987 resultados para interdisciplinary practice


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En Amérique du Nord, les militants et les juristes ont longtemps cru que les avocats progressistes pourraient offrir des avantages tactiques importants aux mouvements sociaux. Cette perspective optimiste a cédé la place pendant les années 1970 à une attitude critique à l'égard des avocats et des litiges. Les chercheurs se sont interrogés sur l’efficacité d’assimiler les revendications politiques à des atteintes aux droits individuels, pour être ensuite présentées devant les tribunaux. Le litige était perçu comme source d’une influence négative qui favorise l’isolement et l’individualisme. De plus, les chercheurs ont remarqué qu’il y avait le potentiel pour les avocats militants – bien qu’ils soient bien intentionnés – d’exercer leur profession d’une manière qui pourrait donner un sentiment d’impuissance aux autres participants du mouvement social. Les premières versions de cette critique vont souvent assimiler la « stratégie juridique » avec le litige présenté devant les tribunaux judiciaires et géré par les avocats. Une réponse inspirante à cette critique a développée au début des années 2000, avec l'émergence d’un modèle de pratique que les chercheurs aux États-Unis ont nommé « law and organizing ». Des études normatives sur ce modèle offrent des arguments nuancés en faveur d’une pratique militante interdisciplinaire, partagée entre les avocats et les organisateurs. Ces études continuent à attribuer les risques d’individualisation et d’impuissance aux avocats et aux litiges. Selon ce modèle, au lieu de diriger la stratégie, les avocats travaillent en collaboration avec les travailleurs sociaux, les organisateurs et les citoyens pour planifier la stratégie du mouvement social, tout en favorisant l'autonomisation et la mobilisation de la collectivité. La présente thèse offre un examen critique de ce modèle, à travers l'une de ses tactiques bien connues: le traitement des problèmes juridiques individuels par les organisations militantes. La thèse examine les hypothèses fondatrices du modèle « law and organizing », en réinterprétant les problèmes d’individualisation et d’impuissance comme étant des enjeux reconnus dans de multiples disciplines, partout où les acteurs font de l’intervention sur une base individuelle afin de provoquer un changement systémique. La thèse soutient qu’un modèle de la pratique engagée du droit qui associe l'individualisation et l'impuissance exclusivement à la profession d'avocat risque de répondre de façon inadéquate aux deux problèmes. La recherche propose un modèle modifié qui met l'accent sur les options juridiques accessibles aux militants, tout en reconnaissant que la mobilisation et l'autonomisation sont des priorités qui sont partagées entre plusieurs disciplines, même si elles peuvent être traitées de façon particulière à l’intérieur de la profession juridique.


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’utilisation des niveaux d’interventions médicales (NIM) en centre hospitalier (CH) au Québec. Les NIM sont des formulaires organisés sous forme d’échelle, qui ont été développés afin de faciliter la prise de décision en lien avec la réanimation, les traitements de maintien en vie et de prolongation de la vie, et les soins à offrir. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’offrir un portrait de l’utilisation actuelle des NIM au Québec en CH afin d’émettre des recommandations pour les professionnels de la santé, les institutions et les décideurs politiques. Dans un premier temps, un article de recension des écrits est présenté afin de situer les concepts associés aux NIM avec les problèmes actuellement vécus, par exemple le grand nombre de patients qui décèdent en CH, les problèmes de communication entre les professionnels de la santé, les patients et leur famille, les difficultés liées à la prise de décision en fin de vie et les délais liés aux ordonnances de non-réanimation. Dans un deuxième temps, le second article présente les résultats de recherche. Afin d’établir le portrait de l’utilisation des NIM en CH, un audit de 299 dossiers de patients adultes, décédés dans trois CH a été entrepris. Le cadre éthique d’analyse des résultats est l’approche par principes. Bien que l’utilisation des NIM peut différer sur certains aspects selon l’hôpital, les NIM sont un système efficace pour promouvoir le respect de l’autonomie des patients, la bienfaisance et le caring, mais ceux-ci ne protègent pas contre les problèmes d’iniquité dans l’accès aux soins palliatifs. Afin de faciliter et promouvoir leur utilisation, il est recommandé de standardiser les échelles de NIM à travers la province et les institutions et d’émettre des lignes directrices d’utilisation claires. Également, une plus grande formation pour les professionnels de la santé et l’inclusion d’un membre de l’équipe interdisciplinaire permettraient aux professionnels d’être mieux outillés pour les discussions difficiles et pour la prise de décision, et encourageraient la pratique interdisciplinaire.


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A educação é notadamente uma das ações mais importantes de mobilização socioambiental e cada vez mais se reconhece o papel transformador da escola frente às problemáticas ambientais. No ano de 1997 o Brasil publicou os PCNs (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais) que traziam os Temas Transversais, dentre eles o Meio Ambiente, para serem inseridos no cotidiano escolar. Esse contexto serviu de base para nossa investigação que teve por objetivo verificar como se dá a abordagem do tema Meio Ambiente, no que se refere à sua transversalidade, na prática pedagógica entre professores e alunos do ensino fundamental. Para tanto foi utilizada uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, utilizando-se de técnicas como questionário e entrevistas, envolvendo 12 professores e 357 alunos de escolas públicas estaduais e municipais de dois municípios vizinhos, localizados no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. A investigação esteve apoiada no pensamento de diversos autores, dentre os quais destacamos Carvalho, I. (2004, 2006, 2007); Gadotti, M. (2005, 2008, 2010); Gavidia, V. (2002); Guimarães, M. (2003, 2004, 2009); Leff, E. (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010); Loureiro, C. (2004, 2005, 2006); Reigotta, M. (2007, 2008, 2009) e Yus, R. (1998, 2002). Com a análise dos dados obtidos concluímos que o trabalho docente envolvendo o tema Meio Ambiente ainda não atingiu o patamar transversal, embora utilizando abordagens significativas, como projetos pedagógicos, a prática interdisciplinar que a transversalidade requer ainda não foi consolidada, indicando a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento profissional - teórico e prático - sobre a aplicabilidade do tema.


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Primary literacy teacher educators need to re-conceptualise the ways in which they work together to model effective interdisciplinary practice. This paper reports on such practice in a team teaching unit for postgraduate students undertaking the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary/Secondary) at Deakin University, Melbourne. The interdisciplinary (Social Education, Language and Music) unit, a first in the Faculty of Education was conceptualised to challenge both lecturer and student (local and international) to 'rethink' their understandings of pedagogy, multi-literacies and teacher preparedness. For the purpose of this paper, the authors reflect on a particular team teaching experience whereby a text (song) was used to teach both the elements of music and literacy pedagogy. It opened up new possibilities for students to engage and participate with each discipline as well as how one area can inform and further deepen the understanding for learners of the other. For example, musical notation and score was used to explain and use the 4 resource model (Luke and Freebody, 1990). The authors contend that crossdisciplinary work cannot be reduced to simple cooperation among disciplines but that primary literacy teacher educators need to develop new conceptual frameworks for learning that will enhance their understandings of pedagogy and assist in preparing teachers in a challenging world.


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Exploring how the body and light are connected in interdisciplinary practice, in this work I make sound design and moving image re inscribing physical yet out of body experiences of light in near death – recorded from youtube. The image of fading light is in real time and constitutes a symbolic interpretation of eternity mirroring the audio. This work has been curated into a group exhibition at ‘Strange Neighbour’ alongside internationally recognised artists such as Peter Booth and Sam Shmith. The work has also been curated in my solo exhibition by Conny Dietzschold and is the subject of the essay in the catalogue by Sean Redmond and was presented in my paper ‘Motion and stillness: a bodily approach to photography.’ and is mentioned in the journal article to be published titled ‘Technology as Collaborator in Somatic Photographic Practice.’ Intellect Books


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The school is a privileged locus of pedagogical reflection and, therefore, can and must be the best place for the process of continuing graduation for teachers. This process can be very productive if executed with an interdisciplinary group, once interdisciplinarity enables sharing different disciplines and also different personal stories. This study aimed to build a continuing graduation opportunity with an interdisciplinary group of teachers to Natural Sciences area, in a private school in the city of Natal - RN. This opportunity was build using as a tool the elaboration of interdisciplinary class called dialog-lesson. The methodology was in accordance with the principles of the qualitative approach of search-action, and the methodological way consisted of three stages that sought to meet the specific objectives: the definition of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, which had teachers in the Natural Sciences area; present a proposal that emerged from group discussions, identifying some elements of the limits and possibilities of the activity developed by the group of teachers from the Natural Sciences area. The results showed a studies lack on the subject by teachers and induced the reading and studing the Education legal documents (LDB, PCNEM and OCNEM). The planning of lessons led to the need for meetings that established the process of continuing graduation in exercising at the school. The interdisciplinary practice enable many gains, for example, the cohesion of the teachers, the perception need to constantly update and use of teaching units for planning. But it was also possible to observe limits, such as the difficulty of working with large classes and the danger of the content become superficial. The experience has shown that continuing graduation at school is possible and can be beneficial the use of interdisciplinary groups for this purpose, because it allows the exchange of experiences and pratice reflection of teaching in the itself exercise of this teaching


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A atual dinâmica sociocultural tem pressionado o ensino para formar cidadãos críticos e compromissados com o bem estar coletivo. Privilegiando esse tipo de formação, apresenta-se como alternativa na Educação em Ciências a prática pedagógica das Ilhas Interdisciplinares de Racionalidade (11 R) apoiada nas relações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS). Na presente pesquisa, analiso a aplicação de uma IIR, cujo tema foi "reciclagem de lixo urbano", numa turma da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Esta investigação foi registrada em um diário de bordo, questionários e o produto elaborado pelos estudantes. Os resultados mostraram alguns desafios impostos aos sujeitos participantes, como o ensino centrado no professor, a organização do tempo, a adoção de uma prática interdisciplinar em contexto disciplinar e o cumprimento de tarefas em equipe; indicaram a necessidade de se assumir compromissos quando se considera uma perspectiva de cooperação em sala de aula, tais como o estabelecimento de um clima favorável para a aprendizagem, a disponibilização de recursos humanos, materiais e audiovisuais, o abandono de zonas de conforto e a responsabilidade pela própria aprendizagem; além disso, evidenciaram aspectos na aprendizagem potencializados pela experiência, relacionados ao desenvolvimento de conteúdos da formação para a cidadania, como a visão humanista, a argumentação crítica e a ecocidadania.


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Esta Dissertação de Mestrado em Serviço Social tem como objetivo fazer uma reflexão sobre a prática interdisciplinar entre assistentes e psicólogos que atuam nos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social do município de Abaetetuba. O Município está localizado á aproximadamente 80 km da capital do Estado do Pará e tem aproximadamente 139.000 habitantes, conforme o último censo IBGE. Desde 2005 vem implementando as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Assistência Social de 2004. A Nova Política Nacional de Assistência Social, por meio de suas diretrizes e principais objetivos visa a consolidação dos processos de descentralização da gestão. Institui um novo modelo organização dos serviços socioassistenciais, unificando conceitos e procedimentos em todo território nacional através do Sistema Único de Assistência Social que, por sua vez, estabelece padrões para a execução dos serviços, para a qualidade no atendimento, e define indicadores de avaliação e resultado. A interdisciplinaridade ainda é considerada um conceito em construção, entretanto nesta realidade configura-se como uma relação de reciprocidade de mutualidade que pressupõe uma atitude diferente a ser assumida frente aos problemas de conhecimento, isto é substituir a concepção fragmentária pela unitária do ser humano. Esta atitude, não poderá ser preconceituosa, mas aberta onde todo conhecimento torna-se importante, pode ser fundamentada na intersubjetividade e interação entre os saberes, mas não pode estar desligada do contexto onde ela ocorre. A atuação prática interdisciplinar no Centro de Referência de Assistência Social, bem como em outros programas projetos e serviços desta política é incentivada, mas na realidade do município aqui pesquisado observou-se que existem muitos obstáculos e desafios para o exercício desta prática. Desde o não cumprimento das normatizações que regulamentam a Política de Assistência Social até a superação das condições precárias nas relações de trabalho, tanto no que diz respeito ao vínculo, quanto às condições físicas e materiais dos espaços, passando pela necessidade de implementação de gestão voltada a qualificação e valorização dos recursos humanos inseridos no SUAS.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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The Interdisciplinary practice opens in the context of Basic Education guiding new looks in the production of knowledge. It is necessary to reflect the interdisciplinarity as scientific and epistemological stance and its conditions of possibility of expanding the horizon before the theoretical and methodological challenges posed by modernity. Thus, this work aimed to analyze interdisciplinary concepts present in the proposal of the High School Program Innovator. Therefore, the theoretical route initially had the search for understanding of high school in Brazil, interdisciplinarity as the possibility of tensioning the production of scientific knowledge, mainly anchored in the studies of Acácia Kuenzer, Dermeval Saviani, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Claude Raynaut, Henrique Leff and Edgar Morin. The study was methodological subsidy document research and principles of content analysis. The analysis took place from the seven documents that make up the construction path of High School Program Innovator and a semi-structured interview. So, we sought to understand the concepts of the documents establishing analytical categories from more evoked content. In this process identified three categories with regard to the construction of the Program proposal: pedagogical innovations, curriculum organization and teaching quality and three categories with regard to interdisciplinary concepts present in the program: dialogue between curriculum components, joint knowledge and role of high school students. From the studies it was observed that the program came up with the prospect of directing a new identity for the final stage of basic education, listing Documents Guiding Plans and actions for a new curricular organization of secondary education. It was noted that the Program, though explicit in its guiding documents of the interdisciplinary perspective, in no time he calls himself as interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinary actions should run or from school understanding, as well as the preparation of the Redesign Project Curriculum encompassing dialogue between disciplines. Realized by the analysis of the guiding documents is a back program even for a technical rationality practiced by the particular understanding of the school and the practice being expressed from the same concepts that high school is developed, with each teacher teaching the contents of their disciplines and performing cross designs. Break the existing paradigm is still one of the challenges to the teaching-learning process. Break the existing paradigm is still one of the challenges to the teaching-learning process.


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"Being, Vitruvian" is the first of two exhibitions encompassing the visual narrative of Daniela Bertol’s creative research "Form Mind Body Space Time" where practices of "making" intersect practices of "moving". ‘Making movement’ is inspired by geometric configurations which are also archetypical shapes and symbols in several cultures and are deeply embedded in the human psyche.