93 resultados para interweaving


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International Film Festivals act as important sites for the exhibition of contemporary world cinema. Film festivals represent an increasingly transnational film culture, where audiences, filmmakers, distributors, press, critics and academics come together from all over the world to discover new films, network with one another and debate about the past, present and future of cinema. This research project investigates the role that international film festivals play within the wider international film industry, with a specific focus on emerging women filmmakers. It therefore explores the arena of contemporary women.s cinema at its intersection with the international film festival industry. The significance and original contribution of the research is its intervention in the growing field of film festival studies through a specific investigation of how international film festivals support emerging women filmmakers. The positioning of the research at the intersection of feminist film theory and festival research within the broader context of transnational cinema allows the examination of each festival, the attending filmmakers and their films to be addressed within a more refined and nuanced lens. A core method for the thesis is the close textual analysis of particular emerging women filmmakers. films which are screened at the respective festivals. The research also utilises the qualitative research strategies of the case study and the interview to ¡°seek to understand the context or setting of the participants through visiting this context and gathering information personally¡± (Creswell 2003, 9). The textual analysis is used in dialogue with the interviews and the participant observational data gathering to provide a related context for understanding these films and their cultural meanings, both personally for the filmmaker and transnationally across the festival circuit. The focus of the case studies is the Brisbane International Film Festival, the International Film Festival Rotterdam and the Toronto International Film Festival. These three festivals were chosen for their distinct geographical locations in the Asia Pacific, Europe and North America, as well as for their varying size and influence on the international film festival circuit. Specifically, I investigate the reasons behind why the organisers of a particular festival have chosen a certain woman.s film, how it is then packaged or displayed within the programme, and how all of this impacts on the filmmaker herself. The focus of my research is to investigate film festivals and their .real-life. applications and benefits for the filmmakers being supported, both through the exhibition of their films and through their attendance as festival guests. The research finds that the current generation of emerging women filmmakers has varying levels of experience and success at negotiating the international film festival circuit. Each of the three festivals examined include and promote the films of emerging women filmmakers through a range of strategies, such as specific programming strands dedicated to showcasing emerging talent, financial support through festival funds, providing visibility within the programme, exposure to international audiences and networking opportunities with industry professionals and other filmmakers. Furthermore, the films produced by the emerging women filmmakers revealed a strong focus on women.s perspectives and experiences, which were explored through the interweaving of particular aesthetic and cinematographic conventions.


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Tove Jansson (1914--2001) was a Finnish illustrator, author, artist, caricaturist and comic artist. She is best known for her Moomin Books, written in Swedish, which she illustrated herself, and published between 1945 and 1977. My study focuses on the interweaving of images and words in Jansson s picturebooks, novels and short stories situated in the fantasy world of Moomin Valley. In particular, it concentrates on Jansson s development of a special kind of aesthetics of movement and stasis, based upon both illustration and text. The conventions of picturebook art and illustration are significant to both Jansson s visual art and her writing, and she was acutely conscious of them. My analysis of Jansson s work begins by discussing her first published picturebooks and less familiar illustrations (before she began her Moomin books) and I then proceed to discuss her three Moomin picturebooks, The Book about Moomin, Mymble and Little My; Who Will Comfort Toffle?, and The Dangerous Journey. The discussion moves from images to words and from words to images: Barthes s (1982) concept of anchoring and, in particular, what he calls relaying , form a point of reading and viewing Moomin texts and illustrations in a complementary relation, in which the message s unity occurs on a higher level: that of the story, the anecdote, the diegesis . The eight illustrated Moomin novels and one collection of short stories are analysed in a similar manner, taking into account the academic discourse about picturebooks which was developed in the last decade of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century by, among others, scholars such as Nodelman, Rhedin, Doonan, Thiele, Stephens, Lewis, Nikolajeva and Scott. In her Moomin books, Jansson uses a wide variety of narrative and illustrative styles which are complementary to each other. Each book is different and unique in its own way, but a certain development or progression of mood and representation can be seen when assessing the series as a whole. Jansson s early stories are happy and adventurous but her later Moomin novels, beginning from Moominland Midwinter, focus more on the interiority of the characters, placing them in difficult situations which approximate social reality. This orientation is also reflected in the representation of movement and space. The books which were published first include more obviously descriptive passages, exemplifying the tradition of literary pictorialism. Whereas in Jansson s later work, the space develops into something that is alive which can have an enduring effect on the characters personalities and behaviour. This study shows how the idea of an image a dynamic image -- forms a holistic foundation for Jansson s imagination and work. The idea of central perspective, or frame, for instance, provided inspiration for whole stories or in the way that she developed her characters, as in the case of the Fillyjonk, who is a complex female figure, simultaneously frantic and prim. The idea of movement is central to the narrative art of picturebooks and illustrated texts, particularly in relation to the way that action is depicted. Jansson, however, also develops a specific choreography of characters in which poses and postures signify action, feelings and relationships. Here, I use two ideas from modern dance, contraction and release (Graham), to characterise the language of movement which is evident in Jansson s words and images. In Jansson s final Moomin novels and short stories, the idea of space becomes more and more dynamic and closely linked with characterisation. My study also examines a number of Jansson s early sketches for her Moomin novels, in which movement is performed much more dramatically than in those illustrations which appeared in the last novels to be published.


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Esta dissertação propõe reflexões em dança contemporânea a partir de duas palavras-problema: lugar e participação. Recomendado como caminhada, o texto se estrutura em torno do processo criativo do espetáculo senha de acesso (2011), de André Luiz Santos da Silva (André Bern em artes), para aventurar-se transversalmente por trabalhos de outros artistas (Coletivo Pague Leve, Denise Stutz, Gustavo Ciríaco & Andrea Sonnberger, Hélio Oiticica, hello!earth, Jérôme Bel, Morena Paiva, Victor DOlive, Yoko Ono) que evidenciam: 1) um entendimento de existência no mundo que propõe novas bases nas quais pode se dar o encontro entre artistas e público; 2) fricções promovidas nos deslocamentos e experimentos criativos entre estúdio, palco e espaço urbano; e 3) uma noção de corpo enquanto lugar em dança contemporânea. Para tanto, são disponibilizados trechos de conversas, notas de campo e relatos de artistas que se entrecruzam a análises de cenas de senha de acesso e de outras criações em dança contemporânea


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Neste trabalho refletimos acerca das relações entre sexo, gênero, ciência e feminismo, a partir da análise da produção contemporânea de um grupo de pesquisadoras que se denominam como neurofeministas e que, desde 2010, se articulam em uma rede internacional chamada NeuroGenderings. O objetivo da NeuroGenderings é trazer uma perspectiva feminista crítica aos estudos recentes sobre o cérebro, sobretudo aqueles que buscam por diferenças entre homens e mulheres. As neurofeministas estão engajadas em produzir uma neurociência situada, assumidamente feminista, que não deixe de lado a materialidade dos corpos e especialmente do cérebro , ao mesmo tempo em que se preocupam politicamente com as hierarquias de gênero. Procuram, portanto, produzir uma neurociência empírica, capaz de produzir o que chamam de zonas de proximidade entre moléculas e paisagens políticas. Além disso, pretendem combater o neurossexismo, isto é, estereótipos em relação à masculinidade e feminilidade que estariam presentes em grande parte da produção neurocientífica, bem como em sua divulgação para o público mais amplo. Assim, mapeamos a rede NeuroGenderings a partir de duas estratégias metodológicas: a leitura e análise da produção bibliográfica das neurofeministas (tanto as publicações oficiais da rede, como publicações individuais das pesquisadoras) e a observação da reunião e conferência mais recente da NeuroGenderings, que ocorreu na cidade de Lausanne, na Suíça, em 2014. O neurofeminismo nos oferece relevante material analítico para refletirmos acerca dos ideais de cientificidade em disputa na ideia de uma neurociência feminista, levando em conta a crença de que ciência e política pertenceriam a esferas separadas e imiscíveis, e que neutralidade seria característica obrigatória à boa prática científica. Além disso, notamos aproximações entre o trabalho das neurofeministas e os trabalhos de um importante grupo de estudiosas do campo da ciência e gênero, chamadas de feministas biólogas. As feministas biólogas inspiram a produção neurocientífica, principalmente no que diz respeito à perspectiva antidualista, que rejeita a oposição entre sexo e gênero, natureza e cultura, encarando-os como entrelaçados e inseparáveis. Entretanto, embora o entrelaçamento entre sexo e gênero seja consenso entre as neurofeministas, não há acordos sobre a forma como esse entrelaçamento deve ser pensado em termos neurocientíficos. Assim, a discussão em torno do conceito de plasticidade cerebral evidencia alguns desses dissensos, bem como tensões entre ciências humanas e neurociência dentro da NeuroGenderings, rede marcada pela interdisciplinaridade. Essas tensões, porém, não inviabilizam o projeto neurofeminista de pensar o cérebro como um objeto compartilhado de conhecimento.


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A fascinating 3D polycatenane-like metal-organic framework with two kinds of helical chains was reported, in which the helical chains exhibit multiple interweaving modes based on the unusual 2D -> 2D parallel -> 3D parallel interpenetration.


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Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties of blends of thermosetting polyimide PMR-15 and phenolphthalein poly(ether ketone) (PEK-C) were examined. With the exception of the 90/10 blend, which has two glass transition peaks, all the blends with PMR-15 less than 90 wt % are miscible in the amorphous state according to DMA results. Addition of PEK-C hindered significantly the crystallization of PMR-15, indicating that there must exist some kind of interaction between molecular chains of PMR-15 and those of PEK-C. The semi-IPN system of PMR-15/PEK-C blends exhibits good toughness. Two distinct microphases, interweaving at the phase boundaries, were found in the PMR-15/PEK-C 60/40 blend. The toughness effect of the blends is discussed in terms of the interface adhesion between the two distinct phases and the domain sizes of the phases. The relation between miscibility and toughness of the blends was investigated. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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This paper describes a collaborative practice, between an architect (the author) and a textile designer; its outcomes and the critical theoretical and feminist contexts from which the practice evolved and to which it still responds. The practice advocates the interweaving of more than the yarns, material and cultures on which it is physically based, but also the intertwining of theory and technology as a means to advance architectural practice. This is done in response to Ahrentzen’s charge to feminist scholars and practitioners to ‘embrace not only the abstract conceptual nature of much postmodernist theorizing but also that derived from the serious “hanging out”, looking at, listening to, scrutinising and theorizing lived experiences of the everyday’, in this instance the everyday practice of combining concrete and textiles.


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The features of artificial surfaces composed of doubly periodic patterns of interwoven planar conductors are discussed. The free-standing intertwined quadrifilar spirals and modified Brigid's crosses are presented as illustrative examples to demonstrate the highly stable angular reflection and transmittance response with low cross-polarisation and a broad fractional bandwidth. The main mechanisms contributing to the substantially sub-wavelength response of these arrays are discussed showing that interweaving their conductor patterns provides concurrent control of both the equivalent capacitance and inductance of the unit cell. The effects of dielectric substrate and conductor thickness on the properties of intertwined spiral and modified Brigid's cross arrays are discussed to provide insight in the effect of the structure parameters on array performance.


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Interweaving planar spiral conductors in doubly periodic arrays enable substantially sub-wavelength resonant response along with broadening fractional bandwidth. A self-contained analytical model is proposed to accurately predict the characteristics of the intertwined quadrifilar spiral array near the fundamental resonance. The model, based upon a multiconductor transmission line (MTL) approach, provides physical insight into the unique properties of the distributed interactions between the interleaved counter-wound spiral arms extended beyond a single unit cell and elucidates the mechanisms underlying the array performance at normal and oblique incidence of TE and TM polarised waves. The developed MTL model is instrumental in the design of the artificial surfaces with the specified response.


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In 1974, pursuing his interest in the infra-ordinary – ‘the banal, the quotidian, the obvious, the common, the ordinary, the back-ground noise, the habitual’ – Georges Perec wrote about an idea for a novel:
‘I imagine a Parisian apartment building whose façade has been removed … so that all the rooms in the front, from the ground floor up to the attics, are instantly and simultaneously visible’.
In Life A User’s Manual (1978) the consummation of this precis, patterns of existence are measured within architectural space with an archaeological sensibility that sifts through narrative and décor, structure and history, services and emotion, the personal and the system, ascribing commensurate value to each.
Apartment comes from the Italian appartare meaning ‘to separate’. The space of the boundary between activities is reduced to a series of intimately thin lines: the depth of a floor, a party wall, a window, the convex peep-hole in a door, or the façade that Perec seeks to render invisible. The apartness of the apartment is accelerated when aligned with short-term tenancies. Here Perec’s interweaving of personal histories over time using the structure of the block, gives way to convivialities of detachment: inhabitants are temporary, their personalities anonymous, their activities unknown or overlooked.
Borrowing methods from Perec, to move somewhere between conjecture, analysis and other documentation and tracing relationships between form, structure, materiality, technology, organisation, tenure and narrative use, this paper interrogates the late twentieth-century speculative apartment block in Britain and Ireland arguing that its speculative and commodified purpose allows a series of lives that are often less than ordinary to inhabit its spaces.
Henri Lefebvre described the emergence of an ‘abstract space’ under capitalism in terms which can be applied to the apartment building: the division of space into freely alienable privatised parcels which can be exchanged. Vertical distributions of class and other new, contiguous social and spatial relationships are couched within a paradox: the building which allows such proximities is also a conductor of division. Apartment comes from the Italian appartare meaning ‘to separate’. The space of the boundary between activities is reduced to a series of intimately thin lines: the depth of a floor, a party wall, a window, the convex peep-hole in a door, or the façade that Perec seeks to render invisible. The apartness of the apartment is accelerated when aligned with short-term tenancies. Here Perec’s interweaving of personal histories over time using the structure of the block, gives way to convivialities of detachment: inhabitants are temporary, their personalities anonymous, their activities unknown or overlooked.


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This qualitative phenomenological investigation explored six female Master of Education students' critical understandings of their identity and role negotiations, and their perceptions of environmental conditions that facilitated or impeded their identity explorations and negotiations within the institution. The interweaving of Feminist and Women's Development theories enabled the data to be examined under different, yet complementary, lenses. The data collection strategies included: four to five in-depth semistructured interviews, three take-home activities (involving identity mapping, object and metaphor identification, and strategy development), and the compilation of extensive interview notes as well as researcher reflections. The combination of a constant comparative method and a voice-centered method were used in tandem to analyze the data. Together they uncovered five emergent themes: (a) intricate understandings of key terms; (b) life-long learning and transformative pathways; (c) gender issues; (d) challenges, tensions, and possibilities; as well as (e) personal, professional, and educational implications. The findings underscored the possibility for both a singular static identity and dynamic multifaceted identities to exist in tandem, and the emergence of natural or logical identity intersections, as well as disjointed or colliding identity intersections. Ultimately, it is the continuous negotiation of internal and external spheres that contributes to the complexity and multidimensionality of graduate students' identities.


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L’imbrication de l’écriture et de la photographie sera examinée dans Les années, d’Annie Ernaux, de façon à montrer la tension au cœur du double désir de l’auteure de documenter des moments révolus et de les transmettre à autrui. Seront étudiées, d’un point de vue poétique et esthétique, la mise en œuvre des documents et les modalités d’inscription des souvenirs, lesquels sont généralement présentés sous forme d’images mémorielles. Nous verrons que ces images sont liées à un effet photographique, destiné au lecteur dans le but de partager une mémoire matérielle, intime et collective, s’étalant sur des années. Cet angle d’approche devrait permettre de relire Les années suivant une perspective critique nouvelle, et de contribuer aux recherches portant sur la narration, la trace et la mémoire dans la littérature contemporain.


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This report forms part of a larger research programme on 'Reinterpreting the Urban-Rural Continuum', which conceptualises and investigates current knowledge and research gaps concerning 'the role that ecosystems services play in the livelihoods of the poor in regions undergoing rapid change'. The report aims to conduct a baseline appraisal of water-dependant ecosystem services, the roles they play within desakota livelihood systems and their potential sensitivity to climate change. The appraisal is conducted at three spatial scales: global, regional (four consortia areas), and meso scale (case studies within the four regions). At all three scales of analysis water resources form the interweaving theme because water provides a vital provisioning service for people, supports all other ecosystem processes and because water resources are forecast to be severely affected under climate change scenarios. This report, combined with an Endnote library of over 1100 scientific papers, provides an annotated bibliography of water-dependant ecosystem services, the roles they play within desakota livelihood systems and their potential sensitivity to climate change. After an introductory, section, Section 2 of the report defines water-related ecosystem services and how these are affected by human activities. Current knowledge and research gaps are then explored in relation to global scale climate and related hydrological changes (e.g. floods, droughts, flow regimes) (section 3). The report then discusses the impacts of climate changes on the ESPA regions, emphasising potential responses of biomes to the combined effects of climate change and human activities (particularly land use and management), and how these effects coupled with water store and flow regime manipulation by humans may affect the functioning of catchments and their ecosystem services (section 4). Finally, at the meso-scale, case studies are presented from within the ESPA regions to illustrate the close coupling of human activities and catchment performance in the context of environmental change (section 5). At the end of each section, research needs are identified and justified. These research needs are then amalgamated in section 6.


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The brain keeps track of the changing positions of body parts in space using a spatial body schema. When subjects localise a tactile stimulus on the skin, they might either use a somatotopic body map, or use a body schema to identify the location of the stimulation in external space. Healthy subjects were touched on the fingertips, with the hands in one of two postures: either the right hand was vertically above the left, or the fingers of both hands were interwoven. Subjects made speeded verbal responses to identify either the finger or the hand that was touched. Interweaving the fingers significantly impaired hand identification across several experiments, but had no effect on finger identification. Our results suggest that identification of fingers occurs in a somatotopic representation or finger schema. Identification of hands uses a general body schema, and is influenced by external spatial location. This dissociation implies that touches on the finger can only be identified with a particular hand after a process of assigning fingers to hands. This assignment is based on external spatial location. Our results suggest a role of the body schema in the identification of structural body parts from touch.


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In the UK and elsewhere the use of the term ‘sustainable brownfield regeneration’ has resulted from the interweaving of two key policy themes, comprising ‘sustainable development’ and ‘brownfield regeneration’. This paper provides a critical overview of brownfield policy within the context of the emerging sustainable development agenda in the UK, and examines the development industry's role and attitudes towards key aspects of sustainable development and brownfield regeneration. The paper analyses results from a survey of commercial and residential developers carried out in mid‐2004, underpinned by structured interviews with eleven developers in 2004–2005, which form part of a two‐and‐half‐year EPSRC‐funded project. The results suggest that despite the increasing focus on sustainability in government policy, the development industry seems ill at ease with precisely how sustainable development can be implemented in brownfield schemes. These and other findings, relating to sustainability issues (including the impact of climate change on future brownfield development), have important ramifications for brownfield regeneration policy in the UK. In particular, the research highlights the need for better metrics and benchmarks to be developed to measure ‘sustainable brownfield regeneration’. There also needs to be greater awareness and understanding of alternative clean‐up technologies to ‘dig and dump’.