from L-arginine and plays an important role in blood pressure regulation, platelets aggregation and atherosclerosis development. Most of the studies have shown that the beneficial effects of the L-arginine supplementation are related to an increasing of nitric oxide bioavailability to the cells, improving the endothelial dysfunction, decreasing oxidative stress, ameliorating lipid profile and insulin resistance. However some studies show conflicting results. Considering the role of the endothelium on the pathogenesis of the cardiovascular diseases as well as on the endocrine-metabolic diseases, this review will update studies involving the role of nitric oxide and its signaling pathways in the regulation of vascular function. Furthermore, this review will focus on the main results of the clinical trials using oral L-arginine supplementation, with or without physical exercise, in an attempt to obtain beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic systems in patients and healthy subjects.


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This study analyzed the effects of overground walking training at ventilatory threshold (VT) velocity on glycaemic control, body composition, physical fitness and lipid profile in DM2 women. Nineteen sedentary patients were randomly assigned to a control group (CG; n=10, 55.9±2.2 years) or a trained group (TG; n=9, 53.4±2.3 years). Both groups were subjected to anthropometric measures, a 12-h fasting blood sampling and a graded treadmill exercise test at baseline and after a 12-week period, during which TG followed a training program involving overground walking at VT velocity for 20-60min/session three times/week. Significant group×time interactions (P<0.05) in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), body mass, body mass index (BMI), peak oxygen uptake (VO 2peak) and exercise duration were observed as effects of training exercise, whereas intervention did not induced significant changes (P>0.05) in fasting blood glucose, submaximal fitness parameters and lipid profile. Our results suggest that overground walking training at VT velocity improves long term glycaemic control, body composition and exercise capacity, attesting for the relevance of this parameter as an effective strategy for the exercise intensity prescription in DM2 population. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Metabolic profiles correlate with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and are prognostic for the viral response. However, little is known about the association between lipid profiles and viral load in chronic patients carrying HCV genotypes 1, 2 and 3. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the viremia and viral genotype on lipid metabolism by observing the variations in serum lipoprotein and apolipoprotein B, to assess whether HCV predisposes individuals to lipid imbalance and favors the appearance of vascular complications. A sample group of 150 chronic HCV patients with viral genotypes 1, 2 or 3 and a control group of 20 healthy adults (10 men and 10 women), all aged from 20 to 50 years were studied. The serum lipid profile of the chronic patients was analyzed and compared to that of the control group. The high-density lipoprotein (HDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and triglyceride levels of the sample group were lower than those of the control group, while the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and apolipoprotein B levels of the patients were higher. These differences were more significant in patients carrying genotype 3a. There was a positive correlation between the viremia and the changes in apolipoprotein B levels in patients carrying genotype 1b. It was inferred that the risk of developing vascular complications raised in HCV patients. As 90% of LDL protein is composed of apolipoprotein B, the plasmatic concentration of the latter indicates the number of potentially atherogenic particles. Therefore, the lipid profile monitoring may aid in the diagnosis of hepatic infection severity and equally act as a good prognostic marker.


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Study Model: Retrospective study. Study Objective: To characterize statin treatment management due to lipid alterations and side effects throughout statin treatment in basic healthcare unit. Methods: Medical reports of women from a basic healthcare unit were analyzed, obtaining: disease presence, regular medication prescription, statin type and dosage, biochemical exams results, musculoskeletal complaints, and statin use cessation, going back the information until the medical consultation of first prescription. Results: Prescribed statins were Simvastatin and Atorvastatin at low doses (10-20 mg). Dose (48,4%) and/or type (25,4%) alterations occurred for lipid profile adequacy. Lipid levels were reduced without creatine kinase elevation. Treatment withdrawn (30,6%) was mainly due to their own decision (74%), which was strongly associated with records of musculoskeletal complaints (Odds Ratio: 6,40[1,53-26,78]). Conclusion: Statin treatment was effective in reducing serum lipid levels and self-reported pain was underestimated, characterizing the major limiting factor for treatment adherence.


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Study Design: Prospective study Objective: To evaluate the effect of a protocol of concurrent training lasting 16 weeks on risk factors for the accumulation of hepatic fat in obese youth. Methods: 38 obese children and adolescents of both sexes, between 12 and 15 years old. The obesity was attested by the percentage of body fat, which was estimated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Additionally, the amount of fat located in the trunk (kg) was estimated too. Before and after the intervention, the youths underwent biochemical blood tests (fasting complete lipid profile [mg / dL]) and ultrasonography of the liver (right size Wolves [LD cm] and left [LE in cm]). The intervention consisted of concurrent training (strength training [30 minutes] and endurance training [30 minutes]) with three sessions per week, totaling 180 minutes a week, for ten weeks. Statistical analysis was made by the test t of Student for paired data using SPSS software (17.0) and significance statistical fixed at p <5%. Results: After the intervention, significant improvements were observed in the percentage of total fat (PRE: 45.1 ± 5.3 and POST: 41.7 ± 5.6, p = 0.001) and in the trunk region (PRE: 46, 5 ± 5.6 and POST: 42.9 ± 6.3, p = 0.001). For lipid profile, reduction in total cholesterol (PRE: 164 ± 34 and POST: 148 ± 29, p = 0.001), triglycerides (PRE: 118 ± 59 and POST: 104 ± 53, p = 0.002) and lipoproteins density (PRE: 100 ± 29 and POST: 85 ± 26, p = 0.001), but not for high-density (p = 0.981). Both the LE (PRE: 8.8 ± 1.4 and POST: 7.8 ± 1.3, p = 0.001) and LD (PRE: 13.6 ± 1.3 and POST: 12.9 ± 1, 1, p = 0.001) experienced a decrease in its proportions. Conclusion: The concurrent training was effective in combating some risk factors to the accumulation of fat in the liver, as well as in reducing fat in both lobes of the organ in young obese.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)