950 resultados para lexical acquisition


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia


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This study analyzes the interference of native language when students are learning a foreign language, in this case English. According to this study, interferences from the native language such as lexical-semantic and phonological are not infrequent. It is one of the main barriers that create difficulties when learning English. The outcome of this study is presented at the end of the Monografia: to provide English-language teachers and students the most significant linguistic interferences that occur during the learning process of English language. Furthermore, some teaching strategies are discussed to avoid the biases that appear due to the interferences of the native language. As a result of this study, I hope to contribute to the learning success among English-language students.


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A robust finding of studies investigating the Aspect Hypothesis is that learners at early stages of acquisition show a strong preference for using the progressive aspect as associated with activity verbs. As they advance in their acquisition of the second or foreign language, learners move from this prototypical association to associations traditionally considered to be more peripheral (e.g.-ing with accomplishments or achievements). Within this framework, the goal of this paper is to provide further evidence from groups of learners with different proficiency levels with regard to the acquisition of progressive aspect by tutored learners of English who are bilingual Catalan-Spanish. This is done by eliciting data by means of two different task types and by looking at both tokens and types. Our results are consistent with previous research according to which-ing morphology is closely associated with durative lexical aspect, although not necessarily with activity predicates. The study also shows that the type of task has an influence on the frequency and the distribution of learners" progressive forms.


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We have investigated Russian children’s reading acquisition during an intermediate period in their development: after literacy onset, but before they have acquired well-developed decoding skills. The results of our study suggest that Russian first graders rely primarily on phonemes and syllables as reading grain-size units. Phonemic awareness seems to have reached the metalinguistic level more rapidly than syllabic awareness after the onset of reading instruction, the reversal which is typical for the initial stages of formal reading instruction creating external demand for phonemic awareness. Another reason might be the inherent instability of syllabic boundaries in Russian. We have shown that body-coda is a more natural representation of subsyllabic structure in Russian than onset-rime. We also found that Russian children displayed variability of syllable onset and offset decisions which can be attributed to the lack of congruence between syllabic and morphemic word division in Russian. We suggest that fuzziness of syllable boundary decisions is a sign of the transitional nature of this stage in the reading development and it indicates progress towards an awareness of morphologically determined closed syllables. Our study also showed that orthographic complexity exerts an influence on reading in Russian from the very start of reading acquisition. Besides, we found that Russian first graders experience fluency difficulties in reading orthographically simple words and nonwords of two and more syllables. The transition from monosyllabic to bisyllabic lexical items constitutes a certain threshold, for which the syllabic structure seemed to be of no difference. When we compared the outcomes of the Russian children with the ones produced by speakers of other languages, we discovered that in the tasks which could be performed with the help of alphabetic recoding Russian children’s accuracy was comparable to that of children learning to read in relatively shallow orthographies. In tasks where this approach works only partially, Russian children demonstrated accuracy results similar to those in deeper orthographies. This pattern of moderate results in accuracy and excellent performance in terms of reaction times is an indication that children apply phonological recoding as their dominant strategy to various reading tasks and are only beginning to develop suitable multiple strategies in dealing with orthographically complex material. The development of these strategies is not completed during Grade 1 and the shift towards diversification of strategies apparently continues in Grade 2.


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La présente thèse a pour objectif d’étudier le rôle des facteurs cognitifs (traitement phonologique et visuoattentionnel et mémoire lexicale orthographique) dans l’acquisition des connaissances orthographiques implicites et explicites. Afin d’examiner les liens entre les différents facteurs cognitifs et les connaissances orthographiques, une étude longitudinale a été réalisée à l’aide d’un échantillon de 338 enfants suivis de la maternelle 5 ans à la fin de la deuxième année du primaire. À la fin de la maternelle, les enfants ont été évalués à l’aide d’une épreuve d’orthographe approchée et d’épreuves évaluant les facteurs cognitifs en jeu dans l’apprentissage du langage écrit (traitement phonologique, traitement visuoattentionnel et mémoire à court et à long terme). Les connaissances lexicales orthographiques explicites de ces mêmes enfants ont été évaluées en fin de première et de deuxième années. Le premier article de cette thèse rapporte les données d’une étude réalisée auprès des enfants scolarisés en maternelle 5 ans. Cette étude vise l’établissement d’un lien entre, d’une part, la capacité de traitement phonologique, visuoattentionnel et de mémoire lexicale orthographique et, d’autre part, les connaissances orthographiques implicites des enfants qui n’ont pas encore eu d’enseignement formel de l’écriture. Les résultats indiquent que, contrairement à ce qui a été longtemps avancé, la capacité de traitement phonologique n’est pas le seul facteur cognitif à intervenir, puisque la capacité de mémoire lexicale orthographique à long terme ainsi que la capacité visuoattentionnelle contribuent de façon importante et indépendante à l’acquisition des connaissances orthographiques implicites des enfants de la maternelle 5 ans. La mémoire lexicale orthographique est même le facteur qui apporte la plus forte contribution. La deuxième étude de cette thèse vise à déterminer, parmi les facteurs cognitifs évalués en maternelle, celui ou ceux qui permettent de prédire les connaissances orthographiques explicites ultérieures, c'est-à-dire celles de première et de deuxième années du primaire. Les résultats de cette deuxième étude indiquent que les préalables nécessaires à l’acquisition des connaissances orthographiques lexicales sont les capacités de traitement phonologique ainsi que les capacités de la mémoire à court et à long terme. La troisième étude de cette thèse a pour but de mettre en lumière le rôle prédictif que joue le niveau des connaissances orthographiques des enfants de maternelle quant au niveau ultérieur de leurs connaissances orthographiques en première et deuxième années, en lien avec les capacités cognitives qui sous-tendent l’apprentissage du langage écrit, en particulier le traitement phonologique, le traitement visuoattentionnel et la mémoire lexicale orthographique. Les résultats de cette dernière étude permettent de montrer que, parmi les facteurs évalués en maternelle, le niveau des connaissances orthographiques implicites apporte une contribution unique à l’ensemble du niveau des connaissances orthographiques ultérieures. L’influence des connaissances orthographiques précoces sur l’acquisition ultérieure n’est pas surprenante. En effet, la première étude avait montré que le niveau de ces connaissances est fonction non seulement de la capacité de mémoire orthographique lexicale mais également de la capacité de traitement phonologique et visuottentionnel. Les résultats issus de ces trois études présentent un intérêt non négligeable dans la compréhension de l’acquisition du langage écrit. En effet, ces recherches ont permis de montrer qu’avant même l’apprentissage formel de l’écrit, l’enfant témoigne de connaissances implicites non négligeables sur la langue écrite et que c’est à partir de ces connaissances que s’élaboreront ses connaissances explicites ultérieures. Ces connaissances sont tributaires de multiples facteurs parmi lesquels la capacité de mémoire lexicale orthographique, facteur cognitif dont la contribution n’avait pas été démontrée jusqu’à présent. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent qu’il est possible d’envisager des outils de dépistage précoce qui permettront d’identifier les enfants à risque de présenter des difficultés spécifiques d’apprentissage du langage écrit. Ce dépistage permettrait de mettre en place des interventions mieux ciblées et précoces, ce qui réduirait ainsi l’impact des difficultés sur les apprentissages scolaires.


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We report two studies of the distinct effects that a word's age of acquisition (AoA) and frequency have on the mental lexicon. In the first study, a purely statistical analysis, we show that AoA and frequency are related in different ways to the phonological form and imageability of different words. In the second study, three groups of participants (34 seven-year-olds, 30 ten-year-olds, and 17 adults) took part in an auditory lexical decision task, with stimuli varying in AoA, frequency, length, neighbourhood density, and imageability. The principal result is that the influence of these different variables changes as a function of AoA: Neighbourhood density effects are apparent for early and late AoA words, but not for intermediate AoA, whereas imageability effects are apparent for intermediate AoA words but not for early or late AoA. These results are discussed from the perspective that AoA affects a word's representation, but frequency affects processing biases.


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This chapter compares lexical diversity of French words used by Dutch-French bilinguals, English-French bilinguals and Flemish L2 learners of French.


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In this paper we show that heritage speakers and returnees are fundamentally different from the majority of adult second language learners with respect to their use of collocations (Laufer & Waldman, 2011). We compare the use of lexical collocations involving yap- “do” and et- “do” among heritage speakers of Turkish in Germany (n=45) with those found among Turkish returnees (n=65) and Turkish monolinguals (n=69). Language use by returnees is an understudied resource although this group can provide crucial insights into the specific language ability of heritage speakers. Results show that returnees who had been back for one year avoid collocations with yap- and use some hypercorrect forms in et-, whilst returnees who had been back for seven years upon recording produce collocations that are quantitatively and qualitatively similar to those of monolingual speakers of Turkish. We discuss implications for theories of ultimate attainment and incomplete acquisition in heritage speakers.


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The incorporation of new representations into the mental lexicon has raised numerous questions about the organisational principles that govern the process. A number of studies have argued that similarity between the new L3 items and existing representations in the L1 and L2 is the main incorporating force (Hall & Ecke, 2003; Herwig, 2001). Experimental evidence obtained through a primed picture-naming task with L1 Polish-L2 English learners of L3 Russian supports Hall and Ecke’s Parasitic Model of L3 vocabulary acquisition, displaying a significant main effect for both priming and proficiency. These results complement current models of vocabulary acquisition and lexical access in multilingual speakers.


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[EN] [EN] The lexical approach identifies lexis as the basis of language and focuses on the principle that language consists of grammaticalised lexis. in second language acquisition, over the past few years, this approach has generated great interest as an alternative to traditional grammar-based teaching methods. From a psycholinguistic point of view, the lexical approach consists of the capacity of understanding and producing lexical phrases as non-analysed entities (chunks). A growing body of literature concerning spoken fluency is in favour of integrating automaticity and formulaic language units into classroom practice. in line with the latest theories on SlA, we recommend the inclusion of a language awareness component as an integral part of this approach. The purpose is to induce what Schmidt (1990) calls noticing , i.e., registering forms in the input so as to store themin memory. This paper, which is in keeping with the interuniversity Research Project “Evidentialityin a multidisciplinary corpus of English research papers” of the University of las Palmas de Gran Canaria, provides a theoretical overview on theresearch of this approach taking into account both the methodological foundationson the subject and its pedagogical implications for SLA


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This research tests the hypothesis that knowledge of derivational morphology facilitates vocabulary acquisition in beginning adult second language learners. Participants were mono-lingual English-speaking college students aged 18 years and older enrolled inintroductory Spanish courses. Knowledge of Spanish derivational morphology was tested through the use of a forced-choice translation task. Spanish lexical knowledge was measured by a translation task using direct translation (English word) primes and conceptual (picture) primes. A 2x2x2 mixed factor ANOVA examined the relationships between morphological knowledge (strong, moderate), error type (form-based, conceptual), and prime type (direct translation, picture). The results are consistent with the existence of a relationship between knowledge of derivational morphology andacquisition of second language vocabulary. Participants made more conceptually-based errors than form-based errors F (1,22)=7.744, p=.011. This result is consistent with Clahsen & Felser’s (2006) and Ullman’s (2004) models of second language processing. Additionally, participants with Strong morphological knowledge made fewer errors onthe lexical knowledge task than participants with Moderate morphological knowledge t(23)=-2.656, p=.014. I suggest future directions to clarify the relationship between morphological knowledge and lexical development in adult second language learners.


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Although developmental increases in the size of the position effect within a mispronunciation detection task have been interpreted as consistent with a view of the lexical restructuring process as protracted, the position effect itself might not be reliable. The current research examined the effects of position and clarity of acoustic-phonetic information on sensitivity to mispronounced onsets in 5- and 6-year-olds and adults. Both children and adults showed a position effect only when mispronunciations also differed in the amount of relevant acoustic-phonetic information. Adults' sensitivity to mispronounced second-syllable onsets also reflected the availability of acoustic-phonetic information. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the lexical restructuring hypothesis. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Following Andersen's (1986, 1991) study of untutored anglophone learners of Spanish, aspectual features have been at the centre of hypotheses on the development of past verbal morphology in language acquisition. The Primacy of Aspect Hypothesis claims that the association of any verb category (Aktionsart) with any aspect (perfective or imperfective) constitutes the endpoint of acquisition. However, its predictions rely on the observation of a limited number of untutored learners at the early stages of their acquisition, and have yet to be confirmed in other settings. The aim of the present thesis is to evaluate the explanatory power of the PAH in respect of the acquisition of French past tenses, an aspect of the language which constitutes a serious stumbling block for foreign learners, even those at the highest levels of proficiency (Coppieters 1987). The present research applies the PAH to the production of 61 anglophone 'advanced learners' (as defined in Bartning 1997) in a tutored environment. In so doing, it tests concurrent explanations, including the influence of the input, the influence of chunking, and the hypothesis of cyclic development. Finally, it discusses the cotextual and contextual factors that still provoke what Anderson (1991) terms "non-native glitches" at the final stage, as predicted by the PAH. The first part of the thesis provides the theoretical background to the corpus analysis. It opens with a diachronic presentation of the French past tense system focusing on present areas of competition and developments that emphasize the complexity of the system to be acquired. The concepts of time, grammatical aspect and lexical aspect (Aktionsart) are introduced and discussed in the second chapter, and a distinctive formal representation of the French past tenses is offered in the third chapter. The second part of the thesis is devoted to a corpus analysis. The data gathering procedures and the choice of tasks (oral and written film narratives based on Modern Times, cloze tests and acceptability judgement tests) are described and justified in the research methodology chapter. The research design was shaped by previous studies and consequently allows comparison with these. The second chapter is devoted to the narratives analysis and the third to the grammatical tasks. This section closes with a summary of discoveries and a comparison with previous results. The conclusion addresses the initial research questions in the light of both theory and practice. It shows that the PAH fails to account for the complex phenomenon of past tense development in the acquisitional settings under study, as it adopts a local (the verb phrase) and linear (steady progression towards native usage) approach. It is thus suggested that past tense acquisition rather follows a pendular development as learners reformulate their learning hypotheses and become increasingly able to shift from local to global cues and so to integrate the influence of cotext and context in their tense choice.