891 resultados para largemouth and smallmouth bass
Let G be a finite group and ZG its integral group ring. We show that if alpha is a nontrivial bicyclic unit of ZG, then there are bicyclic units beta and gamma of different types, such that
Let ZG be the integral group ring of the finite nonabelian group G over the ring of integers Z, and let * be an involution of ZG that extends one of G. If x and y are elements of G, we investigate when pairs of the form (u(k,m)(x*), u(k,m)(x*)) or (u(k,m)(x), u(k,m)(y)), formed respectively by Bass cyclic and *-symmetric Bass cyclic units, generate a free noncyclic subgroup of the unit group of ZG.
At a global scale, aquatic ecosystems are being altered by human activities at a greater rate than at any other time in history. In recent years, grassroots efforts have generated interest in the restoration of degraded or destroyed aquatic habitats, especially small wetlands and streams where such projects are feasible with local resources. We present ecological management lessons learned from 17 years of monitoring the fish community response to the channel relocation and reach-level restoration of Juday Creek, a 3rd-order tributary of the St. Joseph River in Indiana, USA. The project was designed to increase habitat complexity, reverse the effects of accumulated fine sediment (< 2 mm diameter), and mitigate for the impacts of a new golf course development. The 1997 restoration consisted of new channel construction within two reaches of a 1.2-km section of Juday Creek that also contained two control reaches. A primary social goal of the golf course development and stream restoration was to avoid harm to the non-native brown trout fishery, as symbolic of community concerns for the watershed. Our long-term monitoring effort revealed that, although fine sediment increased over time in the restored reaches, habitat conditions have promoted the resurgence of native fish species. Since restoration, the fish assemblage has shifted from non-native Salmonidae (brown trout, rainbow trout) to native Centrarchidae (rock bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass). In addition, native, nongame species have remained stable or have increased in population abundance (e.g., Johnny darter, mottled sculpin). The results of this study demonstrate the value of learning from a restoration project to adjust management decisions that enhance environmental quality.
Fish consumption preferences are affected by individuals’ socioeconomic characteristics. The aims of the present paper were (i) to obtain information on fish consumption level and frequency; (ii) to investigate the associations between the socioeconomic characteristics of consumers and their preferences; and (iii) to examine the influence of determinants on fish consumption. Data were gathered through a questionnaire completed by a total of 127 randomly selected individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds from the Antakya, Turkey. The average consumption was found to be 2.98 kg/person/year for fish. Anchovies, gilt-head sea bream, and sea bass were reported as the most consumed three species, respectively. Significant differences in fish consumption were found among age groups, gender groups, and education groups, as well as between marital statuses. A majority of the consumers eat fish once a month throughout the year or only during the winter months. Fish consumption level and frequency were significantly positively correlated with education (p<0.01), income (p<0.05) and total meat consumption (p<0.01). The stepwise multiple regression model explained 41.7% (p<0.01) of the total variance for fish consumption. The amount and frequency of the consumption in the region, which is very far below the world and Turkey average especially for lower socioeconomic groups and for less-consumed fish species, can be increased by certain policies, such as training, advertising and different marketing strategies. Moreover, consumption should be distributed equally throughout the year instead of consuming only in certain seasons.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The quality of fish products is indispensably linked to the freshness of the raw material modulated by appropriate manipulation and storage conditions, specially the storage temperature after catch. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which was largely conducted in the context of a research project funded by Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), concerned the evaluation of the freshness of farmed and wild fish species, in relation to different storage conditions, under ice (0°C) or at refrigeration temperature (4°C). Several specimens of different species, bogue (Boops boops), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), during storage, under the different temperature conditions adopted, have been examined. The assessed control parameters were physical (texture, through the use of a dynamometer; visual quality using a computer vision system (CVS)), chemical (through footprint metabolomics 1H-NMR) and sensory (Quality Index Method (QIM). Microbiological determinations were also carried out on the species of hake (Merluccius merluccius). In general obtained results confirmed that the temperature of manipulation/conservation is a key factor in maintaining fish freshness. NMR spectroscopy showed to be able to quantify and evaluate the kinetics for unselected compounds during fish degradation, even a posteriori. This can be suitable for the development of new parameters related to quality and freshness. The development of physical methods, particularly the image analysis performed by computer vision system (CVS), for the evaluation of fish degradation, is very promising. Among CVS parameters, skin colour, presence and distribution of gill mucus, and eye shape modification evidenced a high sensibility for the estimation of fish quality loss, as a function of the adopted storage conditions. Particularly the eye concavity index detected on fish eye showed a high positive correlation with total QIM score.
This dissertation consists of three distinct components: (1) “Double Rainbow,” a notated composition for an acoustic ensemble of 10 instruments, ca. 36 minutes. (2) “Appalachiana”, a fixed-media composition for electro-acoustic music and video, ca. 30 minutes, and (3) “'The Invisible Mass': Exploring Compositional Technique in Alfred Schnittke’s Second Symphony”, an analytical article.
(1) Double Rainbow is a ca. 36 minute composition in four movements scored for 10 instruments: flute, Bb clarinet (doubling on bass clarinet), tenor saxophone (doubling on alto saxophone), french horn, percussion (glockenspiel, vibraphone, wood block, 3 toms, snare drum, bass drum, suspended cymbal), piano, violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Each of the four movements of the piece explore their own distinct character and set of compositional goals. The piece is presented as a musical score and as a recording, which was extensively treated in post-production.
(2) Appalachiana, is a ca. 30 minute fixed-media composition for music and video. The musical component was created as a vehicle to showcase several approaches to electro-acoustic music composition –fft re-synthesis for time manipulation effects, the use of a custom-built software instrument which implements generative approaches to creating rhythm and pitch patterns, using a recording of rain to create rhythmic triggers for software instruments, and recording additional components with acoustic instruments. The video component transforms footage of natural landscapes filmed at several locations in North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia into a surreal narrative using a variety of color, lighting, distortion, and time-manipulation video effects.
(3) “‘The Invisible Mass:’ Exploring Compositional Technique in Alfred Schnittke’s Second Symphony” is an analytical article that focuses on Alfred Schnittke’s compositional technique as evidenced in the construction of his Second Symphony and discussed by the composer in a number of previously untranslated articles and interviews. Though this symphony is pivotal in the composer’s oeuvre, there are currently no scholarly articles that offer in-depth analyses of the piece. The article combines analyses of the harmony, form, and orchestration in the Second Symphony with relevant quotations from the composer, some from published and translated sources and others newly translated by the author from research at the Russian State Library in St. Petersburg. These offer a perspective on how Schnittke’s compositional technique combines systematic geometric design with keen musical intuition.
The purpose of this dissertation is to produce a new Harmonie arrangement of Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte suitable for modern performance, bringing Joseph Heidenreich’s 1782 arrangement—one of the great treasures of the wind repertoire—to life for future performers and audiences. I took advantage of the capabilities of modern wind instruments and performance techniques, and employed other instruments normally found in the modern wind ensemble to create a work in the tradition of Heidenreich’s that restored as much of Mozart’s original thinking as possible. I expanded the Harmonie band to include flute and string bass. Other instruments provide special effects, a traditional role for wind instruments in the Classical opera orchestra. This arrangement is conceived to be performed with the original vocal soloists, making it a viable option for concert performance or for smaller staged productions. It is also intended to allow the wind players to be onstage with the singers, becoming part of the dramatic action while simultaneously serving as the “opera orchestra.” This allows creative staging possibilities, and offers the wind players an opportunity to explore new aspects of performing. My arrangement also restores Mozart’s music to its original keys and retains much of his original wind scoring. This arrangement expands the possibilities for collaboration between opera studios, voice departments or community opera companies and wind ensembles. A suite for winds without voices (currently in production) will allow conductors to program this major work from the Classical era without dedicating a concert program to the complete opera. Excerpted arias and duets from this arrangement provide vocalists the option of using chamber wind accompaniment on recitals. The door is now open to arrangements of other operas by composers such as Mozart, Rossini and Weber, adding new repertoire for chamber winds and bringing great music to life in a new way.
Dissertação de mestrado, Biotecnologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Druj Aeterni is a large chamber ensemble piece for flute, clarinet, French horn, two trumpets, piano, two percussionists, string quintet, and electric bass. My composition integrates three intellectual pursuits and interests, ancient mythology, cosmology, and mathematics. The title of the piece uses Latin and the language of the Avesta, the holy book of Zoroastrianism, and comments upon a philosophical perspective based in string theory. I abstract the cosmological implications of string theory, apply them to the terminology and theology of Zoroastrianism, and then structure the composition in consideration of a possible reconciliation. The analysis that follows incorporates analytical techniques similar to David Cope’s style of Vectoral Analysis.
Recreational shore angling in the Atlantic Ocean between Moledo and Aveiro (Portugal) was examined using roving creel surveys (March/September 2001). Cooperation was high (90% of 2310 anglers approached). At least 39 species of fish were caught at a rate of approximately 0.5 fish angler h(-1). An estimated 7319 kg of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), with 45.6% below the minimum legal size, and 2040 kg of sea breams (genus Diplodus), correspond to 5.75% and 1.19% of the commercial landings in the same geographical area, respectively. The results shed light on a number of issues relevant to integrated coastal management, including temporal and spatial distribution of fishing effort, species caught, sizes of fish, catch rates, and factors influencing catches and angler satisfaction. Whilst the results suggest that the catches of sea breams and sea bass by day-time recreational shore angling in northern Portugal are small compared with commercial fishing, other recreational activities, such as boat fishing and spear-fishing, must be assessed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
INTRODUÇÃO: A audição é um dos sentidos mais importantes para o ser humano, e seu funcionamento está interligado à sua produtividade, o que não é diferente aos músicos, já que ela é de suma importância para a qualidade de seu trabalho e permanência na carreira. O desenvolvimento de um programa de prevenção de perdas auditivas tem por objetivo modificar o comportamento dos músicos em relação à sua audição, uma vez que, constantemente, estão expostos a níveis de pressão sonora elevados e ao surgimento de lesões irreversíveis. Contudo, se medidas preventivas não forem realizadas corretamente, as exposições dos músicos frente à intensidade sonora elevada podem trazer prejuízos à saúde e alguns destes, irreversíveis como, a Perda Auditiva Induzida por Níveis de Pressão Sonora Elevados (PAINPSE) ou Perda Auditiva Induzida por Música (PAIM). OBJETIVO GERAL: submeter os músicos ao programa de prevenção de perdas auditivas (PPPA) e verificar sua eficácia. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Participaram componentes de quatro bandas musicais, correspondendo a um total de 16 participantes. Esses membros foram submetidos ao Programa de Prevenção de Perdas Auditivas (PPPA) que engloba as seguintes etapas: (1) medição do nível de pressão sonora no ensaio e show; (2) entrevista específica, Audiometria Tonal Liminar e de Altas Frequências, Logoaudiometria, Imitanciometria e Emissões Otoacústicas por estímulo Transientes e Produto de Distorção; (3) orientação sobre a utilização do Equipamento de Proteção Individual (EPI); e (4) a realização de medidas educativas por meio de workshops. RESULTADOS: O Nível de Pressão Sonora (NPS) durante os ensaios e apresentações/shows, encontram-se elevados, sintomas não auditivos estão presentes em 68, 75% da população total da amostra, presença de zumbido após o show em 100% da amostra; maiores dificuldades de compreensão de fala no ruído nos músicos que tocam baixo (75%). Ao traçar o perfil audiológico do músico foram encontrados: maiores médias dos limiares audiológicos por frequência das bandas estudadas em 500Hz e 3KHz (B1), 3KHz e 4KHz (B2), 3KHz, 4KHz e 6KHz (B3) e em 3KHz (B4); as maiores médias dos limiares audiológicos por frequência dos instrumentos estudados foram em 3KHz, 4KHz e 6KHz (voz), 3KHz e 4KHz (guitarra), 3KHz, 4KHz e 6KHz (baixo) e 3KHz, 4KHz (bateria); presença de entalhe nas frequências de 2KHz, 4KHz, 6KHz e 8KHz na audiometria tonal liminar; já na audiometria de altas frequências em todas as frequências apareceram ao menos um caso, reflexos ausentes em 4KHz (ipsilateral e contralateral); ausência de resposta em 4KHz para todos os baixistas bilateralmente (100%) quando pesquisado EOE por estímulo transiente e na produto de distorção foram encontradas ausência de respostas em 50% da amostra na frequência de 6KHz, sendo assim pesquisada a curva de crescimento (dp growth rate) aparecendo resposta em 75dB em quase 100% dos casos em que houve necessidade de sua realização. Quanto aos achados obtidos da avaliação realizada pelos participantes (músicos) referente ao website, os resultados mostraram que o mesmo atende às necessidades propostas, ou seja, a promoção da saúde auditiva em músicos. CONCLUSÃO: Existe a necessidade de serem tomadas medidas preventivas e a inserção dos músicos em um Programa de Prevenção de Perdas Auditivas (PPPA) a fim de proporcioná-los maiores condições de qualidade de vida e em seu trabalho, já que necessitam da sua audição para desempenhar com eficácia suas atividades e se manter no mercado de trabalho atuando como músico.
For flute, oboe, English horn, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, bassoon, double bassoon, 2 horns, 2 violins, viola, violoncello, and double bass.