986 resultados para iron metabolism
Objective: In Southern European countries up to one-third of the patients with hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) do not present the common HFE risk genotype. In order to investigate the molecular basis of these cases we have designed a gene panel for rapid and simultaneous analysis of 6 HH-related genes (HFE, TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1 and FTL) by next-generation sequencing (NGS). Materials and Methods: Eighty-eight iron overload Portuguese patients, negative for the common HFE mutations, were analysed. A TruSeq Custom Amplicon kit (TSCA, by Illumina) was designed in order to generate 97 amplicons covering exons, intron/exon junctions and UTRs of the mentioned genes with a cumulative target sequence of 12115bp. Amplicons were sequenced in the MiSeq instrument (IIlumina) using 250bp paired-end reads. Sequences were aligned against human genome reference hg19 using alignment and variant caller algorithms in the MiSeq reporter software. Novel variants were validated by Sanger sequencing and their pathogenic significance were assessed by in silico studies. Results: We found a total of 55 different genetic variants. These include novel pathogenic missense and splicing variants (in HFE and TFR2), a very rare variant in IRE of FTL, a variant that originates a novel translation initiation codon in the HAMP gene, among others. Conclusion: The merging of TSCA methodology and NGS technology appears to be an appropriate tool for simultaneous and fast analysis of HH-related genes in a large number of samples. However, establishing the clinical relevance of NGS-detected variants for HH development remains a hard-working task, requiring further functional studies.
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Iron and oxidative stress have a regulatory interplay. During the oxidative burst, phagocytic cells produce free radicals such as hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Nevertheless, scarce studies evaluated the effect of either iron deficiency anemia (IDA) or anemia of chronic disease (ACD) on phagocyte function in the elderly. The aim of the present study was to determine the oxidative burst, phagocytosis, and nitric oxide ((aEuro cent)NO) and HOCl, reactive species produced by monocytes and neutrophils in elderly with ACD or IDA. Soluble transferrin receptor, serum ferritin, and soluble transferrin receptor/log ferritin (TfR-F) index determined the iron status. The study was constituted of 39 patients aged over 60 (28 women and 11 men) recruited from the Brazilian Public Health System. Oxidative burst fluorescence intensity per neutrophil in IDA group and HOCl generation in both ACD and IDA groups were found to be lower (p < 0.05). The percentages of neutrophils and monocytes expressing phagocytosis in ACD group were found to be higher (p < 0.05). There was an overproduction of (aEuro cent)NO from monocytes, whereas the fundamental generation of HOCl appeared to be lower. Phagocytosis, oxidative burst, and (aEuro cent)NO and HOCl production are involved in iron metabolism regulation in elderly patients with ACD and IDA.
Expression of the iron regulatory peptide hepcidin is reduced in patients with chronic liver disease
Disturbances in iron metabolism often accompany liver disease in humans and hepatic iron deposition is a frequent finding. Since the peptide hepcidin, a major regulator of body iron homeostasis, is synthesised in the liver, alterations in hepcidin expression could be responsible for these effects. To investigate this possibility, we studied hepcidin expression in liver biopsies from patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and hemochromatosis (HC). Total RNA was extracted from the liver tissue of 24 HCV, 17 NASH and 5 HC patients, and 17 liver transplant donors (controls). The levels of mRNA for hepcidin and several other molecules involved in iron metabolism (DMT1, Dcytb, hephaestin, ferroportin, TfR1, TfR2, HFE and HJV) were examined by ribonuclease protection assay and expressed relative to the housekeeping gene GAPDH. The expression of hepcidin was significantly decreased in HCV and NASH patients relative to control liver (109±16 and 200±44 versus 325±26 respectively; P=0.008 and 0.02). We have previously reported similar findings in patients with HC, and this was confirmed in the current analysis (176±21; P=0.003). In both HCV and NAFLD patients the expression of the iron reductase Dcytb and the transferrin binding regulatory molecule TfR2 was also decreased, while the cellular iron exporter ferroportin showed a significant increase. Levels of the mRNA for the iron oxidase hephaestin were lower in HCV patients alone, while expression of the major transferrin binding molecule TfR1 was decreased only in NAFLD patients. Of particular interest was the finding that the expression of HJV (which is mutated in patients with juvenile HC) was significantly increased in NAFLD patients. No changes were seen in the expression of the iron importer DMT1 or the regulatory molecule HFE. Decreased expression of hepcidin in patients with HCV and NAFLD provides an explanation why iron homeostasis could be perturbed in these disorders. Reduced hepcidin levels would increase intestinal iron absorption and iron release from macrophages, which could contribute to hepatic iron accumulation. This in turn could lead to alterations in the expression of various proteins involved in iron transport and its regulation. Indeed most of the changes in the expression of such molecules observed in this study are consistent with this. However, the mechanisms leading to changes in the expression of hepcidin in these diseases remain to be elucidated.
OBJECTIVE: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a disease caused by mutations in the Hfe gene characterised by systemic iron overload and associated with an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) but the role of iron overload in the development of OA is still undefined. To further understand the molecular mechanisms involved we have used a murine model of HH and studied the progression of experimental OA under mechanical stress. DESIGN: OA was surgically induced in the knee joints of 10-week-old C57BL6 (wild-type) mice and Hfe-KO mice. OA progression was assessed using histology, micro CT, gene expression and immunohistochemistry at 8 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: Hfe-KO mice showed a systemic iron overload and an increased iron accumulation in the knee synovial membrane following surgery. The histological OA score was significantly higher in the Hfe-KO mice at 8 weeks after surgery. Micro CT study of the proximal tibia revealed increased subchondral bone volume and increased trabecular thickness. Gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis showed a significant increase in the expression of matrix metallopeptidase 3 (MMP-3) in the joints of Hfe-KO mice compared with control mice at 8 weeks after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: HH was associated with an accelerated development of OA in mice. Our findings suggest that synovial iron overload has a definite role in the progression of HH-related OA
This paper is written in the context of our changing preception of the immunological system as a system with possible biological roles exceding the prevailung view of a system concerned principally with the defense against external pathogens. The view discussed here relates the immunological system inextricably to the metabolism of iron, the circulation of the blood and the resolution of the evolutionary paradox created by oxygen and iron. Indirect evidence for this inextricable relationship between the two systems can be derived from the discrepancy between the theoretical quasi-impossibility of the existence of an iron deficiency state in the adult and the reality of the WHO numbers of people in the world with iron deficiency anemia. With mounting evidence that TNF, IL-1, and T lymphocyte cytokines affect hemopoieisis and iron metabolism it is possible that the reported discrepancy is a reflection of that inextricable interdependence between the two systems in the face of infection. Further direct evidence for a relationship between T cell subset numbers and iron metabolism is presented from the results of a study of T cell populations in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis. The recent finding of a correlation between low CD8+ lymphocite numbers, liver demage associated with HCVpositivity and severity of iron overload in B-thalassemia major patients (umpublished data of RW Grandy; P. Giardina, M. Hilgartner) concludes this review.
Purpose: Iron overload (IO) has been associated with increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) and metabolic syndrome (MS) in the general population; both elevated CVR and MS are frequent in HIV- patients. Our aim was to analyze the prevalence of IO in a cohort of asymptomatic patients with HIV infection, and related factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a cohort of HIV outpatients in regular follow-up. Demographic, epidemiological, clinical, analytical and therapeutic data were collected. Patients completed a questionnaire about CVR factors and 10-year CV disease risk estimation (Framingham score), underwent a physical exam, and a fasting blood analysis. IO was defined as a plasma ferritin level higher than 200 m/L in women and 300 m/L in men. Results: 571 patients (446 men, 125 women), with a mean age of 43.2 years, sexual transmission of HIV in 68.5%, median CD4 count 474 cell/μL (IQR: 308-666), and 36.3% Aids cases 86.2% were on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 74.8% of them had undetectable HIV viral load 14.6% met MS criteria, and mean CVR at 10 years was 6.67%. IO was detected in 11% of cases. Patients with IO were more immunosuppressed (CD4 count 369 vs 483/μL, p<0.0001), presented a higher prevalence of detectable HIV viral load (17.6% vs 8.9%; p<0.005), and of Aids cases (14.9% vs 8.7%; p<0.023), and lower plasma levels of cholesterol, HDLc and LDLc (154 vs 183, 34 vs 43, 93 vs 110 mg/dL, respectively; p<0.0001. In the multivariate analysis, the only related factor was CD4 count <350 cell/μL (OR 2.86, 95% CI 1.6-4.9; p<0.0001). IO was not associated with CVR nor with MS. Conclusions: IO is not uncommon in HIV patients, and it is only related with immunosuppression defined as CD4 count <350 cell/ mL, and in contrast to general population, it is not related with increased CVR nor with MS.
Blood bankers have focused their energy to secure blood transfusion, and only recently have studies been published on the effect of blood donation on iron metabolism. In many facilities, hemoglobin measurement is only performed just before or even during blood donation, but the determination of iron stores is largely ignored. The 2013 paradox of transfusion medicine is due to the fact that blood donation may be harmful and leads to iron deficiency with or without anemia, but for other individuals, it may be a healthy measure preventing type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this review is to discuss iron metabolism in the perspective of blood donation, notably regarding their possible genetic profiles that eventually will discriminate "good" iron absorbers from "bad" iron responders.
The bacterial siderophore pyochelin is composed of salicylate and two cysteine-derived heterocycles, the second of which is modified by reduction and N-methylation during biosynthesis. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the first cysteine residue is converted to its D-isoform during thiazoline ring formation, whereas the second cysteine remains in its L-configuration. Stereochemistry is opposite in the Pseudomonas fluorescens siderophore enantio-pyochelin, in which the first ring originates from L-cysteine and the second ring from D-cysteine. Both siderophores promote growth of the producer organism during iron limitation and induce the expression of their biosynthesis genes by activating the transcriptional AraC-type regulator PchR. However, neither siderophore is functional as an iron carrier or as a transcriptional inducer in the other species, demonstrating that both processes are highly stereospecific. Stereospecificity of pyochelin/enantio-pyochelin-mediated iron uptake is ensured at two levels: (i) by the outer membrane siderophore receptors and (ii) by the cytosolic PchR regulators.
Iron is an essential metal for all living organisms. However, iron homeostasis needs to be tightly controlled since iron can mediate the production of reactive oxygen species, which can damage cell components and compromise the integrity and/or cause DNA mutations, ultimately leading to cancer. In eukaryotes, iron-regulatory protein 1 (IRP1) plays a central role in the control of intracellular iron homeostasis. This occurs by interaction of IRP1 with iron-responsive element regions at 5' of ferritin mRNA and 3' of transferrin mRNA which, respectively, represses translation and increases mRNA stability. We have expressed IRP1 using the plasmid pT7-His-hIRP1, which codifies for human IRP1 attached to an NH2-terminal 6-His tag. IRP1 was expressed in Escherichia coli using the strategy of co-expressing chaperonins GroES and GroEL, in order to circumvent inclusion body formation and increase the yield of soluble protein. The protein co-expressed with these chaperonins was obtained mostly in the soluble form, which greatly increased the efficiency of protein purification. Metal affinity and FPLC ion exchange chromatography were used in order to obtain highly purified IRP1. Purified protein was biologically active, as assessed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and could be converted to the cytoplasmic aconitase form. These results corroborate previous studies, which suggest the use of folding catalysts as a powerful strategy to increase protein solubility when expressing heterologous proteins in E. coli.
Le fer, un métal de transition, est requis pour la survie de presque tout les organismes vivant à cause de son habilité à accepter ou donner un électron et donc à catalyser plusieurs réactions biochimique fondamentales. Cependant, la même propriété permet aussi au fer ionique d’accélérer la formation de radicaux libres et donc le fer peut potentiellement avoir des effets néfastes. Conséquemment, l’homéostasie du fer doit être étroitement régulé, tant au niveau cellulaire que systémique. Notre étude met l’emphase sur deux molécules importante pour régulation du métabolisme du fer : la lipocaline 2 (Lcn2) et l’hepcidine. Lcn2, une protéine de phase aiguë, est impliquée dans le transport du fer par les sidérophores. Lcn2 est un candidat potentiel comme transporteur du fer qui pourrait être responsable de l’accumulation excessive du fer non lié à la transferrine dans le foie des patients atteints d’hémochromatose héréditaire (HH). Nous avons généré des souris double-déficiente HfeLcn2 pour évaluer l’importance de Lcn2 dans la pathogenèse de surcharge en fer hépatique dans les souris knock-out Hfe (Hfe -/-). Notre étude révèle que la délétion de Lcn2 dans les souris Hfe-/- n’influence pas leur accumulation de fer hépatique ou leur réponse à une surcharge en fer. Le phénotype des souries HfeLcn2-/- demeure indiscernable de celui des souris Hfe-/-. Nos données impliquent que Lcn2 n’est pas essentiel pour la livraison du fer aux hépatocytes dans l’HH. L’hepcidine, un régulateur clé du métabolisme du fer, est un petit peptide antimicrobien produit par le foie et qui régule l’absorption intestinale du fer et son recyclage par les macrophages. L’expression de l’hepcidine est induite par la surcharge en fer et l’inflammation, tandis que, à l'inverse, elle est inhibée par l'anémie et l'hypoxie. Dans certaine situations pathologique, l’hepcidine est régulée dans des directions opposées par plus d’un régulateur. Nous avons, en outre, analysé comment les différents facteurs influencent l’expression de l’hepcidine in vivo en utilisant un modèle de souris avec un métabolisme du fer altéré. Nous avons examiné la régulation de l’hepcidine en présence de stimuli opposés, ainsi que la contribution des médiateurs et des voix de signalisation en aval de l’expression de l’hepcidine. Nous avons démontré que l'érythropoïèse, lorsque stimulé par l’érythropoïétine, mais pas par l’hypoxie, diminue l’expression de l’hepcidine d’une façon dépendante de la dose, même en présence de lipopolysaccharides ou de surcharge de fer alimentaire, qui peuvent agir de manière additive. De plus, l’entraînement érythropoïétique inhibe tant la voix inflammatoire que celle de détection du fer, du moins en partie, par la suppression du signal IL-6/STAT3 et BMP/SMAD4 in vivo. Au total, nos données suggèrent que le niveau d’expression de l’hepcidine en présence de signaux opposés est déterminé par la force du stimulus individuel plutôt que par une hiérarchie absolue. Ces découvertes sont pertinentes pour le traitement de l’anémie des maladies chronique et les désordres de surcharge en fer.
Organisms generally respond to iron deficiency by increasing their capacity to take up iron and by consuming intracellular iron stores. Escherichia coli, in which iron metabolism is particularly well understood, contains at least 7 iron-acquisition systems encoded by 35 iron-repressed genes. This Fe-dependent repression is mediated by a transcriptional repressor, Fur ( ferric uptake regulation), which also controls genes involved in other processes such as iron storage, the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, pathogenicity, and redox-stress resistance. Our macroarray-based global analysis of iron- and Fur-dependent gene expression in E. coli has revealed several novel Fur-repressed genes likely to specify at least three additional iron- transport pathways. Interestingly, a large group of energy metabolism genes was found to be iron and Fur induced. Many of these genes encode iron- rich respiratory complexes. This iron- and Fur-dependent regulation appears to represent a novel iron-homeostatic mechanism whereby the synthesis of many iron- containing proteins is repressed under iron- restricted conditions. This mechanism thus accounts for the low iron contents of fur mutants and explains how E. coli can modulate its iron requirements. Analysis of Fe-55-labeled E. coli proteins revealed a marked decrease in iron- protein composition for the fur mutant, and visible and EPR spectroscopy showed major reductions in cytochrome b and d levels, and in iron- sulfur cluster contents for the chelator-treated wild-type and/or fur mutant, correlating well with the array and quantitative RT-PCR data. In combination, the results provide compelling evidence for the regulation of intracellular iron consumption by the Fe2+-Fur complex.
In most bacteria, the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global regulator that controls iron homeostasis and other cellular processes, such as oxidative stress defense. In this work, we apply a combination of bioinformatics, in vitro and in vivo assays to identify the Caulobacter crescentus Fur regulon. A C. crescentus fur deletion mutant showed a slow growth phenotype, and was hypersensitive to H(2)O(2) and organic peroxide. Using a position weight matrix approach, several predicted Fur-binding sites were detected in the genome of C. crescentus, located in regulatory regions of genes not only involved in iron uptake and usage but also in other functions. Selected Fur-binding sites were validated using electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNAse I footprinting analysis. Gene expression assays revealed that genes involved in iron uptake were repressed by iron-Fur and induced under conditions of iron limitation, whereas genes encoding iron-using proteins were activated by Fur under conditions of iron sufficiency. Furthermore, several genes that are regulated via small RNAs in other bacteria were found to be directly regulated by Fur in C. crescentus. In conclusion, Fur functions as an activator and as a repressor, integrating iron metabolism and oxidative stress response in C. crescentus.
Hepcidin is a highly conserved disulfide-bonded peptide that plays a central role in iron homeostasis. During systemic inflammation, hepcidin up-regulation is responsible for hypoferremia. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the inflammatory process induced by complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the liver expression of hepcidin mRNA transcripts and plasma iron concentration of sheep. The expression levels of hepcidin transcripts were up-regulated after CFA or LPS. Hypoferremic response was observed at 12 h (15.46 +/- 6.05 mu mol/L) or 6 h (14.59 +/- 4.38 mu mol/L) and iron reached its lowest level at 96 h (3.08 +/- 1.18 mu mol/L) or 16 h (4.06 +/- 1.58 mu mol/L) after CFA administration or LPS infusion, respectively. This study demonstrated that the iron regulatory hormone hepcidin was up-regulated in sheep liver in response to systemic inflammation. These findings extend our knowledge on the relationship between the systemic inflammatory response, hepcidin and iron, and provide a starting point for additional studies on iron metabolism and the inflammatory process in sheep. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mechanisms used by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb 18) to survive into monocytes are not clear. Cellular iron metabolism is of critical importance to the growth of several intracellular pathogens, including P. brasiliensis, whose capacity to multiply in mononuclear phagocytes is dependent on the availability of intracellular iron. Chloroquine, by virtue of its basic properties, has been shown to prevent release of iron from holotransferrin by raising endocytic and lysosomal pH, and thereby interfering with normal iron metabolism. Then, in view of this, we have studied the effects of CHLOR on P. brasiliensis multiplication in human monocytes and its effect on the murine paracoccidioidomycosis. CHLOR induced human monocytes to kill P. brasiliensis. The effect of CHLOR was reversed by FeNTA, an iron compound that is soluble at neutral to alkaline pH, but not by holotransferrin, which releases iron only in an acidic environment. CHLOR treatment of Pb 18-infected BALB/c mice significantly reduced the viable fungi recovery from lungs, during three different periods of evaluation, in a dose-dependent manner. This study demonstrates that iron is of critical importance to the survival of P. brasiliensis yeasts within human monocytes and the CHLOR treatment in vitro induces Pb 18 yeast-killing by monocytes by restricting the availability of intracellular iron. Besides, the CHLOR treatment in vivo significantly reduces the number of organisms in the lungs of Pb-infected mice protecting them from several infections. Thus, CHLOR was effective in the treatment of murine paracoccidioidomycosis, suggesting the potential use of this drug in patients' treatment.