956 resultados para learning organisations


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In July 2011 the Minister for education launched Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life – the national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people. The strategy was developed following an extensive consultation process and contributions from individuals, schools, groups and organisations. This leaflet gives a flavour of the key parts of the Strategy with access to the full document on the Department’s website.


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This thesis examines the history and evolution of information system process innovation (ISPI) processes (adoption, adaptation, and unlearning) within the information system development (ISD) work in an internal information system (IS) department and in two IS software house organisations in Finland over a 43-year time-period. The study offers insights into influential actors and their dependencies in deciding over ISPIs. The research usesa qualitative research approach, and the research methodology involves the description of the ISPI processes, how the actors searched for ISPIs, and how the relationships between the actors changed over time. The existing theories were evaluated using the conceptual models of the ISPI processes based on the innovationliterature in the IS area. The main focus of the study was to observe changes in the main ISPI processes over time. The main contribution of the thesis is a new theory. The term theory should be understood as 1) a new conceptual framework of the ISPI processes, 2) new ISPI concepts and categories, and the relationships between the ISPI concepts inside the ISPI processes. The study gives a comprehensive and systematic study on the history and evolution of the ISPI processes; reveals the factors that affected ISPI adoption; studies ISPI knowledge acquisition, information transfer, and adaptation mechanisms; and reveals the mechanismsaffecting ISPI unlearning; changes in the ISPI processes; and diverse actors involved in the processes. The results show that both the internal IS department and the two IS software houses sought opportunities to improve their technical skills and career paths and this created an innovative culture. When new technology generations come to the market the platform systems need to be renewed, and therefore the organisations invest in ISPIs in cycles. The extent of internal learning and experiments was higher than the external knowledge acquisition. Until the outsourcing event (1984) the decision-making was centralised and the internalIS department was very influential over ISPIs. After outsourcing, decision-making became distributed between the two IS software houses, the IS client, and itsinternal IT department. The IS client wanted to assure that information systemswould serve the business of the company and thus wanted to co-operate closely with the software organisations.


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This study was conducted in order to learn how companies’ revenue models will be transformed due to the digitalisation of its products and processes. Because there is still only a limited number of researches focusing solely on revenue models, and particularly on the revenue model change caused by the changes at the business environment, the topic was initially approached through the business model concept, which organises the different value creating operations and resources at a company in order to create profitable revenue streams. This was used as the base for constructing the theoretical framework for this study, used to collect and analyse the information. The empirical section is based on a qualitative study approach and multiple-case analysis of companies operating in learning materials publishing industry. Their operations are compared with companies operating in other industries, which have undergone comparable transformation, in order to recognise either similarities or contrasts between the cases. The sources of evidence are a literature review to find the essential dimensions researched earlier, and interviews 29 of managers and executives at 17 organisations representing six industries. Based onto the earlier literature and the empirical findings of this study, the change of the revenue model is linked with the change of the other dimen-sions of the business model. When one dimension will be altered, as well the other should be adjusted accordingly. At the case companies the transformation is observed as the utilisation of several revenue models simultaneously and the revenue creation processes becoming more complex.


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The goal of the study was to evaluate an e-learning course entitled “Nursing interventions to manage distressed and disturbed patients” and intended for psychiatric nurses, using Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model. The aim was to describe nurses’ reactions, learning, behaviour change and impacts resulting from this e-learning course. This dissertation comprises four papers, and the data were collected 2008-2012 from three different sources; electronic databases, an e-learning platform and psychiatric hospitals. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to understand the effectiveness of e-learning. Second, an RCT study was implemented to investigate the impact of the e-learning course on nurses’ job-satisfaction, knowledge and attitudes (N=158). Third, to complete the picture of nurses views of the e-learning course related to knowledge transfer, the nurses’ perspective was studied (N=33). Lastly, the effects of the e-learning course from nursing managers’ perspective in psychiatric hospital organisations were studied (N=28). The systematic review showed that although the nurses were satisfied with the e-learning, no effects were found in the RCT study of nurses’ job satisfaction. The RCT study showed no effects on nurses’ learning related to knowledge increase, but there was change in attitudes. The managers described the changes in the nurses’ knowledge and attitudes. Among the nurses behaviour changed with knowledge transfer from the e-learning course to practice and they pointed out development issues related to their work. The final impacts of the e-learning course revealed advantages and disadvantages of the e-learning course and its implications for nurses’ work. This dissertation provides new insight into nurses’ reactions, learning, behaviour change and impacts resulting from an e-learning course in their continuing education. In order to improve nurses’ continuing education systematic evaluation is needed, for which Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model is a useful tool.


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Cette étude qui s’inscrit dans la perspective de l’action située, vise à comprendre le phénomène de (re)construction des communautés de pratique (CoPs) en contexte de fusion hospitalière. La recherche repose sur un devis d’étude de cas longitudinale qui combine plusieurs sources de données : documentaires, d’entretiens semi-directifs et d’observations de terrain. La stratégie d’analyse combine deux méthodes : l’une processuelle, permettant un ordonnancement temporel de récits d’événements et d'activités qui ont contribué à situer l’action dans le temps; l’autre selon l’approche de la théorisation ancrée, a permis la comparaison des données par leur regroupement systématique en catégories et sous catégories, tout au long de la collecte des données. La démarche de recherche processuelle adoptée, nous a conduit à révéler la dynamique de construction d’une communauté de pratique (CoP) à partir des caractéristiques inter reliées, identifiées dans la littérature et qui font référence à un engagement mutuel, une entreprise commune et un répertoire partagé. Ainsi, nos analyses montrent que le domaine d’action qui vient délimiter les points de convergence des participants, constitue le dénominateur commun de la pratique de la communauté qui met à jour des savoirs tacites et explicites qui s’échangent et se développent dans le temps. Cette pratique partagée, éminemment sociale, génère des connaissances et des règles négociées et entretenues par les membres dans le cadre de leurs rencontres. Nos analyses révèlent également que le processus d’évolution d’une communauté de pratique, s’inscrit dans une trajectoire d’apprentissages continue où se combinent de façon dynamique, des temps de participation intense, propices à la construction progressive d’une compréhension commune et négociée du domaine d’action (participation) et des temps de mise en forme de ces représentations (réification). Ici, la dialectique participation/réification qui se donne à voir, révèle un véritable travail d’organisation où la construction du sens à donner à l’action s’instruit à l’aune d’une régulation sociale omniprésente. Toutefois, le résultat de la régulation sociale, n’implique pas de facto, la rencontre d’une régulation conjointe. Plutôt, nos résultats mettent à jour un ensemble de régulations, tantôt concurrentes, tantôt en équilibre en regard du contexte dans lequel sont placés les acteurs. Enfin, nos résultats sur la dynamique de (re)construction des communautés de pratique en contexte de fusion, permettent d’appréhender le changement organisationnel non plus sous ses seuls aspects stratégiques et en direction des équipes dirigeantes, mais également sous l’angle des capacités d’acteurs « ordinaires » à l’initier dans une perspective continue et située.


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Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle au Département d’administration de la santé Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal et à l’École doctorale Biologie-Santé Faculté de médecine, Université de Nantes, France


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La malhonnêteté académique au cours d’épreuves présente des enjeux importants quant à l’intégrité des évaluations. La présence des TIC étant de plus en plus importante en cours de passation dans les épreuves, il est important avec ce mode de récolte de données d’assurer un niveau de sécurité égal ou même supérieur à celui présent lorsqu’un mode de récolte de données traditionnel, le papier-crayon, est utilisé. Il existe plusieurs recherches sur l’utilisation des TIC dans l’évaluation, mais peu d’entre elles traitent des modalités de sécurité lors de l’utilisation des TIC. Dans ce mémoire, treize organisations québécoises ont été rencontrées: six qui utilisaient les TIC dans la passation, cinq qui utilisaient le papier-crayon dans la passation mais qui désiraient utiliser les TIC et deux qui utilisaient le papier-crayon et qui ne désiraient pas utiliser les TIC. Les organisations sont des établissements d’enseignement (primaire, secondaire, collégial, universitaire), des entreprises privées, des organismes gouvernementaux ou municipaux et des ordres professionnels. Des entrevues semi-structurées et une analyse qualitative par présence ou absence de différentes caractéristiques ont permis de documenter les modalités de sécurité liées à la récolte de données en vue de l’évaluation en utilisant les TIC. Ces modalités ont été comparées à celles utilisées lors de l’utilisation du papier-crayon dans la récolte de données en vue de l’évaluation afin de voir comment elles varient lors de l’utilisation des TIC. Les résultats révèlent que l’utilisation des TIC dans la passation complexifie et ajoute des étapes à la préparation des épreuves pour assurer un niveau de sécurité adéquat. Cependant elle permet également de nouvelles fonctions en ce qui concerne le type de questions, l’intégration de multimédia, l’utilisation de questions adaptatives et la génération aléatoire de l’épreuve qui permettent de contrer certaines formes de malhonnêteté académiques déjà présentes avec l’utilisation du papier-crayon dans la passation et pour lesquelles il était difficile d’agir. Toutefois, l’utilisation des TIC dans la passation peut aussi amener de nouvelles possibilités de malhonnêteté académique. Mais si ces dernières sont bien prises en considération, l’utilisation des TIC permet un niveau de sécurité des épreuves supérieur à celui où les données sont récoltées au traditionnel papier-crayon en vue de l’évaluation.


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Les restructurations et les mutations de plus en plus nombreuses dans les entreprises font évoluer la trajectoire de carrière des employés vers un cheminement moins linéaire et amènent une multiplication des changements de rôle (Delobbe & Vandenberghe, 2000). Les organisations doivent de plus en plus se soucier de l’intégration de ces nouveaux employés afin de leur transmettre les éléments fondamentaux du fonctionnement et de la culture qu’elles privilégient. Par contre, la plupart des recherches sur la socialisation organisationnelle portent sur les « meilleures pratiques », et les résultats qui en découlent sont mixtes. Cette étude comparative cherche à déterminer si et sur quelles variables les nouveaux employés socialisés par leur entreprise diffèrent des nouveaux employés « non socialisés ». Premièrement, cette étude vise à comparer ces deux groupes sur 1) les résultantes proximales (la maîtrise du contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle et la clarté de rôle) et 2) les résultantes distales (l’engagement organisationnel affectif, la satisfaction au travail et l’intention de quitter) du processus de socialisation organisationnelle, ainsi que sur 3) les caractéristiques des réseaux sociaux d’information, en contrôlant pour la proactivité. Dans un second temps, cette étude a pour objectif d’explorer si le processus de socialisation organisationnelle (les relations entre les variables) diffère entre les nouveaux employés socialisés ou non. Cinquante-trois nouveaux employés (moins d’un an d’ancienneté) d’une grande entreprise québécoise ont participé à cette étude. L’entreprise a un programme de socialisation en place, mais son exécution est laissée à la discrétion de chaque département, créant deux catégories de nouveaux employés : ceux qui ont été socialisés par leur département, et ceux qui n’ont pas été socialisés (« non socialisés »). Les participants ont été sondés sur les stratégies proactives, les résultantes proximales et distales et les caractéristiques des réseaux sociaux d’information. Pour le premier objectif, les résultats indiquent que les nouveaux employés socialisés maîtrisent mieux le contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle que les nouveaux employés non socialisés. En ce qui a trait au deuxième objectif, des différences dans le processus de socialisation organisationnelle ont été trouvées. Pour les nouveaux employés « non socialisés », la recherche proactive d’informations et la recherche de rétroaction sont liées à certaines caractéristiques des réseaux sociaux, alors que le cadrage positif est lié à la satisfaction au travail et à l’intention de quitter, et que la clarté de rôle est liée uniquement à la satisfaction au travail. Les nouveaux employés socialisés, quant à eux, démontrent des liens entre la maîtrise du contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle et chacune des résultantes distales (l’engagement organisationnel affectif, la satisfaction au travail et l’intention de quitter). Globalement, l’intégration des nouveaux employés non socialisés serait plutôt influencée par leurs stratégies proactives, tandis que celle des nouveaux employés non socialisés serait facilitée par leur maîtrise du contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle. De façon générale, cette étude comparative offre un aperçu intéressant des nouveaux employés rarement trouvé dans les recherches portant sur les « meilleures pratiques » de la socialisation organisationnelle. Des recommandations pour la recherche et la pratique en suivent.


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This report addresses the extent that managerial practices can be shared between the aerospace and construction sectors. Current recipes for learning from other industries tend to be oversimplistic and often fail to recognise the embedded and contextual nature of managerial knowledge. Knowledge sharing between business sectors is best understood as an essential source of innovation. The process of comparison challenges assumptions and better equips managers to cope with future change. Comparisons between the aerospace and construction sectors are especially useful because they are so different. The two sectors differ hugely in terms of their institutional context, structure and technological intensity. The aerospace sector has experienced extensive consolidation and is dominated by a small number of global companies. Aerospace companies operate within complex networks of global interdependency such that collaborative working is a commercial imperative. In contrast, the construction sector remains highly fragmented and is characterised by a continued reliance on small firms. The vast majority of construction firms compete within localised markets that are too often characterised by opportunistic behaviour. Comparing construction to aerospace highlights the unique characteristics of both sectors and helps explain how managerial practices are mediated by context. Detailed comparisons between the two sectors are made in a range of areas and guidance is provided for the implementation of knowledge sharing strategies within and across organisations. The commonly accepted notion of ‘best practice’ is exposed as a myth. Indeed, universal models of best practice can be detrimental to performance by deflecting from the need to adapt continuously to changing circumstances. Competitiveness in the construction sector too often rests on efficiency in managing contracts, with a particular emphasis on the allocation of risk. Innovation in construction tends to be problem-driven and is rarely shared from project to project. In aerospace, the dominant model of competitiveness means that firms have little choice other than to invest in continuous innovation, despite difficult trading conditions. Research and development (R&D) expenditure in aerospace continues to rise as a percentage of turnovers. A sustained capacity for innovation within the aerospace sector depends crucially upon stability and continuity of work. In the construction sector, the emergence of the ‘hollowed-out’ firm has undermined the industry’s capacity for innovation. Integrated procurement contexts such as prime contracting in construction potentially provide a more supportive climate for an innovation-based model of competitiveness. However, investment in new ways of working depends upon a shift in thinking not only amongst construction contractors, but also amongst the industry’s major clients.


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Purpose – At the heart of knowledge management (KM) are the people – an organisation's important knowledge asset. Although this is widely acknowledged, businesses seldom understand this axiom in terms of the communities through which individuals develop and share the capacity to create and use knowledge. It is the collective learning that takes place within the social systems, i.e. communities of practice (CoP) that are of particular significance to an organisation from a KM perspective. This paper aims to review, critique, and raise some pertinent questions on the role of CoPs; and with the help of case studies shed light on the “goings-on” in construction practices. Design/methodology/approach – After critically reviewing the literature on CoPs and querying some underlying assertions, this research investigates how these issues are addressed in practice. A case study approach is adopted. Three organisations operating in the construction sector are interviewed for the purpose of this paper. Findings – Case study findings highlight the potential challenges and benefits of CoPs to a construction organisation, the role they play in generating and delivering value to the organisation and their contribution towards the collective organisational intelligence. From the findings, it is clear that the question is not whether communities exist within organisations, but how they deliver value to the organisation. From an organisational perspective, the key challenge is to provide an environment that is conducive to developing and nurturing such communities as opposed to merely creating them. Practical implications – Challenges and benefits demonstrated through the case studies should be taken in context. The findings are not intended to be prescriptive in nature, but are intentionally descriptive to provide contextual data that allow readers to draw their own inferences in the context of their organisations. They should be applied taking into account an organisation's unique characteristics and differentiators, the dynamics of the environment in which it operates and the culture it harbours within. Originality/value – Investigating the role of CoPs in the context of case study construction organisations forms the prime focus of this paper.


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Business and IT alignment has continued as a top concern for business and IT executives for almost three decades. Many researchers have conducted empirical studies on the relationship between business-IT alignment and performance. Yet, these approaches, lacking a social perspective, have had little impact on sustaining performance and competitive advantage. In addition to the limited alignment literature that explores organisational learning that is represented in shared understanding, communication, cognitive maps and experiences. Hence, this paper proposes an integrated process that enables social and intellectual dimensions through the concept of organisational learning. In particular, the feedback and feed- forward process which provide a value creation across dynamic multilevel of learning. This mechanism enables on-going effectiveness through development of individuals, groups and organisations, which improves the quality of business and IT strategies and drives to performance.


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The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) is the umbrella organisation for Member Organisations from 145 countries around the world, with a total membership of ten million. While Member Organisations offer training and development within their own countries, WAGGGS offers international opportunities. This project seeks to explore how technology can be used to offer similar opportunities to those provided by the face-to-face courses to a much wider audience, while retaining the community and interactive learning aspects of the existing programmes.


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This publication offers concrete suggestions for implementing an integrative and learning-oriented approach to agricultural extension with the goal of fostering sustainable development. It targets governmental and non-governmental organisations, development agencies, and extension staff working in the field of rural development. The book looks into the conditions and trends that influence extension today, and outlines new challenges and necessary adaptations. It offers a basic reflection on the goals, the criteria for success and the form of a state-of-the-art approach to extension. The core of the book consists of a presentation of Learning for Sustainability (LforS), an example of an integrative, learning-oriented approach that is based on three crucial elements: stakeholder dialogue, knowledge management, and organizational development. Awareness raising and capacity building, social mobilization, and monitoring & evaluation are additional building blocks. The structure and organisation of the LforS approach as well as a selection of appropriate methods and tools are presented. The authors also address key aspects of developing and managing a learning-oriented extension approach. The book illustrates how LforS can be implemented by presenting two case studies, one from Madagascar and one from Mongolia. It addresses conceptual questions and at the same time it is practice-oriented. In contrast to other extension approaches, LforS does not limit its focus to production-related aspects and the development of value chains: it also addresses livelihood issues in a broad sense. With its focus on learning processes LforS seeks to create a better understanding of the links between different spheres and different levels of decision-making; it also seeks to foster integration of the different actors’ perspectives.