995 resultados para inter??s personal


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Regional autonomy in Indonesia was initially introduced as a means of pacifying regional disappointment at the central government. Not only did the Regional Autonomy Law of 1999 give the Balinese a chance to express grievance regarding the centralist policies of the Jakarta government but also provided an opportunity to return to the regional, exclusive, traditional village governance (desa adat). As a result, the problems faced by the island, particularly ethnic conflicts, are increasingly handled by the mechanism of this traditional type of governance. Traditional village governance with regard to ethnic conflicts (occurring) between Balinese and migrants has never been systematically analyzed. Existing analyses emphasized only the social context, but do not explain either the cause of conflicts and the ensuing problems entails or the virtues of traditional village governance mechanisms for mediating in the conflict. While some accounts provide snapshots, they lack both theoretical and conflict study perspective. The primary aim of this dissertation is to explore the expression and the causes of conflict between the Balinese and migrants and to advance the potential of traditional village governance as a means of conflict resolution with particular reference to the municipality of Denpasar. One conclusion of the study is that the conflict between the Balinese and migrants has been expressed on the level of situation/contradiction, attitudes, and behavior. Yet the driving forces behind the conflict itself consist of the following factors: absence of cooperation; incompatible position and perception; inability to communicate effectively; and problem of inequality and injustice, which comes to the surface as a social, cultural, and economic problem. This complex of factors fuels collective fear for the future of both groups. The study concludes that traditional village governance mechanisms as a means of conflict resolution have not yet been able to provide an enduring resolution for the conflict. Analysis shows that the practice of traditional village governance is unable to provide satisfactory mechanisms for the conflict as prescribed by conflict resolution theory. Traditional village governance, which is derived from the exclusive Hindu-Balinese culture, is accepted as more legitimate among the Balinese than the official governance policies. However, it is not generally accepted by most of the Muslim migrants. In addition, traditional village governance lacks access to economic instruments, which weakens its capacity to tackle the economic roots of the conflict. Thus the traditional mechanisms of migrant ordinance , as practiced by the traditional village governance have not yet been successful in penetrating all aspects of the conflict. Finally, one of the main challenges for traditional village governance s legal development is the creation of a regional legal system capable of accommodating rapid changes in line with the national and international legal practices. The framing of the new laws should be responsive to the aspirations of a changing society. It should not only protect the various Balinese communities interests, but also that of other ethnic groups, especially those of the minority. In other words, the main challenge to traditional village governance is its ability to develop flexibility and inclusiveness.


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In this study, it is argued that the view on alliance creation presented in the current academic literature is limited, and that using a learning approach helps to explain the dynamic nature of alliance creation. The cases in this study suggest that a wealth of inefficiency elements can be found in alliance creation. These elements can further be divided into categories, which help explain the dynamics of alliance creation. The categories –combined with two models brought forward by the study– suggest that inefficiency can be avoided through learning during the creation process. Some elements are especially central to this argumentation. First, the elements related to the clarity and acceptance of the strategy of the company, the potential lack of an alliance strategy and the elements related to changes in the strategic context. Second, the elements related to the length of the alliance creation processes and the problems a long process entails. It is further suggested that the different inefficiency elements may create a situation, where the alliance creation process is –sequentially and successfully– followed to the end, but where the different inefficiencies create a situation where the results are not aligned with the strategic intent. The proposed solution is to monitor and assess the risk for inefficiency elements during the alliance creation process. The learning, which occurs during the alliance creation process as a result of the monitoring, can then lead to realignments in the process. This study proposes a model to mitigate the risk related to the inefficiencies. The model emphasizes creating an understanding of the other alliance partner’s business, creating a shared vision, using pilot cooperation and building trust within the process. An analytical approach to assessing the benefits of trust is also central in this view. The alliance creation approach suggested by this study, which emphasizes trust and pilot cooperation, is further critically reviewed against contracting as a way to create alliances.


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The driving force behind this study is the gap between the reality of the firms engaged in project business and the available studies covering project management and business process development. Previous studies show that project-based organizations were ‘immature’ in terms of the project-management ‘maturity model’, as few firms were found to be optimizing processes. Even within those, very little attention was paid to combine inter-organizational and intra-organizational perspectives. In this study an effort is made to elaborate some thoughts and views on project management, which interrelate firms’ external and internal activities. In line with the integration, the dissertation uses an approach to the management of project-business interdependencies in the networks of actors, activities and resources. Firstly, the study develops an understanding for inter-organizational perspectives by exploring the complementarities of process activities in the basic development of project business. It presents a framework that is elaborated on the basis of the reciprocal interactions of activities within and outside the organization—thus providing a coherent basis for continuous business-process improvement. In addition, the study presents new tools that can be used to develop project-business processes in each of its functional areas. The research demonstrates how project-business activities can be optimized using the right resources at the right time with the right actors and the right actions. The selected five articles included in this dissertation explain the basic framework for the development of project business. Each paper covers various aspects of inter-organizational and intra-organizational perspectives for project management. The study develops a valuable and procedural model for business-process improvement using the Delphi method that can be used not only in academia but also as a guide for practitioners that takes them through a series of well-defined steps when making informed, consistent and efficient changes to their business processes.


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Traducido al castellano e inglés


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Within the United Kingdom there is growing awareness of the need to identify and support the small number of children who are living in families experiencing multiple problems. Research indicates that adverse experiences in childhood can result in poor outcomes in adulthood in terms of lack of employment, poorer physical and mental health and increases in social problems experienced. It is acknowledged that most of these children are known to child welfare professionals and that some are referred to social services, subsequently entering the child protection system. This paper reports research conducted with twenty-eight experienced child welfare professionals. It explores their views about families known to the child protection system with long-term and complex needs in relation to the characteristics of children and their families; the process of intervention with families; and the effects of organisational arrangements on practice. The research indicates that these families are characterised by the range and depth of the problems experienced by the adults, such as domestic violence, mental health difficulties and substance misuse problems, and the need for professionals to have good inter-personal skills and access to specialist therapeutic services if families are to be supported to address their problems.


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This paper appears in the Canadian-based, leading interprofessional education journal. Pre-qualification healthcare education can be viewed as having three inter-related components, intra-professional, interprofessional and intra-personal learning; the third of these underpinning the other two. Understanding more about personal learning needs can contribute to preparation for interprofessional interaction. A Studying and Learning Preferences Inventory (SALPI) was developed and validated for use with a range of healthcare professionals to assist in this process.


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This article uses feminist scholarship to investigate ‘the elderly mystique’ – which contends that the potential of old age is masked by a set of false beliefs about ageing (i.e. ageism) which permeate social, economic and political life (Cohen, 1988).
The article presents a theoretical model which explores the extent to which institutionalised ageism shapes the trajectory of life after 60. The hypothesis under-pinning the model is simple: The challenge for ageing societies is not the average age of a given population but, rather, how age is used to structure economic, social and political life. An inter-disciplinary framework is used to examine how biological facts about ageing are used to segregate older from younger people, giving older people the status of “other”; economically through retirement, politically through assumptions about ‘the grey vote’ and socially through ageist stereotyping in the media and through denial and ridicule of the sexuality of older people. Each domain is informed by the achievements of feminist theory and research on sexism and how its successes and failures can inform critical investigations of ageism.
The paper recognises the role of ageism in de-politicising the lived experience of ageing. The paper concludes that feminist scholarship, particularly work by feminists in their seventies, eighties and nineties has much to offer in terms of re-framing gerontology as an emancipatory project for current and future cohorts of older people.


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Introduction: In aerobiological studies it is often necessary to compare concentration data recorded with different models of sampling instrument. Sampler efficiency typically varies from device to device, and depends on the target aerosol and local atmospheric conditions. To account for these differences inter-sampler correction factors may be applied, however for many pollen samplers and pollen taxa such correction factors do not exist and cannot be derived from existing published work. Materials and methods: In this study the relative efficiencies of the Burkard 7-Day Recording Volumetric Spore Trap, the Sampling Technologies Rotorod Model 20 and the Burkard Personal Volumetric Air Sampler were evaluated for Urticaceae and Poaceae pollen under field conditions, and the influence of wind speed and relative humidity on these efficiency relationships was assessed. Data for the two pollen taxa were collected during 2010 and 2011-12 respectively. Results: The three devices were found to record significantly different concentrations for both pollen taxa, with the exception of the 7-Day and Rotorod samplers for Poaceae pollen. Under the range of conditions present during the study wind speed was found to only have a significant impact on inter-sampler relationships involving the vertically orientated Burkard Personal sampler, whilst no interaction between relative efficiency and relative humidity was observed. Conclusions: Data collected with the three models of sampler should only be compared once the appropriate correction has been made, with wind speed taken into account where appropriate.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística, na Especialização de Artes Plásticas na Educação


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Detectar las características diferenciales de los escolares que mejor se beneficien de los programas instruccionales emotivos dirigidos a la mejora del ajuste personal y la adaptación escolar y social, así como aquellas otras características que pudieran provocar un efecto de estancamiento o, incluso empeoramiento. Investigación I: cuestionario a expertos, n: 40 psicólogos. Investigación II: muestra 1: 84 escolares de cuarto de EGB; muestra 2: 285 escolares de sexto de EGB; muestra 3: 143 escolares de octavo de EGB. Total: 512 escolares de EGB. Invest.I: respuestas experienciales dadas por psicólogos sobre aspectos favorecedores de buen pronóstico. Invest.II: Estudio 1: diseño intra e intergrupo con medidas repetidas pre y post tratamiento. Variable independiente, tratamiento. Variable dependiente, cambio en adaptación personal, escolar y social. Estudio 2: interrelación factorial del pretest, en contraste con la interrelación de los cambios operados después del tratamiento. Estudio 3: variables predictoras: edad, sexo, aptitudes técnicas y hábitos de estudio, rendimiento académico, adaptación y estilos educativos de los padres; variable criterio: cambio en la adaptación personal, escolar y social. Invest.I: Cuestionario a expertos sobre variables predictoras de un buen pronóstico. Invest.II: Test de inteligencia Lorge-Thorndike, no verbal; Banneb, EHE, PESA y ESDA, Hernández, 1983; Tamai, Hernández, 1983; EOTE y DEOTE, Hernández y García, 1985; FIS, CBS y CBN, Sección Departamental Psicología Educativa, Universidad de la Laguna. Invest. I: cómputo de respuestas y detección de coincidencias. Invest.II: Estudio 1: cuarto de EGB, ANOVA inter o intragrupo; sexto y octavo de EGB, análisis de las diferencias de medias antes-despues, T-test. Estudio 2: Correlación de Pearson. Estudio 3: Análisis de varianza; Oneway y análisis de la función discriminante; método RAO. 1. Los alumnos que más se benefician son los que expresaban mayores sentimientos de miedo, tristeza y autoculpa. Mostraban actitudes de choque con las normas y tendencia a aislarse. Sin embargo, no se detectaban dificultades en el estudio, gozando de mejores capacidades intelectivas, de menor edad y de unos padres menos restrictivos. 2. En los alumnos que empeoran se detecta un contraste entre su autoevaluación (expresan menos dificultades adaptativas) y otros criterios más externos (tendencia a sobrevalorarse, personas autosuficientes y conflictivas según sus compañeros, peor rendimiento intelectual y académico). 3. Los alumnos que se mantienen, parten de menores dificultades adaptativas y de estudio. La presente investigación nos permite realizar pronósticos diferenciales sobre qué personas pueden beneficiarse con este tipo de programas y para quienes, en cambio, no es eficaz. Nos proporciona información sobre las variables específicas sobre las que se debe incidir para optimizar los resultados.


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Un gran número de empresas están inmersas actualmente en espacios de mercado conocidos y saturados de competidores. La innovación constituye una de las principales alternativas de las empresas para encontrar su posicionamiento estratégico y adaptarse a los cambios del entorno (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). Igualmente, Demirci (2013) asegura que la cultura es un factor clave en la innovación, dado que está fuertemente asociada con los valores, actitudes, comportamientos y prácticas organizacionales. Esta investigación abarca el estudio de la cultura organizacional y la innovación en el marco de estrategias de cooperación inter-organizacional donde se plantea que el grado de cooperación que existe entre las empresas tiene un efecto sobre los valores culturales y la incorporación de innovaciones en cada organización. Para esto se llevó a cabo una investigación cuantitativa con un alcance de tipo descriptivo y de carácter no experimental y trans seccional, cuya unidad de análisis fueron 20 empresas de la red ParqueSoft Manizales. Para la medición de las variables de innovación se aplicó un instrumento basado en el Manual de Oslo de la OECD y Eurostat (2005) el cual contempla la innovación de producto, proceso, mercadotecnia y organización. A nivel de los valores culturales, la medición se realizó a través de un cuestionario inspirado en el modelo de Hofstede (1980). Los resultados obtenidos permiten demostrar que existe un grado de relación entre la cooperación y los valores culturales ‘distancia al poder’ y ‘tolerancia a la incertidumbre´, sin poder determinar la relación con la generación de innovación de producto, proceso, mercadotecnia y organización, así como con las otras dimensiones del modelo de valores de Hofstede.


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Se reflexiona sobre la sociedad y los valores y actitudes con las que los ciudadanos se enfrentan a la realidad y se plantean algunas directrices que pueden servir como orientaciones al profesorado en los proyectos de los centros educativos en cuanto a cuatro aspectos: la forma de intervenir, las actitudes personales de los docentes, el trabajo en equipo, la coordinación inter etapas y la formación permanente y la vinculación del proyecto de centro a toda la comunidad.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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The implications of categorising income as "personal services income" and the actual meaning of this term have been marked with uncertainty. The Commissioner of Taxation has long asserted that "personal services income" inherently may not be derived by an entity other than the person whose exertions produce the income. In Liedig v FCT (1994) 28 ATR 141, however, Hill J held that in the absence of a specific legislative provision, there was no basis for the Commissioner's doctrine. The specific legislative measures Hill J required were put in place through the New Business Tax System (Alienation of Personal Services Income) Act 2000. In certain circumstances this Act prevents interposed entities from deriving personal services income. Such payments are attributed instead to the individual who performs the services.

It will also be seen, however, that these provisions do not apply to entities that are conducting a "personal services business". It is submitted that the combined effect of, inter alia, the Act's definition of "personal services income" and "personal services business" is to give the Act a narrower scope than the Commissioner's personal services doctrine. Moreover, it will be submitted that the statutory definition of personal services income also suffers from the same flaws that Hill J identified as relevant to the Commissioner's personal services doctrine.


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Understanding subjective wellbeing (SWB) at the population level has major implications for governments and policy makers concerned with enhancing the life quality of citizens. The Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) is a measure of SWB with theoretical and empirical credentials. Homeostasis theory offers an explanation for the nature of SWB data, including the distribution of scores, maintenance and change over time. According to this theory, under normal conditions, the dominant constituent of SWB is Homeostatically Protected Mood (HPMood), which is held within a genetically determined range of values around a set-point. However, in extreme circumstances (e.g., financial hardship, chronic illness), HPMood may dissociate from SWB, as cognitive/emotional reactions to the cause of homeostatic challenge assume control over SWB. This study investigates two groups as people scoring in the positive range for SWB and people who are likely to be experiencing homeostatic defeat/challenge. We test whether the reduced influence of HPMood on SWB due to homeostatic defeat has implications for the validity of SWB measurement. Participants were 45,192 adults (52 % female), with a mean age of 48.88 years (SD = 17.35 years), who participated in the first 23 surveys of the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index over the years 2001–2010. Multiple regression analysis, multiple group confirmatory factor analysis, and Rasch modelling techniques were used to evaluate the psychometric performance of the PWI across the two groups. Results show that while the PWI functioned as intended for the normal group, SWB in the challenged group was lower across all PWI domains, more variable, and the domain scores lacked the strength of inter-correlation observed in the normal, comparison group. These changes are consistent with predictions based on homeostasis theory and one major implication of the findings is that SWB measures may not function equivalently across the entire spectrum of possible domain satisfaction scores.