941 resultados para knowledge intensive business services (KIBS)


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Customer participation has been studied for decades; however, it gained a postmodern perspective around the year 2000. Customers have become co-creators of personalized experiences, moving from the audience to the stage. In the educational context, students must take responsibility for their learning process and participate in the production of the service. This changing is providing opportunities and challenges for higher education institutions (HEIs) to redefine their relationship with stakeholders, especially with students. This study is based on the service dominant logic (SDL) perspective because students are assumed to take the role of co-creators of knowledge in the educational setting. The research uses adapted frameworks and concepts applied in organizational, knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) and also medical studies to advance the understanding of value co-creation in the HEI context. The current study addresses a lack of research in the higher education context focusing on defining students’ participation and students’ empowerment in higher education context. An empirical investigation was developed with traditional schools in Brazil. This investigation allowed the description of the constructs in the specific context. The description of student participation in HEIs context reflects the relevance of three dimensions – information sharing, personal interaction and responsible behavior. In the Brazilian context, responsible behavior is the weakest dimension in the construct, because the responsibilities are unbalanced between students and professors. The main reasons identified for this unbalanced relation were cultural issues and local regulation. Student empowerment was described as composed by four dimensions – meaningfulness, competence, impact and choice; however, one of them – choice – was identified as the weakest dimension, facing cultural and bureaucratic barriers for implementation in the Brazilian educational context. Moreover, interviewees spontaneously cited the idea of trust in the faculty as an important antecedent of student participation that must be considered when analyzing student participation and empowerment mechanisms. An additional contribution was the proposal of a theory-based framework for understanding the service dominant logic perspective in the HEI context, in which student participation and student empowerment were explored as mechanisms leading to positive student behavior toward institution.


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Services are the most representative sector in developed economies due to their contribution to GDP and employment. Consulting firms are classified as part of the Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and provide professional services to all types of organizations. Consulting firms usually innovate with their customers and suppliers in a nurturing environment for value co-creation. This environment is project-based, process-oriented and with intensive knowledge exchange among all stakeholders. Based on literature review, it has been found that despite the existence of frameworks for service innovation, none of them have specifically focused on consulting firms. Further implications on this issue are addressed for both academics and practitioners.


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The goal of this research is to study how knowledge-intensive business services can be productized by using the service blueprinting tool. As services provide the majority of jobs, GDP and productivity growth in Europe, their continuous development is needed for Europe to retain its global competitiveness. As services are turning more complex, their development becomes more difficult. The theoretical part of this study is based on researching productization in the context of knowledge-intensive business services. The empirical part is carried out as a case study in a KIBS company, and utilizes qualitative interviews and case materials. The final outcome of this study is an updated productization framework, designed for KIBS companies, and recommendations for the case company. As the results of this study indicate, productization expanded with service blueprinting can be a useful tool for KIBS companies to develop their services. The updated productization framework is provided for future reference.


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Työn tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka yritykset osallistuvat työvoimakoulutuksen suunnitteluun. Kyselyn avulla on selvitetty suunnitteluprosessia, johon osallistui osa TE-keskuksista ja työvoimatoimistoista. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tarkastellaan osaamisintensiivisiä liike-elämän palveluita, tiedon hallintaa, miljöön analysointia, liiketoimintasuhteita sekä verkostoitumista. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa tarkastellaan työhallinnon tavoitteita ja kyselyn avulla selvitettyjätoimintatapoja yritysten osallistumisesta työvoimakoulutuksen suunnitteluun. Tuloksena saatiin runsaasti yhteistyötapoja yritysten kanssa, mutta Lappeenrannan työvoimatoimiston näkökulmasta ei mitään uutta noussut esille. Suoran yhteistyön esteenä on edelleen yrityksien sekä myös työvoimahallinnon motivaationpuute.


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Työ käsittelee tietohallintoa tietointensiivisenä yrityspalveluna Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa. Yliopiston tulee keskittyä omaan ydinosaamiseensa sekä erottaa sisäiset yrityspalvelut omiksi kokonaisuuksikseen. Tähän on käytetty tietohallinnon osalta tilaaja tuottajamallia. Mallin puitteissa tietohallintoyksikkö on kattavasti tunnistanut ja määritellyt oman toimintansa sekä asiakkaidensa perustarpeet. Tietohallinnon palvelut ovat tietointensiivisiä yrityspalveluita, joiden tarkoituksena on täydentää asiakkaiden osaamista ja kykyä tuottaa innovaatioita sekä välittää muualla tuotettua tietoa ja teknisiä ratkaisuja tähän tarpeeseen. Tietointensiivisen palveluntuottajan asiantuntijuus on kokemusperäistä ja hiljaista tietoa, jota on lähtökohtaisesti vaikea muuttaa organisatoriseksi tiedoksi eli lisäarvoksi organisaation toiminnalle. Tuotteistamista on hyödynnetty tietohallinnon prosessien muuttamiseksi eksplisiittisiksi. Tuotteistamalla standardoidaan prosesseihin liittyvät parhaat käytänteet, joka tarkoittaa kokemusperäisesti hyväksi havaittujen toimintatapojen rutinoimista. Tuotetut palvelut on tuotteistettu palvelupaketeiksi, joista on laadittu yksityiskohtainen palvelukuvaus sekä laskettu tuotekohtainen hinta. Palvelumallin soveltaminen takaa yksikkökustannusten, skaalaetujen, riskin jakaantumisen ja teknologisen kehityksen optimoinnin yliopistossa.


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Intellectual assets have attained continuous attention in the academic field, as they are vital sources of competitive advantage and organizational performance in the contemporary knowledge intensive business environment. Intellectual capital measurement is quite thoroughly addressed in the accounting literature. However, the purpose of the measurement is to support the management of intellectual assets, but the reciprocal relationship between measurement and management has not been comprehensively considered in the literature. The theoretical motivation for this study rose from this paradox, as in order to maximise the effectiveness of knowledge management the two initiatives need to be closely integrated. The research approach of this interventionist case study is constructive. The objective is to develop the case organization’s knowledge management and intellectual capital measurement in a way that they would be closely integrated and the measurement would support the management of intellectual assets. The case analysis provides valuable practical considerations about the integration and related issues as the case company is a knowledge intensive organization in which the know-how of the employees is the central competitive asset and therefore, the management and measurement of knowledge are essential for its future success. The results suggest that the case organization is confronting challenges in managing knowledge. In order to appropriately manage knowledge processes and control the related risks, support from intellectual capital measurement is required. However, challenges in measuring intellectual capital, especially knowledge, could be recognized in the organization. By reflecting the knowledge management situation and the constructed strategy map, a new intellectual measurement system was developed for the case organization. The construction of the system as well as its indicators can be perceived to contribute to the literature, emphasizing of the importance of properly considering the organization’s knowledge situation in developing an intellectual capital measurement system.


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From a Service-Dominant Logic (S-DL) perspective, employees constitute operant resources that firms can draw to enhance the outcomes of innovation efforts. While research acknowledges that frontline employees (FLEs) constitute, through service encounters, a key interface for the transfer of valuable external knowledge into the firm, the range of potential benefits derived from FLE-driven innovation deserves more investigation. Using a sample of knowledge intensive business services firms (KIBS), this study examines how the collaboration with FLEs along the new service development (NSD) process, namely FLE co-creation, impacts on service innovation performance following two routes of different effects. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) results indicate that FLE co-creation benefits the NS success among FLEs and firm’s customers, the constituents of the resources route. FLE co-creation also has a positive effect on the NSD speed, which in turn enhances the NS quality. NSD speed and NS quality integrate the operational route, which proves to be the most effective path to impact the NS market performance. Accordingly, KIBS managers must value their FLEs as essential partners to achieve successful innovation from an internal and external perspective, and develop the appropriate mechanisms to guarantee their effective involvement along the NSD process.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää käytännön keinoja asiakassuhteen kehittämiseen tarkastelemalla kumppanuutta ja verkostoitumista käsittelevää teoriaa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tarjota kohdeyritykselle teoreettinen viitekehys omien liiketoimintasuhteiden kehitysmallin pohjaksi. Tutkimus sisältää sekä teoreettisen että empiirisen osan. Teoriaosiossa kumppanuuden ja verkostoitumisen teoriaa tarkastellaan ja tarkastelun pohjalta luodaan käsitys liiketoimintasuhteen perustekijöistä. Näiden perustekijöidenpohjalta kootaan suhteen tarkastelumalli, jota empiriaosiossa hyödynnetään. Tarkastelumallin hyödyntäminen antoi molemmille kehitystyöhön osallistuneille yrityksille selkeämmän näkemyksen liiketoimintasuhteen käytännön nykytilastaja mahdollisista kehityssuunnista sekä niiden vaatimista toimenpiteistä. Lisäksi yritysten välisen yhteisen viitekehyksen esittely selkeytti kehitystyön ympärillä tapahtuvaa keskustelua.


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Russia is a developing and growing economy which gives great potential for Finnish companies to practice diverse business. However, the unique characteristics of Russia set some challenges for companies which have to be managed with either own know-how or by exploiting external knowledge-intensive business services. Constant developing of company’s know-how and knowledge is part of a successful internationalization and knowledge has a magnificent role in company’s internationalization process. Organizations’ needs for knowledge inputs were researched through a holistic case study where method-triangulation was used. Through a case study the demand for knowledge inputs could be examined on general level, but also, under-stood profoundly and comprehensively. The data was collected through qualitative interviews and quantitative survey. The results show that the companies consider the knowledge-intensive business services in Russian business important. However, the degree of utilization was fairly varying and firm-specific. According to the results, the strongest demand for knowledge inputs is in the field of operational knowledge. The need for external support in Russian business was remarkably lower in companies that currently do Russian business compared to the companies on planning level.


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Esse trabalho investigou empiricamente a influência que a confiança que o cliente deposita no prestador de serviços exerce sobre a efetividade da coprodução do cliente em serviços intensivos em conhecimento baseados em tecnologia. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura de marketing de serviços e de gerenciamento de operações sobre a participação do cliente na produção e entrega de serviços, que é o que caracteriza genericamente a coprodução do cliente. Também foi revisada a literatura sobre serviços intensivos em conhecimento, em busca de entender suas características e especificidades, e sobre confiança, especialmente na área de marketing de relacionamento. Sobre a participação do cliente na produção e entrega de serviços, constatou-se que existe na literatura uma visão consagrada que trata o cliente como “funcionário parcial” da empresa durante os encontros de serviços. Essa visão propõe recorrentemente um modelo conceitual em que a efetividade da coprodução do cliente apresenta três antecedentes fundamentais: clareza de papel, motivação e expertise do cliente. Além disso, foi identificada uma proposição teórica especificamente para o setor de serviços intensivos em conhecimento, nunca testada empiricamente, que sugere que esses três antecedentes da efetividade da coprodução são influenciados por um conjunto de comportamentos colaborativos desejáveis, batizados de responsabilidades do papel do cliente. Dessa forma, este trabalho testou um modelo conceitual que estabeleceu a confiança e as responsabilidades do papel do cliente como antecedentes da clareza de papel, motivação e expertise do cliente no processo de coprodução do cliente. Foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa e os dados foram levantados junto a profissionais que já participaram de projetos de software na condição de clientes. A coleta de dados usou um questionário estruturado construído a partir de escalas de mensuração de estudos anteriores. As relações entre os conceitos foram testadas por meio da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram evidências de que a confiança e as responsabilidades do papel do cliente impactam positivamente a clareza de papel, a motivação ou a expertise do cliente, abrindo espaço para pesquisas futuras que aprofundem o entendimento das relações entre esses conceitos e sua importância para a efetividade da coprodução do cliente.


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This paper analyses the performance of companies’ R&D and innovation and the effects of intra- and inter-industry R&D spillover on firms’ productivity in Catalonia. The paper deals simultaneously with the performance of manufacturing and service firms, with the aim of highlighting the growing role of knowledge-intensive services in promoting innovation and productivity gains. We find that intra-industry R&D spillovers have an important effect on the productivity level of manufacturing firms, and the inter-industrial R&D spillovers related to computer and software services also play an important role, especially in high-tech manufacturing industries. The main conclusion is that the traditional classification of manufactured goods and services no longer makes sense in the ‘knowledge economy’ and in Catalonia the regional policy makers will have to design policies that favour inter-industrial R&D flows, especially from high-tech services.


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This study presents a dynamic analysis of Latin America's competitiveness in trade in knowledge-intensive services. The methodology used to undertake this analysis is based on the Tradecan approach developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which provides a means of assessing different countries' competitiveness by looking at their exports to the fastest-growing markets. (In the past, it has usually been applied primarily to exports of goods.) The results suggest that, although some Latin American countries have made inroads in knowledge-intensive service segments and have comparative advantages in them, the percentage of "rising stars" (dynamic sectors in which a country or region is gaining in market share) is still low, while there is a high percentage of "missed opportunities" (dynamic sectors in which a country or region is losing market share). This points up the existence of areas in which the region's competitive position is weak and in which policies are needed to leverage its competitive advantages and remove the obstacles that are holding it back from establishing a more advantageous position in knowledge-intensive service markets.