983 resultados para lily bulb
Note regarding the phone tender from Newman Brothers for the lily pond, n.d.
The dynamics of silence and remembrance in Australian writer Lily Brett’s autobiographic fiction Things Could Be Worse reflects the crisis of memory and understanding experienced by both first and second-generation Holocaust survivors within the diasporic space of contemporary Australia. It leads to issues of handling traumatic and transgenerational memory, the latter also known as postmemory (M. Hirsch), in the long aftermath of atrocities, and problematises the role of forgetting in shielding displaced identities against total dissolution of the self. This paper explores the mechanisms of remembrance and forgetting in L. Brett’s narrative by mainly focusing on two female characters, mother and daughter, whose coming to terms with (the necessary) silence, on the one hand, and articulated memories, on the other, reflects different modes of comprehending and eventually coping with individual trauma. By differentiating between several types of silence encountered in Brett’s prose (that of the voiceless victims, of survivors and their offspring, respectively), I argue that silence can equally voice and hush traumatic experience, that it is never empty, but invested with individual and collective meaning. Essentially, I contend that beside the (self-)damaging effects of silence, there are also beneficial consequences of it, in that it plays a crucial role in emplacing the displaced, rebuilding their shattered self, and contributing to their reintegration, survival and even partial healing.
Early-life environmental events, such as the handling procedure, can induce long-lasting alterations upon several behavioral and neuroendocrine systems. However, the changes within the pups that could be causally related to the effects in adulthood are still poorly understood. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of neonatal handling on behavioral (maternal odor preference) and biochemical (cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation, noradrenaline (NA), and serotonin (5-HT) levels in the olfactory bulb (OB)) parameters in 7-day-old male and female rat pups. Repeated handling (RH) abolished preference for the maternal odor in female pups compared with nonhandled (NH) and the single-handled (SH) ones, while in RH males the preference was not different than NH and SH groups. In both male and female pups, RH decreased NA activity in the OB, but 5-HT activity increased only in males. Since preference for the maternal odor involves the synergic action of NA and 5-HT in the OB, the maintenance of the behavior in RH males could be related to the increased 5-HT activity, in spite of reduction in the NA activity in the OB. RH did not alter CREB phosphorylation in the OB of both male and females compared with NH pups. The repeated handling procedure can affect the behavior of rat pups in response to the maternal odor and biochemical parameters related to the olfactory learning mechanism. Sex differences were already detected in 7-day-old pups. Although the responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to stressors is reduced in the neonatal period, environmental interventions may impact behavioral and biochemical mechanisms relevant to the animal at that early age. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Embora seja possível produzir cebola (Allium cepa) o ano inteiro no Brasil, a maioria dos cultivares nacionais apresentam bulbos com baixa qualidade, o que proporcionou grande importação de cebola da Argentina, do tipo Valenciana, que não bulbifica no Brasil, mas que agradou os consumidores brasileiros. Para estudar o efeito da seleção para maturidade de bulbos baseada em progênies de meios irmãos obtidas do híbrido triplo intervarietal [Crioula x (Pira Ouro x Valenciana Sintética 14)] foram semeadas 17 progênies selecionadas para maturidade precoce e 25 para tardia, além da geração F1 e dos cultivares Pira Ouro (dias curtos), Crioula (intermediários) e Armada (dias longos), totalizando 46 tratamentos. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições de 32 plantas por parcela, cultivadas em bandejas de isopor. As progênies precoces apresentaram ciclo médio variando de 67 a 83 dias e as tardias de 85 a 103 dias. Na comparação da porcentagem de plantas improdutivas esta diferença também foi evidente, variando de 0,0% a 6,2% nas precoces e de 8,1% a 59,5% nas tardias. Os coeficientes de herdabilidades obtidos foram elevados, variando de 0,65 (porcentagem de plantas improdutivas, na seleção tardia) a 0,80 (peso médio de bulbo, na seleção precoce), sendo, em média, superiores na população selecionada para maturidade precoce. Foram obtidas progênies com peso de bulbo superior às testemunhas 'Pira Ouro' e 'Crioula' e com ciclo que não diferia destas. A seleção para maturidade foi altamente eficiente e a população selecionada para maturidade precoce apresenta grande potencial de originar cultivares adaptados, com produção e qualidade de bulbos superiores às disponíveis no mercado brasileiro.
The author studied the structure of the tissue components of the tunicae of the terminal segment of the sigmoid sinus, particularly at the level of the transition between the sigmoid sinus, the superior bulb of the jugular vein and the first portion of the human internal jugular vein; it was established that the transition between the sigmoid sinus and the first portion of the internal jugular vein occupies the whole extension of the superior bulb of the jugular vein up to the inferior third of the first portion of this vessel. These vascular walls exhibit a structure similar to that of the dura, i.e. the tunica adventitia is formed by fascicles of collagenic fibers which describe discontinuous spirals, more open proximal to the beginning of the first portion of the internal jugular vein. Approximately in the inferior third of the first portion of the internal jugular vein, there appear fascicles of smooth muscle fibers which are arranged similarly to those of the venous walls. The tunica intima of these vascular segments exhibits an endothelium resting on a network of elastic fibers which may play the role of an internal elastic lamina. From the bony border of the jugular foramen there originates a connective system whose fascicles of collagenic and elastic fibers incorporate to the wall of the internal jugular vein after describing a stretch in spiral around the vascular lumen.
Astroglial cells are the most abundant cells in the mammalian central nervous system, yet our knowledge about their function in bovine Herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) has been limited. The aim of this study was to detect by immunohistochemistry assay the reactive astrocytes for glial fibrilary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin (VIM), considered intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton, localized in olfactory bulb from natural acute cases of BoHV-5 infection. All samples were submitted to virus isolation, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in situ hybridization (ISH) technique to confirm the virus transcription and respective genome. Samples were classified into four groups according to the severity of histological lesions. Groups III and IV, which histological lesions were classified as alacia, gliosis, satellitosis, neuronophagia and neuronal necrosis, 35% (± 1.8-2.1) of the inflammatory mononuclear cells, corresponded to CD3 positive lymphocytes. In the same group, 35% (± 1.8) of astrocytes were described as reactive to GFAP and VIM proteins. An agreement of r = 1.0 (P<0.0001) was found between histological lesions, intermediate filaments expression, viral DNA and transcription and CD3 lymphocytes. However, samples with mild histological lesions, 10.8 to 14.2% of astrocytes were classified as reactive to GFAP and VIM filaments. Our findings suggest that GFAP and VIM reactive astrocytes, in primary site of virus replication, seems to play an important role in neurovirulence, in spite of many questions concerning the virus immunopathology remains unclear.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Effects of pulsing with different concentrations of gibberellin plus benzyladenine (GA(4+7) + BA), a proprietary mixture of GA(4+7) plus BA in a commercial floral preservative (GA(4+7) + BA + preservative), or a propriety mixture of sugar plus acidifier developed for bulbous flowers (floral bulb preservative) were studied on postharvest performance and quality of cut lily (Lilium hybrids) and gladiolus ( Gladiolus hybrids) flowers. Pulsing of cut stems of lily with GA(4+7) + BA at 5 or 2 mL.L-1 GA(4+7) + BA + preservative for 20 hours at 3 +/- 1 degrees C extended the vase life and controlled leaf chlorosis of 'Cobra'oriental lily and 'Cappuccino'and Pot Corn'asiatic lily. Cut 'Orange Art'asiatic lily performed best when pulsed with GA(4+7) + BA at 10 mg.L-1. For cut gladiolus, pulsing with GA(4+7) + BA at 10 mg.L-1 extended the vase life of 'Alice', 'Mammoth', and 'Passion', while 'Scarlet'had the longest vase life when pulsed with 5 mg.L-1 GA(4+7) + BA. GA(4+7) + BA + preservative also extended the vase life and controlled leaf chlorosis, but the floral bulb preservative had no effect on vase life extension or preventing leaf chlorosis of lilies. Gladiolus cultivars had no or minor leaf chlorosis during vase period. Overall, overnight pulsing with GA(4+7) + BA + or GA(4+7) + BA + preservative extended the vase life and prevented leaf chlorosis
DA is supported by a CAPES PhD grant and ACR is the recipient of research grants by CNPq and FAPESP.
Il presente lavoro propone una traduzione, corredata di commento introduttivo, del primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage: ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Seite” di Lily Braun, un’opera non ancora tradotta in italiano, in cui l’autrice tedesca (femminista e socialdemocratica, nata nel 1865) traccia una storia della condizione femminile e tenta non solo di decostruire, secondo una visione economicistica e materialistica della storia, il mito della “naturale” subordinazione della donna all’uomo, ma anche di combattere il pregiudizio socialista della “subalternità” della questione femminile rispetto alla lotta di classe. Il primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage” indaga la condizione femminile nell’antichità, partendo dalla preistoria, e analizza le forme famigliari primitive, lo sviluppo della monogamia, la nascita del patriarcato, la condizione della donna nell’Oriente antico, in Grecia (riservando particolare attenzione alle posizioni di Platone e di Aristotele sul ruolo della donna nella società), a Roma e presso i popoli barbari. Nel commento introduttivo, sono state fornite alcune notizie storiche essenziali sull’autrice, sull’opera e sulla temperie politica e culturale in cui è stata concepita, e sono stati messi in luce i principali problemi traduttivi incontrati durante il lavoro di preparazione: in particolare, problemi legati alla terminologia delle scienze umane (sociologia, antropologia, filosofia), alle peculiarità retorico-stilistiche e sintattiche della scrittura saggistica, al “dialogo” intertestuale (citazioni da testi antichi, allusioni colte) e alla scelta fra traduzione semantica e traduzione comunicativa.
This critical/creative project considers Stéphane Mallarmé’s critical poems in his 1897 Divagations as an invitation to explore the notion of criticism and the relationship between the conceptual and the nonconceptual aspects of writing and thinking. Informed by Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the face, Walter Benjamin’s essay “The Task of theTranslator” and the myth of Orpheus, I consider ways to approach that which may not be said or thought by following Mallarmé’s method of combining poetry and criticism to create a wandering, unclassifiable text where we may imagine the nonconceptual as a remoteness, as the presence of an absence.