855 resultados para intracellular ROS
Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Universitat de Barcelona; Gdansk University of Technology, Universidad de Cádiz, Universitas Bergensis; 2015
O chumbo é um importante poluente ambiental. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae constitui um modelo útil para o estudo dos efeitos tóxicos do chumbo. O conhecimento dos mecanismos de defesa e resistência à presença de metais pesados poderá ser útil em tecnologias de proteção ambiental, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para a biorremediação de metais pesados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto do Pb na capacidade proliferativa, na integridade membranar e na produção intracelular de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), na estirpe laboratorial da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 (estirpe selvagem, WT). Foi também estudado o papel das mitocôndrias, como fonte de ROS induzida por Pb, e o envolvimento da H+-ATPase vacuolar (V-ATPase) e de transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC (de ATP-binding cassette) na defesa contra a toxicidade do Pb. O estudo cinético do impacto de duas concentrações de Pb na viabilidade das leveduras (avaliado através de um ensaio clonogénico), na integridade da membrana celular (determinada com iodeto de propídio) e na produção intracelular de ROS (o anião superóxido foi detetado com dihidroetídio e o peróxido de hidrogénio com 2’,7’- diclorodihidrofluoresceína), revelou uma perda progressiva da capacidade proliferativa (53 e 17% de células viáveis, após a exposição durante 3h a 250 ou 1000 µmol/l de chumbo, respetivamente), coincidente com a acumulação intracelular de anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio, na ausência de perda da integridade membranar. A importância das mitocôndrias na produção de ROS, induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo usando um mutante deficiente respiratório desprovido de ADN mitocondrial (ƿ0). Quando comparado com a respetiva estirpe parental, o mutante ƿ0 apresentou uma maior resistência ao Pb e uma menor produção de ROS induzida por Pb. A exposição das células da estirpe BY4741 a 250 e 1000 µmol/l de chumbo originou a formação de 49 e 58% de células deficientes respiratórias, respetivamente. A função da V-ATPase, na desintoxicação de chumbo, foi avaliada utilizando mutantes com uma estrutura vacuolar normal mas defetivos em subunidades da VATPase (vma1Δ, vma2Δ, vma3Δ e vph1Δ). Comparativamente às células da estirpe WT, todos os mutantes testados, sem V-ATPase funcional, apresentaram uma maior suscetibilidade ao Pb. O papel dos transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC, na defesa contra a toxicidade induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo utilizando mutantes sem os transportadores Ycf1p ou Vmr1p. Os resultados preliminares mostraram que quando comparadas com as células da estirpe WT, as células das estirpes ycf1Δ ou vmr1Δ não apresentavam uma maior perda da viabilidade. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar, em células expostas a chumbo, foi visualizada utilizando a estirpe Vma2p-GFP. O tratamento das células com Pb originou a fusão dos vacúolos de tamanho médio num único vacúolo de grande dimensão. Em conclusão, os estudos desenvolvidos no presente trabalho, utilizando a estirpe laboratorial BY4741, mostraram que a perda da capacidade proliferativa das leveduras, induzida pelo chumbo, pode ser atribuída à acumulação intracelular do anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio. As mitocôndrias parecem ser uma das principais fontes de ROS induzido por Pb e, simultaneamente, um dos principais alvos da sua toxicidade. Em S. cerevisiae, o vacúolo desempenha um papel importante na desintoxicação do Pb. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar após exposição ao chumbo poderá ser a consequência da acumulação de Pb no vacúolo. Enquanto os transportadores da superfamília ABC parecem não estar envolvidos na sequestração vacuolar de Pb, é necessária a presença, num estado funcional, da V-ATPase para que ocorra a compartimentação do Pb. Muito provavelmente, a compartimentação do Pb no vacúolo previne a sua acumulação no citosol e o desencadear dos respetivos efeitos tóxicos.
Excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation can trigger various pathological conditions such as inflammation, in which xanthine oxidase (XO) is one major enzymatic source of ROS. Although XO has been reported to play essential roles in inflammatory conditions, the molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of XO in inflammatory pathways remain unclear. Febuxostat, a selective and potent inhibitor of XO, effectively inhibits not only the generation of uric acid but also the formation of ROS. In this study, therefore, we examined the effects of febuxostat on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated inflammatory responses. Here we show that febuxostat suppresses LPS-induced MCP-1 production and mRNA expression via activating MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) which, in turn, leads to dephosphorylation and inactivation of JNK in macrophages. Moreover, these effects of febuxostat are mediated by inhibiting XO-mediated intracellular ROS production. Taken together, our data suggest that XO mediates LPS-induced phosphorylation of JNK through ROS production and MKP-1 inactivation, leading to MCP-1 production in macrophages. These studies may bring new insights into the novel role of XO in regulating inflammatory process through MAPK phosphatase, and demonstrate the potential use of XO inhibitor in modulating the inflammatory processes.
L’inflammation: Une réponse adaptative du système immunitaire face à une insulte est aujourd’hui reconnue comme une composante essentielle à presque toutes les maladies infectieuses ou autres stimuli néfastes, tels les dommages tissulaires incluant l’infarctus du myocarde et l’insuffisance cardiaque. Dans le contexte des maladies cardiovasculaires, l’inflammation se caractérise principalement par une activation à long terme du système immunitaire, menant à une faible, mais chronique sécrétion de peptides modulateurs, appelés cytokines pro-inflammatoires. En effet, la littérature a montré à plusieurs reprises que les patients souffrant d’arythmies et de défaillance cardiaque présentent des taux élevés de cytokines pro-inflammatoires tels le facteur de nécrose tissulaire alpha (TNFα), l’interleukine 1β (IL-1β) et l’interleukine 6. De plus, ces patients souffrent souvent d’une baisse de la capacité contractile du myocarde. Le but de notre étude était donc de déterminer si un lien de cause à effet existe entre ces phénomènes et plus spécifiquement si le TNFα, l’IL-1β et l’IL-6 peuvent affecter les propriétés électriques et contractiles du cœur en modulant le courant Ca2+ de type L (ICaL) un courant ionique qui joue un rôle primordial au niveau de la phase plateau du potentiel d’action ainsi qu’au niveau du couplage excitation-contraction. Les possibles méchansimes par lesquels ces cytokines exercent leurs effets seront aussi explorés. Pour ce faire, des cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de souris nouveau-nées ont été mis en culture et traités 24 heures avec des concentrations pathophysiologiques (30 pg/mL) de TNFα, IL-1β ou IL-6. Des enregistrements de ICaL réalisés par la technique du patch-clamp en configuration cellule entière ont été obtenus par la suite et les résultats montrent que le TNFα n’affecte pas ICaL, même à des concentrations plus élevées (1 ng/mL). En revanche, l’IL-1β réduisait de près de 40% la densité d’ICaL. Afin d’examiner si le TNFα et l’IL-1β pouvaient avoir un effet synergique, les cardiomyocytes ont été traité avec un combinaison des deux cytokines. Toutefois aucun effet synergique sur ICaL n’a été constaté. En outre, l’IL-6 réduisait ICaL significativement, cependant la réduction de 20% était moindre que celle induite par IL-1β. Afin d’élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents à la réduction de ICaL après un traitement avec IL-1β, l’expression d’ARNm de CaV1.2, sous-unité α codante pour ICaL, a été mesurée par qPCR et les résultats obtenus montrent aucun changement du niveau d’expression. Plusieurs études ont montré que l’inflammation et le stress oxydatif vont de pair. En effet, l’imagerie confocale nous a permis de constater une augmentation accrue du stress oxydatif induit par IL-1β et malgré un traitement aux antioxydants, la diminution de ICaL n’a pas été prévenue. Cette étude montre qu’IL-1β et IL-6 réduisent ICaL de façon importante et ce indépendamment d’une régulation transcriptionelle ou du stress oxydatif. De nouvelles données préliminaires suggèrent que ICaL serait réduit suite à l’activation des protéines kinase C mais des études additionelles seront nécessaires afin d’étudier cette avenue. Nos résultats pourraient contribuer à expliquer les troubles du rythme et de contractilité observés chez les patients souffrant de défaillance cardiaque.
La détection et la caractérisation des nanoparticules manufacturées (NPM) est l’une des premières étapes pour contrôler et diminuer leurs risques potentiels sur la santé humaine et l’environnement. Différents systèmes d’échantillonnage dans l’air existent pour l’évaluation d’une exposition aux NPM. Cependant, ils ne mesurent pas le risque potentiel de cette exposition à la santé humaine ni les mécanismes cellulaires qui en seraient responsables. Nos objectifs de recherche sont 1) Évaluer les effets de différents types de nanoparticules sur des cellules pulmonaires humaines et 2) Identifier de nouveaux mécanismes intracellulaires activés lors de l’exposition à divers types de NPM. Méthodologie: La lignée de cellules A549 a été utilisée. Trois types de NPM ont été étudiés (différentes concentrations et temps d’exposition): les nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane de type anatase (TiO2), les nanotubes de carbone simple paroi (NTCSP) et les nanoparticules de noir de carbone (NC). La viabilité cellulaire a été mesurée par le test MTS, le test PrestoBlue et le test d’exclusion du bleu de Trypan (uniquement pour les NTCSP). La mesure du stress oxydatif a été déterminée par la mesure des dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène (ROS) en utilisant l’essai DCFH-DA. L’activation d’une réponse anti-oxydative a été déterminée par la mesure de la forme réduite (GSH) et oxydée (GSSG) du glutathion, ainsi que du ratio GSH/GSSG (seulement avec NTCSP et TiO2). Résultats: Les trois nanoparticules ne semblent pas être toxiques pour les cellules A549 car il y a une diminution significative mais minime de la viabilité cellulaire. Cependant, elles induisent une augmentation du contenu intracellulaire en ROS qui est à la fois dépendante du temps et de la concentration. Aucun changement dans les concentrations de GSH et GSSG n’a été observé. En conclusion, nos données indiquent que la mesure de la viabilité n’est pas un critère suffisant pour conclure à la toxicité des NPM. La production de ROS est un critère intéressant, cependant il faudra démontrer l’activation de systèmes anti-oxydatifs pour expliquer l’absence de mortalité cellulaire suite à l’exposition aux NPM.
The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of quercetin and two of its "in vivo" metabolites, 3'-O-methyl quercetin and 4'-O-methyl quercetin, to protect H9c2 cardiomyoblasts against H2O2-induced oxidative stress. As limited data are available regarding the potential uptake and cellular effects of quercetin and its metabolites in cardiac cells, we have evaluated the cellular association/uptake of the three compounds and their involvement in the modulation of two pro-survival signalling pathways: ERK1/2 signalling cascade and PI3K/Akt pathway. The three flavonols associated with cells to differing extents. Quercetin and its two O-methylated metabolites were able to reduce intracellular ROS production but only quercetin was able to counteract H2O2 cell damage, as measured by MTT reduction assay, caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation assays. Furthermore, only quercetin was observed to modulate pro-survival signalling through ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt pathway. In conclusion we have demonstrated that quercetin, but not its O-methylated metabolites, exerts protective effects against H2O2 cardiotoxicity and that the mechanism of its action involves the modulation of PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 signalling pathways. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is essential to normal cell function. However, excessive ROS production causes oxidative damage and cell death. Many pharmacological compounds exert their effects on cell cycle progression by changing intracellular redox state and in many cases cause oxidative damage leading to drug cytotoxicity. Appropriate measurement of intracellular ROS levels during cell cycle progression is therefore crucial in understanding redox-regulation of cell function and drug toxicity and for the development of new drugs. However, due to the extremely short half-life of ROS, measuring the changes in intracellular ROS levels during a particular phase of cell cycle for drug intervention can be challenging. In this article, we have provided updated information on the rationale, the applications, the advantages and limitations of common methods for screening drug effects on intracellular ROS production linked to cell cycle study. Our aim is to facilitate biomedical scientists and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry in choosing or developing specific experimental regimens to suit their research needs.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The methanol extract of the flowers of Paepalanthus geniculatus Kunth. showed radical-scavenging activity in the TEAC assay. An analytical approach based on HPLC:ESIMSn was applied to obtain the metabolite profile of this extract and led to the rapid identification of 19 polyphenolic compounds comprising flavonoids and naphthopyranones. The new naphthopyranone (10, 16), quercetagetin (1, 5, 7, 13), and galetine derivatives (9, 11, 17, 19), and a flavonol glucoside cyclodimer in the truxillate form (12), were identified. Compounds 2, 6, and 7 showed the highest antioxidant capacity and ability to affect the levels of intracellular ROS in human prostate cancer cells (PC3).
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising method for localized and specific inactivation of fungi and bacteria. A nontoxic light-sensitive compound is taken up by cells, which are then exposed selectively to light, which activates toxicity of the compound. We investigated the potential of sublethal PDT using light-sensitive curcumin (CUR) in combination with blue (455 nm) light to promote reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in the form of singlet oxygen and DNA damage of Candida albicans. Surprisingly, CUR-mediated PDT but also light alone caused significantly longer comet tails, an indication of DNA damage of C. albicans when compared with the negative control. The intracellular ROS production was also significantly higher for the group treated only with light. However, PDT compared to blue light alone significantly slowed DNA repair. Comet tails decreased during 30 min visualized as a 90% reduction in length in the absence of light for cells treated with light alone, while comet tails of cells treated with PDT only diminished in size about 45%. These results indicate that complex mechanisms may result in PDT in a way that should be considered when choosing the photosensitive compound and other aspects of the treatment design.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The weaning period of piglets is characterized by physiological alterations, such as decreased weight gain, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increased serum cortisol levels with possible effects on the immune response. The effect of parenteral administration of vitamins A, D and E on production performance, oxidative metabolism, and the function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) was assessed in piglets during the weaning period. The sample was comprised of 20 male piglets that were given an injectable ADE vitamin combination (135,000 IU vitamin A, 40,000 IU vitamin D and 40mg vitamin E/animal) at 20 and 40 days of age. Weight gain, concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the microbicidal and phagocytic activity of PMNLs were assessed. No difference was observed in the average piglet weight during the study; however, a greater percentage of weight gain was observed after weaning in the treated group. The concentrations of GSH and SOD did not differ between groups, although lipid peroxidation was greater in the control group at 60 days of age. The investigated variables of oxidative metabolism were correlated as follows: -0.41 for GSH and MDA, -0.54 for GSH and SOD and 0.34 for MDA and SOD. The intensity of intracellular ROS production, the percentage of ROS-producing PMNLs and the intensity of phagocytosis by PMNLs did not differ between treatment groups. Administration of the injectable ADE combination improved the percentage of weight gain between 20 and 40 days of age, decreased oxidative stress at 60 days of age and did not influence the function of PMNLs in piglets.